New DNC Attack Ad

Just saw this ad, that makes an art out of race baiting:

Might want to look at the thumbs up/down ratio...

As usual for the democrat plantation, free speech is completely blocked from their echo chambers. Comments have been disabled in order to prevent any reason from entering in.
Good ad that highlights Hillary's strategy against Trump

Use his own boorish behavior against him, don't roll in the mud with pigs, they are more used to it than you are

Hillary just needs to respond calmly, don't take the bait and remain Presidential
Of course she's going to wallow in the mud. It's where she is. That's FOCF (Falling off the camel funny).

that's so funny given that you like the ugliest nastiest candidate we've ever had
Your mind reading skills are a little lacking today.
Good ad that highlights Hillary's strategy against Trump

Use his own boorish behavior against him, don't roll in the mud with pigs, they are more used to it than you are

Hillary just needs to respond calmly, don't take the bait and remain Presidential
Of course she's going to wallow in the mud. It's where she is. That's FOCF (Falling off the camel funny).

that's so funny given that you like the ugliest nastiest candidate we've ever had
Your mind reading skills are a little lacking today.

no. :cuckoo:
What Hillary has to do:

Make the public fear Trump: Replay clips of his opinions and foolishness constantly

Stand up for America: America IS great, our economy is the strongest on earth, we do not have to live in fear

Present yourself as the only responsible candidate: Reply calmly and rationally to Trumps rants and accusations

Paint ALL Republican candidate as being the same as Trump
I don't think she's capable of doing that.
Good ad that highlights Hillary's strategy against Trump

Use his own boorish behavior against him, don't roll in the mud with pigs, they are more used to it than you are

Hillary just needs to respond calmly, don't take the bait and remain Presidential
Of course she's going to wallow in the mud. It's where she is. That's FOCF (Falling off the camel funny).

that's so funny given that you like the ugliest nastiest candidate we've ever had
Your mind reading skills are a little lacking today.

no. :cuckoo:
Where did I say I like Trump?
During her speech introducing her running mate, she specifically mentioned the NRA. Big turn off. Can't vote for someone who is a governmental official who wants to take away MY right because of what a few psychopaths do. No way, no how. If I end up voting (for some reason) for either of the front runners, it will not be Hillary.

the NRA is the lobbying group for gun manufacturers. 90% of the country wanted reasonable background checks and their bought and purchased congressmen blocked it.

There are reasonable background checks.
You do what ever makes you feel good, I'll pass on someone who has to promise to quit smoking pot if elected.

Yes, that is a UGE concern. Lol. *SMH*

LOL all you want, just proves he's another political hack that thinks he above the law.

Give it up. That is a stupid. You just ignore all the IMPORTANT issues that he brings up and you are very narrow minded and shallow.

Yep, I'm for anyone who has a realistic chance of defeating the hildabitch.

It's the fault of you republicans and the democrats that we are stuck with the status quo, you and your bogus rhetoric, trying to scare people away from voting for the 3rd party BETTER candidates.

I don't think another politician who thinks he's above the law is a better anything. The SOB should be in jail along with the hildabitch.
During her speech introducing her running mate, she specifically mentioned the NRA. Big turn off. Can't vote for someone who is a governmental official who wants to take away MY right because of what a few psychopaths do. No way, no how. If I end up voting (for some reason) for either of the front runners, it will not be Hillary.

the NRA is the lobbying group for gun manufacturers. 90% of the country wanted reasonable background checks and their bought and purchased congressmen blocked it.

There are reasonable background checks.

There are unreasonable background checks as well, such as in NYC, 3-6 months and $1000 in fees for a home only handgun permit.
Not its not but the questions you have to consider are what will she say about him that has not already been said and why would it have anymore impact now than it did the first time? One more thing to consider is getting into a battle of who's the worst person really in Hillarys best interest? Trumps no prize but neither is she.

That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.
The sad reality is for any third party candidate to have any shot they would need to be included in the Presidential debates and neither party or the networks will go for that.

If he garners 15% then he is allowed to participate in the national televised debates.
Doesn't he have to have multiple polls showing him at 15 percent? It would seem like it would have to be one poll showing him at 15 could be an outlier just like having one poll show a candidate up by double digits when all the others show them up by only two or three points. I hope he makes it in there it would be interesting to see the impact he might have.
Yes, that is a UGE concern. Lol. *SMH*

LOL all you want, just proves he's another political hack that thinks he above the law.

Give it up. That is a stupid. You just ignore all the IMPORTANT issues that he brings up and you are very narrow minded and shallow.

Yep, I'm for anyone who has a realistic chance of defeating the hildabitch.

It's the fault of you republicans and the democrats that we are stuck with the status quo, you and your bogus rhetoric, trying to scare people away from voting for the 3rd party BETTER candidates.

I don't think another politician who thinks he's above the law is a better anything. The SOB should be in jail along with the hildabitch.

Are you serious? You think people who smoke POT should go to jail? *SMH* Why? Besides that, he quit smoking, so it's a nonissue.
That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.
The sad reality is for any third party candidate to have any shot they would need to be included in the Presidential debates and neither party or the networks will go for that.

If he garners 15% then he is allowed to participate in the national televised debates.
Doesn't he have to have multiple polls showing him at 15 percent? It would seem like it would have to be one poll showing him at 15 could be an outlier just like having one poll show a candidate up by double digits when all the others show them up by only two or three points. I hope he makes it in there it would be interesting to see the impact he might have.

I don't know. The last I knew he was at 13%. There are some posts about it in the Gary Johnson forum.
During her speech introducing her running mate, she specifically mentioned the NRA. Big turn off. Can't vote for someone who is a governmental official who wants to take away MY right because of what a few psychopaths do. No way, no how. If I end up voting (for some reason) for either of the front runners, it will not be Hillary.

the NRA is the lobbying group for gun manufacturers. 90% of the country wanted reasonable background checks and their bought and purchased congressmen blocked it.

