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New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Did everyone notice that the author of this thread admitted that the hearings/investigations were strictly for political purposes, because of the upcoming election?

That was priceless.

That's the whole thing , they think Benghazi was a election changer & they were wrong . It was Romney the shit candidate .

I think Benghazi SHOULD have been an election changer because it demonstrated the total ineptness of this Administration but thanks to Candy Crowley and her fellow head in the sand main stream media Obama cheerleaders...the American people never got the facts on what happened that night in Benghanzi they got the White House "spin".

Garbage. The very next day we knew what happened. Extremest attacked a Consulate building in Benghazi.
You're getting desperate, Boo. Just go. Get out of here before you really embarrass yourself.
Hilarious. The liberals think making the distinction between a consulate and an embassy makes a difference. I wonder why even Susan Rice did not make that distinction in her blatant lies to the American people on behalf of the white house, if that distinction is anything of actual consequence.

"It was not an embassy!!!! It was the consulate!!!!!!"

Consulates aren't as critical as embassies and therefore not as well guarded.

You see, the problem with you Benghazi nutters is that getting you to stick to one theory is like nailing Jell-O to the wall. It's the Ad Hoc argument style. If one argument gets shot down, you move on to another. Kind of like the Monty Python Parrot Sketch.

That is a cop out. You don't leave people out there to die. You offer them adequate protection. Relying on the militia of that country was the biggest mistake we made, knowing full well we had no idea where their loyalties laid.
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Hilarious. The liberals think making the distinction between a consulate and an embassy makes a difference. I wonder why even Susan Rice did not make that distinction in her blatant lies to the American people on behalf of the white house, if that distinction is anything of actual consequence.

"It was not an embassy!!!! It was the consulate!!!!!!"

Consulates aren't as critical as embassies and therefore not as well guarded.

You see, the problem with you Benghazi nutters is that getting you to stick to one theory is like nailing Jell-O to the wall. It's the Ad Hoc argument style. If one argument gets shot down, you move on to another. Kind of like the Monty Python Parrot Sketch.

That is a cop out. You don't leave people out there to die. You offer them adequate protection. Relying on the militia of that country was the biggest mistake we made, knowing full well we had no idea where their loyalties laid.

The mistake was electing a bastard muslim son of a communist extremist, trained by communists, who was a known collaborator with domestic terrorists. How many national heroes does he have to fire from our top military ranks before we come to the understanding that he's fighting for the other side?
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Consulates aren't as critical as embassies and therefore not as well guarded.

You see, the problem with you Benghazi nutters is that getting you to stick to one theory is like nailing Jell-O to the wall. It's the Ad Hoc argument style. If one argument gets shot down, you move on to another. Kind of like the Monty Python Parrot Sketch.


That is a cop out. You don't leave people out there to die. You offer them adequate protection. Relying on the militia of that country was the biggest mistake we made, knowing full well we had no idea where their loyalties laid.

The mistake was electing a bastard muslim son of a communist extremist, trained by communists, who was a known collaborator with domestic terrorists. How many national heroes does he have to fire from our top military ranks before we come to the understanding that he's fighting for the other side?

While I wouldn't go so far as to label him all of those things, it was indeed a big mistake electing this man to office. He does indeed advocate socialist policies, and has taken the first step in communism by taking over our healthcare system. I see him as a criminal. He sold weapons to terrorists, he apologized for American superiority in the middle east, he's perpetrated scandal after scandal stateside.

He does not care one bit for this country.
So if we'd gotten a few dozen Marines killed protecting the ambassador successfully that's a better deal?


A liberal finally admitting that the Obama administration abandoned them for political expediency.

He is admitting that, in that statement, right?

We have Reagan to remind us what the potential consequences are of putting a few dozen Marines into a dangerous area,

that's what I'm saying.

Carter put them there.

Reagan pulled them out.

