Nearly All the sciencist and the president both are taking global warming serious


Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

Like I said: Fear-mongering.

Meanwhile, the climate is refusing to cooperate with your emotionalism:

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it | Mail Online

Bad cultist. No world socialism for you!

Hey dumb fuck, I presented articles and lectures from real scientists currently doing science, not idiotic newspaper articles written by people with zero scientfic credentials.
No, you showed a lot of vague predictions of doom.
Our defense department says it is the worse thing we face


C'mon Matthew -- what rabbit hole did you go down here??*

Show me how committed our Euro partners are to continuing their overly expensive, extremely dissappointing commitment to renewables. We're talking about wind and solar here.. There's nothing else "green" on that list.*

If Obama WAS serious and secretly KNEW we were about to burn ourselves to a crisp --- why wouldn't he be DEMANDING even a moderate push towards nuclear? Think the DOD is more afraid of nuclear than Global Warming??
I wish Obama would push nuclear far harder. Hydro, thermal and solar(for a home to home basis) are good sources of energy.

Personally, I wish Obama would put more into fusion. ITR in france expects it to work by 2020, but we could easily beat them to the chase with something far better.

"The USA is the world's largest producer of nuclear power, accounting for more than 30% of worldwide nuclear generation of electricity.

The country's 104 nuclear reactors produced 821 billion kWh in 2011, over 19% of total electrical output. There are now 100 units operable and three under construction.

Following a 30-year period in which few new reactors were built, it is expected that 4-6 new units may come on line by 2020, the first of those resulting from 16 licence applications made since mid-2007 to build 24 new nuclear reactors.
However, lower gas prices since 2009 have put the economic viability of some of these projects in doubt.

Government policy changes since the late 1990s have helped pave the way for significant growth in nuclear capacity. Government and industry are working closely on expedited approval for construction and new plant designs."

Nuclear Power in the USA

Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

The long pause and every other observation done has pretty much put that small pile of rubbish to rest for the thinking people in the world. I can understand how koolaid consuming hystrics might still be under the impression that the hoax is real.

Have you looked at the ice in the "fabled" Northwest Passage lately? You can't even navigate it with a rowboat.

Egad, dumber and dumber. The first person to go through the Northwest Passage was first navigate by Roald Amundsen in 1903 to 1906. Three years in an 84 ton re-inforced herring boat to get through that Passage. Now we have had a passenger ship navigate it in a matter of 26 days.

No, it is not open in July, that will have to wait for a decade or so. But it has been open in August and September.

In 2009 sea ice conditions were such that at least nine small vessels and two cruise ships completed the transit of the Northwest Passage. These trips included one by Eric Forsyth[53] onboard the 42 ft (13 m) Westsail sailboat Fiona, a boat he built himself in the 1980s. Self-financed, Forsyth, a retired engineer from the Brookhaven National Laboratory, and winner of the Cruising Club of America's Blue Water Medal, sailed the Canadian archipelago with sailor Joey Waits, airline captain Russ Roberts][54] and carpenter David Wilson. After successfully sailing the Passage, the 77 year old Forsyth completed the circumnavigation of North America, returning to his home port on Long Island.

On August 28, 2010, Bear Grylls and a team of 5 were the first rigid inflatable boat (RIB) crew to complete a point to point navigation between Pond Inlet and Tuktoyaktuk. Note: A Northwest Passage requires crossing the Arctic Circle twice, once each in the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans.[citation needed] Checking Bear Grylls route map located online[55] it appears the route was not an official Northwest Passage but rather a point to point navigation between Pond Inlet and Tuktoyaktuk.

