New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

I still don't know what dragging up this old carcass is about. Just another angle for attacking Obama? The Intelligence agencies, the FBI, the DOJ?
It's part of Barr's systematic attempt to discredit Mueller's damning report on Trump.
contrary to all of his promises not to do so, and in contravention of the non-proliferation agreement that is our policy, Hussein Obama guaranteed nuclear weapons to Iran....and you can't see a problem with that.
Naturally, the opposite is true.

Claim 17: The deal, if implemented, will expire after 10 or 15 years and allow Iran to build a nuclear weapon at that time.
The Facts:

According to the comprehensive agreement, for at least 15 years, Iran will only enrich uranium up to 3.67 percent (uranium enriched at 20% or lower is considered low enriched uranium (LEU); uranium enriched above 90% is weapons grade.)

This does not, however, mean that on day one of year 16, Iran will have enough weapons-grade uranium to build a bomb. Yes, after 15 years Iran could begin enriching uranium beyond 3.67 percent. But without this deal, Iran could head for a bomb tomorrow.

Some aspects of the agreement will last 25 years, including the monitoring of Iran’s uranium mines and supply chain. Other aspects, such as the implementation of robust IAEA safeguards and access to investigate suspicious sites for illicit nuclear activity, are permanent. Regardless of what specific restrictions are lifted, Iran is still prohibited from pursuing nuclear weapons. Any activity that is clearly not intended for “peaceful use” (i.e. highly enriching uranium) will raise red flags and trigger a response from the international community.

Ultimately, the deal rolls back Iran’s nuclear program for more than a decade, pushing Iran’s “breakout time” (time it would take to enrich enough nuclear material for 1 nuclear weapon) from a few months to at least one year. It also gives IAEA inspectors greater insight for monitoring Iran’s nuclear program well into the future.

2. There was never....NEVER....any reason to allow the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism to have nuclear weapons.
Then why did Trump dismantle the effective agreement to peacefully prevent Iran from developing them that international agencies testified was working?
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1. It is always dangerous to point out that the idol, the worshiped one, the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah, had 'feet of clay.'
And, a head to match.

But....even worse, that he is an evil, malevolent, iniquitous individual deserving of contumely and jail time.
And....he is.

2. Now that the facts about the Flynn perjury trap are no longer deniable, let's get to the head of the problem.

"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe
There are new texts allegedly showing that the Obama White House, the CIA, the FBI, and top Democrats colluded at the outset of the Russia probe.

...coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process."

Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe


"Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation"
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation

3. When Hussein had his meeting with Trump, he warned him of two things.

One was North Korea.
The other was of Flynn

"Obama Warned Trump Against Hiring Flynn
In 2014, Mr. Obama, a Democrat, fired the then-lieutenant general from that senior Pentagon post. "

4. Why the enmity?
One simple reason.....Flynn opposed Hussein Obama's signature foreign policy aim: to nuclear arm his co-religionists in the 7th century barbarian kingdom. Flynn saw through the absurd plan to arm the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, and advance a deal that never had any inspections of the murderous blood-drenched savages.

"Obama Allies Torpedoed Flynn to Protect Iran Deal
...moving behind the scenes to kneecap someone they've long viewed as a threat to the future of their signature accord.
... include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn's credibility, multiple sources revealed."

"Why would he be of anywhere near that importance to be put in the same conversation as the nuclear-armed dictator of North Korea?

The answer, I believe, is a four letter word: Iran.

The Iran Deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA) was, with the Affordable Care Act, one of the twin pillars of Obama’s presidency on which he wanted to base his legacy."

Arming the homicidal and pathological Iranian regime is a threat to America, and to Western Civilization.

And Flynn was simply collateral damage.
There is zero evidence of any perjury trap. That is a lie.

There is also zero evidence Obama was arming anyone with nuclear weapons. That's another lie.

Flynn lost credibility on his own by lying about his contacts with Russia, while discussing foreign policy behind the back of a sitting president. So no, that is a lie as well. No one took Flynn's credibility from Flynn, but himself.

"New texts suggest Obama colluded with agencies at the outset of the Russia probe?" What texts? Show us what they say, or that too is nothing but a lie.

"There is also zero evidence Obama was arming anyone with nuclear weapons. That's another lie. "

Let's check.....just to prove what a moron you are:
contrary to all of his promises not to do so, and in contravention of the non-proliferation agreement that is our policy, Hussein Obama guaranteed nuclear weapons to Iran....and you can't see a problem with that.
Since you did not provide us anything but your own words, for the second time on the same subject, I proved you were lying. No where can you link Obama guaranteed weapons for Iran.
Gads, you're an imbecile
The only imbecile in this fight, is the one who tosses claims out of thin air with nothing to back those claims up with. Throwing spaghetti up against the wall is a sign of weakness. Has nothing to do with truth.

1. NPR wrote that they were restricted for 10 years:

"Perhaps the biggest unknown is what happens to that breakout time once some of the terms of this deal start to expire 10 and 15 years from now.
So, you screwed up by contradicting your own claims then. "The unknown!" Which means you lied about Obama giving arms to Iran. Thanks for the heads up. Why do you lie?

In an interview with NPR after the framework of this agreement was reached, President Obama conceded that "at that point the breakout times would have shrunk almost down to zero."
And? If you don't know the terms of the "breakout" which you admitted to, what's your point?

