Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Christmas morning jokes ignite pious furor

So let me get this straight...

deGrasse Tyson makes a accurate and historically factual observation/joke on a day people celebrate a man who, if he actually lived (and though I am an atheist, I tend to believe Jesus was a real man), wasn't born on December 25th, not even in December at all, and people got their nose bent out of shape?

I do believe there are some folks looking to be offended...
Which proves my point, it was about man's history, not the universe. Many scientists were Christian but he neglected to mention it. Did he mention Georges Lemaitre? His show was for lemmings of weak persuasion to be influenced into a belief. I don't recall Sagan needing to smear any religion to discuss the aspects and facts about the universe.

Most of the scientists he spoke about in the show were religious. Since there was little science back then it made perfect sense to believe a sky pixie did everything. Now it just so happens that most of their discoveries were at odds with the belief of the church to the point of them fearing for their lives. That's why Copernicus did not release his book until he was on his death bed.

The histories of science and religion will always be tied together because science is the practice of testing faith.

Here is a list of scientists discussed on the show:
The Scientists of Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey Black Geoscientists

What an utter load of bullshit. The people most vociferously urging Copernicus to publish his work were Jesuits, you mouthbreather. Copernicus chose to delay releasing his work because he worried about adverse reactions from fellow scholars, not from the Church, which accepted heliocentricity as a theory until well after Copernicus's death.

Oh yeah? What happened to Galileo when he talked about Copernicus again?

Galileo didn't run afoul of the Catholic Church because of Copernicus. He ran afoul of it because of his own arrogance and inability to follow the instructions of his employers, like any other blowhard employee.

Out of morbid curiosity and a certain amount of schadenfreude, I have to ask: what do YOU think happened to Galileo?

He was imprisoned by the Church for heresy for believing in and teaching heliocentrism along with various other theories such as what causes tides. What do YOU think he was imprisoned for?
Probably for disagreeing on the official number of angels that could fit on the head of a pin. The church needs to be infallible on such matters after all.
So let me get this straight...

deGrasse Tyson makes a accurate and historically factual observation/joke on a day people celebrate a man who, if he actually lived (and though I am an atheist, I tend to believe Jesus was a real man), wasn't born on December 25th, not even in December at all, and people got their nose bent out of shape?

I do believe there are some folks looking to be offended...

Amen, and pass the Ephiphany-plate.
Most of the scientists he spoke about in the show were religious. Since there was little science back then it made perfect sense to believe a sky pixie did everything. Now it just so happens that most of their discoveries were at odds with the belief of the church to the point of them fearing for their lives. That's why Copernicus did not release his book until he was on his death bed.

The histories of science and religion will always be tied together because science is the practice of testing faith.

Here is a list of scientists discussed on the show:
The Scientists of Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey Black Geoscientists

What an utter load of bullshit. The people most vociferously urging Copernicus to publish his work were Jesuits, you mouthbreather. Copernicus chose to delay releasing his work because he worried about adverse reactions from fellow scholars, not from the Church, which accepted heliocentricity as a theory until well after Copernicus's death.

Oh yeah? What happened to Galileo when he talked about Copernicus again?

Galileo didn't run afoul of the Catholic Church because of Copernicus. He ran afoul of it because of his own arrogance and inability to follow the instructions of his employers, like any other blowhard employee.

Out of morbid curiosity and a certain amount of schadenfreude, I have to ask: what do YOU think happened to Galileo?

He was imprisoned by the Church for heresy for believing in and teaching heliocentrism along with various other theories such as what causes tides. What do YOU think he was imprisoned for?

ROFL "Imprisoned". Yeah, I guess if you consider being in his own villa and continuing his scientific work to be "imprisonment", he was really oppressed and beaten down. And no, fuckstain, the problem wasn't heliocentrism. It was teaching that Copernicus's theories were settled fact - which they most definitely weren't - and shooting off his mouth about religious doctrine. Not the brightest thing to do, when you're not a theologian and employed by the Catholic Church.

You certainly do spin some interesting fables.

