Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Christmas morning jokes ignite pious furor

Wow, all this butthurt and even a call for death? You guys will start to give Muslims a run for their money if you carry on much longer.
Those Far Right Religions all have a lot in common.
Yeah, I just didn't expect to see Benny the blue nosed reindeer push them over the edge like that.

Again, I believe the other three were the issue, but keep playing the buffoon and referencing the unoffensive one.
I went to the link provided and didn't see negative comments until the Benny the blue nosed reindeer crack. Don't see anything offensive about the Isaac Newton comment either. The comment about Christmas just being Thursday to followers of other faiths was accurate but insensitive. Pretty tame stuff overall. Certainly nothing warranting the overblown reaction being seen here. Calls for death over that stuff? That's about as bad as the insanity the Muslims display over a cartoon. Hence my calling it a Christian "fatwa" against Tyson.
Wow, all this butthurt and even a call for death? You guys will start to give Muslims a run for their money if you carry on much longer.
Those Far Right Religions all have a lot in common.
Yeah, I just didn't expect to see Benny the blue nosed reindeer push them over the edge like that.

Again, I believe the other three were the issue, but keep playing the buffoon and referencing the unoffensive one.
I went to the link provided and didn't see negative comments until the Benny the blue nosed reindeer crack. Don't see anything offensive about the Isaac Newton comment either. The comment about Christmas just being Thursday to followers of other faiths was accurate but insensitive. Pretty tame stuff overall. Certainly nothing warranting the overblown reaction being seen here. Calls for death over that stuff? That's about as bad as the insanity the Muslims display over a cartoon. Hence my calling it a Christian "fatwa" against Tyson.

The tweets below it were just ones calling his stuff "poor form"

You idiots dig up the losers who go overboard (most of them probably only for the snark, not out of any actual outrage)

He doesn't have to troll Christians. He could just accept them for their beliefs and be cool about it. Maybe he can change their minds a bit over time.


Wow, all this butthurt and even a call for death? You guys will start to give Muslims a run for their money if you carry on much longer.
Those Far Right Religions all have a lot in common.
Yeah, I just didn't expect to see Benny the blue nosed reindeer push them over the edge like that.

Again, I believe the other three were the issue, but keep playing the buffoon and referencing the unoffensive one.
I went to the link provided and didn't see negative comments until the Benny the blue nosed reindeer crack. Don't see anything offensive about the Isaac Newton comment either. The comment about Christmas just being Thursday to followers of other faiths was accurate but insensitive. Pretty tame stuff overall. Certainly nothing warranting the overblown reaction being seen here. Calls for death over that stuff? That's about as bad as the insanity the Muslims display over a cartoon. Hence my calling it a Christian "fatwa" against Tyson.

The tweets below it were just ones calling his stuff "poor form"

You idiots dig up the losers who go overboard (most of them probably only for the snark, not out of any actual outrage)
I didn't have to do any digging. The response is in this thread for anybody to see. I suppose it could just be a case of someone trying to be snarky. Hard to tell with the permanently outraged wingnuts around here.
Those Far Right Religions all have a lot in common.
Yeah, I just didn't expect to see Benny the blue nosed reindeer push them over the edge like that.

Again, I believe the other three were the issue, but keep playing the buffoon and referencing the unoffensive one.
I went to the link provided and didn't see negative comments until the Benny the blue nosed reindeer crack. Don't see anything offensive about the Isaac Newton comment either. The comment about Christmas just being Thursday to followers of other faiths was accurate but insensitive. Pretty tame stuff overall. Certainly nothing warranting the overblown reaction being seen here. Calls for death over that stuff? That's about as bad as the insanity the Muslims display over a cartoon. Hence my calling it a Christian "fatwa" against Tyson.

The tweets below it were just ones calling his stuff "poor form"

You idiots dig up the losers who go overboard (most of them probably only for the snark, not out of any actual outrage)
I didn't have to do any digging. The response is in this thread for anybody to see. I suppose it could just be a case of someone trying to be snarky. Hard to tell with the permanently outraged wingnuts around here.

And progressives, of course, always respond with such dignity when their beliefs are made fun of.

Yeah, I just didn't expect to see Benny the blue nosed reindeer push them over the edge like that.

Again, I believe the other three were the issue, but keep playing the buffoon and referencing the unoffensive one.
I went to the link provided and didn't see negative comments until the Benny the blue nosed reindeer crack. Don't see anything offensive about the Isaac Newton comment either. The comment about Christmas just being Thursday to followers of other faiths was accurate but insensitive. Pretty tame stuff overall. Certainly nothing warranting the overblown reaction being seen here. Calls for death over that stuff? That's about as bad as the insanity the Muslims display over a cartoon. Hence my calling it a Christian "fatwa" against Tyson.

The tweets below it were just ones calling his stuff "poor form"

You idiots dig up the losers who go overboard (most of them probably only for the snark, not out of any actual outrage)
I didn't have to do any digging. The response is in this thread for anybody to see. I suppose it could just be a case of someone trying to be snarky. Hard to tell with the permanently outraged wingnuts around here.

And progressives, of course, always respond with such dignity when their beliefs are made fun of.


I'm a Christian. I'm not out calling for the guy (or any other) to be repeatedly stabbed. Christ taught us to turn the other cheek. I haven't heard anyone from my side doing so either. Of course, I'm not omnipresent, so if someone on my side is making death threats over perceived slights to their beliefs, I publicly denounce this. God bless you.
He makes a crack about Benny the blue nosed reindeer not getting the gig because red light penetrates fog best, and that causes a Christian fatwa?

its the other three ones people have an issue with, but thanks for being a prick about it.

