New African American Defense Secretary begins dismantling our HERITAGE. You TRAITORS who didn't vote for President Trump are happy NOW

Soldiers are stubborn SOB's. We'll just call 'em by the old names in perpetuity out of spite and laugh about the pussies who changed 'em.
The parties switched in the 1960's after the Civil Rights Act. The Democratic southern Slaveowners of the Confederacy in the 1860's are now the Republican southerners of the 21st century.

Bill Moyers has mentioned this quote. He was an aide to LBJ before embarking on a long career in public broadcasting. This is from his book Moyers in America:

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come," he said.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson
name the congress members that switched parties ......
It was a generational thing. The fathers and grandfathers were Democrats, the sons and grandsons became Republican.

The reason most African Americans in the South are Democrats today is because when most got the vote the Republicans basically didn’t exist in the South. There was a memory of FDR’s southern Democratic populism and jobs programs, and under Truman the military was integrated. So they joined the Democratic Party, where the power and opportunities were, and where LBJ promised to make a little room for them. The more blacks that joined the Democrats (or fought in anti-racist caucuses like the “Freedom Democratic Party”) the more white segregationists and Confederate “Lost Cause” romantics gave up their loyalty to the Democrats and were won over to the Republican Party with its “Southern Strategy.” Most old “Dixiecrats” were never obliged to switch parties at all.
so you cant name the supposed horde of racist dems that switched to the republican party ..... ok got it .
All you “got” ... is shit on your face.

You cannot respond to a single point I made.

Many of the children and grandchildren of “the horde of racist Dems” that supported George Wallace, after the Civil Rights Movement and the Republican “Southern Strategy,” evolved rather naturally and gradually into Conservative Republicans. There were actually many other factors involved besides racial issues.

But you’re not really interested in any of this, are you?
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The parties switched in the 1960's after the Civil Rights Act. The Democratic southern Slaveowners of the Confederacy in the 1860's are now the Republican southerners of the 21st century.

Bill Moyers has mentioned this quote. He was an aide to LBJ before embarking on a long career in public broadcasting. This is from his book Moyers in America:

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come," he said.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson
democrats used whips and chains then and now they use projects, prisons, and "family Planning" to keep blacks under control...not a lot has changed
The parties switched in the 1960's after the Civil Rights Act. The Democratic southern Slaveowners of the Confederacy in the 1860's are now the Republican southerners of the 21st century.

Bill Moyers has mentioned this quote. He was an aide to LBJ before embarking on a long career in public broadcasting. This is from his book Moyers in America:

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come," he said.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson
most democrats voted against the civil rights act...only republican votes got it passed
The parties switched in the 1960's after the Civil Rights Act. The Democratic southern Slaveowners of the Confederacy in the 1860's are now the Republican southerners of the 21st century.

Bill Moyers has mentioned this quote. He was an aide to LBJ before embarking on a long career in public broadcasting. This is from his book Moyers in America:

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come," he said.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson
name the congress members that switched parties ......
It was a generational thing. The fathers and grandfathers were Democrats, the sons and grandsons became Republican.

The reason most African Americans in the South are Democrats today is because when most got the vote the Republicans basically didn’t exist in the South. There was a memory of FDR’s southern Democratic populism and jobs programs, and under Truman the military was integrated. So they joined the Democratic Party, where the power and opportunities were, and where LBJ promised to make a little room for them. The more blacks that joined the Democrats (or fought in anti-racist caucuses like the “Freedom Democratic Party”) the more white segregationists and Confederate “Lost Cause” romantics gave up their loyalty to the Democrats and were won over to the Republican Party with its “Southern Strategy.” Most old “Dixiecrats” were never obliged to switch parties at all.
so you cant name the supposed horde of racist dems that switched to the republican party ..... ok got it .
All you “got” ... is shit on your face.

You cannot respond to a single point I made.

Many of the children and grandchildren of “the horde of racist Dems” that supported George Wallace, after the Civil Rights Movement and the Republican “Southern Strategy,” evolved rather naturally and gradually into Conservative Republicans. There were actually many other factors involved besides racial issues.

