Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

Well, it is interesting. Arabs-Moslems have been slaughtering each other across Syria and Iraq for the last 10 years with the happy-fun gee-had really ramping up in the last few years. Islamic terrorists have brought gee-had to Europe with bodies littered across the continent. Yet, as you described, hardly a peep or a whimper from the UN about the islamist death toll
I didn't know Israel was having troubles with terrorism the last few years. The news doesn't talk about attacks in Israel anymore. I assumed that meant they don't happen anymore or as often. But we hear about ISIS in Europe and America.

So Israel gets bombed a lot still from Hezbolla? I didn't realize that.
Israel has no problem with Islamic terrorism... except for the problem with Islamic terrorism.

I guess you excuse rocket fire from Hamas, islamo-tunnels burrowing into Israeli territory, Israeli citizens being attacked with knives, etc. etc. as just another day of fun and games when around Arabs-Moslems.

That stuff was happening 16 years ago. What should Israel do about it? I say a 2 state solution.

Did you see my comparison between jews/palestinians and a couple who are in an abusive relationship but won't get a divorce? They need to be separated asap.

What are you waiting to happen? Are you waiting for Hammas to stop digging tunnels or lofting bombs into your cities? That aint going to happen. At least not while you are treating them like shit but I suspect they'll keep hating you even if you stop treating them badly so probably best would be to split up.
I live in the Great Satan™ so it's unlikely Hamas will tunnel into my neighborhood.

In terms of treating Islamic terrorists "like shit", how else should I react to islamic terrorists?
Because a few terrorists terrorize America should America treat all arab Americans the way Israel treats all Palestinians? Of course not. It would make things worse.
Well, if it's only a few terrorists terrorizing the Great Satan™, we shouldn't get our undies in a bunch.
My question is, what is life for a Palestinian like? Can he become a lawyer or teacher or police or engineer in Israel? Or is he treated like a second class citizen.

We do this to black people here. Some employers won't hire blacks. Is that what it's like in Israel?

Palestinians and Israelis live separately. Is that a concept too complicated to understand? ...
Indeed not. It was called Apartheid when Israel's ally, South Africa, had a similar practice and it is not dissimilar to the treatment of Jews in the Third Reich while it was being Aryanized. It was endemic in the southern states of the United States when it had the name segregation.

You don't know the meaning of apartheid, if you're spitting that kind of idioticy.

Apartheid is when two ethnic group with the same citizenship are treated differently due to being of a different race.

First, Palestinians are not Israeli. Second, the separation is between Palestinians and ISRAELIS, not Palestinians and JEWS.

And the separation is due to security reasons, not racial ones.

Like Allen, you too are ignorant of facts.
I know what apartheid is all right. We all do.
Some Israelis are Muslims and they have their own areas or ghettos where they are second class citizens.


Which areas are you talking about.
"Tragically for Palestinians, Zionism requires the state to empower and maintain a Jewish majority even at the expense of its non-Jewish citizens, and the occupation of the West Bank is only one part of it. What exists today between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is therefore essentially one state, under Israeli control, where Palestinians have varying degrees of limited rights: 1.5 million are second-class citizens, and four million more are not citizens at all. If this is not apartheid, then whatever it is, it’s certainly not democracy.

The failure of Israeli and American leaders to grapple with this nondemocratic reality is not helping. Even if a two-state solution were achieved, which seems fanciful at this point, a fundamental contradiction would remain: more than 35 laws in ostensibly democratic Israel discriminate against Palestinians who are Israeli citizens."

Not All Israeli Citizens Are Equal
I didn't know Israel was having troubles with terrorism the last few years. The news doesn't talk about attacks in Israel anymore. I assumed that meant they don't happen anymore or as often. But we hear about ISIS in Europe and America.

So Israel gets bombed a lot still from Hezbolla? I didn't realize that.
Israel has no problem with Islamic terrorism... except for the problem with Islamic terrorism.

I guess you excuse rocket fire from Hamas, islamo-tunnels burrowing into Israeli territory, Israeli citizens being attacked with knives, etc. etc. as just another day of fun and games when around Arabs-Moslems.

That stuff was happening 16 years ago. What should Israel do about it? I say a 2 state solution.

Did you see my comparison between jews/palestinians and a couple who are in an abusive relationship but won't get a divorce? They need to be separated asap.