Lol you're the one doing all the spinning. It sure took a lot of words to try to spin your story btw. So being branded a heretic in a time where religion ruled everything is no big deal huh?

But anyways back to Copernicus I'd say it was pretty smart of him not to release his work until he was about to die. Look what happened to Bruno 50 years later!

Lol the science loving church.
What an utter load of bullshit. The people most vociferously urging Copernicus to publish his work were Jesuits, you mouthbreather. Copernicus chose to delay releasing his work because he worried about adverse reactions from fellow scholars, not from the Church, which accepted heliocentricity as a theory until well after Copernicus's death.

Oh yeah? What happened to Galileo when he talked about Copernicus again?

Galileo didn't run afoul of the Catholic Church because of Copernicus. He ran afoul of it because of his own arrogance and inability to follow the instructions of his employers, like any other blowhard employee.

Out of morbid curiosity and a certain amount of schadenfreude, I have to ask: what do YOU think happened to Galileo?

He was imprisoned by the Church for heresy for believing in and teaching heliocentrism along with various other theories such as what causes tides. What do YOU think he was imprisoned for?

ROFL "Imprisoned". Yeah, I guess if you consider being in his own villa and continuing his scientific work to be "imprisonment", he was really oppressed and beaten down. And no, fuckstain, the problem wasn't heliocentrism. It was teaching that Copernicus's theories were settled fact - which they most definitely weren't - and shooting off his mouth about religious doctrine. Not the brightest thing to do, when you're not a theologian and employed by the Catholic Church.

You certainly do spin some interesting fables.

Lol you're the one doing all the spinning. It sure took a lot of words to try to spin your story btw. So being branded a heretic in a time where religion ruled everything is no big deal huh?

But anyways back to Copernicus I'd say it was pretty smart of him not to release his work until he was about to die. Look what happened to Bruno 50 years later!

Lol the science loving church.

Well, the church finally cleared Galileo of any wrongdoing in 1992. Just took them 350 years to get it right. At least he wasn't burned at the stake like Bruno.
What an utter load of bullshit. The people most vociferously urging Copernicus to publish his work were Jesuits, you mouthbreather. Copernicus chose to delay releasing his work because he worried about adverse reactions from fellow scholars, not from the Church, which accepted heliocentricity as a theory until well after Copernicus's death.

Oh yeah? What happened to Galileo when he talked about Copernicus again?

Galileo didn't run afoul of the Catholic Church because of Copernicus. He ran afoul of it because of his own arrogance and inability to follow the instructions of his employers, like any other blowhard employee.

Out of morbid curiosity and a certain amount of schadenfreude, I have to ask: what do YOU think happened to Galileo?

He was imprisoned by the Church for heresy for believing in and teaching heliocentrism along with various other theories such as what causes tides. What do YOU think he was imprisoned for?

ROFL "Imprisoned". Yeah, I guess if you consider being in his own villa and continuing his scientific work to be "imprisonment", he was really oppressed and beaten down. And no, fuckstain, the problem wasn't heliocentrism. It was teaching that Copernicus's theories were settled fact - which they most definitely weren't - and shooting off his mouth about religious doctrine. Not the brightest thing to do, when you're not a theologian and employed by the Catholic Church.

You certainly do spin some interesting fables.

Lol you're the one doing all the spinning. It sure took a lot of words to try to spin your story btw. So being branded a heretic in a time where religion ruled everything is no big deal huh?

But anyways back to Copernicus I'd say it was pretty smart of him not to release his work until he was about to die. Look what happened to Bruno 50 years later!

Lol the science loving church.

Ahh, liberalism. "You used a lot of words! If it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker, it can't be true!"

Dismissed, Mensa Boy.
Oh yeah? What happened to Galileo when he talked about Copernicus again?

Galileo didn't run afoul of the Catholic Church because of Copernicus. He ran afoul of it because of his own arrogance and inability to follow the instructions of his employers, like any other blowhard employee.

Out of morbid curiosity and a certain amount of schadenfreude, I have to ask: what do YOU think happened to Galileo?

