New DNC Attack Ad

He's an asshole. End of story. Lol. You wanna get something done, then FEEL THE JOHNSON! :2up:
"Feel the Johnson" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Didn't you see the meme I posted earlier? Here, I post it again just for you. Lol.

Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

The 'attack ad' doesn't include hillary carrying on the tradition of bringing in illegals and refugees from all over to create a strong economy in America. We have a country going down the tubes and only a new sheriff like the Donald can maybe, just possibly, turn things around. Who cares how crude or vulgar or politically incorrect he is with Muslims slaughtering Americans in night clubs, christmas parties, and military bases.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

The 'attack ad' doesn't include hillary carrying on the tradition of bringing in illegals and refugees from all over to create a strong economy in America. We have a country going down the tubes and only a new sheriff like the Donald can maybe, just possibly, turn things around. Who cares how crude or vulgar or politically incorrect he is with Muslims slaughtering Americans in night clubs, christmas parties, and military bases.

The point of the thread is compare how different candidates approach their ads. As you saw (I hope), Johnson did not resort to such attacks. He did what I would expect a serious candidate who cares about our country would do and told us why he would make a good POTUS.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

The 'attack ad' doesn't include hillary carrying on the tradition of bringing in illegals and refugees from all over to create a strong economy in America. We have a country going down the tubes and only a new sheriff like the Donald can maybe, just possibly, turn things around. Who cares how crude or vulgar or politically incorrect he is with Muslims slaughtering Americans in night clubs, christmas parties, and military bases.

The point of the thread is compare how different candidates approach their ads. As you saw (I hope), Johnson did not resort to such attacks. He did what I would expect a serious candidate who cares about our country would do and told us why he would make a good POTUS.

There will only be a mrs. clinton or a donald presidency. A third party candidate may upset the balance, but he won't win.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

The 'attack ad' doesn't include hillary carrying on the tradition of bringing in illegals and refugees from all over to create a strong economy in America. We have a country going down the tubes and only a new sheriff like the Donald can maybe, just possibly, turn things around. Who cares how crude or vulgar or politically incorrect he is with Muslims slaughtering Americans in night clubs, christmas parties, and military bases.

The point of the thread is compare how different candidates approach their ads. As you saw (I hope), Johnson did not resort to such attacks. He did what I would expect a serious candidate who cares about our country would do and told us why he would make a good POTUS.

There will only be a mrs. clinton or a donald presidency. A third party candidate may upset the balance, but he won't win.

You've gotta start somewhere and sometime. What better time than now?

Hillary pointing out that Trump is a real man...

^ Faggot Alert!

In what ways is the thin-skinned, bigoted, hateful, angry, unhinged, disingenuous, vindictive, petty, jealous piece of shit inhabiting the tiny handed body of Donald Trump a "real man?"

See, this is why conservatives have to creep into men's public restrooms in order to get laid. Women want nothing to do with them.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

This one is pretty good. Not as good as the other two, the one showing Trump clips to children, and the other one of women and the audio clips of Trumps comments on women. Those two were devastating.

It's safe to say that the only people who would support Trump are sociopaths. Trump himself is a sociopath, birds of a feather...

The Gary Johnson ad was good. But they won't go anywhere because the only people who have a chance are the ones who are the most skilled at manipulating the media.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

This one is pretty good. Not as good as the other two, the one showing Trump clips to children, and the other one of women and the audio clips of Trumps comments on women. Those two were devastating.

It's safe to say that the only people who would support Trump are sociopaths. Trump himself is a sociopath, birds of a feather...

The Gary Johnson ad was good. But they won't go anywhere because the only people who have a chance are the ones who are the most skilled at manipulating the media.

Because they're sheeple. :( Anyways, I'm voting for Gary and I know a whole SLEW of other people are too. We shall see.
Hillary pointing out that Trump is a real man...

^ Faggot Alert!

In what ways is the thin-skinned, bigoted, hateful, angry, unhinged, disingenuous, vindictive, petty, jealous piece of shit inhabiting the tiny handed body of Donald Trump a "real man?"

See, this is why conservatives have to creep into men's public restrooms in order to get laid. Women want nothing to do with them.

Trump is a macho Alpha male, while you have Pajama Boy and Al Franken.

Women are attracted to real men and laugh at the perennially offended Democrat Luke Sissyfags
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

The 'attack ad' doesn't include hillary carrying on the tradition of bringing in illegals and refugees from all over to create a strong economy in America. We have a country going down the tubes and only a new sheriff like the Donald can maybe, just possibly, turn things around. Who cares how crude or vulgar or politically incorrect he is with Muslims slaughtering Americans in night clubs, christmas parties, and military bases.

The point of the thread is compare how different candidates approach their ads. As you saw (I hope), Johnson did not resort to such attacks. He did what I would expect a serious candidate who cares about our country would do and told us why he would make a good POTUS.