At 1533Z on August 29, 2012, David Scott Cowper and Jane Maufe aboard motor yacht Polar Bound, became the first yacht to navigate west of Cape Prince Albert on the original Northwest Passage, through McClure Strait discovered by Captain Robert McClure aboard HMS Investigator in 1851.[56] The Polar Bound departed Portrush, Northern Ireland on Thursday August 2, 2012 at 1030Z and arrived at Nome, Alaska on Friday September 7, 2012 at 1800X completing an official Northwest Passage by crossing the Arctic Circle in the Atlantic August 17 at approximately 1000Z at

66.31°N 54.20°W and crossed the Arctic Circle in the Pacific Thursday September 6 at approximately 0640Z at

66.31°N 167.59°W.[57][better source needed][58][59]

At 18:45 GMT September 18, 2012, Best Explorer, a steel cutter 15.17 m (49.8 ft), skipper Nanni Acquarone, passing between the two Diomedes, has been the first Italian sailboat to complete the Northwest Passage along the classical Amundsen route. Twenty two Italian amateur sailors took part of the trip, in eight legs from Tromsø, Norway, to King Cove, Alaska, totalling 8,200 nautical miles (15,200 km; 9,400 mi).[60]

Setting sail from Nome, Alaska, USA on August 18, 2012 and reaching Nuuk, Greenland on September 12, 2012, The World became the largest passenger vessel to transit the Northwest Passage.[61][62] The ship, carrying 481 passengers, for 26 days and 4,800 nmi (8,900 km; 5,500 mi) at sea, followed in the path of Captain Roald Amundsen. The World's transit of the Northwest Passage was documented by National Geographic photographer Raul Touzon.[63

C'mon Matthew -- what rabbit hole did you go down here??*

Show me how committed our Euro partners are to continuing their overly expensive, extremely dissappointing commitment to renewables. We're talking about wind and solar here.. There's nothing else "green" on that list.*

If Obama WAS serious and secretly KNEW we were about to burn ourselves to a crisp --- why wouldn't he be DEMANDING even a moderate push towards nuclear? Think the DOD is more afraid of nuclear than Global Warming??
I wish Obama would push nuclear far harder. Hydro, thermal and solar(for a home to home basis) are good sources of energy.

Personally, I wish Obama would put more into fusion. ITR in france expects it to work by 2020, but we could easily beat them to the chase with something far better.

"The USA is the world's largest producer of nuclear power, accounting for more than 30% of worldwide nuclear generation of electricity.

The country's 104 nuclear reactors produced 821 billion kWh in 2011, over 19% of total electrical output. There are now 100 units operable and three under construction.

Following a 30-year period in which few new reactors were built, it is expected that 4-6 new units may come on line by 2020, the first of those resulting from 16 licence applications made since mid-2007 to build 24 new nuclear reactors.
However, lower gas prices since 2009 have put the economic viability of some of these projects in doubt.

Government policy changes since the late 1990s have helped pave the way for significant growth in nuclear capacity. Government and industry are working closely on expedited approval for construction and new plant designs."

Nuclear Power in the USA

No reason why we couldn't double this with forth generation reactors. ;)
They should have been taking it serious 30 years ago.

Yes, they should have. The defining article on the subject was written by Dr. James Hansen over 32 years ago. The science was clear then, and there was no doubt in scientific circles that the GHGs were a factor in the warming of the climate.
My plan gives the right wing(and common sense) a doubling of nuclear and the left a doubling+ in wind, solar, thermal and wave.

I think this is good for us all. ;) This we should be able to agree with and push for!
Last edited:
I wish Obama would push nuclear far harder. Hydro, thermal and solar(for a home to home basis) are good sources of energy.

Personally, I wish Obama would put more into fusion. ITR in france expects it to work by 2020, but we could easily beat them to the chase with something far better.

"The USA is the world's largest producer of nuclear power, accounting for more than 30% of worldwide nuclear generation of electricity.

The country's 104 nuclear reactors produced 821 billion kWh in 2011, over 19% of total electrical output. There are now 100 units operable and three under construction.

Following a 30-year period in which few new reactors were built, it is expected that 4-6 new units may come on line by 2020, the first of those resulting from 16 licence applications made since mid-2007 to build 24 new nuclear reactors.
However, lower gas prices since 2009 have put the economic viability of some of these projects in doubt.

Government policy changes since the late 1990s have helped pave the way for significant growth in nuclear capacity. Government and industry are working closely on expedited approval for construction and new plant designs."

