Nearly All the sciencist and the president both are taking global warming serious

So who depends on who more? The scientists depend on government or the country depends on scientists? Since Republican don't believe in science, I suspect they would think we would get more bang for the buck by paving a few back roads then employing all those worthless scientists.


Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Nearly all scientists depend on government funding.

The S&E workforce includes both those working in S&E occupations and those trained in S&E fields. In 2008, approximately 70% of individuals trained or working in S&E worked in the business/industry sector, 12% in the government sector, and 18% in the education sector.

(S&E is Science and Engineering) - S&E Indicators 2012 - Chapter 3. Science and Engineering Labor Force - S&E Workers in the Economy - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Took me all of 20 seconds to look it up.
Republicans insist that most scientists are Republican.

Which is so very bizarre since they don't believe in science. They don't know what scientists do. They don't know where scientists work. And the terrible things they say about scientists.

Yet, most scientists are Republican? I guess if you are always lying, not making sense only makes sense.
Nearly All the sciencist and the president both are taking global warming seriously. Maybe we should too?

Maybe we should go completely to renewables as fast as we can.:eek: They're acting like they know something we do NOT. Like we're completely fucked if we do not. Our defense department says it is the worse thing we face...Think about that for a second...

Obama is in Africa saying that it is worse then things that kill million per year! :(

I suggest going to

This is either the greatest fraud ever played on this country or it is true. Think about that for a second. EVERY GOVERNMENT ON EARTH wouldn't be doing this if they didn't know something.

If the left would allow us to add 10-15% more nuclear it wouldn't be that hard. Think about it. They may really think that our planet is heading to 8-10c and don't want us to be afraid. :( Aka riot and burn our cities down.

Global warming is a global scam, concocted by the so-called global elite which is then packaged and delivered by their poster boy Al Gore, and sold to all the gullible people around the world.

Our defense department says it is the worse thing we face


C'mon Matthew -- what rabbit hole did you go down here??

Show me how committed our Euro partners are to continuing their overly expensive, extremely dissappointing commitment to renewables. We're talking about wind and solar here.. There's nothing else "green" on that list.

If Obama WAS serious and secretly KNEW we were about to burn ourselves to a crisp --- why wouldn't he be DEMANDING even a moderate push towards nuclear? Think the DOD is more afraid of nuclear than Global Warming??

I wish Obama would push nuclear far harder. Hydro, thermal and solar(for a home to home basis) are good sources of energy.

Personally, I wish Obama would put more into fusion. ITR in france expects it to work by 2020, but we could easily beat them to the chase with something far better.

Nuclear is a good source of energy, but Obama will not push for more nuke plants, because of what happened at Fukushima in Japan.
We've got about 50 nuke plants right now generating about 22% of the load. And they ALL need replacement in 10 yrs or less.
They are 50 or 60 yrs old.. They have the computing power of a "Tickle-Me-Elmo"..

((PS -- I actually have a client right now who's having me update some of the displays and alarms that can't be built anymore for these plants. It's time to stop patching.. ))

So ADDING 10 or 15% is more difficult and further away than it seems Matthew.. We've neglected getting a national waste site done like was promised, the biggest radiation hazards are from leaking waste at the NATIONAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS LABS (Hanford, Savannah River, ect) NOT the commercial generators. The Govt is so far behind in THEIR duties, that they need to step out of the freaking way.
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Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

The long pause and every other observation done has pretty much put that small pile of rubbish to rest for the thinking people in the world. I can understand how koolaid consuming hystrics might still be under the impression that the hoax is real.

Have you looked at the ice in the "fabled" Northwest Passage lately? You can't even navigate it with a rowboat.
The Republican Party has announced they're going all-in on AGW denial as part of their 2014 strategy.

Hence, every denialist here will also double down on the denial. Not so much because they've gotten direct orders, but because they know they'll be banished from the herd if they bleat contrary to the rest of the herd.
I'd like to see this country double each of nuclear, wind, solar, thermal and wave by 2020.

At the same time we could cut the percentage of coal.

Shutting one nuclear plant down is 1-5 gw of electricy. You need to cover a very large area of land with wind or solar to compete. Not exactly better environmentally...Both are clean so there's no argument on that. I really don't get the leftist argument as nuclear might just be better for the environment if the waste is handled right.

We're looking at a energy grid that is
1. Clean
2. The power doesn't need to ship the source to the plant. Unlike coal, oil, etc.

There's NO question by a house per house basis that solar is good. ;) and like I just said we should double wind to 120 gw by 2020. (10 gw per year) So this wouldn't be too hard. It wouldn't be all that mind blowing. You do know that 8-12 gw per year is the norm the past 4 years?

The nuclear, thermal and wave would be the biggest charge within my plan. This is the only part of this that is slightly radical.

Thermal would go from near 3.4 gw to 7 gw.

In 2012, the United States led the world in geothermal electricity production with 3,386 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity;[1][2]
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The Republican Party has announced they're going all-in on AGW denial as part of their 2014 strategy.

