Nearly All the sciencist and the president both are taking global warming serious

Sheer projection.

Please explain.
"...because they know they'll be banished from the herd if they bleat contrary to the rest of the herd."

The left lives and dies by groupthink. Look at the way you treat minorities who vote Republican. Look at what you did to Joe Lieberman -- drove him out of the party, whereupon he proceeded to kick your ass. :lol:

And here's how you treat climate skeptics:
Parncutt has issued -- and later retracted after it the public outcry -- a manifesto calling for the execution of prominent "Climate Change Deniers". What is interesting is that Parncutt hates the death penalty and supports Amnesty International's efforts to end it.

This would be a shocking thing for a college professor to do were it an isolated incident, but this call has been made a number of times in the past. For instance, an anonymous poster at the liberal website Talking Points Memo called for similar action, as did Climate Progress editor Joe Romm, who called for "deniers" to be strangled in their beds. Grist magazine writer David Roberts called for Nuremberg trials for "deniers" and NASA's James Hansen has likewise called for similar trials.​

Groupthink. Thoughtcrime.

George Orwell was warning us about people like YOU, Derp.

Let me tell you the difference between you and me.

When I quote education is for snobs, vaccines cause autism, feed the poor and they will breed and let him die, I'm quoting the Republican leadership. The people Republicans vote into office. Like Santorum, Bachmann, Paul and Romney.

I don't know the people you named, I never heard of them before. Are they even Americans?

And as far as minorities, read all the Republicans anti black, anti gay, anti women and anti Hispanic threads you know are coming from conservatives.

And, this right wing idea that minorities are so weak minded, they only want Obama phones and free food and so on, only underscores the nastiness of Right Wing racism. And they are so blind to it, they can't even see what they are doing. And you are most definitely one.
Please explain.
"...because they know they'll be banished from the herd if they bleat contrary to the rest of the herd."

The left lives and dies by groupthink. Look at the way you treat minorities who vote Republican. Look at what you did to Joe Lieberman -- drove him out of the party, whereupon he proceeded to kick your ass. :lol:

And here's how you treat climate skeptics:
Parncutt has issued -- and later retracted after it the public outcry -- a manifesto calling for the execution of prominent "Climate Change Deniers". What is interesting is that Parncutt hates the death penalty and supports Amnesty International's efforts to end it.

This would be a shocking thing for a college professor to do were it an isolated incident, but this call has been made a number of times in the past. For instance, an anonymous poster at the liberal website Talking Points Memo called for similar action, as did Climate Progress editor Joe Romm, who called for "deniers" to be strangled in their beds. Grist magazine writer David Roberts called for Nuremberg trials for "deniers" and NASA's James Hansen has likewise called for similar trials.​

Groupthink. Thoughtcrime.

George Orwell was warning us about people like YOU, Derp.

Let me tell you the difference between you and me.

When I quote education is for snobs, vaccines cause autism, feed the poor and they will breed and let him die, I'm quoting the Republican leadership. The people Republicans vote into office. Like Santorum, Bachmann, Paul and Romney.

I don't know the people you named, I never heard of them before. Are they even Americans?
I KNOW you've heard of NASA's James Hansen.

So, once again, Derp lies in the service of progressivism.
And as far as minorities, read all the Republicans anti black, anti gay, anti women and anti Hispanic threads you know are coming from conservatives.

And, this right wing idea that minorities are so weak minded, they only want Obama phones and free food and so on, only underscores the nastiness of Right Wing racism. And they are so blind to it, they can't even see what they are doing. And you are most definitely one.
See? You're performing exactly as programmed.

Good robot. :clap2:
I KNOW you've heard of NASA's James Hansen.

So why did you lie about what Hansen supposedly said?

Oh, that's right. Your cult told you what to say, so you parroted it, not bothering to check the truth, or even caring about the truth at all. Just another low-information voter.

Hey, you're the one repeating lies, not us. Romm never called for anyone to be strangled. Mann never said all denialists should be prosecuted. Your cult lies a lot. Thanks for confirming that.

