Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

I'd like to see an actual historic reference, not some silly assed blog post or the word of a barely literate middle aged failure behind a convenience store counter, with statistical or other empirical evidence of this slave slaughter.
What a shame ignorant bigots like you refuse to see killing innocent unarmed people is slaughter. . I keep forgetting you confederates don't see black people as people

Get back to stocking the beer cooler you lying POS.
I'd like to see an actual historic reference, not some silly assed blog post or the word of a barely literate middle aged failure behind a convenience store counter, with statistical or other empirical evidence of this slave slaughter.
What a shame ignorant bigots like you refuse to see killing innocent unarmed people is slaughter. . I keep forgetting you confederates don't see black people as people
Son, the only ignorance displayed in this thread is yours, bless your heart, I suppose you can't help your low station in life what with your being retarded and all.
I'd like to see an actual historic reference, not some silly assed blog post or the word of a barely literate middle aged failure behind a convenience store counter, with statistical or other empirical evidence of this slave slaughter.
What a shame ignorant bigots like you refuse to see killing innocent unarmed people is slaughter. . I keep forgetting you confederates don't see black people as people
Son, the only ignorance displayed in this thread is yours, bless your heart, I suppose you can't help your low station in life what with your being retarded and all.

Low station? Lol how very fascist of you. Glad to see you show everyone what s good little racist democrat you are
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What a shame ignorant bigots like you refuse to see killing innocent unarmed people is slaughter. . I keep forgetting you confederates don't see black people as people
Son, the only ignorance displayed in this thread is yours, bless your heart, I suppose you can't help your low station in life what with your being retarded and all.

Low station? Lol how very fascist of you. Glad to see you show everyone what s good little racist democrat you are
See sonny, there you go again, using those complicated words that sound important without your having any concept of their meaning.
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Son, the only ignorance displayed in this thread is yours, bless your heart, I suppose you can't help your low station in life what with your being retarded and all.

Low station? Lol how very fascist of you. Glad to see you show everyone what s good little racist democrat you are
See sonny, there you go again, using those complicated words that sound important without your having any concept of their meaning.

Are you getting nervous now that everyone can see you as the racist Democrat you are?
While libertarians study economics, LOLberals spend their time this way. Then wonder why all their ideas are failures.

What country do Libertarians control? What country has ever been successful with Von Mises economics?

Their philosophies could not exist except in already economically and democratically developed countries. They are the true ideological moochers that they so despise, living off the largess of their successful benefactors.

Liberatrians aren't into the whole control thing. That's why since the founder's time we've had nothing but Statist Authhoritarians in "control" of this coutnry. But the original idea was libertarian. The Founders were radical libertarians of their time.

The US was developed under the principles of libertariansim. Now, i realize you're going to want to rebuttal this and starta long, drawn out debate about whether what I say is true. But I'm not going to bite. Go read the history books instead.

Do you think it merely coincidental that a new political movement pops up shortly after the CR Act of 1964 , supporting the rights of the oppressors?
What country do Libertarians control? What country has ever been successful with Von Mises economics?

Their philosophies could not exist except in already economically and democratically developed countries. They are the true ideological moochers that they so despise, living off the largess of their successful benefactors.

Liberatrians aren't into the whole control thing. That's why since the founder's time we've had nothing but Statist Authhoritarians in "control" of this coutnry. But the original idea was libertarian. The Founders were radical libertarians of their time.

The US was developed under the principles of libertariansim. Now, i realize you're going to want to rebuttal this and starta long, drawn out debate about whether what I say is true. But I'm not going to bite. Go read the history books instead.

Do you think it merely coincidental that a new political movement pops up shortly after the CR Act of 1964 , supporting the rights of the oppressors?

What "new" political movement is that?
Low station? Lol how very fascist of you. Glad to see you show everyone what s good little racist democrat you are
See sonny, there you go again, using those complicated words that sound important without your having any concept of their meaning.

Are you getting nervous now that everyone can see you as the racist Democrat you are?
Say sparky, this stream of consciousness stupidity that you engage in, did it take time to develop or is it common to everybody from the Detroit suburbs?
Liberatrians aren't into the whole control thing. That's why since the founder's time we've had nothing but Statist Authhoritarians in "control" of this coutnry. But the original idea was libertarian. The Founders were radical libertarians of their time.

The US was developed under the principles of libertariansim. Now, i realize you're going to want to rebuttal this and starta long, drawn out debate about whether what I say is true. But I'm not going to bite. Go read the history books instead.

