Never gonna happen

What I don't understand is why Trumpette's are so darn proud to say Senate Repubs will violate their oath and ignore the overwhelming evidence of Don's guilt by voting to acquit?

Oh, I didn't realize that you were there during Trump's phone call. What did he say?

If you heard something incriminating and feel like you could be a witness, you'd better jump on your bicycle right now and get down the Capitol building. They'll wait for you, before they get started this morning, but hurry.

*sigh* This is just 1998 all over again ....

Instead of it being Bill Clinton getting impeached behind a blowjob from a White House intern
....It's Donald Trump getting impeached behind a blowjob from the President of Ukraine.

Same bread & circuses, different decade.

"Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty." -- Tacitus
*sigh* This is just 1998 all over again ....

Instead of it being Bill Clinton getting impeached behind a blowjob from a White House intern
....It's Donald Trump getting impeached behind a blowjob from the President of Ukraine.

Same bread & circuses, different decade.

"Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty." -- Tacitus

Clinton was impeached for perjury (lying under oath). totally different from the charade the dems are trying pull today. Clinton's impeachment was bipartisan, so would have been Nixon's. What we are seeing today is nothing but partisan butthurt because they cannot get over Trump beating crooked hillary.
*sigh* This is just 1998 all over again ....

Instead of it being Bill Clinton getting impeached behind a blowjob from a White House intern
....It's Donald Trump getting impeached behind a blowjob from the President of Ukraine.

Same bread & circuses, different decade.

"Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty." -- Tacitus

Clinton was impeached for perjury (lying under oath). totally different from the charade the dems are trying pull today. Clinton's impeachment was bipartisan, so would have been Nixon's. What we are seeing today is nothing but partisan butthurt because they cannot get over Trump beating crooked hillary.

Yeah thanks for your unbiased, totally objective input.

.. Anywho

"History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes" -- Mark Twain
*sigh* This is just 1998 all over again ....

Instead of it being Bill Clinton getting impeached behind a blowjob from a White House intern
....It's Donald Trump getting impeached behind a blowjob from the President of Ukraine.

Same bread & circuses, different decade.

"Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty." -- Tacitus

Clinton was impeached for perjury (lying under oath). totally different from the charade the dems are trying pull today. Clinton's impeachment was bipartisan, so would have been Nixon's. What we are seeing today is nothing but partisan butthurt because they cannot get over Trump beating crooked hillary.

Yeah thanks for your unbiased, totally objective input.

.. Anywho

"History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes" -- Mark Twain

the facts upset you?

tell me, if Trump was a democrat would they be doing this? Try to answer honestly if you can.
*sigh* This is just 1998 all over again ....

Instead of it being Bill Clinton getting impeached behind a blowjob from a White House intern
....It's Donald Trump getting impeached behind a blowjob from the President of Ukraine.

Same bread & circuses, different decade.

"Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty." -- Tacitus

Clinton was impeached for perjury (lying under oath). totally different from the charade the dems are trying pull today. Clinton's impeachment was bipartisan, so would have been Nixon's. What we are seeing today is nothing but partisan butthurt because they cannot get over Trump beating crooked hillary.

Yeah thanks for your unbiased, totally objective input.

.. Anywho

"History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes" -- Mark Twain

the facts upset you?
No, not all, but it amuses me to no end when someone quotes them out of context.

tell me, if Trump was a democrat would they be doing this? Try to answer honestly if you can.

Actually I think Trump really is a DEMOCRAT or might as well be given his propensity for big gub'mint progressivism.

But yeah I would be mocking Trump just as much if he was officially a member of Crime Family-D and was getting impeached by Crime Family-R Congress Critters, probably more because Democrats get all pissy and girlish when you mock the politicians they worship as opposed to Republicans who get angry and full of false bravado.
*sigh* This is just 1998 all over again ....

Instead of it being Bill Clinton getting impeached behind a blowjob from a White House intern
....It's Donald Trump getting impeached behind a blowjob from the President of Ukraine.

Same bread & circuses, different decade.

"Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty." -- Tacitus

Clinton was impeached for perjury (lying under oath). totally different from the charade the dems are trying pull today. Clinton's impeachment was bipartisan, so would have been Nixon's. What we are seeing today is nothing but partisan butthurt because they cannot get over Trump beating crooked hillary.

Yeah thanks for your unbiased, totally objective input.

.. Anywho

"History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes" -- Mark Twain

the facts upset you?
No, not all, but it amuses me to no end when someone quotes them out of context.

tell me, if Trump was a democrat would they be doing this? Try to answer honestly if you can.

Actually I think Trump really is a DEMOCRAT or might as well be given his propensity for big gub'mint progressivism.

But yeah I would be mocking Trump just as much if he was officially a member of Crime Family-D and was getting impeached by Crime Family-R Congress Critters, probably more because Democrats get all pissy and girlish when you mock the politicians they worship as opposed to Republicans who get angry and full of false bravado.
the democrats have tried to impeach every republican president since Ike. they don't know how to lose like normal human beings.
Libs have backed themselves into a corner and have to impeach since pelosi is allowing this donkey show AND the dem MO since day one has been to "impeach that mother******". Dems lost the 2016 election and this is how they're dealing with that loss. After trump wins again in 2020, expect dems to do the same thing and cry more impeachment.
It's amazing how many idiots think Trump will actually get impeached, apparently you all forgot about the Senate. "Senate Republicans are vowing to quickly quash any articles of impeachment that pass the House and warn that Democrats will face political backlash if they proceed to impeach Pres. Trump" AKA no chance in hell suck it up haters. I'll be back to collect your tears just like I did in 2016. LOSERS
He will be impeached, and probably not convicted.
Maybe you don't know how this works.

It's kinda like being CHARGED with a crime, then ACQUITTED and found innocent.
It's amazing how many idiots think Trump will actually get impeached, apparently you all forgot about the Senate. "Senate Republicans are vowing to quickly quash any articles of impeachment that pass the House and warn that Democrats will face political backlash if they proceed to impeach Pres. Trump" AKA no chance in hell suck it up haters. I'll be back to collect your tears just like I did in 2016. LOSERS

Here are just a few things Obama COULD have been impeached for, but wasn't because the GOP largely felt the results just weren't worth the damage to the nation:
  1. Using the IRS to target conservative groups to win reelection.
  2. Killing four Americans overseas in a counter-terrorism operation without any judicial due process owed them.
  3. Illegally sold thousands of guns to criminals.
  4. Used the NSA to spy on American citizens.
  5. Used the CIA to spy on US Congressmen.
  6. Signed the NDAA which gives the power to arrest US citizens without due process, a clear Constitutional violation.
  7. Fired the Inspector General for discovering that Obama’s friend had embezzled government funds.
  8. Gave tax dollars to campaign contributors and lobbyists, then falsely claimed the money was for “green energy”.


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