This would be where you now come up with justifications as to why lying is okay when your side does it. Please proceed. We already know it's because "The ends always justify the means for my side" is your only guiding principle, but I'd like to hear what other excuses you attempt.
Republicans don't believe in science. They think science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy.

ah wrong, it is you on the left who think science is a faith and we should put all scientist on some pedestal..

you really don't care you lie all the time about republicans..?

who the fuck ever said they didn't believe in any science? they have been wrong before...a lot of people just don't agree with this climate change hysteria but you sheep follow along after Obama while he leads you off the cliff
I KNOW you've heard of NASA's James Hansen.

So why did you lie about what Hansen supposedly said?

Oh, that's right. Your cult told you what to say, so you parroted it, not bothering to check the truth, or even caring about the truth at all. Just another low-information voter.

Hey, you're the one repeating lies, not us. Romm never called for anyone to be strangled. Mann never said all denialists should be prosecuted. Your cult lies a lot. Thanks for confirming that.

This would be where you now come up with justifications as to why lying is okay when your side does it. Please proceed. We already know it's because "The ends always justify the means for my side" is your only guiding principle, but I'd like to hear what other excuses you attempt.
I have no need to offer excuses or lie.

You do, however.

Twenty years later: tipping points near on global warming | Environment |
CEOs of fossil energy companies know what they are doing and are aware of long-term consequences of continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.​

You're right about Romm...kinda.
Update: Romm defends remarks as ?not a threat, but a prediction? ? Strangle Skeptics in Bed! ?An entire generation will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds? | Climate Depot
[Update: Joe Romm deleted the 'strangling' skeptics in bed remark on June 6, but now defends the comments as "clearly not a threat but a prediction" and claimed "some people misread it." Romm wrote: "The original was clearly not a threat but a prediction -- albeit one that I certainly do not agree with. Since some people misread it, I am editing it." ]​

An excerpt from a new book by George Monbiot | Grist
When we’ve finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we’re in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these bastards — some sort of climate Nuremberg.​
And I never mentioned Mann. But since you brought him up, he had to eat some crow about the Nobel Prize he claimed he received:

Michael Mann Retracts False Nobel Prize Claims in Humiliating Climbdown | johnosullivan

What did the Nobel Institute have to say about Mann's claim?
Geir Lundestad, Director, Professor, of The Norwegian Nobel Institute emailed me back with the following:

1) Michael Mann has never been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
2) He did not receive any personal certificate. He has taken the diploma awarded in 2007 to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (and to Al Gore) and made his own text underneath this authentic-looking diploma.
3) The text underneath the diploma is entirely his own. We issued only the diploma to the IPCC as such. No individuals on the IPCC side received anything in 2007.​

Mann is a liar. Why do you insist he has any credibility?

Oh, yes -- your cult lies a lot.

This would be where you now come up with justifications as to why lying is okay when your side does it. Please proceed. We already know it's because "The ends always justify the means for my side" is your only guiding principle, but I'd like to hear what other excuses you attempt.
Our defense department says it is the worse thing we face


C'mon Matthew -- what rabbit hole did you go down here??

Show me how committed our Euro partners are to continuing their overly expensive, extremely dissappointing commitment to renewables. We're talking about wind and solar here.. There's nothing else "green" on that list.

If Obama WAS serious and secretly KNEW we were about to burn ourselves to a crisp --- why wouldn't he be DEMANDING even a moderate push towards nuclear? Think the DOD is more afraid of nuclear than Global Warming??

I wish Obama would push nuclear far harder. Hydro, thermal and solar(for a home to home basis) are good sources of energy.

Personally, I wish Obama would put more into fusion. ITR in france expects it to work by 2020, but we could easily beat them to the chase with something far better.

US and international efforts continue. *There must be stong theoretical support.

Lawrence Livermore Labs in CA working on Fusion

"Because nuclear fusion offers the potential for virtually unlimited safe and environmentally benign energy, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has made fusion a key element in the nation's long-term energy plans."

"While a self-sustaining fusion burn has been achieved for*brief periods under experimental conditions, the amount of energy that went into creating it was greater than the amount of energy it generated. There was no energy gain, which is essential if fusion energy is ever to supply a continuous stream of electricity. "

NIF Team Conducts 'High-Foot' DT Implosion Experiments
The NIF Team fired 20 target experiments and 16 laser shots without targets in May. Here are some highlights:
NIF's first "High-Foot" deuterium-tritium (DT) layered implosion experiment was successfully completed on May 2. This was the first layered DT shot in a sequence of experiments to commission a higher adiabat (internal capsule energy) platform for studying the causes of mix in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) implosions"

International efforts

"And now, 34 nations are collaborating in the world’s largest scientific collaboration since the International Space Station to construct the $16.9 billion ITER (“International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor”) fusion power project In Provence’s Cadarache forest in southern France."