There are reasonable background checks.

There are unreasonable background checks as well, such as in NYC, 3-6 months and $1000 in fees for a home only handgun permit.

that isn't true. it's not $1000 and it took my husband less than two months. it cost about $400, which covers an unlimited number of guns. there's no reason for anyone to have anything but a target premise permit unless they have a reason for one.

I'm not sure how that's unreasonable.

soo unless the price went up since he got his, that's what it is.
During her speech introducing her running mate, she specifically mentioned the NRA. Big turn off. Can't vote for someone who is a governmental official who wants to take away MY right because of what a few psychopaths do. No way, no how. If I end up voting (for some reason) for either of the front runners, it will not be Hillary.

the NRA is the lobbying group for gun manufacturers. 90% of the country wanted reasonable background checks and their bought and purchased congressmen blocked it.

There are reasonable background checks.

There are unreasonable background checks as well, such as in NYC, 3-6 months and $1000 in fees for a home only handgun permit.

that isn't true. it's not $1000 and it took my husband less than two months. it cost about $400, which covers an unlimited number of guns. there's no reason for anyone to have anything but a target premise permit unless they have a reason for one.

I'm not sure how that's unreasonable.

soo unless the price went up since he got his, that's what it is.

There are PLENTY of reasons. Have you ever had anyone break into your home?
During her speech introducing her running mate, she specifically mentioned the NRA. Big turn off. Can't vote for someone who is a governmental official who wants to take away MY right because of what a few psychopaths do. No way, no how. If I end up voting (for some reason) for either of the front runners, it will not be Hillary.

the NRA is the lobbying group for gun manufacturers. 90% of the country wanted reasonable background checks and their bought and purchased congressmen blocked it.

There are reasonable background checks.

There are unreasonable background checks as well, such as in NYC, 3-6 months and $1000 in fees for a home only handgun permit.

that isn't true. it's not $1000 and it took my husband less than two months. it cost about $400, which covers an unlimited number of guns. there's no reason for anyone to have anything but a target premise permit unless they have a reason for one.

I'm not sure how that's unreasonable.

soo unless the price went up since he got his, that's what it is.

You don't get a say in what other people need and/or why.
During her speech introducing her running mate, she specifically mentioned the NRA. Big turn off. Can't vote for someone who is a governmental official who wants to take away MY right because of what a few psychopaths do. No way, no how. If I end up voting (for some reason) for either of the front runners, it will not be Hillary.

the NRA is the lobbying group for gun manufacturers. 90% of the country wanted reasonable background checks and their bought and purchased congressmen blocked it.

There are reasonable background checks.

There are unreasonable background checks as well, such as in NYC, 3-6 months and $1000 in fees for a home only handgun permit.

that isn't true. it's not $1000 and it took my husband less than two months. it cost about $400, which covers an unlimited number of guns. there's no reason for anyone to have anything but a target premise permit unless they have a reason for one.

I'm not sure how that's unreasonable.

soo unless the price went up since he got his, that's what it is.

There are PLENTY of reasons. Have you ever had anyone break into your home?

no. and neither have most people. but a target/premise permit covers your home.

so you were saying?

I'm pretty sure that I don't want every psycho on the NYC subway carrying a gun.
the NRA is the lobbying group for gun manufacturers. 90% of the country wanted reasonable background checks and their bought and purchased congressmen blocked it.

There are reasonable background checks.

There are unreasonable background checks as well, such as in NYC, 3-6 months and $1000 in fees for a home only handgun permit.

that isn't true. it's not $1000 and it took my husband less than two months. it cost about $400, which covers an unlimited number of guns. there's no reason for anyone to have anything but a target premise permit unless they have a reason for one.

I'm not sure how that's unreasonable.

soo unless the price went up since he got his, that's what it is.

There are PLENTY of reasons. Have you ever had anyone break into your home?

no. and neither have most people. but a target/premise permit covers your home.

so you were saying?

I'm saying that you don't make those kinds of decisions for other people. If you don't want a gun, then don't own one.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

did you ask the Donald that since there wasn't a single thing during his convention that he said he'd do....

unless you think "make America great again" is "something".

just saying.

Oh, I'll call him right now and ask him. :p

he'll tell you he doesn't know, but it's "huuuuuuuge".

my point was Hillary has been pretty specific yet you demand more detail from her (which is fair) but give the Donald, who says nothing, a pass. (which is not fair).

I won't vote for a candidate who is anti 2nd amendment.

she isn't anti 2nd amendment. there is nothing in the 2nd amendment that keeps us from doing backround checks that keep guns out of the hands of crazies, criminals and abusers. no one is taking away your guns.

But you ignore those laws already exist. But hey just one more added to the thousand out there will do the trick, right? How did Einstein define crazy, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
the NRA is the lobbying group for gun manufacturers. 90% of the country wanted reasonable background checks and their bought and purchased congressmen blocked it.

There are reasonable background checks.

There are unreasonable background checks as well, such as in NYC, 3-6 months and $1000 in fees for a home only handgun permit.

that isn't true. it's not $1000 and it took my husband less than two months. it cost about $400, which covers an unlimited number of guns. there's no reason for anyone to have anything but a target premise permit unless they have a reason for one.

I'm not sure how that's unreasonable.

soo unless the price went up since he got his, that's what it is.

There are PLENTY of reasons. Have you ever had anyone break into your home?

no. and neither have most people. but a target/premise permit covers your home.

so you were saying?

I'm pretty sure that I don't want every psycho on the NYC subway carrying a gun.

What YOU want is irrelevant when it comes to constitutional rights.

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