Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

I would say that the poll results are the natural outcome of a society that does not permit an honest examination of the theories of Karl Marx.

I think it also highlights the failures of this society to create an inclusive economy. People will naturally turn away from that which isn't working for them and their families. That much they can perceive, it doesn't require a developed understanding of political economy.

Well........even if you were a poor person, what other country would you rather be poor in than the Untied States?

Thanks to government goodies, our poor do better than some of our working. Living on the dole is stress free unlike those who work and have to pay their own bills.

I think the real problem is education and their inability to realize how great of a country this is. We've only been around a couple hundred years, and we've become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world. Compare that with societies that have been around thousands of years.

I'm willling to bet that most of the people in that survey never stepped outside of the US to those wonderful places they think exist. Think Jong dung is a great guy? Go live in his country for a couple of years and see if you feel the same way. You'd kiss the ground when you got back here.......if they let you come back.
Education does seem to be a big problem in this country. And another example of how we are failing as a society. The economy is the base that supports our culture. When it fails our culture begins to break down with it. Our ability to educate our youth becomes a part of the breakdown.

We live in the present.

I don't know about that. The economy seems to be doing fine today. Unemployment the lowest since 2000, the highest consumer confidence rating since 2000, great stock market; breaking records all the time.

I think the people surveyed just don't know WTF they are talking about. Never experienced it and never read much about it.
Most of us know how the present prosperity arose...and it wasn't because of Trump or the present administration.

Sure it was. What else was it?

Trump is a businessman and gave confidence to other businessmen. After 8 years of the most anti-business President in our lifetime, businesses finally have somebody big on their side. That confidence leads them to invest and take more risks.
After 8 years bringing this nation from the brink of disaster, with his economic hands tied behind his back, Obama brought us out of the abyss created by the previous GOP administration. Trump inherited a vibrant recovered economy. Like the cowards you and he are.. You want to take credit for the work Obama did.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
Why not? Republicans consider Putin a "great leader" and Trump a "role model".
So how did Chicago's problems spill out to the rest of the United States?

If you are going to use the Daily Caller as as source, you have no credibility.

Violent crime is down, buddy. Has been going down for years. There is no "Furgeson Effect". We are not made safer by cops harassing black people for shits and grins. If anything, that makes things worse, because no one wants to cooperate with a police force that's seen as being an occupying army.

I know you leftists hate the truth which is why you attack the source without even reading a paragraph. Had you done that, you would have taken note of all those red letters called hyperlinks. Yes, those hyperlinks take you to the sources that outlets like the Daily Caller get their information from.

Yes, there is the Ferguson effect. Yes, violent and gun crime has severely increased in the past two years, particularly where riots and protests broke out.
Well........even if you were a poor person, what other country would you rather be poor in than the Untied States?

Thanks to government goodies, our poor do better than some of our working. Living on the dole is stress free unlike those who work and have to pay their own bills.

I think the real problem is education and their inability to realize how great of a country this is. We've only been around a couple hundred years, and we've become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world. Compare that with societies that have been around thousands of years.

I'm willling to bet that most of the people in that survey never stepped outside of the US to those wonderful places they think exist. Think Jong dung is a great guy? Go live in his country for a couple of years and see if you feel the same way. You'd kiss the ground when you got back here.......if they let you come back.
Education does seem to be a big problem in this country. And another example of how we are failing as a society. The economy is the base that supports our culture. When it fails our culture begins to break down with it. Our ability to educate our youth becomes a part of the breakdown.

We live in the present.

I don't know about that. The economy seems to be doing fine today. Unemployment the lowest since 2000, the highest consumer confidence rating since 2000, great stock market; breaking records all the time.

I think the people surveyed just don't know WTF they are talking about. Never experienced it and never read much about it.
Most of us know how the present prosperity arose...and it wasn't because of Trump or the present administration.

Sure it was. What else was it?

