Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated


TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Chinese health experts called on Norway and other countries to suspend the use of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by companies such as Pfizer, especially among elderly people, due to the vaccines' safety uncertainties.​

The call came following the deaths of 23 elderly Norwegian people who received the vaccine.
The new mRNA vaccine was developed in haste and had never been used on a large scale for the prevention of infectious disease, and its safety had not been confirmed for large-scale use in humans, a Chinese immunologist said.
The death incidents in Norway also proved that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines' efficacy was not as good as expected, experts said.
As of Thursday, Norway has reported 23 deaths in connection with vaccination.
"So far, 13 of these have been assessed. Common side effects may have contributed to a severe course in frail elderly people," the Norwegian Medicines Agency said on its website.
All the deaths have occurred in frail, elderly patients in nursing homes. All are over 80 years old and some of them over 90, Norwegian media NRK reported.
Two COVID-19 vaccines, Comirnaty, from BioNTec/Pfizer, and Moderna, are used in Norway. The vaccines have been developed on mRNA technology and have received temporary approval in the EU, according to the agency.
Norway launched a mass vaccination campaign at the end of December, with the very oldest citizens and residents of nursing homes being offered vaccination first, including those over the age of 85.
The Norwegian Medicines Agency admitted that the studies that form the basis for the temporary approval of the vaccine included very few people over the age of 85, and there is little known about how any side effects will affect these age brackets, but it said, "we assume that the side effects will largely be the same in the elderly as in those over 65 years of age."


mRNA Vaccine Related Death By Destruction of Platelets​

John Catanzaro
John Catanzaro
·Jan 8

2021 John A. Catanzaro, CEO of Neo7Logix

A recently reported death of a physician in Florida that received the COVID mRNA vaccine is likely to be caused by a destructive immune attack against platelets. Rogue mRNA produces a random, unpredictable scrambled message to the cytoplasm of platelets. The action of viral mimicry is a possible mechanism that enabled replication in the cytoplasm of platelets, which leads to the platelet’s ultimate demise. Distorted mRNA initiating a phase reactant viral-like action can initiate destructive immune action.

Please Refer to Virus-Platelet Associations:

#viruses #platelets #deaths #mRNA #covidー19 #mRNAvaccine #adverseevents
I'm in favor of a vaccine passport. I'm sick to death of having to wear masks when I'm fully vaccinated because we have millions of idiots that don't trust the government, the scientists, or the drug the companies. No vaccine, no public transportation, no work or entry into any government facility, no entry into any public school or university, no entry into any major indoor sporting event, concert or meeting.

That's REALLY a no-go now that vaccines are failing. They're not even meaningful now.
I'm in favor of a vaccine passport. I'm sick to death of having to wear masks when I'm fully vaccinated because we have millions of idiots that don't trust the government, the scientists, or the drug the companies. No vaccine, no public transportation, no work or entry into any government facility, no entry into any public school or university, no entry into any major indoor sporting event, concert or meeting.
Another foolish authoritarian/totalitarian. WTF!
I'm in favor of a vaccine passport. I'm sick to death of having to wear masks when I'm fully vaccinated because we have millions of idiots that don't trust the government, the scientists, or the drug the companies. No vaccine, no public transportation, no work or entry into any government facility, no entry into any public school or university, no entry into any major indoor sporting event, concert or meeting.

Prove it.
During June, every person who died of COVID-19 in Maryland was unvaccinated... There were 130 people who died of COVID-19 in Maryland in June, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
In Louisiana, 97% of the state's COVID-19 cases and deaths since February have been in unvaccinated people...
In Alabama, over 96% of COVID-19 deaths since April 1 were in unvaccinated people...
New COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations were also predominantly among unvaccinated people, the state said, at 95% and 93% respectively...

Paranoid, anti-science zealots are a danger to themselves, their loved ones, and responsible Americans who are exposed to them. There are pockets of the paranoids festering in the intellectual hinterlands.

They are driven by crackpot ideological dogma, not reason.

Perhaps, reward them for getting vaccinated with a special MAGA topper that boasts "Little Trump® pricks are swell!!"

Screen Shot 2021-07-19 at 7.59.44 AM.png

"I invented vaccine!
Man up like ME!, dummies!"
It is ironic that those who complained the most about having to wear masks are also refusing to be vaccinated.

They will lead us to a spike in Autumn and more closures and wearing of the dreaded MASKS

Those of us who acted responsibly will pay the consequences

Speaking of masks, the ones wearing them are being openly mocked and laughed at now, yet they continue to bow and worship the very ones who are laughing at them. Most will believe a lie and continue deeper into the deception.


Nope. I'm not questioning that vaccinated ppl are being infected. The vaccine is only 95% effective, not 100%. It's the false and persistent claim that all ppl who are vaccinated are infected with the virus and spread it to others, which I take issue with. There is no evidence to support this outside of conspiracy theory blogs, and antivaxxer and pseduo science sites.
Nope. I'm not questioning that vaccinated ppl are being infected. The vaccine is only 95% effective, not 100%. It's the false and persistent claim that all ppl who are vaccinated are infected with the virus and spread it to others, which I take issue with. There is no evidence to support this outside of conspiracy theory blogs, and antivaxxer and pseduo science sites.
As you well know, the point of my post is refuting the silly belief that only the non-vaxed are getting sick and dying.
Wrong. Proven wrong.

You think only Trumpers are not getting the vax, right? You should be happy they are dying. Nazis like people dying, right?

I don’t care what their political affiliation is
Their end will be the same

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