Neil Oliver: World leaders think the unvaccinated are next door to idiots, racists and misogynists.

Nice video here detailing how world leaders all seem to be reading off of the same script.

I love how you think that reading and believing the science is "reading off the same script".

Watching what is happening in the USA with the unvaxxed, it's really hard to believe that the unvaxxed aren't idiots. With the world's greatest wealth, and more vaccines than any nation in the world, you're now up to 60 million cases with no end in sight. How stupid do you have to be not to be vaccinated at this point?

Your doctors and nurse are leaving the profession because they're exhausted and fed up with people who won't help themselves by getting the shot. At the end of this, you're going to have staffing problems in the medical profession, and schools. Teachers are similarly fed up, and the hysteria around CRT are the last straws.

Republicans are still trying to profit off the pandemic. Ron Desantis owns a lot of stock in Regeneron and is pushing monoclonal antiobodies over vaccines because he personally is making money on Regeneron. Greed and profiteering have been the driving forces of Republican pandemic policy from the beginning.
The masses have a hive mentality. They're being led by the nose and can not think for themselves. Once good neighbors, now the vaxxed is ready to run the unvaxxed neighbor over with his car. Folks, it's gonna get horrific.

The unvaxxed are the ones being lead by the nose. They're the ones who are NOT thinking for themselves. They're believing the paranoid right wing media - all of which is fully vaxxed. FOX News tells YOU to stand up for your "rights" but Tucker Carlson, and everyone else at FOX who tells you not to trust the vaccines, are all vaccinated and boosted.

They're telling you not to protect yourself even though they are all fully protected. So who is really being lead by the nose here? Why does Tucker Carlson tell you not to get vaxxed when he got vaxxed? Nothing proves how gullible YOU are than this one fact.
The masses have a hive mentality. They're being led by the nose and can not think for themselves. Once good neighbors, now the vaxxed is ready to run the unvaxxed neighbor over with his car. Folks, it's gonna get horrific.
It's all caused by the race baiters and opportunists who have purposely used everything for political power and purposes that made it into power.
The unvaxxed are the ones being lead by the nose. They're the ones who are NOT thinking for themselves. They're believing the paranoid right wing media - all of which is fully vaxxed. FOX News tells YOU to stand up for your "rights" but Tucker Carlson, and everyone else at FOX who tells you not to trust the vaccines, are all vaccinated and boosted.

They're telling you not to protect yourself even though they are all fully protected. So who is really being lead by the nose here? Why does Tucker Carlson tell you not to get vaxxed when he got vaxxed? Nothing proves how gullible YOU are than this one fact.
Why lie so much ? Tucker or none of the ones you listed have told anyone not to get vaxed. Thought you were being clever, but you have failed again.
I'm not too sure about France, or Canada, or Germany, but the antivax nutbags here in the US are much more likely to be racist idiots. When you see a group of racists and idiots, there is no doubt they are also antivax idiots.

The most racist people I have ever observed are SF-Berkeley-Oakland Progressive-Liberal-Democrats.
The unvaxxed are the ones being lead by the nose. They're the ones who are NOT thinking for themselves. They're believing the paranoid right wing media - all of which is fully vaxxed. FOX News tells YOU to stand up for your "rights" but Tucker Carlson, and everyone else at FOX who tells you not to trust the vaccines, are all vaccinated and boosted.

They're telling you not to protect yourself even though they are all fully protected. So who is really being lead by the nose here? Why does Tucker Carlson tell you not to get vaxxed when he got vaxxed? Nothing proves how gullible YOU are than this one fact.

The unvaxxed are the ones being lead by the nose. They're the ones who are NOT thinking for themselves. They're believing the paranoid right wing media - all of which is fully vaxxed. FOX News tells YOU to stand up for your "rights" but Tucker Carlson, and everyone else at FOX who tells you not to trust the vaccines, are all vaccinated and boosted.

They're telling you not to protect yourself even though they are all fully protected. So who is really being lead by the nose here? Why does Tucker Carlson tell you not to get vaxxed when he got vaxxed? Nothing proves how gullible YOU are than this one fact.