Trump is a businessman and gave confidence to other businessmen. After 8 years of the most anti-business President in our lifetime, businesses finally have somebody big on their side. That confidence leads them to invest and take more risks.
After 8 years bringing this nation from the brink of disaster, with his economic hands tied behind his back, Obama brought us out of the abyss created by the previous GOP administration. Trump inherited a vibrant recovered economy. Like the cowards you and he are.. You want to take credit for the work Obama did.

This isn't two months into Trump's presidency, it's been almost a year. So how long do you wish to credit DumBama for Trump's work? Two years, three, five???? I hope not as long as you blamed Bush for his failed results. That would mean all 8 years.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
The problem with your logic is your focus on millennials when it comes to people saying stupid things. People say stupid shit in polls all the time. There’s an actual poll where 30% of Trump supporters think we should build a wall on the Atlantic coast to keep out Muslims. I shit you not.

Also, what’s ironic about this, is that you don’t even understand how Bernie’s brand of socialism differs from the many other types. In fact, I don’t think you understand the definition at all because the US economy has ALWAYS had socialist attributes.

Yes, and look at all those social attributes today!

I'm not much of a believer in polls, but when I seen Bernie's success I'm convinced that there is some validity to it. The US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential candidates and Bernie too. Didn't even phase the voters.

So it is concerning whether you believe the poll or not. Thirty or forty years ago, you would have never seen any results like it; not even close.
Yep, they are pretty obvious. After all our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world. In fact, anything funded by tax payers is socialism.

You’re welcome.

Not really. The defense of this country is outlined in our Constitution. There is nothing social about wars.
Education does seem to be a big problem in this country. And another example of how we are failing as a society. The economy is the base that supports our culture. When it fails our culture begins to break down with it. Our ability to educate our youth becomes a part of the breakdown.

We live in the present.

I don't know about that. The economy seems to be doing fine today. Unemployment the lowest since 2000, the highest consumer confidence rating since 2000, great stock market; breaking records all the time.

I think the people surveyed just don't know WTF they are talking about. Never experienced it and never read much about it.
Most of us know how the present prosperity arose...and it wasn't because of Trump or the present administration.

Sure it was. What else was it?

Trump is a businessman and gave confidence to other businessmen. After 8 years of the most anti-business President in our lifetime, businesses finally have somebody big on their side. That confidence leads them to invest and take more risks.
After 8 years bringing this nation from the brink of disaster, with his economic hands tied behind his back, Obama brought us out of the abyss created by the previous GOP administration. Trump inherited a vibrant recovered economy. Like the cowards you and he are.. You want to take credit for the work Obama did.

This isn't two months into Trump's presidency, it's been almost a year. So how long do you wish to credit DumBama for Trump's work? Two years, three, five???? I hope not as long as you blamed Bush for his failed results. That would mean all 8 years.
What has Trump done to make you want to credit the economic uptick to him? The rich got richer under Obama and millions of people got healthcare that had no access to it before. Everyone gained something under Obama but Trump wants to retract gains made by the poor and middle class under Obama. Why? To give tax breaks to his rich friends and foreign investors some of whom aren't even American citizens.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
The problem with your logic is your focus on millennials when it comes to people saying stupid things. People say stupid shit in polls all the time. There’s an actual poll where 30% of Trump supporters think we should build a wall on the Atlantic coast to keep out Muslims. I shit you not.

Also, what’s ironic about this, is that you don’t even understand how Bernie’s brand of socialism differs from the many other types. In fact, I don’t think you understand the definition at all because the US economy has ALWAYS had socialist attributes.

Yes, and look at all those social attributes today!

I'm not much of a believer in polls, but when I seen Bernie's success I'm convinced that there is some validity to it. The US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential candidates and Bernie too. Didn't even phase the voters.

So it is concerning whether you believe the poll or not. Thirty or forty years ago, you would have never seen any results like it; not even close.
Yep, they are pretty obvious. After all our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world. In fact, anything funded by tax payers is socialism.

You’re welcome.