"A tokamak uses an intensive magnetic field to confine a plasma in the shape of a torus, which was were invented in the 1950s by Soviet physicists Igor Tamm and (later Nobel Peace Prize Laureate) Andrei Sakharov, inspired by the research of Oleg Lavrentiev. For the past five decades, the tokamak is the most-researched magnetic confinement device candidates for producing controlled thermonuclear fusion power, as magnetic fields are currently the best candidate for plasma confinement since no solid material could withstand the plasma’s extremely high temperatures. (Related article: The Coming Nuclear Waste Disaster)"

Is nuclear fusion power now possible? -
CEOs of fossil energy companies know what they are doing and are aware of long-term consequences of continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.​

So why did you dishonestly switch the topic from "CEOs" and say "denialists" instead?

This would be where you now come up with justifications as to why lying is okay when your side does it.

But it's not okay. That's the point. We are not like you. Just look at you, fabricating a crazy conspiracy about how the liberals all want you jailed. That's pathetic in both in the dishonesty of it, and in the "I'm such a victim!" attitude of it.

In contrast, the Republican party as a whole does support jailing scientists who don't support the GOP party-approved science. For example, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli tried to fabricate charges against Dr. Mann, in an attempt to get him jailed. And he had the support of almost all Republicans in that crusade.

He also had the support of every denialist on this board, at least those who chose to weigh in. They all said that Dr. Mann was essentially an enemy of the state who deserved to be jailed. Yes, it was rather Stalinist of them, the way they backed the purge.

Do you also agree with them, that Dr. Mann should be sent to the gulag? Or will you dare break with your herd? Tough choice for you, given how important your herd identity is to you.
"...because they know they'll be banished from the herd if they bleat contrary to the rest of the herd."

The left lives and dies by groupthink. Look at the way you treat minorities who vote Republican. Look at what you did to Joe Lieberman -- drove him out of the party, whereupon he proceeded to kick your ass. :lol:

And here's how you treat climate skeptics:
Parncutt has issued -- and later retracted after it the public outcry -- a manifesto calling for the execution of prominent "Climate Change Deniers". What is interesting is that Parncutt hates the death penalty and supports Amnesty International's efforts to end it.

This would be a shocking thing for a college professor to do were it an isolated incident, but this call has been made a number of times in the past. For instance, an anonymous poster at the liberal website Talking Points Memo called for similar action, as did Climate Progress editor Joe Romm, who called for "deniers" to be strangled in their beds. Grist magazine writer David Roberts called for Nuremberg trials for "deniers" and NASA's James Hansen has likewise called for similar trials.​

Groupthink. Thoughtcrime.

George Orwell was warning us about people like YOU, Derp.

Let me tell you the difference between you and me.

When I quote education is for snobs, vaccines cause autism, feed the poor and they will breed and let him die, I'm quoting the Republican leadership. The people Republicans vote into office. Like Santorum, Bachmann, Paul and Romney.

I don't know the people you named, I never heard of them before. Are they even Americans?
I KNOW you've heard of NASA's James Hansen.

So, once again, Derp lies in the service of progressivism.
And as far as minorities, read all the Republicans anti black, anti gay, anti women and anti Hispanic threads you know are coming from conservatives.

And, this right wing idea that minorities are so weak minded, they only want Obama phones and free food and so on, only underscores the nastiness of Right Wing racism. And they are so blind to it, they can't even see what they are doing. And you are most definitely one.
See? You're performing exactly as programmed.

Good robot. :clap2:

You are such a fucking pisshead. No where does James Hansen call for strangling people in their beds or anything even close. To use a source that puts him in the same paragraph with someone who has those beliefs is wrong.

And I don't have a problem with asking CEO's a question. CEO's are privy to a lot of information. And this is very much like the Tobacco industry. CEO's of the largest tobacco companies swore in front of congress that nicotine was NOT addictive.