I've read the research with mRNA. I've worked with water borne pathogens, viruses, bacteria, protozoans. I don't base my decisions on fear and emotion. They're based strictly in logic and factual data. I could care less for msm news and what they say. They don't affect my decision.
The unvaxxed are the ones being lead by the nose. They're the ones who are NOT thinking for themselves. They're believing the paranoid right wing media - all of which is fully vaxxed. FOX News tells YOU to stand up for your "rights" but Tucker Carlson, and everyone else at FOX who tells you not to trust the vaccines, are all vaccinated and boosted.

They're telling you not to protect yourself even though they are all fully protected. So who is really being lead by the nose here? Why does Tucker Carlson tell you not to get vaxxed when he got vaxxed? Nothing proves how gullible YOU are than this one fact.
The left can just shut up about it and let people live their lives in freedom and make their own decisions. Go Nazi someplace else.
Here in the US the demographics that are the least vaccinated are the Negroes and they always support the Democrat filth. They are dumb mutherfuckers.
Here in the US the demographics that are the least vaccinated are the Negroes and they always support the Democrat filth. They are dumb mutherfuckers.'s Trump Humpers

You are (in your words) dumb mutherfuckers.'s Trump Humpers

You are (in your words) dumb mutherfuckers.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The only demographics info they take down when you get the vaccine are age and race. They never ask who you voted for.

They know the race and age but nobody knows who they voted for. Almost everybody I know and my family voted for Trump and everybody is vaccinated so you don't know jackshit. You are simply spewing mindless hate. Typical for an uneducated Moon Bat.

Dumbass lazy ghetto Negroes are the demographics that are the least vaccinated and we all know that the shitheads voted like 90% for the goddamn Democrats.

What else you got Moon Bat?
You are confused Moon Bat.

The only demographics info they take down when you get the vaccine are age and race. They never ask who you voted for.

They know the race and age but nobody knows who they voted for. Almost everybody I know and my family voted for Trump and everybody is vaccinated so you don't know jackshit. You are simply spewing mindless hate. Typical for an uneducated Moon Bat.

Dumbass lazy ghetto Negroes are the demographics that are the least vaccinated and we all know that the shitheads voted like 90% for the goddamn Democrats.

What else you got Moon Bat?
Polls have shown that Republicans are the least likely group to get vaccinated

Glad to hear that you and your family have been vaxxed. Those stupid mutherfuckers (and there are many on this board) who refused, get what they get...right?
Polls have shown that Republicans are the least likely group to get vaccinated

Glad to hear that you and your family have been vaxxed. Those stupid mutherfuckers (and there are many on this board) who refused, get what they get...right?

Fucking polls ain't worth shit you dumb asshole. They are nothing more than guesses based up some some very small samples, like usually a few hundred.

There have been 206 million people vaccinated in the US and nobody knows what their voting record was because it was not recorded.

However, we do know their race because that is one of the two things they ask and recorded when someone gets a vaccine and the goddamn Negroes, who vote for the filthy Democrats, are the lowest.

Stop posting your moronic bullshit. It just makes you look like a fool.
Fucking polls ain't worth shit you dumb asshole. They are nothing more than guesses based up some some very small samples, like usually a few hundred.

There have been 206 million people vaccinated in the US and nobody knows what their voting record was because it was not recorded.

However, we do know their race because that is one of the two things they ask and recorded when someone gets a vaccine and the goddamn Negroes, who vote for the filthy Democrats, are the lowest.

Stop posting your moronic bullshit. It just makes you look like a fool.
Braaaaack braaaaack

"I hate polls unless they say what I like"

Braaaaack braaaaack

Racist prick
Braaaaack braaaaack

"I hate polls unless they say what I like"

Braaaaack braaaaack

Racist prick
Show me the methodology for the stupid polls and I will tell you if they are valid or not.

1. How many people were polled?

2. Who were polled?

3. What questions were asked?

4. Where were they polled?

5. What formula was used to apply that to the rest of the population?

We know how many Negroes were vaccinated because that question is asked whenever someone gets the vaccine.

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