Do you think it merely coincidental that a new political movement pops up shortly after the CR Act of 1964 , supporting the rights of the oppressors?

What "new" political movement is that?
The Libertarian Party,founded 1971
From your own link, Dullard:

The founding of the party was prompted in part due to concerns about the Vietnam War, conscription, and the end of the Gold Standard.[8] Although there is not an explicitly-labeled "left" or "right" designation of the party, many members, such as 2012 presidential nominee Gary Johnson, say they are more socially liberal than the Democrats, but more fiscally conservative than the Republicans. The party has generally promoted a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the modern liberal and progressive platform of the Democrats and the more conservative platform of the Republicans

The libertarian party was founded because LOLberal progressive authoritarians, hijacked the term liberal. Which is exactly what libertarians are - classical liberal. You LOLberals today aren't liberals at all. You are authoritarian progressives.
From your own link, Dullard:

The founding of the party was prompted in part due to concerns about the Vietnam War, conscription, and the end of the Gold Standard.[8] Although there is not an explicitly-labeled "left" or "right" designation of the party, many members, such as 2012 presidential nominee Gary Johnson, say they are more socially liberal than the Democrats, but more fiscally conservative than the Republicans. The party has generally promoted a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the modern liberal and progressive platform of the Democrats and the more conservative platform of the Republicans
The libertarian party was founded because LOLberal progressive authoritarians, hijacked the term liberal. Which is exactly what libertarians are - classical liberal. You LOLberals today aren't liberals at all. You are authoritarian progressives.

What! No mention of the CR of 64? So that wasn't historically important!

That can mean only this: That Ron Paul and other Southern Conservatives, have hijacked the Libertarian Party!
You're grasping at straws. You don't even know WTF you're talking about. Best to stick to topics you actually understand. Clearly this one is above your caliber range.
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From your own link, Dullard:

The founding of the party was prompted in part due to concerns about the Vietnam War, conscription, and the end of the Gold Standard.[8] Although there is not an explicitly-labeled "left" or "right" designation of the party, many members, such as 2012 presidential nominee Gary Johnson, say they are more socially liberal than the Democrats, but more fiscally conservative than the Republicans. The party has generally promoted a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the modern liberal and progressive platform of the Democrats and the more conservative platform of the Republicans
The libertarian party was founded because LOLberal progressive authoritarians, hijacked the term liberal. Which is exactly what libertarians are - classical liberal. You LOLberals today aren't liberals at all. You are authoritarian progressives.

What! No mention of the CR of 64? So that wasn't historically important!

That can mean only this: That Ron Paul and other Southern Conservatives, have hijacked the Libertarian Party!
That the LP was founded within a decade of the CR of 64 is about as connected as the founding of the LP and initial release of the Chevrolet Camaro.
You're grasping at straws. You don't even know WTF you're talking about. Best to stick to topics you actually understand. Clearly this one is above your caliber range.

I understand that you're tap-dancing around an issue that you would be better off to acknowledge, and do something about.

After all, things couldn't get any worse, considering there are 0 libertarians in the Congress.

Btw, you gave the reasons of the founding "in part."

I think we know what the other part was!
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Far more Conservative than the Neocons/Progressives and Communists/Progressives who currently control both Parties.
From your own link, Dullard:

The founding of the party was prompted in part due to concerns about the Vietnam War, conscription, and the end of the Gold Standard.[8] Although there is not an explicitly-labeled "left" or "right" designation of the party, many members, such as 2012 presidential nominee Gary Johnson, say they are more socially liberal than the Democrats, but more fiscally conservative than the Republicans. The party has generally promoted a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the modern liberal and progressive platform of the Democrats and the more conservative platform of the Republicans
The libertarian party was founded because LOLberal progressive authoritarians, hijacked the term liberal. Which is exactly what libertarians are - classical liberal. You LOLberals today aren't liberals at all. You are authoritarian progressives.

What! No mention of the CR of 64? So that wasn't historically important!

That can mean only this: That Ron Paul and other Southern Conservatives, have hijacked the Libertarian Party!

Why would an issue settle in 1964 be important in 1971? The fact that liberals continue to relive the 60s doesn't mean everyone else does.
You're grasping at straws. You don't even know WTF you're talking about. Best to stick to topics you actually understand. Clearly this one is above your caliber range.

I understand that you're tap-dancing around an issue that you would be better off to acknowledge, and do something about.

After all, things couldn't get any worse, considering there are 0 libertarians in the Congress.

Btw, you gave the reasons of the founding "in part."

I think we know what the other part was!

Ignoring absolute idiocy does not constitute "dancing around" anything.

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