What are you waiting to happen? Are you waiting for Hammas to stop digging tunnels or lofting bombs into your cities? That aint going to happen. At least not while you are treating them like shit but I suspect they'll keep hating you even if you stop treating them badly so probably best would be to split up.
I live in the Great Satan™ so it's unlikely Hamas will tunnel into my neighborhood.

In terms of treating Islamic terrorists "like shit", how else should I react to islamic terrorists?
Because a few terrorists terrorize America should America treat all arab Americans the way Israel treats all Palestinians? Of course not. It would make things worse.
Well, if it's only a few terrorists terrorizing the Great Satan™, we shouldn't get our undies in a bunch.

Just lets be honest. We don't treat blacks quite right here in the USA and the Jews in Israel don't treat the Palestinians quite right.

Police in America treat the citizens in Detroit a lot different than they do the citizens in Metro Detroit if you know what I mean. Perfect example is I was walking my dog around the water treatment plant. The cops saw my car so they came to see what I was up to. I said nothing and they said we would appreciate it if you don't come back here. I said I'm going to find out if it's legal and they said ok and I drove off. Turns out it is legal but that's not the point. The point is they didn't even ask me for ID or to search my car. How much do you want to bet that would have gone differently if I was a black guy or arab guy creeping around the water treatment plant?
What is liberal or democratic about Israel. It is a theocratic government that rules over millions of people that are prevented from voting and are under military occupation only because they are non-Jews. What country in the UN has held millions of people in outdoor prisons/concentration camps for over 50 years on the basis of the people's religions (Muslim and Christian).
"Tragically for Palestinians, Zionism requires the state to empower and maintain a Jewish majority even at the expense of its non-Jewish citizens, and the occupation of the West Bank is only one part of it. What exists today between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is therefore essentially one state, under Israeli control, where Palestinians have varying degrees of limited rights: 1.5 million are second-class citizens, and four million more are not citizens at all. If this is not apartheid, then whatever it is, it’s certainly not democracy.

The failure of Israeli and American leaders to grapple with this nondemocratic reality is not helping. Even if a two-state solution were achieved, which seems fanciful at this point, a fundamental contradiction would remain: more than 35 laws in ostensibly democratic Israel discriminate against Palestinians who are Israeli citizens."

Not All Israeli Citizens Are Equal
That's what I asked Hollie and I think she said that there are Palestinian doctors and engineers and lawyers living and working in Israel. Was she lying or leaving something out? Similar to how Republicans might point to Ben Carson or Herman Cain or Condi Rice or Colon Powell I'm sure there are a few successful Palestinians in Israel but like here in America where overall blacks seem to be getting the shaft, seems similar in Israel when I see what's going on with the Palestinians.

I can be honest that America doesn't really treat black Americans right but Jews seem incapable of admitting the reality of how they treat arabs in their country. I get why you treat them like shit but don't try to lie and say you don't. And if you can't live together, split up.
There were non-white doctors, engineers and lawyers living and working in Apartheid South Africa. I don't respond to the poster you refer to, it is a waste of time, too brainwashed.
If Western countries are "controlled by Zionists", then how did they all vote against Israel at the UN?

Well, leftist Zionists believe that it will be not good for Jews, if they openly expose themselves as stooges of Israel. They prefer the salami-slice strategy, they will steal Palestinian land piece by piece, giving lip service to the international law, but do nothing to prevent Israel from stealing Palestinian land.

As Christians are led to the slaughter by the Muslims, they will continue to shout against the Jews...

Muslims did not have any influence in Western countries, no lobbies. The Jewish activists promoted the migration of Muslims to Western countries, and without the alliance between Muslims and Zionists in Western countries, Christians could have easily solves the problem with Muslims. Muslims only have as much power in Western countries, as much they get it delegated from Jews.

If a Western politicians speaks out against Muslim migration, Jewish organisations immediately invoke Hitler and accuse Western countries of an attempted new Holocaust against Muslims.

... while they thank their Muslim executioners for recognizing Jesus as a prophet.

Is it not strange that Zionists want us on the one h and to hate those Muslims, that still live in their Muslim countries, like in Syria or Palestine.

But when these Muslims are expelled from their Muslim countries and are transferred to Western countries, then we are supposed to love them.

Does that make any sense?

Netanyahu accused Trump of "Islamophobia", and almost all Jewish lobbies in the USA and western countries are hating Trump because he is not happy with the Muslim migration to the Western countries.