Nuclear Power in the USA

No reason why we couldn't double this with forth generation reactors. ;)

There is theoretical work on fifth generation reactors that would 'burn' what is at present waste, with only very shortlived isotopes as waste for an end product. We need to fund the work on that research, as well as research in all the other non-polluting sources of energy.
I'd like to see this country double each of nuclear, wind, solar, thermal and wave by 2020.

At the same time we could cut the percentage of coal.

Shutting one nuclear plant down is 1-5 gw of electricy. You need to cover a very large area of land with wind or solar to compete. Not exactly better environmentally...Both are clean so there's no argument on that. I really don't get the leftist argument as nuclear might just be better for the environment if the waste is handled right.

We're looking at a energy grid that is
1. Clean
2. The power doesn't need to ship the source to the plant. Unlike coal, oil, etc.

There's NO question by a house per house basis that solar is good. ;) and like I just said we should double wind to 120 gw by 2020. (10 gw per year) So this wouldn't be too hard. It wouldn't be all that mind blowing. You do know that 8-12 gw per year is the norm the past 4 years?

The nuclear, thermal and wave would be the biggest charge within my plan. This is the only part of this that is slightly radical.

Thermal would go from near 3.4 gw to 7 gw.

In 2012, the United States led the world in geothermal electricity production with 3,386 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity;[1][2]
Geothermal energy in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When the world thinks nuclear, the world thinks Westinghouse

Westinghouse SMR

Westinghouse SMR

Powering our Planet ...
** * * * * *Safely, Simply and Emissions Free
My plan gives the right wing(and common sense) a doubling of nuclear and the left a doubling+ in wind, solar, thermal and wave.

I think this is good for us all. ;) This we should be able to agree with and push for!

Sad that such energy projects should be defined by politics. Any energy source that does not pollute is good. The thing to remember is siting in Nuclear. And rigid oversight on the building and operation of the reactors. Fukashima was the result of siting and failing to take into account the history of the geology of the coast of Japan. Three Mile Island was the result of idiocy in the control center.

There are places that you don't want to site wind because of wildlife, and siting vast solar projects in the desert is foolish when you have vast areas of roofs of commercial and industrial buildings in the cities that use the electricity.
We spend trillions on war
Trillions on nation building
Trillions on bail outs
Trillions on free shit

Why not spend hundred of billions or trillions on a energy infrastructure that makes sure we don't have to worry about brown outs. Nothing makes more sense then infrastructure and energy infrastructure.

The truth is half of this country wants low co2. You may not agree but this is the truth...We're going to spend it anyways...Let's spend it right for once.


Spokane Review

"A consortium of Western utilities and a nuclear reactor designer have submitted a proposal to the U.S. Department of Energy to build a small nuclear reactor to meet future demand for carbon-free power.

The proposal seeks millions of dollars in grant money to walk the project through the vigorous licensing and permitting process, which takes years. The earliest a reactor would be built is likely 2023."

"Last year, the Energy Department made $452 million available to companies exploring nuclear technology that can be delivered in modules, which cost far less to build than a traditional, full-scale reactor. The department awarded a $150 million grant to Babcock and Wilcox and now is seeking additional proposals.

NuScale Power previously was the recipient of a $3 million Energy Department grant to explore modular technology, where the reactor sits in one container with no coolant pumps, piping or pressurized vessels required.

Nuclear reactor proposed in region - Spokesman Mobile - July 3, 2013
See, facts are stubborn things. They won't go away. And most importantly, truth has no agenda. Truth IS -- period.

Global Warming Hoax Finally Falling Apart
Friday, April 19, 2013

We “deniers” have now become “debunkers!” We have known all along—and have not hesitated to tell the world—that global warning was, and remains, the worst hoax ever played on mankind.

Often focused on century-long trends, most climate models failed to predict that the temperature rise would slow, starting around 2000. Scientists are now intent on figuring out the causes and determining whether the respite will be brief or a more lasting phenomenon.

Getting this right is essential for the short and long-term planning of governments and businesses ranging from energy to construction, from agriculture to insurance. Many scientists say they expect a revival of warming in coming years.

