Never Forget! Ashli Babbit Died For Their Freedom To Trample On Our Right To Have Our Votes Count

Because they didn't release information?

That means you have no idea how far they got with their investigations. Means when you said, "like they even got that far in their "investigation"," you made that up.
The second sentence was a conclusion.

We know she was hanging through a window.

She wasn't "hanging." She was climbing through, trying to get past a police barricade where a Congressman was seen moments earlier, which is what prompted that mob to begin violently breaking through the windows.

We know she was unarmed

You know that now. No one knew that when she tried breaching the barricade.

We know he is the only officer the entire day who felt the need to take a shot.

He was the last officer between a violent mob and lawmakers & staff.

We know there were other officers on the same side of the door as her at the time of the shot.

There was only one remaining as the others were leaving. And that one did not have a clear shot at the window and wasn't even looking in that direction until he heard the gunshot.

We know that no congress-critter was near the location of the shooting.

Those are FACTS.

Had she gotten through, others would have stormed in, and an unbarricaded door leading into the chamber, where some lawmakers and staff were still holed up, was just feet away from where she was shot.

The fact is -- it was a justifiable shoot.
The law makes the call in the end, not the officer, and in this case the officer never had to face the law because he was protected by abuse of the law.

False. It was investigated by two independent departments and they found the shooting was justifiable given the circumstances. It's not a conspiracy merely because you disagree.
Coming through that window is perfectly equivalent to running at you. Both represent physical motion towards the person exercising self defense which is why you can call it a threat. It’s even more threatening when you consider she is coming through a smashed window of a barricaded door, demonstrating she is behaving in a lawless and violent manner.

Not even close. no momentum to overtake, no ability to actually make contact with the person (who was at least a few yards away).

Also a woman, and not a big one.
Not even close. no momentum to overtake, no ability to actually make contact with the person (who was at least a few yards away).

Also a woman, and not a big one.
Of course she had the ability to make contact. They had broken the only barrier standing between them and she was coming through that barrier.

WTF are you talking about?
That means you have no idea how far they got with their investigations. Means when you said, "like they even got that far in their "investigation"," you made that up.

They never released the full investigation, or even did one probably. We didn't get to see this in a court setting even for an indictment.

The System Protects The System.
False. It was investigated by two independent departments and they found the shooting was justifiable given the circumstances. It's not a conspiracy merely because you disagree.

"independent departments" is an oxymoron.

The same people who applauded the shooting decided it was a good shoot.

This is pathetic even for you.
Nope. Try that in a robbery at a gas station and see how fast the cop is put on trial.

Running towards said cop creates imminent danger, hanging in a window does not.

You can't reasonably compare what occurred that day with a gas station bank robbery. Unlike such a robbery, there were thousands of people who stormed into the Capitol. Tens of thousands more immediately outside the doors of the Capitol. Rioters were fighting with police at multiple locations. Two pipe bombs had been found. Officers heard on their radio that multiple people were spotted armed. Some people entered the Capitol chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Police inside the House chamber had already drew their service weapons to keep rioters out at another door leading into the House chamber. Some members of Congress and staff had to hold up evacuating because the House chamber was being surrounded by MAGAts. Right by the doors where Byrd was located, the mob became angry and violent at the sight Representative Jim McGovern being evacuated. They're heard yelling, "they're getting away!" That's when someone in the mob brazenly started beating a window with cops in his face. In one of the trials, the defendant said he heard Babbitt tell a cop the crowd behind her was not going to stop. Ashes tried leading that mob into the Speaker's Lobby where an unbarricaded door leading into the chamber was just feet away.