What was offensive about referring to a man who significantly changed the world by the time he was 30 being born on Christmas? Newton actually WAS born on Christmas, and he DID significantly change the world by the time he was 30. No mention of Jesus, nor was there anything disparaging about the comment. He was telling that other great individuals were born on that day as well.

Jesus wasn't crucified until He was 33. And..................the significance of the Resurrection took several hundred years to influence the world.
He's such a stupid fucking lowlife, no wonder he believes in "Manmade Climate Change"

Is he supposed to be important in all of this?

It's tasteless of him, but also his right, whether we like it or not.

That whooshing sound is the point going right over your head.

There's a big difference between "I have a right to do this" and "It's a good idea to do this". And there's a big difference between "He shouldn't be allowed to do that" and "He's a totally crass douchebag for doing it." The conversation here is the latter, not the former.
He's such a stupid fucking lowlife, no wonder he believes in "Manmade Climate Change"

Is he supposed to be important in all of this?

It's tasteless of him, but also his right, whether we like it or not.

That whooshing sound is the point going right over your head.

There's a big difference between "I have a right to do this" and "It's a good idea to do this". And there's a big difference between "He shouldn't be allowed to do that" and "He's a totally crass douchebag for doing it." The conversation here is the latter, not the former.

Well, if that makes you feel better about yourself....
I tried to watch the show Cosmos but he screwed it up with a bunch of anti-Christian crap. It was nothing like Sagan's show. He should have just had a different show for religious studies.

It's hard to talk about the history of science without mentioning the history of religious people doing everything they could to stop its advancement.
Which proves my point, it was about man's history, not the universe. Many scientists were Christian but he neglected to mention it. Did he mention Georges Lemaitre? His show was for lemmings of weak persuasion to be influenced into a belief. I don't recall Sagan needing to smear any religion to discuss the aspects and facts about the universe.

Most of the scientists he spoke about in the show were religious. Since there was little science back then it made perfect sense to believe a sky pixie did everything. Now it just so happens that most of their discoveries were at odds with the belief of the church to the point of them fearing for their lives. That's why Copernicus did not release his book until he was on his death bed.

The histories of science and religion will always be tied together because science is the practice of testing faith.

Here is a list of scientists discussed on the show:
The Scientists of Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey Black Geoscientists
What was believed when and where has zip to do with our understanding today. And just because science has more information about the universe does not mean it will have any answers regarding its' beginning. Science can be misused to spread a faith, so the whole premise of the show is weird. It does fit in with his stupid tweets though.

Faith has no bearing on science.
He's such a stupid fucking lowlife, no wonder he believes in "Manmade Climate Change"

Is he supposed to be important in all of this?

It's tasteless of him, but also his right, whether we like it or not.

Yes, it is indeed his right.

And if a Christian tried to destroy him or damage his career just for speaking his mind, they would be quite wrong to do so.

That kind of thing is best left to the experts in the PC Police.


Or perhaps it is just best left ignored.

Yeah, like homosexuals ignore people not agreeing with their lifestyle?
He's such a stupid fucking lowlife, no wonder he believes in "Manmade Climate Change"

Is he supposed to be important in all of this?

It's tasteless of him, but also his right, whether we like it or not.

That whooshing sound is the point going right over your head.

There's a big difference between "I have a right to do this" and "It's a good idea to do this". And there's a big difference between "He shouldn't be allowed to do that" and "He's a totally crass douchebag for doing it." The conversation here is the latter, not the former.

Well, if that makes you feel better about yourself....

More whooshing noises. Perhaps you should rig up some sort of net over your head.
You know..................I read the article and saw Dr. Tyson's tweets. Not much in there that I could see as disrespectful. Newton actually WAS born on Christmas.

Besides...................I think that God and Jesus are big enough that they don't mind the occasional joke at their expense.

It's only the small minded Christians who think that God needs them to defend Him.

According the thin-skinned and hypocritical fake christians, god is a helpless weenie.

And their "faith" can't stand up to a few harmless jokes.
You know..................I read the article and saw Dr. Tyson's tweets. Not much in there that I could see as disrespectful. Newton actually WAS born on Christmas.

Besides...................I think that God and Jesus are big enough that they don't mind the occasional joke at their expense.

It's only the small minded Christians who think that God needs them to defend Him.

According the thin-skinned and hypocritical fake christians, god is a helpless weenie.

And their "faith" can't stand up to a few harmless jokes.

Oh, the irony, being called a hypocrite by its poster boy.
He's such a stupid fucking lowlife, no wonder he believes in "Manmade Climate Change"

Is he supposed to be important in all of this?

It's tasteless of him, but also his right, whether we like it or not.

That whooshing sound is the point going right over your head.

There's a big difference between "I have a right to do this" and "It's a good idea to do this". And there's a big difference between "He shouldn't be allowed to do that" and "He's a totally crass douchebag for doing it." The conversation here is the latter, not the former.

Well, if that makes you feel better about yourself....

He's afraid something will happen to him if he knows more science.......

He's such a stupid fucking lowlife, no wonder he believes in "Manmade Climate Change"

Is he supposed to be important in all of this?

It's tasteless of him, but also his right, whether we like it or not.

Yes, it is indeed his right.

And if a Christian tried to destroy him or damage his career just for speaking his mind, they would be quite wrong to do so.

That kind of thing is best left to the experts in the PC Police.


Or perhaps it is just best left ignored.

Yeah, like homosexuals ignore people not agreeing with their lifestyle?

So, we went from "manmade climate change" to "homosexuals" in like three posts.....


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