Not really. The defense of this country is outlined in our Constitution. There is nothing social about wars.
None of that matters. Anything funded by tax payers is socialism.
I don't know about that. The economy seems to be doing fine today. Unemployment the lowest since 2000, the highest consumer confidence rating since 2000, great stock market; breaking records all the time.

I think the people surveyed just don't know WTF they are talking about. Never experienced it and never read much about it.
Most of us know how the present prosperity arose...and it wasn't because of Trump or the present administration.

Sure it was. What else was it?

Trump is a businessman and gave confidence to other businessmen. After 8 years of the most anti-business President in our lifetime, businesses finally have somebody big on their side. That confidence leads them to invest and take more risks.
After 8 years bringing this nation from the brink of disaster, with his economic hands tied behind his back, Obama brought us out of the abyss created by the previous GOP administration. Trump inherited a vibrant recovered economy. Like the cowards you and he are.. You want to take credit for the work Obama did.

This isn't two months into Trump's presidency, it's been almost a year. So how long do you wish to credit DumBama for Trump's work? Two years, three, five???? I hope not as long as you blamed Bush for his failed results. That would mean all 8 years.
What has Trump done to make you want to credit the economic uptick to him? The rich got richer under Obama and millions of people got healthcare that had no access to it before. Everyone gained something under Obama but Trump wants to retract gains made by the poor and middle class under Obama. Why? To give tax breaks to his rich friends and foreign investors some of whom aren't even American citizens.

Really? Because I didn't get anything from DumBama. In fact, I lost big time.

I've had health insurance my entire adult life until Commie Care became the law of the land. My employer seen a good opportunity to drop coverage like so many other employers. Not long afterwards, I began looking into other opportunities. Most of the places I contacted did the same thing.

Now it's like a cancer that can't be stopped. Lowlifes have healthcare and middle-class hard working people lost theirs. It was no accident. It was planned that way.

So the french fry maker has healthcare because it's affordable with the huge subsidy. Me and other middle-class people? They want over 25% of my net pay, and the plans suck with 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no dental, no prescription, and a $50.00 office copay. It's like not having any insurance at all unless you plan to walk in front of a moving bus.
Most of us know how the present prosperity arose...and it wasn't because of Trump or the present administration.

Sure it was. What else was it?

Trump is a businessman and gave confidence to other businessmen. After 8 years of the most anti-business President in our lifetime, businesses finally have somebody big on their side. That confidence leads them to invest and take more risks.
After 8 years bringing this nation from the brink of disaster, with his economic hands tied behind his back, Obama brought us out of the abyss created by the previous GOP administration. Trump inherited a vibrant recovered economy. Like the cowards you and he are.. You want to take credit for the work Obama did.

This isn't two months into Trump's presidency, it's been almost a year. So how long do you wish to credit DumBama for Trump's work? Two years, three, five???? I hope not as long as you blamed Bush for his failed results. That would mean all 8 years.
What has Trump done to make you want to credit the economic uptick to him? The rich got richer under Obama and millions of people got healthcare that had no access to it before. Everyone gained something under Obama but Trump wants to retract gains made by the poor and middle class under Obama. Why? To give tax breaks to his rich friends and foreign investors some of whom aren't even American citizens.

Really? Because I didn't get anything from DumBama. In fact, I lost big time.

I've had health insurance my entire adult life until Commie Care became the law of the land. My employer seen a good opportunity to drop coverage like so many other employers. Not long afterwards, I began looking into other opportunities. Most of the places I contacted did the same thing.

Now it's like a cancer that can't be stopped. Lowlifes have healthcare and middle-class hard working people lost theirs. It was no accident. It was planned that way.

So the french fry maker has healthcare because it's affordable with the huge subsidy. Me and other middle-class people? They want over 25% of my net pay, and the plans suck with 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no dental, no prescription, and a $50.00 office copay. It's like not having any insurance at all unless you plan to walk in front of a moving bus.
Obama's economic policies had to have impacted you in some positive way. The business community made huge profits under his watch. That alone affected you positively.