But you’re not really interested in any of this, are you?
bwaaahaaaahaaaaa ! all i hear is the [your truth ] bull dems spout when they cant actually respond with the actual truth ! you spout what you feel and want to believe only !! bwaahaaahaaaahaaaa ! many of the dems in congress today had family members that were prominent before the so called great switch supposedly happened ! for example Pelosi's father was a member of the house of representatives and he was a democrat ! according to your logic her father was a racist !
I weep.

The voice of the hate Nazi's. Its da colored gys Fult, It da Commies dat are Da problem, Its Biden who dud it, Obama aint American. Its Da ,Its Da Its DA . Total complete idiots.
I weep.

The voice of the hate Nazi's. Its da colored gys Fult, It da Commies dat are Da problem, Its Biden who dud it, Obama aint American. Its Da ,Its Da Its DA . Total complete idiots.

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
The parties switched in the 1960's after the Civil Rights Act. The Democratic southern Slaveowners of the Confederacy in the 1860's are now the Republican southerners of the 21st century.

Bill Moyers has mentioned this quote. He was an aide to LBJ before embarking on a long career in public broadcasting. This is from his book Moyers in America:

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come," he said.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson
most democrats voted against the civil rights act...only republican votes got it passed
Never ever believe any of these right wing total liars. This is a total lie. Southern Democrats voted against it but were barreled over by the rest of the Democrats. That's why the south became Republican. They hated the way that the southern people hated , still do> Do you know how stupid the right is , This guy believes he is right, he isn't even close , The senate was made up of 2/3rd Democrats. So tell us again how the hate party got this passed, Total complete idiots. Now for the house , to again show total stupidity , How did it pass when 255 Were dem and 178 were Republicans. These air heads have not a single clue what they are talking about ever , just lies over lies,
I weep.


And your heritage is what?
Our heritage is stopping slavery. You should pack up and get the fuck out of here.

No your heritage is fighting to preserve slavery, and resisting the end of slavery, and then treating non-whites as inferiors.
I weep.

Good lord! Man's inhumanity to man and slavery were fixtures of the old world. Should be ditch terms like Colleseum? Pretend the pyramids don't exist? Boycott tobacco, sugar, rice and cotton? Erase the Axtec's from books? Get a grip cancel culture!
This is going to millions $$$$$$$$$$ which means a whole bunch of payoff for our crooked communists.
Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.

You're right. Does anybody remember who was President before President Donald J. Trump?

I dunno, I think he won 2 terms though unlike Trump lmao. XD
Trump was cheated. I do not think it is funny.

I think it's funny that you believe that Trump was cheated. Especially considering that Trump has never won any elections. He won a couple of primaries at the end, but he lost the popular vote in the General in 2016, he lost the mid-terms in the biggest loss in American history, and he lost the 2020 General by a much larger margin than he lost in 2016.

The American people have rejected Donald Trump at every turn. So having rejected Trump at every turn, and having the Electoral College inflict him on the country in 2016, the American people made damn good and sure he didn't slither his way back in.

The ONLY way Trump could have won this election, is to cheat.
Lets talk about some names that the asshole Negro would approve:

Fort George Floyd

Fort Muhammad Ali

Fort Karl Marx

Fort Welfare

Fort Queer

Fort Obama

Make no mistake about it. The filthy ass Democrats hate this country and our history and want to destroy the military. They are naming ships after queers and they will name our great Army forts after some sorry ass piece of shit Negro or other American hating asshole.

Of course letting the Democrats get away with stealing the election has consequences doesn't it?
Strom Thurmond, who Joe Biden used to hang out with long time ago. Most of them switched. But Strom Thurmond was the biggest one...he Filibustered the Civil Rights Bill for over 20 hours because he hated it that much.

James Strom Thurmond Sr. (December 5, 1902 – June 26, 2003) was an American military officer, attorney, judge and politician who served as a United States senator from South Carolina from 1954 to 2003 and as the 103rd governor of South Carolina from 1947 to 1951. Thurmond served in the United States Senate for 48 years, at first as a Southern Democrat and then, from 1964 onwards, as a Republican. He ran for president in 1948 as the Dixiecrat candidate on a states' rights platform supporting racial segregation. He received 2.4% of the popular vote and 39 electoral votes.
You're off to a great start with one.

Who were the rest that switched.

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