Theories for the pause include that deep oceans have taken up more heat with the result that the surface is cooler than expected, that industrial pollution in Asia or clouds are blocking the sun, or that greenhouse gases trap less heat than previously believed.

The change may be a result of an observed decline in heat-trapping water vapor in the high atmosphere, for unknown reasons. It could be a combination of factors or some as yet unknown natural variations, scientists say.”

See what I mean? They’re tying themselves into knots as they attempt to cover their derrières! It is priceless!

Hey! Remember how we were told the Himalayan glaciers were melting and would soon be completely gone? Well, check this: “Some experts say their trust in climate science has declined because of the many uncertainties. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had to correct a 2007 report that exaggerated the pace of melt of the Himalayan glaciers and wrongly said they could all vanish by 2035.”

There are some environmental “experts” trying to figure out why there is now MORE sea ice in winter. Seems to me, I recall them telling us the sea ice was melting, especially at the poles. Turns out not to be correct.

Do you remember how we were told that so-called “superstorm” Sandy was a result of melting arctic ice? Oh yes, we were slammed over and over again with that bit of unfounded wisdom.

In the first place Sandy was NOT a super storm. “Superstorm” was a term made up by Mainstream Media as a scare tactic. The truth is: SANDY WAS NOT EVEN A HURRICANE WHEN IT CAME ASHORE AT ATLANTIC CITY! To be a hurricane a storm must have sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour. Sandy was so weak that the storm didn’t have winds high enough to be classified as a hurricane and was therefore only a “tropical cyclone.” Actually, it was LESS than that. It was, in fact, what is known by meteorologists as a “Post Tropical Cyclone.” That’s about as weak as a storm can can get and still be classified as some kind of cyclone.

I know, I know! Yeah, I hate to burst your bubble, but thems the facts, Jack!

Remember, there were two other weather systems that combined with what was left of Sandy to create that godawful weather event now dubbed Superstorm Sandy.

Many of us debunkers warned at the time that the “environuts” would use those combined storms as a means to spread fear of non-existent global warming. They did. Oh, how they used it.

Just remember: “Sandy was never a superstorm. There are no superstorms.”

So what was Global Warming all about, anyway? Well, former Czech President Václav Klaus said this: “This ideology preaches earth and nature and under the slogans of their protection – similarly to the old Marxists – wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central, now global, planning of the whole world”

Global governance. A one world government. To be more precise: A one-world SOCIALIST government.

Let’s face it: The socialist movement is relentless. If you ever wondered where all those communist and socialist went when the old Soviet Union collapsed—look no farther than the environmental movement—the Global Warming crowd.

So now we can expect another campaign to shut up those of us who are, in fact, debunkers. But it won’t work. See, facts are stubborn things. They won’t go away. And most importantly, truth has no agenda. Truth IS—period.

It is the truth we are interested in spreading. Nothing more.
We spend trillions on war
Trillions on nation building
Trillions on bail outs
Trillions on free shit

Why not spend hundred of billions or trillions on a energy infrastructure that makes sure we don't have to worry about brown outs. Nothing makes more sense then infrastructure and energy infrastructure.

The truth is half of this country wants low co2. You may not agree but this is the truth...We're going to spend it anyways...Let's spend it right for once.


Spokane Review

"A consortium of Western utilities and a nuclear reactor designer have submitted a proposal to the U.S. Department of Energy to build a small nuclear reactor to meet future demand for carbon-free power.

The proposal seeks millions of dollars in grant money to walk the project through the vigorous licensing and permitting process, which takes years. The earliest a reactor would be built is likely 2023."

"Last year, the Energy Department made $452 million available to companies exploring nuclear technology that can be delivered in modules, which cost far less to build than a traditional, full-scale reactor. The department awarded a $150 million grant to Babcock and Wilcox and now is seeking additional proposals.

NuScale Power previously was the recipient of a $3 million Energy Department grant to explore modular technology, where the reactor sits in one container with no coolant pumps, piping or pressurized vessels required.

Nuclear reactor proposed in region - Spokesman Mobile - July 3, 2013

NuScale and others have the right idea.. There are half dozen companies working on self contained small scale reactors that can be buried and require no water or air for cooling.