Testimony of the 7 CEOs of Big Tobacco

MR. JAMES JOHNSTON (Chairman and CEO of RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company). Mr. Congressman, cigarettes and nicotine clearly do not meet the classic definition of addiction. There is no intoxication.

MR. WYDEN. We´ll take that as a "no." Again, time is short. I think that each of you believe that nicotine is not addictive. We would just like to have this for the record.

MR. TADDEO (President of U.S. Tobacco).
I don´t believe that nicotine or our products are addictive.

MR. TISCH (Chairman and CEO of Lorillard Tobacco Company).
I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

MR. HORRIGAN (Chairman and CEO of Liggett Group).
I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

MR. SANDEFUR (Chairman and CEO of Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company).
I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

MR. DONALD JOHNSTON (President and CEO of American Tobacco Company).
And I, too, believe that nicotine is not addictive.


Now what do you want to bet the majority of these dumbass right wingers, who insist most scientists are Republican and most scientists are liars (I know, it's very strange), will also say nicotine is NOT addictive?

You know the reason Republicans want to believe most scientists are Republican is because they know for a fact, that scientists are some of the smartest people we have and they can't face the fact that Republicans are fucking stupid. Deeply and dangerously stupid. It's simply part and parcel of their ignorance and racism.

No matter what goes on in the rest of the world, Republicans live in their own creepy little deluded world of hate and fear and ignorance.
Republicans don't believe in science. They think science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy.

ah wrong, it is you on the left who think science is a faith and we should put all scientist on some pedestal..

you really don't care you lie all the time about republicans..?

who the fuck ever said they didn't believe in any science? they have been wrong before...a lot of people just don't agree with this climate change hysteria but you sheep follow along after Obama while he leads you off the cliff

Because scientists are kinda stupid and Republicans know more science than those stupid and lazy scientists, right? Besides, that pedestal that Republicans have is already crowded with stupid. There is no room for scientists.
When Republican down science and scientists, they infect their children. Who wants to be part of a group their parents think are stupid and lazy liars?
Small Nuclear Reactors SMR


Article: Are small nuclear reactors safer?

• many of the safety provisions required in large reactors are not necessary in the many new small reactor designs

• even if the worse case reactor accident occurs, the amount of radioactive material released would not pose a risk to the public.

• they don't need fresh water to cool the reactors mean there is no need for pumps to move the water

• most SMRs are small enough that they cannot over heat and melt down.

• if SMRs can’t melt down, then they can’t release radioactive gas that would pose a risk to the public.


• Westinghouse
• Hyperion
• Babcock & Wilcox
• Flibe Energy
Last edited:
CEOs of fossil energy companies know what they are doing and are aware of long-term consequences of continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.​

So why did you dishonestly switch the topic from "CEOs" and say "denialists" instead?
Do you really think CEOs of fossil energy companies believe in the AGW cult?


This would be where you now come up with justifications as to why lying is okay when your side does it.
But it's not okay. That's the point. We are not like you. Just look at you, fabricating a crazy conspiracy about how the liberals all want you jailed. That's pathetic in both in the dishonesty of it, and in the "I'm such a victim!" attitude of it.

In contrast, the Republican party as a whole does support jailing scientists who don't support the GOP party-approved science. For example, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli tried to fabricate charges against Dr. Mann, in an attempt to get him jailed. And he had the support of almost all Republicans in that crusade.

He also had the support of every denialist on this board, at least those who chose to weigh in. They all said that Dr. Mann was essentially an enemy of the state who deserved to be jailed. Yes, it was rather Stalinist of them, the way they backed the purge.

Do you also agree with them, that Dr. Mann should be sent to the gulag? Or will you dare break with your herd? Tough choice for you, given how important your herd identity is to you.
Making quite a few sweeping statements there. Got anything to back 'em up, or do you just expect me to take your word for it?

Oh, and speaking of lies, I noticed you failed to mention Mann's lie that he received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Ignoring those inconvenient truths doesn't make them go away, you know.
Let me tell you the difference between you and me.

When I quote education is for snobs, vaccines cause autism, feed the poor and they will breed and let him die, I'm quoting the Republican leadership. The people Republicans vote into office. Like Santorum, Bachmann, Paul and Romney.