Healthcare: I too have had healthcare all of my adult life. My employers never waivered
on my health care..even when the PPACA was enacted. I didn't need it.

But for those whose private sector employers dropped coverage the state exchanges represented a more affordable option with govt subsidies.But for those folks with high incomes who opt for private do get pinged. But if so..why not take advantage of the cheaper PPACA rates:

"Those earning 100 percent of the poverty level would pay a maximum of 2 percent of their income for insurance, with subsidies making up the difference, while those earning up to 400 percent of the poverty level pay a maximum of 9.5 percent of their income. The Kaiser Family Foundation further explains: “If the premium that a person or family faces for the benchmark plan in their area is higher than the maximum percent of income defined in the law for their income, they are eligible for a tax credit and the tax credit is equal to the difference between the premium for the benchmark plan and the defined percent of their income. The benchmark plan is the second-lowest-cost plan in the silver cost-sharing tier offered through the marketplace for the area where they live.”
Sure it was. What else was it?

Trump is a businessman and gave confidence to other businessmen. After 8 years of the most anti-business President in our lifetime, businesses finally have somebody big on their side. That confidence leads them to invest and take more risks.
After 8 years bringing this nation from the brink of disaster, with his economic hands tied behind his back, Obama brought us out of the abyss created by the previous GOP administration. Trump inherited a vibrant recovered economy. Like the cowards you and he are.. You want to take credit for the work Obama did.

This isn't two months into Trump's presidency, it's been almost a year. So how long do you wish to credit DumBama for Trump's work? Two years, three, five???? I hope not as long as you blamed Bush for his failed results. That would mean all 8 years.
What has Trump done to make you want to credit the economic uptick to him? The rich got richer under Obama and millions of people got healthcare that had no access to it before. Everyone gained something under Obama but Trump wants to retract gains made by the poor and middle class under Obama. Why? To give tax breaks to his rich friends and foreign investors some of whom aren't even American citizens.

Really? Because I didn't get anything from DumBama. In fact, I lost big time.

I've had health insurance my entire adult life until Commie Care became the law of the land. My employer seen a good opportunity to drop coverage like so many other employers. Not long afterwards, I began looking into other opportunities. Most of the places I contacted did the same thing.

Now it's like a cancer that can't be stopped. Lowlifes have healthcare and middle-class hard working people lost theirs. It was no accident. It was planned that way.

So the french fry maker has healthcare because it's affordable with the huge subsidy. Me and other middle-class people? They want over 25% of my net pay, and the plans suck with 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no dental, no prescription, and a $50.00 office copay. It's like not having any insurance at all unless you plan to walk in front of a moving bus.
Obama's economic policies had to have impacted you in some positive way. The business community made huge profits under his watch. That alone affected you positively.

Healthcare: I too have had healthcare all of my adult life. My employers never waivered
on my health care..even when the PPACA was enacted. I didn't need it.

But for those whose private sector employers dropped coverage the state exchanges represented a more affordable option with govt subsidies.But for those folks with high incomes who opt for private do get pinged. But if so..why not take advantage of the cheaper PPACA rates:

"Those earning 100 percent of the poverty level would pay a maximum of 2 percent of their income for insurance, with subsidies making up the difference, while those earning up to 400 percent of the poverty level pay a maximum of 9.5 percent of their income. The Kaiser Family Foundation further explains: “If the premium that a person or family faces for the benchmark plan in their area is higher than the maximum percent of income defined in the law for their income, they are eligible for a tax credit and the tax credit is equal to the difference between the premium for the benchmark plan and the defined percent of their income. The benchmark plan is the second-lowest-cost plan in the silver cost-sharing tier offered through the marketplace for the area where they live.”

Then maybe you better call the people at Commie Care like I did and apply to see for yourself. Even the woman that took my application said she couldn't afford it, and she works for the government.