You dig them up 20 years later to recycle and refuel. One can provide power for 4000 or 5000 homes.

When they go public --- I'm all in..
My plan gives the right wing(and common sense) a doubling of nuclear and the left a doubling+ in wind, solar, thermal and wave.*

I think this is good for us all. ;) This we should be able to agree with and push for!

Sad that such energy projects should be defined by politics. Any energy source that does not pollute is good. The thing to remember is siting in Nuclear. And rigid oversight on the building and operation of the reactors. Fukashima was the result of siting and failing to take into account the history of the geology of the coast of Japan. Three Mile Island was the result of idiocy in the control center.

There are places that you don't want to site wind because of wildlife, and siting vast solar projects in the desert is foolish when you have vast areas of roofs of commercial and industrial buildings in the cities that use the electricity.

Solar Incentives | Solar Rebates | Federal Tax Credit

I believe that every state offers solar installation rebates and the fed provides grants to the state. *City, county and state government buildings have installed them on gov buildings everywhere.

Problem with the whole hole thing is it is really only worth it if you know what your doing. Otherwise, solar installation companies have cropped up allmover the free market and your cost is close to the cost you would pay for staying on the grid. They manage to take advantage of the savings and you make the payments. Gotta be careful.
"The USA is the world's largest producer of nuclear power, accounting for more than 30% of worldwide nuclear generation of electricity.

The country's 104 nuclear reactors produced 821 billion kWh in 2011, over 19% of total electrical output. There are now 100 units operable and three under construction.

Following a 30-year period in which few new reactors were built, it is expected that 4-6 new units may come on line by 2020, the first of those resulting from 16 licence applications made since mid-2007 to build 24 new nuclear reactors.
However, lower gas prices since 2009 have put the economic viability of some of these projects in doubt.

Government policy changes since the late 1990s have helped pave the way for significant growth in nuclear capacity. Government and industry are working closely on expedited approval for construction and new plant designs."

Nuclear Power in the USA

No reason why we couldn't double this with forth generation reactors. ;)

There is theoretical work on fifth generation reactors that would 'burn' what is at present waste, with only very shortlived isotopes as waste for an end product. We need to fund the work on that research, as well as research in all the other non-polluting sources of energy.

You can get your city council to invest in one.

Department Of Energy
Office of Nuclear Energy

"The development of clean, affordable nuclear power options is a key element of the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap. As a part of this strategy, a high priority of the Department has been to help accelerate the timelines for the commercialization and deployment of small modular reactor (SMR) technologies through the SMR Licensing Technical Support program. *Begun in FY12, the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy’s Small Modular Reactor Licensing Technical Support program will advance the licensing and commercialization of domestic SMR designs that are relatively mature and can be deployed in the next decade. "

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors | Department of Energy
My plan gives the right wing(and common sense) a doubling of nuclear and the left a doubling+ in wind, solar, thermal and wave.*

I think this is good for us all. ;) This we should be able to agree with and push for!

Sad that such energy projects should be defined by politics. Any energy source that does not pollute is good. The thing to remember is siting in Nuclear. And rigid oversight on the building and operation of the reactors. Fukashima was the result of siting and failing to take into account the history of the geology of the coast of Japan. Three Mile Island was the result of idiocy in the control center.

There are places that you don't want to site wind because of wildlife, and siting vast solar projects in the desert is foolish when you have vast areas of roofs of commercial and industrial buildings in the cities that use the electricity.

Solar Incentives | Solar Rebates | Federal Tax Credit

I believe that every state offers solar installation rebates and the fed provides grants to the state. *City, county and state government buildings have installed them on gov buildings everywhere.

Problem with the whole hole thing is it is really only worth it if you know what your doing. Otherwise, solar installation companies have cropped up allmover the free market and your cost is close to the cost you would pay for staying on the grid. They manage to take advantage of the savings and you make the payments. Gotta be careful.

As in all things, caveat emptor, or some such thing.

However, a reasonbly handy home owner can purchase and install his own 5 kW installation for well under 10K.