The American Jewish Committee and the Islamic Society of North America have teamed up to form a new national group of leading Jewish and Muslim Americans: The Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council.
read more: Trump effect: Jewish and Muslim organizations form new alliance
I didn't know Israel was having troubles with terrorism the last few years. The news doesn't talk about attacks in Israel anymore. I assumed that meant they don't happen anymore or as often. But we hear about ISIS in Europe and America.

So Israel gets bombed a lot still from Hezbolla? I didn't realize that.
Israel has no problem with Islamic terrorism... except for the problem with Islamic terrorism.

I guess you excuse rocket fire from Hamas, islamo-tunnels burrowing into Israeli territory, Israeli citizens being attacked with knives, etc. etc. as just another day of fun and games when around Arabs-Moslems.

That stuff was happening 16 years ago. What should Israel do about it? I say a 2 state solution.

Did you see my comparison between jews/palestinians and a couple who are in an abusive relationship but won't get a divorce? They need to be separated asap.

What are you waiting to happen? Are you waiting for Hammas to stop digging tunnels or lofting bombs into your cities? That aint going to happen. At least not while you are treating them like shit but I suspect they'll keep hating you even if you stop treating them badly so probably best would be to split up.
I live in the Great Satan™ so it's unlikely Hamas will tunnel into my neighborhood.

In terms of treating Islamic terrorists "like shit", how else should I react to islamic terrorists?
Because a few terrorists terrorize America should America treat all arab Americans the way Israel treats all Palestinians? Of course not. It would make things worse.
Well, if it's only a few terrorists terrorizing the Great Satan™, we shouldn't get our undies in a bunch.

In the harshest criticism from a member of the U.S. government against its Israeli ally, Kerry spent more than an hour venting his frustration with continued Israeli settlement construction and laying out parameters for eventual peace. The settlements and the nearly 50-year-old occupation, he said, is creating a reality on the ground that precludes the possibility of a two-state solution. He stopped short of using the word “apartheid,” but warned that the one-state reality that is emerging will create a “separate and unequal” situation, invoking language from the Jim Crow era.

“The settler agenda is defining the future in Israel,” Kerry said. “Their stated purpose is clear: They believe in one state, greater Israel,” he continued, referring to aspirations by extreme conservatives to eventually annex occupied Palestinian territory.

So be honest. You hard liners don't want to give Palestine it's own country.

Kerry’s premise shouldn’t be controversial. It has been U.S. policy for more than four decades that Israeli settlements pose an obstacle to peace with the Palestinians. But what is peculiar about his remarks is their timing. With just three weeks left in office, it is unclear what he hoped to accomplish with the speech. The answer to that is complicated, but it hinges heavily on the election of Donald Trump.

Next month, the Obama administration hands over policymaking authority to a man who has encouraged Israel to build more settlements. The president-elect has also nominated David Friedman, a confidante who has donated to pro-settlement causes, to serve as his ambassador to Israel. In coordination with an Israeli government dominated by politicians who openly disavow the two-state solution, the Trump White House appears poised to reverse decades of bipartisan commitment to Palestinian statehood by greenlighting Israeli settlements.

Why didn't you just say so? You don't want a 2 state solution and you don't give a fuck if the world thinks it's wrong that you are building more and more settlements where the Palestinians are living. Just be honest. It took me long enough to figure this out. You could have just told me. We won't stop you. Maybe we can take on more Palestinian refugees the next 4 years.
What is liberal or democratic about Israel. It is a theocratic government that rules over millions of people that are prevented from voting and are under military occupation only because they are non-Jews. What country in the UN has held millions of people in outdoor prisons/concentration camps for over 50 years on the basis of the people's religions (Muslim and Christian).
As usual, you simply don't know what you're talking about.

Israeli government is based on a model of Parliamentary Democracy.

As to your typically ignorant babbling about concentration camps, you can thank your Arab-Moslem ideological brethren who maintain concentration camps for the Pal'istanian undesirables they choose to keep at rifle barrels length.
There were non-white doctors, engineers and lawyers living and working in Apartheid South Africa. I don't respond to the poster you refer to, it is a waste of time, too brainwashed.
Are there non-islamist doctors, engineers and lawyers living and working in apartheid Gaza'istan and Ramallah'istan?

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