Lessons learned

Shortly after the barracks bombing, President Ronald Reagan appointed a military fact-finding committee headed by retired Admiral Robert L. J. Long to investigate the bombing. The commission's report found senior military officials responsible for security lapses and blamed the military chain of command for the disaster. It suggested that there might have been many fewer deaths if the barracks guards had carried loaded weapons and a barrier more substantial than the barbed wire the bomber drove over easily. The commission also noted that the "prevalent view" among U.S. commanders was that there was a direct link between the navy shelling of the Muslims at Suq-al-Garb and the truck bomb attack.[129][130]

Following the bombing and the realization that insurgents could deliver weapons of enormous yield with an ordinary truck or van, the presence of protective barriers (bollards) became common around critical government facilities in the United States and elsewhere, particularly Western civic targets situated overseas.[131]

An article in Foreign Policy titled "Lesson Unlearned" argues that the U.S. military intervention in the Lebanese Civil War has been downplayed or ignored in popular history - thus unlearned - and that lessons from Lebanon are "unlearned" as the U.S. militarily intervenes elsewhere in the world.[132]​
That is a cop out. You don't leave people out there to die. You offer them adequate protection. Relying on the militia of that country was the biggest mistake we made, knowing full well we had no idea where their loyalties laid.

The mistake was electing a bastard muslim son of a communist extremist, trained by communists, who was a known collaborator with domestic terrorists. How many national heroes does he have to fire from our top military ranks before we come to the understanding that he's fighting for the other side?

While I wouldn't go so far as to label him all of those things, it was indeed a big mistake electing this man to office. He does indeed advocate socialist policies, and has taken the first step in communism by taking over our healthcare system. I see him as a criminal. He sold weapons to terrorists, he apologized for American superiority in the middle east, he's perpetrated scandal after scandal stateside.

He does not care one bit for this country.

I'm not labeling him (in that post :). Those are actual facts. He is a bastard son. His father was a communist. He was raised by communists. He collaborated with convicted domestic terrorists in chicago. These are not labels these are plain facts. As to labels based on his more recent actions... destroyer of all that is good in this country. There ya go there's a label, destroyer :)
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The mistake was electing a bastard muslim son of a communist extremist, trained by communists, who was a known collaborator with domestic terrorists. How many national heroes does he have to fire from our top military ranks before we come to the understanding that he's fighting for the other side?

While I wouldn't go so far as to label him all of those things, it was indeed a big mistake electing this man to office. He does indeed advocate socialist policies, and has taken the first step in communism by taking over our healthcare system. I see him as a criminal. He sold weapons to terrorists, he apologized for American superiority in the middle east, he's perpetrated scandal after scandal stateside.

He does not care one bit for this country.

I'm not labeling him (in that post :). Those are actual facts. He is a bastard son. His father was a communist. He was raised by communists. He collaborated with convicted domestic terrorists in chicago. These are not labels these are plain facts. As to labels based on his more recent actions... destroyer of all that is good in this country. There ya go there's a label, destroyer :)

Fair enough.
You're getting desperate, Boo. Just go. Get out of here before you really embarrass yourself.

Otherwise Chief Runs-with-Scissors will spend six pages talking about how he "beat" you in a debate by regurgitating whatever shit he heard on Faux News.

Run, Boo, run!
Paperboy.....how come the CIA, British intel, numerous Democraps in Congress agreed on WMDs in Iraq??? Oh, but Buuuuuuuuush lied according to a moron like you.

The Bush administration did lie. That is irrefutable at this point. They orchestrated a propaganda campaign that was intentionally designed to mislead the public. That is lying, no matter how it's carried out.


That is a cop out. You don't leave people out there to die. You offer them adequate protection. Relying on the militia of that country was the biggest mistake we made, knowing full well we had no idea where their loyalties laid.

Again, has been pointed out to you several times that the 1961 convention makes security of diplomatic missions the responsibility of the host country.

Guy, please can the selective outrage.

