New AP/GfK Poll Reflect The American People's Thoughts on Healthcare Reform

I just heard on tv that more Democrats are wavering on the repeal...Senators, also. I still think they should repeal the HCR bill and appoint an 18 bipartisan Congressional commission to hammer out the details on a new Health Care Bill. No group would be exempt..No elected officials or unions!

This bill should be passed by 2/3 of each house. It is that important.

Are you for or against a public option?
Against the public option and the whole bill, it is a bullshit bill.
  • 43% - Change So It Does More
  • 26% - Repeal Completely
  • 19% - Leave As Is
  • 10% - Chage So It Does Less

This is virtually the same as the Rasmussen poll that was posted the other day:

55% - Leave some provisions in place, alter (add or subtract) others
20% - Repeal Completely
18% - Leave as is

Compare to the AP/Gfk which has 53% generically for some degree of change but not a total scrapping, 26% for total repeal, and 19% for leaving as is.

So for those of you accusing this of being a liberal poll and suggesting we instead turn to Rasmussen--he's saying the same thing.
This just in! Dems to run on keeping the hc bill in place in 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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