New DNC President Demostrates Democrats Spew Ignorance and Lies (Electoral College)

Clearly, what Perez was referring to was the practice of giving ALL of a state's electoral votes to the candidate who garners the most votes in the state (rather than awarding Electoral votes proportionately). THAT is not in the Constitution, and could be changed rather easily.

I wonder who would have won in November if the states had awarded Electoral votes proportionately.
Clinton, who won.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clearly, what Perez was referring to was the practice of giving ALL of a state's electoral votes to the candidate who garners the most votes in the state (rather than awarding Electoral votes proportionately). THAT is not in the Constitution, and could be changed rather easily.

I wonder who would have won in November if the states had awarded Electoral votes proportionately.
Clinton, who won.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.
Clearly, what Perez was referring to was the practice of giving ALL of a state's electoral votes to the candidate who garners the most votes in the state (rather than awarding Electoral votes proportionately). THAT is not in the Constitution, and could be changed rather easily.

I wonder who would have won in November if the states had awarded Electoral votes proportionately.
Clinton, who won.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.
Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won.

Most states are winner take all.

and she lost, by a large margin.

"We call such a thing Math."
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.

There is math and there is liberal math which is what you're trying to use.

You want to count up all the EC votes Hillary might have won in red states, but fail to understand that she would have probably lost more if Republicans got a piece of the EC's in blue states. It's called a wash.

If you followed the discussion Pogo and I were having, there are many Republicans that stay home in blue states instead of voting, and there are many Democrats who live in red states that stay home because they know their vote wouldn't count for anything. A proportional EC distribution would change the dynamics of voting entirely.
No reason for a candidate to go to those states and make promises, (they likely won't keep anyway), because there aren't enough people there to matter.
Why would a politician campaign in Rhode Island, when NYC has 7 times the population?
Why bother stumping in Montana, when Chicago has twice the population?

Okay! Now I get it. If it were one (wo)man-one vote, Presidential hopefuls might not come make live speeches in my state (for sure they wouldn't, since there are only a million of us) and eat at our local diner. Or send out armies of young people to ring my bell incessantly and fill my mailbox with garbage flyers.
WE HAVE TV NOW and internet and all kinds of other newfangled communications which make it unnecessary for a candidate to travel to Bangor in order for me to know who it is and if I want to vote for him/her.
The EC is, imo, a thing of the past. I don't know who my "State" is when it comes to EC control, but I sure as hell don't know any of them. It is a mysterious backroom thing and it is kept that way from all but the partisan monkeys.

A candidate must visit your state because of the electoral votes you possess. Imagine if it were popular vote only. Then the candidate would have no reason to visit your state. He would have no reason to send federal aid for hurricanes, tornadoes, or large fires once he became President. He would have no concern about using your land for nuclear waste, garbage, or even a new oil refinery.

The EC does not balance things, but it does help with the unbalancing. Less populated states like yours have more power with the EC than it would have with a popular vote. I mean, if you live in a state with 3 million people, you have to assume that less than 2 million are of voting age, and out of that 2 million, less than one million actually vote.
Odd idea, let's try majority rule with protections for minorities. What a plan.

Tiny states deserve tiny influence. Size matters, boys. When the women in your life said it didn't they were just being nice and didn't want to deflate your fragile little "egos".

So you would be all for having enough Senators to represent the population of your state? After all, when our government was being designed, the idea of equal representation in the Senate would stop mob rule. You get two Senators for your state and it doesn't matter if your state is Texas or your state is Rhode Island. That way, every state has power in our legislative process.
Why should Rhode Island have the same influence as California or Texas? Answer, they shouldn't.

Answer: so that all states are equal. With a representative Senate, Texas, New York and California would control the entire country--just like it would with popular vote.
Living within the boundaries of a state does not mean you automatically vote a certain way. That is what I'm saying. If that were so, "red" states wouldn't have to expend campaign funds, either. Just let the pundits decide what everyone would choose, state by state and to hell with the people.
Trump won the presidency. Deal with that.
I am, and I'm watching him destroy the office and ruin the standing of American all over the globe. A weak man leading an even weaker nation.

Well get used to it because it's going to be that way for another three years and probably seven. :banana::banana::banana:
Not a chance in hell. Most people already hate him including many who voted for him.