Hence, every denialist here will also double down on the denial. Not so much because they've gotten direct orders, but because they know they'll be banished from the herd if they bleat contrary to the rest of the herd.
Sheer projection.
I'm a supporter of more energy and infrastructure. This is how we end the brown outs!
We've got about 50 nuke plants right now generating about 22% of the load. And they ALL need replacement in 10 yrs or less.
They are 50 or 60 yrs old.. They have the computing power of a "Tickle-Me-Elmo"..

((PS -- I actually have a client right now who's having me update some of the displays and alarms that can't be built anymore for these plants. It's time to stop patching.. ))

So ADDING 10 or 15% is more difficult and further away than it seems Matthew.. We've neglected getting a national waste site done like was promised, the biggest radiation hazards are from leaking waste at the NATIONAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS LABS (Hanford, Savannah River, ect) NOT the commercial generators. The Govt is so far behind in THEIR duties, that they need to step out of the freaking way.

Because lack of government oversight is clearly the best way to keep America clean?

Republicans don't believe in investing in infrastructure.

They don't believe in science.

They wanted to elect Romney who said we need to cut education and Santorum who said education is for snobs.

There are 3.8 million jobs going unfilled because people don't have the skills and Republicans bar any investment in education.

Republicans bar anything Democrats try to do and anything this president tries to do and then cry Democrats aren't doing anything.

Republicans call our educational system broken and awful when the entire rest of the world is trying to go to American schools that Republicans want to shut down.

Republicans can't have it both ways. They may be able to cry about all the problems and block trying to fix any of the problems, but they are going to pay a price.
The Republican Party has announced they're going all-in on AGW denial as part of their 2014 strategy.

Hence, every denialist here will also double down on the denial. Not so much because they've gotten direct orders, but because they know they'll be banished from the herd if they bleat contrary to the rest of the herd.
Sheer projection.

Please explain.
I'd like to see this country double each of nuclear, wind, solar, thermal and wave by 2020.

At the same time we could cut the percentage of coal.

Shutting one nuclear plant down is 1-5 gw of electricy. You need to cover a very large area of land with wind or solar to compete. Not exactly better environmentally...Both are clean so there's no argument on that. I really don't get the leftist argument as nuclear might just be better for the environment if the waste is handled right. Nuclear is now 19.6% of our energy needs...This would go to 40%.

We're looking at a energy grid that is
1. Clean
2. The power doesn't need to ship the source to the plant. Unlike coal, oil, etc.

There's NO question by a house per house basis that solar is good. ;) and like I just said we should double wind to 120 gw by 2020. (10 gw per year) So this wouldn't be too hard. It wouldn't be all that mind blowing. You do know that 8-12 gw per year is the norm the past 4 years?

The nuclear, thermal and wave would be the biggest charge within my plan. This is the only part of this that is slightly radical.

Thermal would go from near 3.4 gw to 7 gw.

In 2012, the United States led the world in geothermal electricity production with 3,386 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity;[1][2]
Geothermal energy in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This sure as heck wouldn't be radical. Only someone that doesn't believe in fixing our problems would oppose it.

This nation doesn't have much wave power. Around 2 mw? What's radical with doing better then doubling this! How about 10 mw by 2020?
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The Republican Party has announced they're going all-in on AGW denial as part of their 2014 strategy.

Hence, every denialist here will also double down on the denial. Not so much because they've gotten direct orders, but because they know they'll be banished from the herd if they bleat contrary to the rest of the herd.
Sheer projection.

Please explain.
"...because they know they'll be banished from the herd if they bleat contrary to the rest of the herd."

The left lives and dies by groupthink. Look at the way you treat minorities who vote Republican. Look at what you did to Joe Lieberman -- drove him out of the party, whereupon he proceeded to kick your ass. :lol:

And here's how you treat climate skeptics:
Parncutt has issued -- and later retracted after it the public outcry -- a manifesto calling for the execution of prominent "Climate Change Deniers". What is interesting is that Parncutt hates the death penalty and supports Amnesty International's efforts to end it.

This would be a shocking thing for a college professor to do were it an isolated incident, but this call has been made a number of times in the past. For instance, an anonymous poster at the liberal website Talking Points Memo called for similar action, as did Climate Progress editor Joe Romm, who called for "deniers" to be strangled in their beds. Grist magazine writer David Roberts called for Nuremberg trials for "deniers" and NASA's James Hansen has likewise called for similar trials.​

Groupthink. Thoughtcrime.

George Orwell was warning us about people like YOU, Derp.
We spend trillions on war
Trillions on nation building
Trillions on bail outs
Trillions on free shit

Why not spend hundred of billions or trillions on a energy infrastructure that makes sure we don't have to worry about brown outs. Nothing makes more sense then infrastructure and energy infrastructure.

The truth is half of this country wants low co2. You may not agree but this is the truth...We're going to spend it anyways...Let's spend it right for once.

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Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.
Like I said: Fear-mongering.

Meanwhile, the climate is refusing to cooperate with your emotionalism:

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it | Mail Online

Bad cultist. No world socialism for you!

Hey dumb fuck, I presented articles and lectures from real scientists currently doing science, not idiotic newspaper articles written by people with zero scientfic credentials.

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