Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now'

how do you define "murder"? Long ago---when I was a kid--
there lived in my town a neighbor who survived the RAF
bombing of Berlin. He considered the children who died
in that bombing as being MURDERED BY THE BRITISH.
He cursed the british incessantly. What do you call
"provoked" ?
How do I define murder?

What Ben-Guron did in Deir Yessin.
How do I define murder?

What Ben-Guron did in Deir Yessin.
I doubt that you know much about that incident
How do I define murder?

What Ben-Guron did in Deir Yessin.
I doubt that you know much about Deir Yassin other than
a very one sided viewpoint-----HOWEVER his action was
very widely CRITICIZED and not LAUDED as is the HAMAS
action of Oct 6 by the UMMAH. Ben Gurion's ILLCONCEIVED
action was not one sided and was not an attack on unarmed
people------I am sure that the starvation siege of Jerusalem
of that time is a DELIGHT TO YOU ----also over the dead bodies
of children------HAVING FUN?
Israel has told their forces all restraints have been lifted.

Whatever their moral
I did! I don't have to say that in every post. I condemned the attacks. But I also condemn Israel for being an apartheid state that commits war crimes.
But Israel and the IDF, for all their moral equivalencies, do not intentionally kill women and children simply to kill women and children and instill terror. That is why Hamas is a fully embracing terrorist organization. That is the difference today and last week. You CANNOT logically compare the two. Not now.
I doubt that you know much about that incident

I doubt that you know much about Deir Yassin other than
a very one sided viewpoint-----HOWEVER his action was
very widely CRITICIZED and not LAUDED as is the HAMAS
action of Oct 6 by the UMMAH. Ben Gurion's ILLCONCEIVED
action was not one sided and was not an attack on unarmed
people------I am sure that the starvation siege of Jerusalem
of that time is a DELIGHT TO YOU ----also over the dead bodies
of children------HAVING FUN?
The starvation of Gaza is a delight to you.
I did! I don't have to say that in every post. I condemned the attacks. But I also condemn Israel for being an apartheid state that commits war crimes.
Israel is not an apartheid state----you have, likely, never been
there----or are clueless as to what constitutes APARTHEID.
Or what goes on in Israel----or dozens of other states which
ARE apartheid
Israel is not an apartheid state----you have, likely, never been
there----or are clueless as to what constitutes APARTHEID.
Or what goes on in Israel----or dozens of other states which
ARE apartheid
Liberals constantly chime in on things they have no knowledge of but do have feelings about
The starvation of Gaza is a delight to you.
When did Gaza starve? I have encountered LOTS of
Gazans----Lots tend toward obese----especially the
women. I have never come across a malnourished
Gazan-----I have encountered a few malnourished
american kids. You have documentation of STARVING
GAZANS?. For the record---I have seen the outcome of
starvation in some people from arab countries----and
India and Pakistan
Liberals constantly chime in on things they have no knowledge of but do have feelings about
Do we have to call them "LIBERALS" I am a registered
Democrat-----it bothers me when TODAYs democrats
show their utter stupidity. "LIBERAL" used to be good
When did Gaza starve? I have encountered LOTS of
Gazans----Lots tend toward obese----especially the
women. I have never come across a malnourished
Gazan-----I have encountered a few malnourished
american kids. You have documentation of STARVING
GAZANS?. For the record---I have seen the outcome of
starvation in some people from arab countries----and
India and Pakistan
BTW---I have seen lots of adults who were obviously malnourished in childhood----jews who escaped arab
countries and concentration camp survivors

Whatever their moral

But Israel and the IDF, for all their moral equivalencies, do not intentionally kill women and children simply to kill women and children and instill terror. That is why Hamas is a fully embracing terrorist organization. That is the difference today and last week. You CANNOT logically compare the two. Not now.
Oh yes they do!

From the boots on the ground...

Testimony 5 – Atmosphere

What “bothered me? Many things….all that destruction. All that fire at innocents. This shock of realizing with whom I’m in this together….the hatred, and the joy of killing….I killed a terrorist….blew his head off….There’s nothing to hold you back.” They’re just Arabs.

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”
Do we have to call them "LIBERALS" I am a registered
Democrat-----it bothers me when TODAYs democrats
show their utter stupidity. "LIBERAL" used to be good
Liberal used to mean open minded and willing to have new experiences
Oh yes they do!

From the boots on the ground...

Testimony 5 – Atmosphere

What “bothered me? Many things….all that destruction. All that fire at innocents. This shock of realizing with whom I’m in this together….the hatred, and the joy of killing….I killed a terrorist….blew his head off….There’s nothing to hold you back.” They’re just Arabs.

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”
not impressed. You are describing war weary people from
ANY NATION and picking and choosing your "examples"
I was in the Military----were you?

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