I don't know the people you named, I never heard of them before. Are they even Americans?
I KNOW you've heard of NASA's James Hansen.

So, once again, Derp lies in the service of progressivism.
And as far as minorities, read all the Republicans anti black, anti gay, anti women and anti Hispanic threads you know are coming from conservatives.

And, this right wing idea that minorities are so weak minded, they only want Obama phones and free food and so on, only underscores the nastiness of Right Wing racism. And they are so blind to it, they can't even see what they are doing. And you are most definitely one.
See? You're performing exactly as programmed.

Good robot. :clap2:

You are such a fucking pisshead. No where does James Hansen call for strangling people in their beds or anything even close. To use a source that puts him in the same paragraph with someone who has those beliefs is wrong.
Really? That's the best you've got? "I don't like that you put him in the same paragraph!"?

That's so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put to sleep.


In Hansen's own words: "In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature."

Do you think that's a good idea? Because you utterly failed to address it, and went instead on an irrational, irrelevant tangent about tobacco.

Oh, and like you, Mann is a liar. An authority no less than the Director of The Norwegian Nobel Institute says so.

Let me guess: He's a lying Republican.

When Republican down science and scientists, they infect their children. Who wants to be part of a group their parents think are stupid and lazy liars?

Maybe you kind and intelligent progressives should take children away from Republicans.

You know -- for the children.
Let me tell you the difference between you and me.

When I quote education is for snobs, vaccines cause autism, feed the poor and they will breed and let him die, I'm quoting the Republican leadership. The people Republicans vote into office. Like Santorum, Bachmann, Paul and Romney.

I don't know the people you named, I never heard of them before. Are they even Americans?
I KNOW you've heard of NASA's James Hansen.

So, once again, Derp lies in the service of progressivism.
And as far as minorities, read all the Republicans anti black, anti gay, anti women and anti Hispanic threads you know are coming from conservatives.

And, this right wing idea that minorities are so weak minded, they only want Obama phones and free food and so on, only underscores the nastiness of Right Wing racism. And they are so blind to it, they can't even see what they are doing. And you are most definitely one.
See? You're performing exactly as programmed.

Good robot. :clap2:

You are such a fucking pisshead. No where does James Hansen call for strangling people in their beds or anything even close. To use a source that puts him in the same paragraph with someone who has those beliefs is wrong.

And I don't have a problem with asking CEO's a question. CEO's are privy to a lot of information. And this is very much like the Tobacco industry. CEO's of the largest tobacco companies swore in front of congress that nicotine was NOT addictive.

Testimony of the 7 CEOs of Big Tobacco

MR. JAMES JOHNSTON (Chairman and CEO of RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company). Mr. Congressman, cigarettes and nicotine clearly do not meet the classic definition of addiction. There is no intoxication.

MR. WYDEN. We´ll take that as a "no." Again, time is short. I think that each of you believe that nicotine is not addictive. We would just like to have this for the record.

MR. TADDEO (President of U.S. Tobacco).
I don´t believe that nicotine or our products are addictive.

MR. TISCH (Chairman and CEO of Lorillard Tobacco Company).
I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

MR. HORRIGAN (Chairman and CEO of Liggett Group).
I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

MR. SANDEFUR (Chairman and CEO of Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company).
I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

MR. DONALD JOHNSTON (President and CEO of American Tobacco Company).
And I, too, believe that nicotine is not addictive.


Now what do you want to bet the majority of these dumbass right wingers, who insist most scientists are Republican and most scientists are liars (I know, it's very strange), will also say nicotine is NOT addictive?

You know the reason Republicans want to believe most scientists are Republican is because they know for a fact, that scientists are some of the smartest people we have and they can't face the fact that Republicans are fucking stupid. Deeply and dangerously stupid. It's simply part and parcel of their ignorance and racism.

No matter what goes on in the rest of the world, Republicans live in their own creepy little deluded world of hate and fear and ignorance.

You do know RDean that even up to the 60s, doctors were PRESCRIBING cigarettes to asthmatics !! Were all those doctors Republicans??? It's the science that failed, and a LOT of folks were in denial.. Not a political issue at all...

Are there a lot of Cigar addicts?? Second hand smoke addicts? Nicotine Gum addicts?

