Never tell me America is racist: An open letter to protesters

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I almost feel sorry for this young boy. He has no clue whatsoever and he's getting blasted. But then again, he bought this on himself.

Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it.
Hence the amendments abolishing slavery passed later. Of course slavery should never have been brought to this country in the first place.
Duuuuuude....WTF? Don’t speak facts, logic, and reason to leftists. They’re preconditioned ideology will not permit them to reconcile with reality.

America is “evil” and must be destroyed!
The discussion isnt about who owns the issue. The discussion is about if it exists

I never said it was nonexistent. Even OldLady understood that, and we couldn't be further apart on racial issues.

Racism exists everywhere, but not in the quantities you seem to think it does.

You live in ignorance and are comfortable with it.
The discussion isnt about who owns the issue.

Oh, is that so?

Then why are you making demands of society right now? Why aren't you speaking out about all the racial oppression instead of just yours?
You've lost the debate son. We fight knowing that if we stop white racism, it stops white racism against everyone. You just keep proving Malcolm right.

I think that the guilt complex of the American white man is so profound, until when you begin to analyze the real condition of the Black man in America, instead of the American white man eliminating the causes that create that condition, he tries to cover it up by accusing his accusers of teaching hate, but actually they're just exposing him for being responsible for what exists.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. ny cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be protests and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.

Take a bow, crap-for-brains.
Bold move. Right out of the gate.
You must be a sock.
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The discussion isnt about who owns the issue.

Oh, is that so?

Then why are you making demands of society right now? Why aren't you speaking out about all the racial oppression instead of just yours?
Yes thats so. You need look no further than your own OP.

I havent been making demands of society at large. I may have kicked a racists ass 1 or 12 times times so they would get out of my way but typically I ignore most whites. Too busy building up and educating my own people.

I cant make demands for other people. They have to do that for themselves. I'm worried about my people so thats what I am going to speak on. The situation that my people are in is the worst in my estimation. If you dont like that then that sounds like more of a you problem.
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The discussion isnt about who owns the issue. The discussion is about if it exists

I never said it was nonexistent. Even OldLady understood that, and we couldn't be further apart on racial issues.

Racism exists everywhere, but not in the quantities you seem to think it does.

You live in ignorance and are comfortable with it.
There is no such thing as an acceptable quantity of racism.
I almost feel sorry for this young boy. He has no clue whatsoever and he's getting blasted. But then again, he bought this on himself.

When you issue such boasts, the means your argument is nonexistent.

Now, show me where I'm getting "blasted".

Within five posts you made fools of yourselves, and continue to do so some odd 345 posts later.
That's not how racism works in 2020 and you know it.

Are you telling me that racism should work in only the ways YOU want it to?

Is that what I'm getting?
Looks to me like he is telling you that you have no clue about racism.

Hardly. And you assume you know everything about it because of your skin color?

How idiotic.
Turn black and live 5 years then tell us how much we don't know.

I lived 3 miles from the projects. 'Pauldoe' is was called. Every few months there seemed to be an incident there involving people firing off guns or getting into fights or doing drugs. This was a thing for a better part of 20 years. A great deal of the blacks in my city lived there.

I also went to school with a black girl that lived there. I distinctly remember one day fifteen years ago on the bus home her telling me how afraid she was, not of the cops, but of the violence and the drug dealing going on there, and she wanted to move away so badly, but her parents could not afford a mortgage.

I know all about it. I've gotten first hand testimony.

See, even as a teenager, I made efforts to educate myself about what racism is and isn't.

And it is clearly evident to me you know nothing about racism. Period. Full stop.
No you don't have first hand anything. I'm black and have lived through several iterations of white racism. You're telling me the white boy tale about things. But 15 years ago you did not talk to black adults about their concerns relative to job opportunities for youth that would reduce crime and provide alternatives to drugs sales. That's the discussion I was having 15 years ago white boy, so shut your fucking mouth.

You don't know what I did.

MLK was and is still my role model. A BLACK MAN. Because he was smart enough to understand the injustice of racism and employ a dialogue with those who practiced it. He was assassinated for it, and for that, everyone who followed him disregarded urges for nonviolent dialogue and tore America apart in 1968. Just like how these protests initially began.

I will speak my mind, and you will listen (or don't, you can freely leave this thread any time you want to, O oppressed one.)

" “…it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?…It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”

He saw the rioting as immoral. He understood the emotions, he condemned the actions.
" He saw the rioting as immoral. "

You dont know what youre talking about because youre white. I know Black people that marched and worked with him.
The discussion isnt about who owns the issue. The discussion is about if it exists

I never said it was nonexistent. Even OldLady understood that, and we couldn't be further apart on racial issues.

Racism exists everywhere, but not in the quantities you seem to think it does.

You live in ignorance and are comfortable with it.
There is no such thing as an acceptable quantity of racism.

I never said there was an 'acceptable quantity' of racism.