And the major installations I was speaking of on the roofs of warehouses and other commercial and industrial businesses would be done by people that are well bonded. After all, these would be a source of income or major savings on the use of electricity for the companies doing this.

SolarCity Raises 2013 Guidance to 270 Megawatts Installed : Greentech Media

SolarCity (SCTY), the newly public, fast-growing installer and financier of distributed energy, is having a breakout 2013. The company just raised its 2013 guidance to 270 megawatts deployed, up from its mid-May guidance of 250 megawatts.

This makes sense given the recent ascendance of the residential solar market in the U.S., spurred on by third-party ownership structures and the plummeting cost of solar modules.

SolarCity was the number-one-ranked residential solar installer in 2012 in California, Arizona, Massachusetts and Maryland in 2012.

As GTM VP of Research Shayle Kann notes in a recent article, "In the first quarter of this year, there were 71.3 megawatts of residential solar installed in California’s three investor-owned utility territories, according to our just-released U.S. Solar Market Insight report. Of that total, 13.2 megawatts (18.5 percent) were installed without the support of rebates from the California Solar Initiative (CSI) or any other state-level program.

The fellow that owns this business also has some very nice, rather spendy, cars for sale that would partner with the installation very nicely.
No reason why we couldn't double this with forth generation reactors. ;)

There is theoretical work on fifth generation reactors that would 'burn' what is at present waste, with only very shortlived isotopes as waste for an end product. We need to fund the work on that research, as well as research in all the other non-polluting sources of energy.

You can get your city council to invest in one.

Department Of Energy
Office of Nuclear Energy

"The development of clean, affordable nuclear power options is a key element of the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap. As a part of this strategy, a high priority of the Department has been to help accelerate the timelines for the commercialization and deployment of small modular reactor (SMR) technologies through the SMR Licensing Technical Support program. *Begun in FY12, the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy’s Small Modular Reactor Licensing Technical Support program will advance the licensing and commercialization of domestic SMR designs that are relatively mature and can be deployed in the next decade. "

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors | Department of Energy

Oak Ridge Tenn is getting 2 of these by 2015.. It's home to ORNLabs. on the banks of the Clinch River --- Home of the nuclear 3-headed catfish....
No reason why we couldn't double this with forth generation reactors. ;)

There is theoretical work on fifth generation reactors that would 'burn' what is at present waste, with only very shortlived isotopes as waste for an end product. We need to fund the work on that research, as well as research in all the other non-polluting sources of energy.

You can get your city council to invest in one.

Department Of Energy
Office of Nuclear Energy

"The development of clean, affordable nuclear power options is a key element of the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap. As a part of this strategy, a high priority of the Department has been to help accelerate the timelines for the commercialization and deployment of small modular reactor (SMR) technologies through the SMR Licensing Technical Support program. *Begun in FY12, the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy’s Small Modular Reactor Licensing Technical Support program will advance the licensing and commercialization of domestic SMR designs that are relatively mature and can be deployed in the next decade. "

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors | Department of Energy

You mean the government is partnering with private enterprise to bring us affordable, clean energy? Cannot be true, just ask any "Conservative" on this board.
There is theoretical work on fifth generation reactors that would 'burn' what is at present waste, with only very shortlived isotopes as waste for an end product. We need to fund the work on that research, as well as research in all the other non-polluting sources of energy.

You can get your city council to invest in one.

Department Of Energy
Office of Nuclear Energy

"The development of clean, affordable nuclear power options is a key element of the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap. As a part of this strategy, a high priority of the Department has been to help accelerate the timelines for the commercialization and deployment of small modular reactor (SMR) technologies through the SMR Licensing Technical Support program. *Begun in FY12, the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy’s Small Modular Reactor Licensing Technical Support program will advance the licensing and commercialization of domestic SMR designs that are relatively mature and can be deployed in the next decade. "

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors | Department of Energy

You mean the government is partnering with private enterprise to bring us affordable, clean energy? Cannot be true, just ask any "Conservative" on this board.

That's what someone said, Obama wasn't supporting nuclear.

DOE must be under the Supreme Court.

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