If not -- why not?
Republicans don't believe in science. *They think science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy.

ah wrong, it is you on the left who think science is a faith and we should put all scientist on some pedestal..

you really don't care you lie all the time about republicans..?

who the fuck ever said they didn't believe in any science? *they have been wrong before...a lot of people just don't agree with this climate change hysteria but you sheep follow along after Obama while he leads you off the cliff

Because scientists are kinda stupid and Republicans know more science than those stupid and lazy scientists, right? *Besides, that pedestal that Republicans have is already crowded with stupid. *There is no room for scientists.

It's curious. *The religion and party affiliation stats are a bit ethnicity dependent.


No specific individual can be said to be Republican because they are religious. *And, of course if you should say that religion predicts being Republican, the person who replies will be the person that doesn't fit the description.

The question that always comes to mind, when people invoke "Republicans are ..." and "Liberals are ..." is which ones? *Politicians? The general public? Voters? People who are "spiritual" but not "religious"? What religion? What public group? Media pundits? The group of people that typically post on this forum? *The typical forum troll?

My experience is that there are a few "You people are..." participants.

It gets tricky, with percentages varying across religious affiliation, religious attendance, voting habits, and ethnicity.

Link: How the Faithful Voted: 2012 Preliminary Analysis.

"Religiously unaffiliated voters and Jewish voters were firmly in Obama’s corner in 2012 (70% and 69%, respectively).*
*Black Protestants also voted overwhelmingly for Obama (95%). "

"traditionally Republican groups such as white evangelicals and weekly churchgoers strongly backed Romney, while traditionally Democratic groups such as black Protestants, Hispanic Catholics, Jews and the religiously unaffiliated backed Obama by large margins."


"Nearly six-in-ten voters who say they attend religious services at least once a week voted for Romney (59%), while 39% backed Obama. Romney received as much support from weekly churchgoers as other Republican candidates have in recent elections."

When someone makes a statistical statement, like "Republicans don't believe in science. *They think science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy", I consider the statistics that would make this true and false. *Is it generally true?*

I take it that the author means, in general, "Republican groups such as white evangelicals and weekly churchgoers strongly backed Romney"

We can dig further on the stats, to see if we can tie together Creationism with white evangelicals that attend church weekly. That might be an easy assumption, though. *And it seems an easy leap from Creationism to anti-science to non-AWG. But, you just never know, people are funny that way.
CEOs of fossil energy companies know what they are doing and are aware of long-term consequences of continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.​

So why did you dishonestly switch the topic from "CEOs" and say "denialists" instead?
Do you really think CEOs of fossil energy companies believe in the AGW cult?


This would be where you now come up with justifications as to why lying is okay when your side does it.
But it's not okay. That's the point. We are not like you. Just look at you, fabricating a crazy conspiracy about how the liberals all want you jailed. That's pathetic in both in the dishonesty of it, and in the "I'm such a victim!" attitude of it.

In contrast, the Republican party as a whole does support jailing scientists who don't support the GOP party-approved science. For example, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli tried to fabricate charges against Dr. Mann, in an attempt to get him jailed. And he had the support of almost all Republicans in that crusade.

He also had the support of every denialist on this board, at least those who chose to weigh in. They all said that Dr. Mann was essentially an enemy of the state who deserved to be jailed. Yes, it was rather Stalinist of them, the way they backed the purge.

Do you also agree with them, that Dr. Mann should be sent to the gulag? Or will you dare break with your herd? Tough choice for you, given how important your herd identity is to you.
Making quite a few sweeping statements there. Got anything to back 'em up, or do you just expect me to take your word for it?

Oh, and speaking of lies, I noticed you failed to mention Mann's lie that he received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Ignoring those inconvenient truths doesn't make them go away, you know.

If they didn't believe it why do they have it on their website?:eusa_hand:
CEOs of fossil energy companies know what they are doing and are aware of long-term consequences of continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.​

So why did you dishonestly switch the topic from "CEOs" and say "denialists" instead?
Do you really think CEOs of fossil energy companies believe in the AGW cult?


But it's not okay. That's the point. We are not like you. Just look at you, fabricating a crazy conspiracy about how the liberals all want you jailed. That's pathetic in both in the dishonesty of it, and in the "I'm such a victim!" attitude of it.