He was imprisoned by the Church for heresy for believing in and teaching heliocentrism along with various other theories such as what causes tides. What do YOU think he was imprisoned for?

ROFL "Imprisoned". Yeah, I guess if you consider being in his own villa and continuing his scientific work to be "imprisonment", he was really oppressed and beaten down. And no, fuckstain, the problem wasn't heliocentrism. It was teaching that Copernicus's theories were settled fact - which they most definitely weren't - and shooting off his mouth about religious doctrine. Not the brightest thing to do, when you're not a theologian and employed by the Catholic Church.

You certainly do spin some interesting fables.

Lol you're the one doing all the spinning. It sure took a lot of words to try to spin your story btw. So being branded a heretic in a time where religion ruled everything is no big deal huh?

But anyways back to Copernicus I'd say it was pretty smart of him not to release his work until he was about to die. Look what happened to Bruno 50 years later!

Lol the science loving church.

Ahh, liberalism. "You used a lot of words! If it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker, it can't be true!"

Dismissed, Mensa Boy.

Another loser backs down from my mighty wisdom! W for TOS!
What a punk.

I can't say it would bother me a whole lot if someone stabbed him. A few times.

very christian of you

Unless you're Jesus Christ - and I highly doubt you are - that's not really for you to say, now is it?
God forbid you'd ever question anyone's Christianity. :wtf:

But its okay for them to preach what Jesus or god thinks or wants.

but the peckerwoods sure do get nasty when their religion is questioned
What a punk.

I can't say it would bother me a whole lot if someone stabbed him. A few times.

very christian of you

Unless you're Jesus Christ - and I highly doubt you are - that's not really for you to say, now is it?
God forbid you'd ever question anyone's Christianity. :wtf:

But its okay for them to preach what Jesus or god thinks or wants.

but the peckerwoods sure do get nasty when their religion is questioned

No, we don't mind being questioned. Attacked, however . . . if you weren't expecting people to be nasty in response, why did you start out being nasty?
Faith is opposite of science.

And that's okay.

For some, that works and they're welcome to it. But others should also be able to speak their mind.
The more you speak the more obvious you ignorance becomes. Many religious people happen to be scientists in various disciplines and don't need your expressed approval, apparently managing both without issue. That simple toggle switch for a brain is all yours, don't try to pass it off onto others to try to look smart.
This guy proved once again that academic achievements do not translate into intelligence, wisdom, common sense and human decency.

His lame attempt of humor was about the same as if Ed Grimley made an assertation about nuclear science.
You know..................I read the article and saw Dr. Tyson's tweets. Not much in there that I could see as disrespectful. Newton actually WAS born on Christmas.

Besides...................I think that God and Jesus are big enough that they don't mind the occasional joke at their expense.

It's only the small minded Christians who think that God needs them to defend Him.
So why this guy and Sharpton and Obama and their cohorts are so fucked up if somebody calls them ni66er?

Aren't they mature enough to deal with it?
I tried to watch the show Cosmos but he screwed it up with a bunch of anti-Christian crap. It was nothing like Sagan's show. He should have just had a different show for religious studies.

It's hard to talk about the history of science without mentioning the history of religious people doing everything they could to stop its advancement.
Which proves my point, it was about man's history, not the universe. Many scientists were Christian but he neglected to mention it. Did he mention Georges Lemaitre? His show was for lemmings of weak persuasion to be influenced into a belief. I don't recall Sagan needing to smear any religion to discuss the aspects and facts about the universe.

Most of the scientists he spoke about in the show were religious. Since there was little science back then it made perfect sense to believe a sky pixie did everything. Now it just so happens that most of their discoveries were at odds with the belief of the church to the point of them fearing for their lives. That's why Copernicus did not release his book until he was on his death bed.

The histories of science and religion will always be tied together because science is the practice of testing faith.

Here is a list of scientists discussed on the show:
The Scientists of Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey Black Geoscientists
What was believed when and where has zip to do with our understanding today. And just because science has more information about the universe does not mean it will have any answers regarding its' beginning. Science can be misused to spread a faith, so the whole premise of the show is weird. It does fit in with his stupid tweets though.