That is a cop out. You don't leave people out there to die. You offer them adequate protection. Relying on the militia of that country was the biggest mistake we made, knowing full well we had no idea where their loyalties laid.

Again, has been pointed out to you several times that the 1961 convention makes security of diplomatic missions the responsibility of the host country.

Guy, please can the selective outrage.

Sounds good.

Let me know how that's working for you....
Paperboy.....how come the CIA, British intel, numerous Democraps in Congress agreed on WMDs in Iraq??? Oh, but Buuuuuuuuush lied according to a moron like you.

The Bush administration did lie. That is irrefutable at this point. They orchestrated a propaganda campaign that was intentionally designed to mislead the public. That is lying, no matter how it's carried out.

What the Bush Administration did is inconsequential to this debate. Get it straight.

That is a cop out. You don't leave people out there to die. You offer them adequate protection. Relying on the militia of that country was the biggest mistake we made, knowing full well we had no idea where their loyalties laid.

Again, has been pointed out to you several times that the 1961 convention makes security of diplomatic missions the responsibility of the host country.

Guy, please can the selective outrage.

Sure, but it's our responsibility to have assets readily available should the host country fail to provide adequate protection during an attack. Seeing as how the very people who promised to protect us, attacked us, you can take that 1961 convention and shove it. It is flawed policy which made no exceptions for instances such as this one.

As far as my outrage goes, why do you bother to bring up Bush? Surely you're not outraged are you? Or is it a simple tu quoque argument because your outrage isn't real?

Please, can the Bush nonsense.
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The Dear Leader and Hitlery Clinton can't be touched. They're backed and protected by the world's most powerful and evil NWO Globalist Elites. So nothing will come of this, or any of the other awful injustices committed by this current regime. The only possible option left would be that Americans stop electing evil NWO Globalist Elite assholes. However, i know that's very difficult. Both Parties are currently controlled by these monsters. But hopefully one day someone will come along who opposes them. Let's hope & pray that day comes soon. But i have to admit i'm not very optimistic.
I usually agree with you, but this idea that there is some group of NWO elites who are controlling the entire world is just foolish.

but if you think they exist: give us their names, where do they meet? who is in charge of their meetings? The CEO of this group must be one powerful SOB, who is he?

They decide it all. They're all-powerful and evil. They put a known rapist into power in France for God's sake. They can do anything. They can erase at will. Hitlery will skate. She's backed by these monsters. People might as well just give this up. It ain't goin anywhere. The fix is already in. Has been for awhile.

Have you had the tin-foil on your hat checked lately? You see, the problem you guys make is you use aluminum foil instead of genuine tin-foil for your hats. That lets the Trilateralists and Bilderbergers and all the rest of them read your thoughts.


:lame2: Very unoriginal attempted marginalization blather. So Boo you. And Hitlery Clinton is backed by the most powerful and insidious monsters on this Earth. She is very well protected. She's untouchable. She's their next American President Puppet. They will not allow anything to happen to her. Bet on that.
Look peeps, it's not gonna happen. The Dear Leader and Hitlery will skate. They're backed and protected by the almighty powers-that-be. Hitlery is to be the next NWO Globalist Elite American Puppet. She's untouchable. So this one will go nowhere. The fix is in. Now can the fix be overcome? I just don't know. These are incredibly powerful monsters we're dealing with. They control so much. But she's basically already been placed into power as the next American President. It is what it is.
Look peeps, it's not gonna happen. The Dear Leader and Hitlery will skate. They're backed and protected by the almighty powers-that-be. Hitlery is to be the next NWO Globalist Elite American Puppet. She's untouchable. So this one will go nowhere. The fix is in. Now can the fix be overcome? I just don't know. These are incredibly powerful monsters we're dealing with. They control so much. But she's basically already been placed into power as the next American President. It is what it is.

Saw her on TV today.

Sitting on het fat ass acting like Kim Jong IL
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