In contrast, the Republican party as a whole does support jailing scientists who don't support the GOP party-approved science. For example, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli tried to fabricate charges against Dr. Mann, in an attempt to get him jailed. And he had the support of almost all Republicans in that crusade.

He also had the support of every denialist on this board, at least those who chose to weigh in. They all said that Dr. Mann was essentially an enemy of the state who deserved to be jailed. Yes, it was rather Stalinist of them, the way they backed the purge.

Do you also agree with them, that Dr. Mann should be sent to the gulag? Or will you dare break with your herd? Tough choice for you, given how important your herd identity is to you.
Making quite a few sweeping statements there. Got anything to back 'em up, or do you just expect me to take your word for it?

Oh, and speaking of lies, I noticed you failed to mention Mann's lie that he received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Ignoring those inconvenient truths doesn't make them go away, you know.

If they didn't believe it why do they have it on their website?:eusa_hand:

Maybe because BP oil was once the leading system installer for large scale solar? Because Shell oil gets TONS of research money to look into biofuels? Because GE pretends to be green as a tree frog in order to collect green tax credits LARGER than their tax bill ??

Lots of good reasons.. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
You do know RDean that even up to the 60s, doctors were PRESCRIBING cigarettes to asthmatics !! Were all those doctors Republicans??? It's the science that failed, and a LOT of folks were in denial.. Not a political issue at all...*

Are there a lot of Cigar addicts?? Second hand smoke addicts? Nicotine Gum addicts?*

If not -- why not?

"You do know RDean that even up to the 60s, doctors were PRESCRIBING cigarettes to asthmatics"

That may be the stupidest statement I've read on this forum.


Sure, doctors were telling their asthmatic patients to breath in hot burning tobacco smoke. *

You have no reality "does it make sense" filter.

1800-1985: Asthma Cigarettes


"They didn't contain tobacco, but crushed and dried herbs from the nightshade family of plants called solanaceae, which included datura strammonium, atropa belladonna, the hyoscyamus niger, Lobelia inflata and similar plants. *Indian Hemp and Cannabis are similar herbs also included in some brands.

Such plants contained an alkaloid called Atropine that causes mild bronchodilation, and made breathing easier.*

Smoking wasn't considered hazardous; it was actually seen as beneficial."

"Yet while asthma cigarettes were the preferred choice due to convenience and cost, that all changed in 1957 with the invention of the inhaler, and the release of the Medihaler-Iso and the Medihaler Epi. *These inhalers provided instant relief, were relatively inexpensive, and easily carried in pockets and purses. "

"As sales of asthma inhalers sales went north, asthma cigarette sales went south. *Yet despite the decline in sales, the cigarettes were still a viable over the counter option until the early 1980s."

"By 1985 asthma cigarettes were removed from the shelves of all U.S. Stores. *Yet while being generally extinct in western nations, they are still available in some third world nations. "

So sure, if you ignore the difference between tobacco and*Atropine. *And ignore the treatment options and cost-benefit analysis of death via asthma vs the hazard of mild smoke inhalation for temporary asthma relief.

Yes, one does become addicted to Cigars. *Yes, you can become addicted to second hand smoke. *Yes, you can become addicted to nicotine gum.

Anecdotally, I worked with a nicotine gum addict. *And, humorously, I had a roommate with a dog. *He would smoke, like a chimney, with his dog locked in the room. *By the time he arrived home from work, the dog was going through withdrawl.
Do you really think CEOs of fossil energy companies believe in the AGW cult?


Making quite a few sweeping statements there. *Got anything to back 'em up, or do you just expect me to take your word for it?

Oh, and speaking of lies, I noticed you failed to mention Mann's lie that he received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Ignoring those inconvenient truths doesn't make them go away, you know.

If they didn't believe it why do they have it on their website?:eusa_hand:

Maybe because BP oil was once the leading system installer for large scale solar? Because Shell oil gets TONS of research money to look into biofuels? Because GE pretends to be green as a tree frog in order to collect green tax credits LARGER than their tax bill ??*

Lots of good reasons.. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

So they lie about believing in green technology, so they can defraud the government and taxpayer?

And you are okay with that, lying and fraud?

Kinda says more about you than BP
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