Faith has no bearing on science.
Well, then what is faith?

Faith is believing that all we see around us is a result of helter skelter evolution with no design, no plan, no brain, no mind, justifiable by the passage of time of a few million years.

Faith is the denial of the special relationship between humans and canines, writing it off as evolution. Safe bet that those who subscribe to the theory that this relationship is not of a wise and thoughtful accommodation of both human and canine needs never had a canine friend nor would they ever want to have one.

Faith or should I say leap of faith is the arrogant and know-it-all dismissal of everything that they refuse to comprehend, let alone acknowledge.

Pity them all.
It's hard to talk about the history of science without mentioning the history of religious people doing everything they could to stop its advancement.
Which proves my point, it was about man's history, not the universe. Many scientists were Christian but he neglected to mention it. Did he mention Georges Lemaitre? His show was for lemmings of weak persuasion to be influenced into a belief. I don't recall Sagan needing to smear any religion to discuss the aspects and facts about the universe.

Most of the scientists he spoke about in the show were religious. Since there was little science back then it made perfect sense to believe a sky pixie did everything. Now it just so happens that most of their discoveries were at odds with the belief of the church to the point of them fearing for their lives. That's why Copernicus did not release his book until he was on his death bed.

The histories of science and religion will always be tied together because science is the practice of testing faith.

Here is a list of scientists discussed on the show:
The Scientists of Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey Black Geoscientists
What was believed when and where has zip to do with our understanding today. And just because science has more information about the universe does not mean it will have any answers regarding its' beginning. Science can be misused to spread a faith, so the whole premise of the show is weird. It does fit in with his stupid tweets though.

Faith has no bearing on science.
Well, then what is faith?

Faith is believing that all we see around us is a result of helter skelter evolution with no design, no plan, no brain, no mind, justifiable by the passage of time of a few million years.

Faith is the denial of the special relationship between humans and canines, writing it off as evolution. Safe bet that those who subscribe to the theory that this relationship is not of a wise and thoughtful accommodation of both human and canine needs never had a canine friend nor would they ever want to have one.

Faith or should I say leap of faith is the arrogant and know-it-all dismissal of everything that they refuse to comprehend, let alone acknowledge.

Pity them all.

Yes, thank you for reiterating the fact that faith has no bearing on science.
You know..................I read the article and saw Dr. Tyson's tweets. Not much in there that I could see as disrespectful. Newton actually WAS born on Christmas.

Besides...................I think that God and Jesus are big enough that they don't mind the occasional joke at their expense.

It's only the small minded Christians who think that God needs them to defend Him.
So why this guy and Sharpton and Obama and their cohorts are so fucked up if somebody calls them ni66er?

Aren't they mature enough to deal with it?

Aren't you mature enough to deal with your own racist hatred? Evidently not.
Faith is opposite of science.

And that's okay.

For some, that works and they're welcome to it. But others should also be able to speak their mind.
The more you speak the more obvious you ignorance becomes. Many religious people happen to be scientists in various disciplines and don't need your expressed approval, apparently managing both without issue. That simple toggle switch for a brain is all yours, don't try to pass it off onto others to try to look smart.

Conversely science does nothing to disprove the fundamental tenets of faith......they are completely different. Modern science doesn't even begin to address metaphysical questions......let alone disprove them.
You know..................I read the article and saw Dr. Tyson's tweets. Not much in there that I could see as disrespectful. Newton actually WAS born on Christmas.

Besides...................I think that God and Jesus are big enough that they don't mind the occasional joke at their expense.

It's only the small minded Christians who think that God needs them to defend Him.
So why this guy and Sharpton and Obama and their cohorts are so fucked up if somebody calls them ni66er?

Aren't they mature enough to deal with it?

If Dr. Tyson had made disparaging remarks about God or Jesus (which he didn't), THEN you could make the case for calling black people "ni66er".

Nope................sorry..................your example doesn't work. But, nice play of the racist card.

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