New covid highly contagious variant detected in Vietnam


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Vietnam's Health Ministry announced Saturday that it had detected a highly transmissible new variant of the coronavirus that has helped fuel a recent wave of covid-19 infections in the country.

Genetic sequencing indicated that the new variant was a mix of the coronavirus strains first detected in the United Kingdom and India, said Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long, according to the VnExpress newspaper


How predictable is this? Lol...
Somehow, lefties will figure out how to make this about Trump and Jan 6.

I'm sure we'll be seeing all kinds of variants that will mean that we still need masks and new vaccines. Covid culture is here to stay.
Glad to see they are not calling it a mutation, since mutations take hundreds of thousands of years to be successful.
The actual process is a hybridization or natural selection.


Vietnam's Health Ministry announced Saturday that it had detected a highly transmissible new variant of the coronavirus that has helped fuel a recent wave of covid-19 infections in the country.

Genetic sequencing indicated that the new variant was a mix of the coronavirus strains first detected in the United Kingdom and India, said Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long, according to the VnExpress newspaper


How predictable is this? Lol...

This has been discussed several months ago. New variants of the virus may be more contagious, but much less deadly. This shot and people who had Covid and are naturally immune have little to worry about.

Vietnam's Health Ministry announced Saturday that it had detected a highly transmissible new variant of the coronavirus that has helped fuel a recent wave of covid-19 infections in the country.

Genetic sequencing indicated that the new variant was a mix of the coronavirus strains first detected in the United Kingdom and India, said Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long, according to the VnExpress newspaper


How predictable is this? Lol...

This has been discussed several months ago. New variants of the virus may be more contagious, but much less deadly. This shot and people who had Covid and are naturally immune have little to worry about.
These viruses are man-made but not a mutated virus.

#3 is glad these are not mutations, though #3 is incorrect: all variants are mutations, and there are four Indian variants, each with their own set of mutations.
All indications are that the vaccines are effective against the variants.

If you haven't had the vaccination yet you ought to seriously think about getting it.
No, the wild-type virus shows no intentional manipulation, especially the amino acid positions in the sequence of the RBD that would have given it more affinity to human ACE2 receptors.
No, the wild-type virus shows no intentional manipulation, especially the amino acid positions in the sequence of the RBD that would have given it more affinity to human ACE2 receptors.

Correct, that's why it wasn't wild. It was manipulated in the Wuhan lab. They took a bat virus and made it more potent. That wasn't bad enough. There are four levels of security with these labs. They are BLS 1 through BLS 4, 4 being the most secure. The virus was being manipulated in a BLS 2 lab. BLS 2 is the precautionary standards that your dentist office uses.

The real bad thing about this is we trained these Chinese scientists, and we funded their work in Wuhan.
Looks like we have a bunch of "scientists" that stayed at a Holiday Inn huh?
No, both populations of COVID-19 show no intentional manipulation, including the one brought indoors to the Wuhan lab from outdoors.
Looks like we have a bunch of "scientists" that stayed at a Holiday Inn huh?

So it seems, they didn't take all precautionary actions to insure these viruses stayed in the lab. We were warned in the past about the negligent practices in the Wuhan lab, and yet we allowed Fauci to steer US dollars their way.

Did you ever ask yourself why Dr. Fauci stated in 2017 when Trump first took office, that the new President would be a pandemic like this country never seen before? How did he know that? What would make him say such a thing if he didn't know it?
Experts have been warning about the possibility of a viral pandemic for well over a decade.
Experts have been warning about the possibility of a viral pandemic for well over a decade.

Just like in the 80's when they were warning us that NYC would be washed away by 2000 from increasing water levels thanks to global warming.

Disease and new viral problems were a possibility at any time in our existence. However this time Dr. Fauci almost guaranteed it would happen during Trump's first term. He knew what China was up to, he didn't alert out government of the dangers that lab presented, and he even geared funding to it. Now Dementia wants to stop any investigations into the Wuhan murder machine. A bat bit some Chinese guy when he was out for a hike, and it spread to the world. We're supposed to believe that.
These viruses are man-made but not a mutated virus.

They weren't "made" but they took the virus and made it stronger and more deadly.
They were engineering viruses for over a 100 years ago or maybe more.
Most people thinks that viruses appears from out of thin air. But it is created through infectious or chemical waste. And they are in GMO foods as well.
But during the time of Noah. According to the Book of Enoch. That Enoch's followers became corrupted. When Enoch died, that they didn't have him around to discourage them from doing wrong. And so they've came down from the mountain. And they have great knowledge that Enoch had taught them that this knowledge had came from the angels. Even the wisdom of Solomon and the strength of Samson was just a portion of what they have had. That they have taken by force women to be their wives. And they have reign over the people, teaching them things that they weren't suppose to be taught to them, like birth control elixirs and GMO creatures.
But after the flood, they were trying to go back to their old ways. And so God wiped out their memories that they weren't even able to communicate with each other. And that is why we aren't able to remembered what have taken place during those times. But Adam and Eve communicated on day one.
But someone must have found old records that showed how to modified beings through the use of viruses. And their test subjects that didn't know they were their lab rats, became deformed. That they just conjured up a new disease and gave it a name and then claims it to be a natural rare condition that happens at times just to throw us off. But it were just another experiment of theirs.
I think that all of these abominations that leads to desolation, these viruses are some of their creations.

2 Kings 2:9
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied.

2 Samuel 14:20

Your servant Joab did this to change the present situation. My lord has wisdom like that of an angel of God, he knows everything that happens in the land.”
They were engineering viruses for over a 100 years ago or maybe more.

They didn't have the technology 100 years ago or even 50 years ago. The Chinese took this bat virus and engineered it to be more deadly and infectious. Supposedly the reason was they figured that it would eventually mutate to that, and if it did, they'd be starting from scratch to figure out a way to mitigate or destroy it. So they engineered Covid 19 to study the virus and how to deal with it in the future.

However several problems took place here: For one, the Wuhan lab has been cited in the past for unsafe practices. Two, we trained their scientists in the US that were monkeying around with this thing. Three, we helped fund it. Four, these labs have four levels 1 through 4, 4 being the safest They were fooling around with this thing in a lab safety 2 level. To give you an idea what lab safety 2 level is, it's what your dentist needs to provide to have a practice.

In 2017, Dr. Fauci publicly stated that President Trump will face a pandemic like we've never seen before. He didn't say might, or could be, he said "will" as if he knew for a fact this was going to happen, and he nor anybody did a thing about it.
Let’s leave no stone unturned and search every nook of the planet so the fear hoax can be implemented again
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