Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now'

This is not from now.
And it is useless.

And there are NO Palestinian Territories.

Judea and Samaria are Jewish Homeland. The Arabs are only still there because Moshe Dayan hoped for peace with the Arabs after 1967.

Biggest mistake in the history of Israel.

All Jews were attacked and expelled from Transjordan in 1925 and from Judea and Samaria in 1948.

It is Jewish homeland, still.
by your reasoning the black hills are sioux homeland.
Let me know when the IDF goes into a neighborhood and lines up and murders 100 women and children.

For all their imperfections, that was never on Israel's agenda.
It's their military strategy.

Testimony 12 – Rules of Engagement

Orders always were shoot to kill, including women and children.

Testimonies 13 and 14 – Rules of Engagement

Houses were entered with gunfire and taken over. Some civilians were killed. Anyone out at night was called a terrorist even if it was clear he had no weapons.
Please note who Mr. Dead calls "the allies of israel"---the
christian community of LEBANON which precedes the birth of
the rapist pig of arabia and the islamic invasion of Lebanon.
The invaders of Lebanon have oppressed the christians of Lebanon for more than 1000 years-----somehow---according to
islamic revised history-----ISLAM OWNS THEM
In this case the Phalange and there were others, whats your point?
Hamas started a WAR. but I know it was really Iran who put them up to it. Palestinians dont want this, they know if they attack Israelis , Israel will always hit back. Iran on the other hand has no problem in using palestinians and Hamas as pawns to get Israel. All those rockets are Iranian no doubt.

Funny how when Trump was president, we were having peace grow throughout the ME... now that the weak appeaser Biden is in charge, all hell is breaking loose. I have a feeling that once Israel kicks Hamas's ass in Gaza.... terrorists will then try to retaliate in other countries around the globe... like right here in the U.S. Democrats will all act surprised when it happens. And the Biden team was supposed to be the varsity team when it came to foreign policy.
Our nation has a long history of diplomacy to learn from and we generally tend to do the same things over and over again (make the same mistakes over and over again). Trump came along and he thought outside of the box. That pissed all the experts off. Trump wasn’t playing the game by the rules. Oddly Trump’s approach led to a more peaceful world.

Of course one of the objectives of our diplomacy is to insure the military industrial complex makes big bucks. That is hard to do without at least one dirty little war somewhere.

It looks like under Biden we will regain any lost profits the military industrial complex suffered while Trump was President. In fact it looks like we might actually have lots of dirty little wars going on, all at the same time. We may even have the Big One, a nuclear WWIII. If we do we will not have to worry about Global Warming but instead Nuclear Winter.
No I am not! I'm merely saying the Hamas attacks were not unprovoked. BTW, Israel has murdered more than 10 times the children Hamas has over the last 56 years of illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land.

They handcuffed people and slaughtered them like cattle. Women , old people and children, people who were no threat and defensless and your here trying to draw comparisons.
Guarantee you when Israelis start going door to door in Gaza , trying to take out Hamas fighters, they will be targeting the fighters. Will innocents also die? Unfortunately yes but it won’t be because Israelis hog tied them and cut their throats
I condemn the Hamas attacks, but Israel fired the first shot with a missle attack on the al-aqsa mosque. Hamas was provoked!

That plan had obviously been planned for a long time … where do you think those gliders came from? Where do you think the pilots of those were trained? It sure wasn’t in Gaza. Most likely in Iran.

So your idea of some spontaneous Hamas reaction is CRAP. They had planned to murder, torture and rape. It was their military objective.
They handcuffed people and slaughtered them like cattle. Women , old people and children, people who were no threat and defensless and your here trying to draw comparisons.
Guarantee you when Israelis start going door to door in Gaza , trying to take out Hamas fighters, they will be targeting the fighters. Will innocents also die? Unfortunately yes but it won’t be because Israelis hog tied them and cut their throats
It is Israeli policy to treat everyone in Gaza as terrorists. There are no innocents in Gaza. When the IDF goes in, they shoot at everything! Men, women, children, people waving white flags, people who are not armed, they are all treated the same to IDF.
Our nation has a long history of diplomacy to learn from and we generally tend to do the same things over and over again (make the same mistakes over and over again). Trump came along and he thought outside of the box. That pissed all the experts off. Trump wasn’t playing the game by the rules. Oddly Trump’s approach led to a more peaceful world.

Of course one of the objectives of our diplomacy is to insure the military industrial complex makes big bucks. That is hard to do without at least one dirty little war somewhere.

It looks like under Biden we will regain any lost profits the military industrial complex suffered while Trump was President. In fact it looks like we might actually have lots of dirty little wars going on, all at the same time. We may even have the Big One, a nuclear WWIII. If we do we will not have to worry about Global Warming but instead Nuclear Winter.
Your attempt to manufacture false reasons why people despise Trump is hilarious.
Because they are infested with a death cult that attacks with women and children with bombs under their clothes.
Israel attacks women and children with bombs under the wings of their planes.

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.
No they don't. They attack muslim death cult cowards who hide behind women and children.
Wrong. It is Israeli policy that there are no innocents in Gaza. Everyone is a terrorist. Women, children, old men, doesn't matter. Israel has murdered over 2000 Palestinian children since 2014.

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