New Black Panther Party Issues “Wanted Dead or Alive” Posters for George Zimmerman

The boy was walking home after buying candy.

If he was a asian kid would this asshole have seen the need to follow him?

would he have said fucking coon before he shot him?

Yep. Good concerns. The Kid was also shot 2 1/2 blocks from his own home, in his own neighborhood. Did these two have any other encounters? How well was the kid known on his own streets? What did the Clerk in the Store have to say about him? About Zimmerman? Who Else had bad encounters with Zimmerman? Who Else was Bullied by Zimmerman? All stuff the Police should be Investigating.

All true; again the Grand Jury convenes 4/10. I see no political divide among those calling for a STATE Grand Jury investigation. I think the last sentence in the article below should read Ron Paul has NOT commented. Has he? IF not, he may be waiting for the Grand Jury to set forth THEIR findings.

Gingrich, Romney, Santorum discuss Trayvon Martin - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Zimmerman called the police all the time.

they were mostly complaints about Black people looking suspicious.

He had no authority to be doing what he was doing.

He made up the entire neighborhood watch group in this area.

He was self appointed to his task.


My understanding is that Neighborhood Watch stipulates "No Fire Arm's". So, he was in violation of their guide lines. This isn't Vigilantism so much though, as a situation going from bad to worse. Histories are Important here.

If he had a carry permit, he did nothing illegal. The 'neighborhood watch' doesn't make the law and the best they can do is boot him for the HOA.
How is Zimmerman, not yet a defendant, Hispanic because his mother was? And Hispanic is an ethnic designation, not a racial category.

I dunno why don't you tell me what the left means by the "browning of America? how is obama black if he mudder was white?? go ahead tell us..

African American IS a racial designation, Hispanic is NOT. The President identifies himself as black. Who knows with Zimmerman?

Spin it any way you wish chick a hispanic guy killed a black teenager. so don't go hatin on whitey for this crime. go after the latinos
Dear idiot.

He tried to become a cop and didnt get hired.

Then he did this neighborhood watch thing without one single neighbor being concerned enough to be envloved with it.

OK Fine. Let the investigation by the Governor carry forth and wait, will you?

If people had not become outraged this perp would still be out able to kill someone else.

Oh wait he still is.
Dear idiot.

He tried to become a cop and didnt get hired.

Then he did this neighborhood watch thing without one single neighbor being concerned enough to be envloved with it.

OK Fine. Let the investigation by the Governor carry forth and wait, will you?

If people had not become outraged this perp would still be out able to kill someone else.

Oh wait he still is.

You are making an assumption on who the 'perp' was. But you are full or rage and hate and just want to lash out. We understand.
The boy was walking home after buying candy.

If he was a asian kid would this asshole have seen the need to follow him?

would he have said fucking coon before he shot him?

Yep. Good concerns. The Kid was also shot 2 1/2 blocks from his own home, in his own neighborhood. Did these two have any other encounters? How well was the kid known on his own streets? What did the Clerk in the Store have to say about him? About Zimmerman? Who Else had bad encounters with Zimmerman? Who Else was Bullied by Zimmerman? All stuff the Police should be Investigating.

All true; again the Grand Jury convenes 4/10. I see no political divide among those calling for a STATE Grand Jury investigation. I think the last sentence in the article below should read Ron Paul has NOT commented. Has he? IF not, he may be waiting for the Grand Jury to set forth THEIR findings.

Gingrich, Romney, Santorum discuss Trayvon Martin - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Romney campaign released a statement on the matter: "What happened to Trayvon Martin is a tragedy," Romney said in the statement. "There needs to be a thorough investigation that reassures the public that justice is carried out with impartiality and integrity."


Gingrich discussed the situation on CNN Thursday night, where he said he believed the local district attorney was taking the right course.

"I have faith that the American system of justice and that this is why you have a balance between the police and the district attorney," he said. "The district attorney has the ability to step in and say, 'wait a minute, let's look at this again.' They're clearly doing that. The police chief himself has been suspended. And I think that Americans can recognize that while this is a tragedy -- and it is a tragedy -- that we are going to relentlessly seek justice and I think that's the right thing to do."

Correct again...

"I think that the local and state can do a great job here," Santorum said in Louisiana Friday, after firing at a shooting range. He added that "you already see the local community is reacting and responding and hopefully this matter will be an example of what law enforcement needs to do in a case like this."

Correct as well...until...

"Stand Your Ground is not doing what this man did," Santorum said. "So, there's a difference between Stand Your Ground and doing what he did and it's a horrible case. It's chilling to hear what happened and of course the fact that law enforcement didn't immediately go after and prosecute this case is another chilling example of you know obviously horrible decisions made by people in this process."

We'll let the State make that call...

Ron Paul's campaign has responded to an inquiry about whether Paul had a comment on the Trayvon Martin situation or on Mr. Obama's response to it.

Ok....what was the response?
FBI data from 2004 shows

single victim/single offender incidents of which there were 3,067 Black victims, 92.2 percent of them, or 2827, were murdered by black offenders

So the blacks are the biggest murders of other blacks in the US and yet the MSM and the Left wants
to race bait with this story and others like it

So sad how the left wants to divide this country
FBI data from 2004 shows

single victim/single offender incidents of which there were 3,067 Black victims, 92.2 percent of them, or 2827, were murdered by black offenders

So the blacks are the biggest murders of other blacks in the US and yet the MSM and the Left wants
to race bait with this story and others like it

So sad how the left wants to divide this country

Unfortunately my community doesn't want to address this fact of reality. We're too busy blaming whites and singing woe is me.

I'm not ofcourse. I'm too busy with reality.
FBI data from 2004 shows

single victim/single offender incidents of which there were 3,067 Black victims, 92.2 percent of them, or 2827, were murdered by black offenders

So the blacks are the biggest murders of other blacks in the US and yet the MSM and the Left wants
to race bait with this story and others like it

So sad how the left wants to divide this country

Unfortunately my community doesn't want to address this fact of reality. We're too busy blaming whites and singing woe is me.

I'm not ofcourse. I'm too busy with reality.

That is good to hear

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