New App Tells Feminists How Many Times Men Interrupt Them


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The search for things to be offended by continues. An app that claims to distinguish between male and female voices is the latest tool to help feminazis bash men. It supposedly keeps track of male-sounding voices that interrupt female-sounding voices. Doesn't account for men with high voices, women with deep voices, or the countless different genders that supposedly exist.

Just when you think things can't get any more ridiculous, the left outdoes the last crazy thing they did. Maybe this app should also use the video feature so it can include other factors, such as wearing makeup or a vagina costume.

"All kidding aside, if we use liberal logic then couldn’t it be construed that an app that automatically assumes your gender based on your voice is sexist? The Left constantly hammers the rest of us over the head about not automatically assuming someone’s gender based on...well, anything.

This app was created after the agency came across a study from George Washington University that claims that men interrupt women more than the other way around. The only problem is that they don’t. Per the study, women interrupt women more than men interrupt women, so this study doesn’t hold much weight. It’s just another social justice, men-are-the-devil-and-they-need-to-be-checked report that holds no real merit.

As for the app, this story was actually relayed to me by a woman who couldn’t believe something so stupid existed.

Real women and men understand that most of this social justice snowflake propaganda is just that…propaganda with no real substance."

This New App Tells Feminists How Many Times Men Interrupt Them
LMAO if I knew some femitard had this I would interrupt them on purpose.
Have you ever noticed how many times they interrupt each other? "Oh, yeah? Wait til ya hear what happen to me......." No one listens to any of it. They are too busy constructing their one up story.
God Bless 'em.

So it's more that women are interuptable than men are interupting.


How better to let someone dig their own hole than by letting them do the talking
If you don't interrupt you don't get to talk.
Bless your heart. There is a lot of truth in that. When I read the OP what came to me was that it should be the other way around. Women interrupt men when they are speaking far more than men interrupt women.
It's so funny that the same ones who are trying to stop conservatives from speaking at all, which they accomplish by shouting them down and making threats, are suddenly concerned about men committing the crime of interrupting them.
It's so funny that the same ones who are trying to stop conservatives from speaking at all, which they accomplish by shouting them down and making threats, are suddenly concerned about men committing the crime of interrupting them.
I have been watching for some time now women speak poorly about their husbands in front of their children. I've even seen this happen in churches. I think this is a very destructive thing to do because they are undermining the relationship the child has with the father and emulating an environment of disrespect for men.

The father is the provider, protector and leader of the family. He is the boss and as such he should be respected and honored. Children who grow up honoring their fathers are emotionally secure and healthy. They take delight in saying, That's MY dad! My father is my hero! When they have a problem they go to their father to ask his advice and counsel. That is the way it should be.

This feminist GARBAGE is for the birds! They are crushing the spirit of their husbands, boyfriends and then wonder why they don't speak up for them when they need them to. They can't have it both ways.

I remember years ago I went with my son to a department store. As we left the parking lot to walk up to the store a truck stopped and asked me for directions. My son immediately stepped toward the truck (in front of me) answered the guy and took charge of giving him directions and I did not say a word. I was very proud of my son for answering the fellow because he should have been asking my son. Not me!

I like having the door opened for me and enjoy being a woman. These feminists are missing the boat! Just think of the damage they are doing to their sons with their future is female nonsense!
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