I am simply pointing out your and Asclepias' paranoia on the subject. Racism isn't prominent in America anymore. Does it exist as a practice? Yes of course. But a great deal of America's population disapproves of it.

Therefore, America is not racist. It has atoned for its sins and transformed into a racially tolerant country. You can keep claiming otherwise, or you can succumb to reality and accept the facts as they stand.
" He saw the rioting as immoral. "

You dont know what youre talking about because youre white.
I know Black people that marched and worked with him.


And now I can legitimately classify you as racist. You are the very thing you hate.

I pity you.
The discussion isnt about who owns the issue. The discussion is about if it exists

I never said it was nonexistent. Even OldLady understood that, and we couldn't be further apart on racial issues.

Racism exists everywhere, but not in the quantities you seem to think it does.

You live in ignorance and are comfortable with it.
There is no such thing as an acceptable quantity of racism.

I never said there was an 'acceptable quantity' of racism.

I am simply pointing out your and Asclepias' paranoia on the subject. Racism isn't prominent in America anymore. Does it exist as a practice? Yes of course. But a great deal of America's population disapproves of it.

Therefore, America is not racist. It has atoned for its sins and transformed into a racially tolerant country.
No youre simply pointing out that you disagree. You dont know shit and thats ok. Racism is still a large and vigorous part of the US. You need do nothing more than turn on the TV to your favorite news station to see the proof.
" He saw the rioting as immoral. "

You dont know what youre talking about because youre white.
I know Black people that marched and worked with him.


And now I can legitimately classify you as racist. You are the very thing you hate.

I pity you.
"And now I can legitimately classify you as racist. "

Whatever makes you feel better about this ass whippin you took. :)
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That's not how racism works in 2020 and you know it.

Are you telling me that racism should work in only the ways YOU want it to?

Is that what I'm getting?
Looks to me like he is telling you that you have no clue about racism.

Hardly. And you assume you know everything about it because of your skin color?

How idiotic.
Turn black and live 5 years then tell us how much we don't know.

I lived 3 miles from the projects. 'Pauldoe' is was called. Every few months there seemed to be an incident there involving people firing off guns or getting into fights or doing drugs. This was a thing for a better part of 20 years. A great deal of the blacks in my city lived there.

I also went to school with a black girl that lived there. I distinctly remember one day fifteen years ago on the bus home her telling me how afraid she was, not of the cops, but of the violence and the drug dealing going on there, and she wanted to move away so badly, but her parents could not afford a mortgage.

I know all about it. I've gotten first hand testimony.

See, even as a teenager, I made efforts to educate myself about what racism is and isn't.

And it is clearly evident to me you know nothing about racism. Period. Full stop.
No you don't have first hand anything. I'm black and have lived through several iterations of white racism. You're telling me the white boy tale about things. But 15 years ago you did not talk to black adults about their concerns relative to job opportunities for youth that would reduce crime and provide alternatives to drugs sales. That's the discussion I was having 15 years ago white boy, so shut your fucking mouth.

You don't know what I did.

MLK was and is still my role model. A BLACK MAN. Because he was smart enough to understand the injustice of racism and employ a dialogue with those who practiced it. He was assassinated for it, and for that, everyone who followed him disregarded urges for nonviolent dialogue and tore America apart in 1968. Just like how these protests initially began.

I will speak my mind, and you will listen (or don't, you can freely leave this thread any time you want to, O oppressed one.)

" “…it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?…It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”

He saw the rioting as immoral. He understood the emotions, he condemned the actions.
Since very few people are rioting, it's really a non issue. But you see, King did not do as you said. It is tiring to read the white racist distortion of King.

“ Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non¬-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I'm absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity."

You leave out the part where King condemned the conditions that caused the riots and then explained what the conditions were. And many of those conditions blacks still face today. You do this on purpose. While this might work among the other white racists you associate with don't bring that weak shit to a debate with blacks who are not sellouts.
You need do nothing more than turn on the TV to your favorite news station to see the proof.

I don't watch TV. I read. I edify myself with the plethora of knowledge available to me on the internet. News skews reality, I seek its source.



" He saw the rioting as immoral. "

You dont know what youre talking about because youre white.
I know Black people that marched and worked with him.


And now I can legitimately classify you as racist. You are the very thing you hate.

I pity you.
"And now I can legitimately classify you as racist. "

Whatever makes you feel better about this ass whippin you took. :)

Is all that boasting a tactic to distract you from the pain of the ass whooping I gave you?

Looks like it.
"And now I can legitimately classify you as racist. "

When all else has failed the white racist always want to call somebody black a racist.

Read my sig line Templar because it describes YOU.
" He saw the rioting as immoral. "

You dont know what youre talking about because youre white.
I know Black people that marched and worked with him.


And now I can legitimately classify you as racist. You are the very thing you hate.

I pity you.
"And now I can legitimately classify you as racist. "

Whatever makes you feel better about this ass whippin you took. :)

Is all that boasting a tactic to distract you from the pain of the ass whooping I gave you?

Looks like it.
Lol! You took a severe ass whipping son.
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