It was an insanely chaotic scene. Nothing like a gas station robbery. And one of the reasons the investigations determined it was a justifiable shoot. That mob had to be kept out of the chamber until everyone inside was safely evacuated.
You can't reasonably compare what occurred that day with a gas station bank robbery. Unlike such a robbery, there were thousands of people who stormed into the Capitol. Tens of thousands more immediately outside the doors of the Capitol. Rioters were fighting with police at multiple locations. Two pipe bombs had been found. Officers heard on their radio that multiple people were spotted armed. Some people entered the Capitol chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Police inside the House chamber had already drew their service weapons to keep rioters out at another door leading into the House chamber. Some members of Congress and staff had to hold up evacuating because the House chamber was being surrounded by MAGAts. Right by the doors where Byrd was located, the mob became angry and violent at the sight Representative Jim McGovern being evacuated. They're heard yelling, "they're getting away!" That's when someone in the mob brazenly started beating a window with cops in his face. In one of the trials, the defendant said he heard Babbitt tell a cop the crowd behind her was not going to stop. Ashes tried leading that mob into the Speaker's Lobby where an unbarricaded door leading into the chamber was just feet away.

It was an insanely chaotic scene. Nothing like a gas station robbery. And one of the reasons the investigations determined it was a justifiable shoot. That mob had to be kept out of the chamber until everyone inside was safely evacuated.

So again trying for the "encouragement les autres" argument while pretending you aren't using it.

All the rest of your typing is trying to justify that dodge and is worthless.
So again trying for the "encouragement les autres" argument while pretending you aren't using it.

All the rest of your typing is trying to justify that dodge and is worthless.
Justification for use of deadly force takes into account all factors present and known to the officer.

You can’t pretend the context doesn’t exist.
Justification for use of deadly force takes into account all factors present and known to the officer.

You can’t pretend the context doesn’t exist.

By context you are trying to say "make an example of" without admitting to it.

You and Faun beating around the bush on this is fucking hilarious.
They never released the full investigation, or even did one probably. We didn't get to see this in a court setting even for an indictment.

The System Protects The System.

Now you're back to making up shit. If they never released it, you don't know they didn't do one.
"independent departments" is an oxymoron.

The same people who applauded the shooting decided it was a good shoot.

This is pathetic even for you.

Nope, two separate departments. Again, it's not a conspiracy just because you disagree. And not pathetic for me. I agree with their findings.
By context you are trying to say "make an example of" without admitting to it.

You and Faun beating around the bush on this is fucking hilarious.
Nope. Context informs the threat the officers was experiencing.

I asked this before but you ignore it, which is what you do when your bullshit runs up against reality.

Does an officer feel more threat when it’s 10 criminals coming after one officer or when it’s one criminal coming after 10 officers?

The answer is obvious. A single officer would feel more justified threat from a group of criminals. If that officer shoots the first out of that group coming after them, it’s not as an example to the rest, but because they happen to be the most immediate threat.
Now you're back to making up shit. If they never released it, you don't know they didn't do one.

They didn't do a thorough one or an actual one. They decided it was a good shoot and then made up some shit to justify it.

Kind of like the Beria treatment of Trump in these trials.

Different event, same fucking method.
Nope, two separate departments. Again, it's not a conspiracy just because you disagree. And not pathetic for me. I agree with their findings.

Which departments?

Or are you just making shit up now?
Nope. Context informs the threat the officers was experiencing.

I asked this before but you ignore it, which is what you do when your bullshit runs up against reality.

Does an officer feel more threat when it’s 10 criminals coming after one officer or when it’s one criminal coming after 10 officers?

The answer is obvious. A single officer would feel more justified threat from a group of criminals. If that officer shoots the first out of that group coming after them, it’s not as an example to the rest, but because they happen to be the most immediate threat.

Still dancing around the example making, because you know that doesn't justify use of deadly force.

Just admit you are OK with it, and you are OK with the government pretending it didn't happen.
So again trying for the "encouragement les autres" argument while pretending you aren't using it.

All the rest of your typing is trying to justify that dodge and is worthless.

Nope, it wasn't to encourage others not to follow. It was they were going to shoot whoever breached that barricade. Fortunately, she was the only one stupid enough to try. Another person there said in an interview it could have been him had he gone through the broken out window.
Still dancing around the example making, because you know that doesn't justify use of deadly force.

Just admit you are OK with it, and you are OK with the government pretending it didn't happen.
Not at all. She got shot because she presented an immediate threat by coming through the window.

There was nothing between her and the officers anymore. They broke the doors to come through. That was the last line of defense. The threat then became immediate.

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