Nope. Most of the people that voted for him are quite satisfied. A great economy, great judges, lowest border crossings in years, strong stock market, great unemployment numbers, and that includes first time unemployment filers. Everything is great as far as we're concerned. Don't let those bogus polls tell you differently:

Poll: 4 of 10 voters are 'silent Trump supporters'
A Fox poll showing him with a 38% approval rating is not false. He sucks but idiots like you still like him.
Yes, but 81% approval rating among Republicans. So election wise, it's going to take something BIG to change the landscape.
DNC head Tom Perez falsely claims Electoral College 'not a creation of the Constitution'

"Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez incorrectly stated "the Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution" during a Tuesday night speech.

"The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution," Perez said during a lecture at Indiana University Law School. "It doesn’t have to be there."

The Electoral College, a mechanism for indirect election of the president created by the Founding Fathers as a compromise between smaller states and larger states, is clearly laid out in
Article II of the Constitution: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress."

This is the same dumbass who just denied knowing anything about and not finding any records to show the previous chairwoman / the DNC gave millions to a foreign agent through a Russia-linked firm for a false report containing Russia-generated propaganda against Trump.

Today - in reaction to all the evidence coming out against Hillary, DWS, Mueller, Holder, Comey, and Obama - libtards and snowflakes be like:

View attachment 156688

They sure got the winning ticket.

Capitalism is what creates the classes. The rich at the top and the rest at the bottom with a rare few trying to stay in the middle. And it's only gotten much worse since people like the Bushes and Trump came upon the scene and gave even more breaks and wealth to the top. But not to worry, the days of literally eating the rich are coming.

Did you read your own link on Marxism? All it does is describe made-up classes. In America Capitalism and the free pursuit of wealth results in people being able to lift themselves out of socialist class warfare. Socialism/Marxism encourages people to form a Kleptocracy thinking the 'golden goose' of the so-called 'rich' will continue to lay 'golden eggs.' What they don't realize is that without monetary reward, the eggs soon dry up and everyone is equally miserable. So....Instead of decrying Capitalism, get off your butt, embrace it and make something of yourself instead of crying about what others refuse to give you for free.
[QUOTE="Pogo, post: 18464000, member: 41527"

Wrong again.

"States deciding the Presidency" is exactly what the EC system already does. And the WTA approach, which 48 of the 50 states use and the other two use WTA-lite --- completely fucks that up. James Madison could see that. That's why he wanted to abolish it.[/QUOTE]

Think of it this way, if Hillary lost LA Trump would have won the popular vote.
Clearly, what Perez was referring to was the practice of giving ALL of a state's electoral votes to the candidate who garners the most votes in the state (rather than awarding Electoral votes proportionately). THAT is not in the Constitution, and could be changed rather easily.

I wonder who would have won in November if the states had awarded Electoral votes proportionately.
Clinton, who won.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.

However, in the spirit of the Constitution, the states have the right to determine how the EC votes are distributed.

So, would of, could of, should of, don’t count in the real world.
Clearly, what Perez was referring to was the practice of giving ALL of a state's electoral votes to the candidate who garners the most votes in the state (rather than awarding Electoral votes proportionately). THAT is not in the Constitution, and could be changed rather easily.

I wonder who would have won in November if the states had awarded Electoral votes proportionately.
Clinton, who won.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.

However, in the spirit of the Constitution, the states have the right to determine how the EC votes are distributed.

So, would of, could of, should of, don’t count in the real world.
In the real world the majority is supposed to get their guy into the highest office in the land. That seems to have been forgotten here.
I don't dispute the fact of the blunder Perez made, but in context, he was trying to make a point about getting rid of the winner takes all apportioning of electoral votes,

which is a valid point.
Clearly, what Perez was referring to was the practice of giving ALL of a state's electoral votes to the candidate who garners the most votes in the state (rather than awarding Electoral votes proportionately). THAT is not in the Constitution, and could be changed rather easily.

I wonder who would have won in November if the states had awarded Electoral votes proportionately.
Clinton, who won.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.

However, in the spirit of the Constitution, the states have the right to determine how the EC votes are distributed.

So, would of, could of, should of, don’t count in the real world.
In the real world the majority is supposed to get their guy into the highest office in the land. That seems to have been forgotten here.

If thats the way you feel, I suggest you book passage to a more likeable foreign port.

This country is run by the Constitution, not your opinion
Clearly, what Perez was referring to was the practice of giving ALL of a state's electoral votes to the candidate who garners the most votes in the state (rather than awarding Electoral votes proportionately). THAT is not in the Constitution, and could be changed rather easily.

I wonder who would have won in November if the states had awarded Electoral votes proportionately.
Clinton, who won.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.

However, in the spirit of the Constitution, the states have the right to determine how the EC votes are distributed.

So, would of, could of, should of, don’t count in the real world.
In the real world the majority is supposed to get their guy into the highest office in the land. That seems to have been forgotten here.

