NCAA wouldnt play in NC but they did in Cuba and China?

So i saw some meme saying that and decided to do some digging. I found out they DID play in Cuba last year.
There is s Pac 12 game in China next month.
Cuba and China but not NC? Are you fucking kidding me?
LGBT rights in China - Wikipedia
LGBT rights in Cuba - Wikipedia
What a bunch of pathetic hacks

China better get to be OK with gays in a big hurry, because that Male/Female gender gap ain't getting smaller.
Is that not crazy? They freak out over trannies having to use the correct bathroom, but china and cuba are ok? :rolleyes:

Is this supposed to make North Carolina's bigotry a good thing?
That is what you gather from this? That im trying to make that bathroom bill sound like a good thing? Lol figures..

You did that in post 19 lololol.

As I think I said once before, this forum needs a new Hypocrisy sub-forum, if for no other reason than to get all this irrelevance and fallacy out of the Politics forum.
So i saw some meme saying that and decided to do some digging. I found out they DID play in Cuba last year.
There is s Pac 12 game in China next month.
Cuba and China but not NC? Are you fucking kidding me?
LGBT rights in China - Wikipedia
LGBT rights in Cuba - Wikipedia
What a bunch of pathetic hacks

I'd imagine that the NCAA figured (rightly so) that boycotting China and/or Cuba would have no impact regarding public policy in those countries and thus would be an exercise in the pointless however, boycotting North Carolina carries the potential to influence public opinion on the issue and in the United States that has the potential to influence public policy.

So why give up revenue pursuing a hopeless cause?

NCAA to China "We're going to boycott your country if you don't change your LGBT ways"
China to NCAA "Yeah and?"
That makes compete sense. It also makes them look like they have no integrity, what so ever.

That is your indirect defense of North Carolina.
So i saw some meme saying that and decided to do some digging. I found out they DID play in Cuba last year.
There is s Pac 12 game in China next month.
Cuba and China but not NC? Are you fucking kidding me?
LGBT rights in China - Wikipedia
LGBT rights in Cuba - Wikipedia
What a bunch of pathetic hacks

I'd imagine that the NCAA figured (rightly so) that boycotting China and/or Cuba would have no impact regarding public policy in those countries and thus would be an exercise in the pointless however, boycotting North Carolina carries the potential to influence public opinion on the issue and in the United States that has the potential to influence public policy.

So why give up revenue pursuing a hopeless cause?

NCAA to China "We're going to boycott your country if you don't change your LGBT ways"
China to NCAA "Yeah and?"
That makes compete sense. It also makes them look like they have no integrity, what so ever.
There have been things in the past that call the integrity of the NCAA into question (recruiting scandals, sweeping unethical and illegal behavior under the rug, etc.,) however IMHO this ain't one of them.

Personally I think it would be more relevant to argue that the NCAA attempting to influence public policy in such a manner calls into question the objectivity and judgement of it's leadership, after all it's SUPPOSED to be an collegiate athletic association not a political activist organization. One the problems with American Organizations these days is they don't know how to stick within their mission statement and shut the fuck up about things that aren't covered by it.

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