They only had one company that took my care givers, and another plan (a bit cheaper) that would have forced me to give up my doctor and clinic I've been going to all of my life. I would then have to attend a second rate facility.

If you make a moderate income as a blue collar worker, you're the one that gets screwed, but of course, many middle income earners vote Republican. If you deliver pizzas for a living, you're set with the huge subsidy, but then again, pizza delivery guys and french fry makers likely vote for Democrats. See how it was planned out now?
In a “civil war” the opposing factions are by definition fighting against fellow citizens, so there’s that. The South rebelled against the union. The Southern army was the army of rebellion and they lost. Had they won, their statues would still be standing but I know no other country which raises statutes to a vanquished foe.

How many other countries do you know that put such a terrible civil war behind them without generations of strife and misery?
Says the lefty that just avoided my question, AGAIN, exactly as I predicted.

LIberals: All the self awareness of a potted plant.

He betrayed his country, can't make it any clearer. By the way, far from a lefty. But a sign names if it makes you feel better!

It is not credible that that is the reason for you being a hard ass about it, now, 5 generations later.

What is your real issue here?

He killed Americans, he swore to protect this nation and did the opposite.

Yeah, you already tried that one. It's a piss poor joke.

What is your real reason?

Dead Americans!

No, what is your REAL reason?

Don't be a moral coward, answer the question.
Did Union soldiers kill Americans? By golly they did, STFU, you ignoramus.

No they killed Confederate rebels, your cute when you talk so rough.

By denying them their status as American citizens, you are agreeing with their right to leave the union.

They denounced their citizenship.

Their perspective was they seceded, and thus were no longer American citizens, but Confederate citizens.

By denying their citizenship you are supporting their legal right to secede and their actions.[/QUOTE

It seems you like former citizens that kill Americans.

No, it doesn't seem like that, cease your lies.

And you still are supporting the legality of secession.

If they had the legal right to secede, as you have agreed with, then what right did Abe Lincoln have to stop them?

Based on your views of them as not citizens, Lincoln was the aggressor, launching an unprovoked war of aggression.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

Far far far FAR worse are the people who agree with the kkk, alt right, fascists.

Neither Stalin nor Kim are threats.

The rabid racism we see in trumpanzees have said they want civil war. Those are the people who must be stopped.

Sent from my iPad using

The kkk is like 5k people. THey are not a threat.

It is lefties like you, who justify your violence and oppression by lying about your enemies being nazis, that are the real threat to this nation.

You do realize that we will never stop fighting you, right? THe more you push, the more we will push back.

Even if you get what you want, you won't get to enjoy it, in peace.
I know of no elementary or high schools in our area that teach this. Our students say the p!edge every day.(why every day makes zero sense to about once per week). We don't need kids being taught about heroes anyway. Just teach the different forms of government and let the parents teach if its good or bad. No cheer leading pro or anti american. Unacceptable.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

I don't see how this can be fixed. That a significant portion of the nation brainwashed to be against pretty much everything this nation stands for, and against the nation itself.

The lefties in education and pop culture have built a time bomb that sooner or later is going to blow this country up.
No fix is needed. Leave freedom of choice alone. Students weigh the benefits of Capitalism and Socialism in terms of how they are presently affected...many, burdened by oppresive student loans know that socialist countries would not impose that finacial burden on them. Students, being the brightest among us have seen middle class wealth devastated by medical costs associated with one catastrophic illness of a family member before that socialist Obamacare came along...I could go on but to what end? Few of ewe RW sheep would ever admit it.

Your pretense that you are not the enemy of Middle America is a lie designed for small children.

With developmental issues.
Your pretense that you are a friend of liberty and freedom is the lie that is coming to an end. I am middle America and I certainly don't hate myself. You and your groupthink friends
are losing ground...A diverse and more egalitarian society is emerging despite the sabre rattling of RW fanatics like you.

You define yourself by group and literally in the next sentence you attack me for "group think".

Do we need anymore evidence that you are a liar?

