Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now'

This could end up being unprecedented in the history of Israeli conflicts.
Oh, yes!

Hamas has crossed the line.

Their leaders must be chased to the ends of the earth and ...

Ordinary Gazans must be gently and respectfully escorted to the West Bank or Jordan.

Gaza must now become a part of Israel.
Oh, yes!

Hamas has crossed the line.

Their leaders must be chased to the ends of the earth and ...

Ordinary Gazans must be gently and respectfully escorted to the West Bank or Jordan.

Gaza must now become a part of Israel.
while the holy land is being purged of filth----the diseased
yellow pustule that infects the skyline of Jerusalem atop
Harhabayit must be dismantled, annointed with pig feces
and shipped to mecca and piled atop the black turd in the
sand. where the ass lickers of the rapist of mecca can ADORE
Hijabs in full display.
Be not amazed. If you read the KHARAHAN----you will learn that the highly esteemed noble and holy wives of the AL NABI (that is
the rapist pig of arabia) LAUGHED as AL NABI beheaded ever teenaged boy in Medina who had some pubic hair (he examined
the boys---pervert that he was) Notice the HIJABIES laughing over the massacre of jews accomplished by their fellow ass lickers of the
rapist pig------different cultures ENJOY different "events". Some
things never change
After they killed or took hostage about a thousand now. 260 or so stacked up like cord wood at the Rave Festival.

Be glad im not in charge id turn gaza into a parking lot right now.
I condemn the Hamas attacks, but Israel fired the first shot with a missle attack on the al-aqsa mosque. Hamas was provoked!
Liar. Nobody died in that.

You are literally justifying murder of children over a building. You should be ashamed of yourself.
No I am not! I'm merely saying the Hamas attacks were not unprovoked. BTW, Israel has murdered more than 10 times the children Hamas has over the last 56 years of illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land.
No I am not! I'm merely saying the Hamas attacks were not unprovoked. BTW, Israel has murdered more than 10 times the children Hamas has over the last 56 years of illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land.
how do you define "murder"? Long ago---when I was a kid--
there lived in my town a neighbor who survived the RAF
bombing of Berlin. He considered the children who died
in that bombing as being MURDERED BY THE BRITISH.
He cursed the british incessantly. What do you call
"provoked" ?
Israel started that mass murder with a missle strike on the al-asqa mosque.
Cyberbuddies----make note of the term "missile strike on
Al Aqsa" -----LIBELS have been used as justification for
murderous pogroms by christians for almost 2000 years,
by muslims for the past 1400 years and by southern rednecks
for more than 100 years ----Notably---there was no missile
strike on the yellow pustule ---but the muzzie pigs are out there
murdering one mocking bird after the other for the glory of
allah and his BBF--
how do you define "murder"? Long ago---when I was a kid--
there lived in my town a neighbor who survived the RAF
bombing of Berlin. He considered the children who died
in that bombing as being MURDERED BY THE BRITISH.
He cursed the british incessantly. What do you call
"provoked" ?
War is Murder. Always has been. Same as in the cavemen killed each other with clubs.

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