Of course, when you're on the outside of the Duopoly, you're not going to get the attention that brings attacks, and you have the luxury of keeping the high road. If he picks up momentum that would change --- although I'm sure he could handle it with class.
Hillary pointing out that Trump is a real man...

^ Faggot Alert!

In what ways is the thin-skinned, bigoted, hateful, angry, unhinged, disingenuous, vindictive, petty, jealous piece of shit inhabiting the tiny handed body of Donald Trump a "real man?"

See, this is why conservatives have to creep into men's public restrooms in order to get laid. Women want nothing to do with them.

Trump is a macho Alpha male, while you have Pajama Boy and Al Franken.

Women are attracted to real men and laugh at the perennially offended Democrat Luke Sissyfags

Oh don't sell yourself short, Frank. Hang in there.
Hillary pointing out that Trump is a real man...

^ Faggot Alert!

In what ways is the thin-skinned, bigoted, hateful, angry, unhinged, disingenuous, vindictive, petty, jealous piece of shit inhabiting the tiny handed body of Donald Trump a "real man?"

See, this is why conservatives have to creep into men's public restrooms in order to get laid. Women want nothing to do with them.

Trump is a macho Alpha male, while you have Pajama Boy and Al Franken.

Women are attracted to real men and laugh at the perennially offended Democrat Luke Sissyfags

Oh don't sell yourself short, Frank. Hang in there.

Yuck. I'm not attracted to Donald Trump at ALL. :cheeky-smiley-018: He's kind of gross if you ask me.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

The 'attack ad' doesn't include hillary carrying on the tradition of bringing in illegals and refugees from all over to create a strong economy in America. We have a country going down the tubes and only a new sheriff like the Donald can maybe, just possibly, turn things around. Who cares how crude or vulgar or politically incorrect he is with Muslims slaughtering Americans in night clubs, christmas parties, and military bases.

The point of the thread is compare how different candidates approach their ads. As you saw (I hope), Johnson did not resort to such attacks. He did what I would expect a serious candidate who cares about our country would do and told us why he would make a good POTUS.

There will only be a mrs. clinton or a donald presidency. A third party candidate may upset the balance, but he won't win.

You've gotta start somewhere and sometime. What better time than now?

When there's not so many supreme court nominations at stake.
What Hillary has to do:

Make the public fear Trump: Replay clips of his opinions and foolishness constantly

Stand up for America: America IS great, our economy is the strongest on earth, we do not have to live in fear

Present yourself as the only responsible candidate: Reply calmly and rationally to Trumps rants and accusations

Paint ALL Republican candidate as being the same as Trump

Right, the only candidate that jeopardized national security and lied to congress. Great qualifications, for president of the inmates.

As much as Republicans have tried, they have not been able to show that Hillary jeopardized national security.
They have been unable to show that Hillary was responsible for Benghazi, just like they couldn't show Obama was responsible for Benghazi in 2012

Hillary will point out specific Trump proposals and what they mean

1. Killing the families of terrorists
2. Destroying our NATO alliances
3. Cutting taxes on the wealthy at a cost of $10 trillion
4. Banning muslims from entering the country
5. Building a useless wall
6. Trying to round up 11 million Mexicans
7. Prosecuting women who get abortions

You weren't paying attention to what Comey said. He laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence in the handling of classified information and said that no REASONABLE PERSON would have the conversations she did on an insecure network. The DNC has much better cyber security than the hildabitch did and hackers got in, what are the odds the didn't get hers. Can you say slim and none? If she was a regular federal employee she'd have lost her security clearance for ever and probably gone to jail.

He said nothing about a reasonable person having conversations. What he said was that no reasonable prosecutor would press this case

You might want to review the tape, simply because you're wrong. I was paraphrasing, here's exactly what he said.

Excerpt from his statement. My bold.

For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on e-mail (that is, excluding the later “up-classified” e-mails).

Oops, forgot the link: Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Where'd ya go hero, no my mistake or sorry about that? Typical regressive, get proven wrong and you run and hide.
Good ad that highlights Hillary's strategy against Trump

Use his own boorish behavior against him, don't roll in the mud with pigs, they are more used to it than you are

Hillary just needs to respond calmly, don't take the bait and remain Presidential
How can she appear Presidential when the majority of Democrats don't trust her?

Yeah ummm... the definition of "appearing Presidential" is in a bit of a flux if you hain't noticed.


Kinda like being under sniper fire. Nice try dumbass
Let her spend her money on attack ads.

She's attacking herself now. The Donald's not going to play that game. He's got facts and she's got the spin of the left.

The people are wakening up and information is coming out all over the place. Social media is most certainly not Hillary's friend.

Video attack ads will not work well this election cycle. Look at how much money has been spent against Trump and he blew out the nomination.

Now the debates, that's where the rubber hits the road.

Hillary won't have attackers there even though she's trying like crazy to get others involved in the debate process.


Not happening. xD
Trump has facts?
Go ahead, tell us a few.

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