A diverse and less egalitarian society, torn by racial strife and ideological oppression is emerging.

That you consider that a good thing, is because you hate the America that we grew up in.

Hey? Were you proud of America for the first time, just recently, or is that time still coming for you?
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
The problem with your logic is your focus on millennials when it comes to people saying stupid things. People say stupid shit in polls all the time. There’s an actual poll where 30% of Trump supporters think we should build a wall on the Atlantic coast to keep out Muslims. I shit you not.

Also, what’s ironic about this, is that you don’t even understand how Bernie’s brand of socialism differs from the many other types. In fact, I don’t think you understand the definition at all because the US economy has ALWAYS had socialist attributes.

Yes, and look at all those social attributes today!

I'm not much of a believer in polls, but when I seen Bernie's success I'm convinced that there is some validity to it. The US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential candidates and Bernie too. Didn't even phase the voters.

So it is concerning whether you believe the poll or not. Thirty or forty years ago, you would have never seen any results like it; not even close.
Yep, they are pretty obvious. After all our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world. In fact, anything funded by tax payers is socialism.

You’re welcome.

Not really. The defense of this country is outlined in our Constitution. There is nothing social about wars.
None of that matters. Anything funded by tax payers is socialism.

You are a liar.
No they killed Confederate rebels, your cute when you talk so rough.

By denying them their status as American citizens, you are agreeing with their right to leave the union.

They denounced their citizenship.

Their perspective was they seceded, and thus were no longer American citizens, but Confederate citizens.

By denying their citizenship you are supporting their legal right to secede and their actions.[/QUOTE

It seems you like former citizens that kill Americans.

No, it doesn't seem like that, cease your lies.

And you still are supporting the legality of secession.

If they had the legal right to secede, as you have agreed with, then what right did Abe Lincoln have to stop them?

Based on your views of them as not citizens, Lincoln was the aggressor, launching an unprovoked war of aggression.

Like Fort Sumpter.
He betrayed his country, can't make it any clearer. By the way, far from a lefty. But a sign names if it makes you feel better!

It is not credible that that is the reason for you being a hard ass about it, now, 5 generations later.

What is your real issue here?

He killed Americans, he swore to protect this nation and did the opposite.

Yeah, you already tried that one. It's a piss poor joke.

What is your real reason?

Dead Americans!

No, what is your REAL reason?

Don't be a moral coward, answer the question.

Dead Americans.
Even the woman that took my application said she couldn't afford it, and she works for the government.

If the woman who took your application said she couldn't afford it she was lying. Unless she was a temp with no govt benefits she would be covered be government employers group insurance. But even as a temp with low income she would have been able to get subsidized health insurance under the PPACA. As for you... Do you make income up to 400% of the poverty level? If your income is within that bracket, I'm wondering how that application you submitted worked out.
And there are myriad factors that you haven't revealed that might show who the real culprits are in your dilemma. Some states refused to participate in the PPACA and in others some doctors or facilities refuse to accept govt restricted payments that make
healthcare affordable. There is nothing "commie" about that. Under a socialized healthcare system the doctors, clinics and hospitals would be controlled or owned by the government. The benefits of that would truly make healthcare affordable for everyone...including high earners.

They only had one company that took my care givers, and another plan (a bit cheaper) that would have forced me to give up my doctor and clinic I've been going to all of my life. I would then have to attend a second rate facility.
So how are you insured now?

If you make a moderate income as a blue collar worker, you're the one that gets screwed, but of course, many middle income earners vote Republican.
So, how do you explain the failure of our Republican dominated government to get rid of the PPACA? They could have done so without a single Democrat vote... But some got cold feet because their constituents back home weren't having it.

If you deliver pizzas for a living, you're set with the huge subsidy, but then again, pizza delivery guys and french fry makers likely vote for Democrats. See how it was planned out now?

Democrats are impotent and have no power to stop a repeal of the PPACA by the GOP. You know that but you just can't bring yourself to admit your party failed you...not the Democrats.

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