What seems to be forgotten is our Constitution and it is the real world. If you don’t like it, then work to change it. In 2000 the Democrats lost the EC and whined, bitched and moaned. Sixteen years lapse and not one Democrat made a move to even attempt to change the Constitution.

Before the election, every presidential candidate knew what the rules were and how to win the general election, now you bitch and moan because you lost?

Why not get smart and learn the rules and then instead of being on a message board crying and bitching about the rule, get off your fat ass and work to change the Constitution. How stupid does one have to be? Do the math? You do the math and change the Constitution. If it is such a great idea, you should have no problem changing or you could wait until you lose the next election and cry bitch and moan some more.
Clinton, who won.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.

However, in the spirit of the Constitution, the states have the right to determine how the EC votes are distributed.

So, would of, could of, should of, don’t count in the real world.
In the real world the majority is supposed to get their guy into the highest office in the land. That seems to have been forgotten here.

What seems to be forgotten is our Constitution and it is the real world. If you don’t like it, then work to change it. In 2000 the Democrats lost the EC and whined, bitched and moaned. Sixteen years lapse and not one Democrat made a move to even attempt to change the Constitution.

Before the election, every presidential candidate knew what the rules were and how to win the general election, now you bitch and moan because you lost?

Why not get smart and learn the rules and then instead of being on a message board crying and bitching about the rule, get off your fat ass and work to change the Constitution. How stupid does one have to be? Do the math? You do the math and change the Constitution. If it is such a great idea, you should have no problem changing or you could wait until you lose the next election and cry bitch and moan some more.
Winning or losing has nothing at all to do with the Electoral College being undemocratic. It should have been tossed long ago. Just one big problem, the little useless kunt states like that flyover BS love it. They love it not being one man one vote. Until we toss the entire Constitution, and we will, this is going to be an issue.
Clinton, who won.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.

However, in the spirit of the Constitution, the states have the right to determine how the EC votes are distributed.

So, would of, could of, should of, don’t count in the real world.
In the real world the majority is supposed to get their guy into the highest office in the land. That seems to have been forgotten here.

If thats the way you feel, I suggest you book passage to a more likeable foreign port.

This country is run by the Constitution, not your opinion
When the time is right, I will. There are much better nations on the planet.
Winning or losing has nothing at all to do with the Electoral College being undemocratic. It should have been tossed long ago. Just one big problem, the little useless kunt states like that flyover BS love it.

The Democrats loved it too when they were winning with it. Now that they're not, they're crying foul. Now they want to change the rules so they have a chance at winning.
In the real world the majority is supposed to get their guy into the highest office in the land. That seems to have been forgotten here.

Then I guess the United States isn't the real world? Because we've been doing it this way for centuries.
Clinton would have received about 1/3 less of the EV.

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.

Clinton Hillary Clinton Democrat Dem. 8,753,788 61.5% 55

Trump Donald J. Trump Republican Rep. 4,483,810 31.5% —

Johnson Gary Johnson Libertarian Lib. 478,500 3.4% —

Stein Jill Stein Green Green 278,657 2.0% —

Others Others Independent Ind. 177,028 1.2% —

La Riva Gloria La Riva Peace and Freedom P.F. 66,101 0.5% —

Others Others 243,129 1.7% —
Clinton won the popular vote. Had all EC votes been awarded that way she would have won. We call such a thing Math.

However, in the spirit of the Constitution, the states have the right to determine how the EC votes are distributed.

So, would of, could of, should of, don’t count in the real world.
In the real world the majority is supposed to get their guy into the highest office in the land. That seems to have been forgotten here.

What seems to be forgotten is our Constitution and it is the real world. If you don’t like it, then work to change it. In 2000 the Democrats lost the EC and whined, bitched and moaned. Sixteen years lapse and not one Democrat made a move to even attempt to change the Constitution.

Before the election, every presidential candidate knew what the rules were and how to win the general election, now you bitch and moan because you lost?

Why not get smart and learn the rules and then instead of being on a message board crying and bitching about the rule, get off your fat ass and work to change the Constitution. How stupid does one have to be? Do the math? You do the math and change the Constitution. If it is such a great idea, you should have no problem changing or you could wait until you lose the next election and cry bitch and moan some more.
Winning or losing has nothing at all to do with the Electoral College being undemocratic. It should have been tossed long ago. Just one big problem, the little useless kunt states like that flyover BS love it. They love it not being one man one vote. Until we toss the entire Constitution, and we will, this is going to be an issue.

More whining

Why don't you do something about it.

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