But this deal, Obama argued at the time, buys the United States at least a decade."
6 Things You Should Know About The Iran Nuclear Deal
Good! Ten years is better than no years.

And that was written three years ago.

2. There was never....NEVER....any reason to allow the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism to have nuclear weapons.
And Obama didn't. And there is zero evidence that he did. So, you proved nothing. Thanks! You lied again.
but they never released it, did they? Was any of the dossier used during the campaign? NO.

It was reported by buzzfeed and CNN. It was used (and sworn to a judge that it was legit) to obrain 4 FISA warrents to illegally spy on the Trump campaign...AND the transition team...and it was the foundation for the entire "russia collusion" coup attempt!

Atleast you are FINALLY admitting that the dossier is bullshit! That's a STEP in the right direction.
and it was the foundation for the entire "russia collusion" coup attempt!
No it wasn't. That a lie. It's also a lie that impeachment, provided for by the Constitution as a remedy for illegal acts or abuses of power by the prez, is a coup.
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You're confusing two separate issues.
How so?
There was no such interference, so there was nothing to uncover, you dolt.
Of course there was interference. A foreign government incognito influencing our voters on social media and hacking into the DNC and then releasing it to the world is unacceptable.

Except for the fact that after more than three years, the Mueller Report, and ODNI declassification of testimonies of fifty-three people previously hidden by your friend Schiff and now exposed shows that Obama was behind, funded and directed the frame up of Flynn and the Russia, Russia debacle in a failed coup d'etat to overthrow the 2016 election of Donald Trump...
There is zero evidence of that. You just lied.

Exactly how and when were they able to train you to hate America?
Again, by virtue of your own lies, you are admitting and surrendering to the argument by attacking my character.

Oh, and one other thing, I'm trained to tell the truth. You should try it sometime.
"This Oval Office Meeting Attended By Obama and Biden Was Key To the Anti-Trump Plot

On January 5, 2017, a meeting was held in the Obama White House in the Oval Office. Both President Obama and Vice President Biden attended. This meeting, it turns out, was critical to the anti-Trump operation by the Obama administration, reports Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist. “It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration,” she wrote.

It was at this meeting that Barack Obama spoke with Yates and Comey about wiretapped conversations of Trump’s incoming National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the Trump transition, indicating that President Obama was directly knowledgeable of the efforts to surveil the Trump campaign and undermine the incoming administration. "
but they never released it, did they? Was any of the dossier used during the campaign? NO.

It was reported by buzzfeed and CNN. It was used (and sworn to a judge that it was legit) to obrain 4 FISA warrents to illegally spy on the Trump campaign...AND the transition team...and it was the foundation for the entire "russia collusion" coup attempt!

Atleast you are FINALLY admitting that the dossier is bullshit! That's a STEP in the right direction.
Negative! Zero evidence of that, and you cannot provide any evidence of that.
"Flynn’s case was dropped after it was revealed that Obama officials in the FBI had set up a perjury trap for him in order to get him fired as a Trump adviser.

Obama officials also withheld exculpatory evidence, and launched and carried out an investigation (which included surveillance of Flynn and other Trump associates) over bogus claims of Russian collusion despite having no empirical evidence of that collusion.

Declassified documents also showed that Obama was aware of the bogus investigation and efforts to railroad Michael Flynn. As Attorney General Barr noted, the FBI had no justifiable reason for questioning Flynn in the first place, since, as the incoming national security adviser it was well within standard practice for him to be having conversations with foreign ambassadors, such as Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak."
"This Oval Office Meeting Attended By Obama and Biden Was Key To the Anti-Trump Plot

On January 5, 2017, a meeting was held in the Obama White House in the Oval Office. Both President Obama and Vice President Biden attended. This meeting, it turns out, was critical to the anti-Trump operation by the Obama administration, reports Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist. “It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration,” she wrote.

It was at this meeting that Barack Obama spoke with Yates and Comey about wiretapped conversations of Trump’s incoming National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the Trump transition, indicating that President Obama was directly knowledgeable of the efforts to surveil the Trump campaign and undermine the incoming administration. "
You need a real lesson on what is what. Michael Flynn was never the Trump campaign. Michael Flynn was a private citizen. good job Obama and company for having your intelligence find the traitors who were communicating policy with russia behind your back. Your article is not credible, when it tried to include Flynn as part of the Trump campaign. The Federalist should be smarter than to include such nonsense.

When or if the meeting was held, it had nothing to do with the Trump campaign, and everything to do with an ordinary citizen, engaging in treason.
"Flynn’s case was dropped after it was revealed that Obama officials in the FBI had set up a perjury trap for him in order to get him fired as a Trump adviser.

Obama officials also withheld exculpatory evidence, and launched and carried out an investigation (which included surveillance of Flynn and other Trump associates) over bogus claims of Russian collusion despite having no empirical evidence of that collusion.

Declassified documents also showed that Obama was aware of the bogus investigation and efforts to railroad Michael Flynn. As Attorney General Barr noted, the FBI had no justifiable reason for questioning Flynn in the first place, since, as the incoming national security adviser it was well within standard practice for him to be having conversations with foreign ambassadors, such as Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak."
There is zero evidence of an Obama perjury trap. That is a lie. Why do you hate America? You are covering for a traitor. Why?
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On January 5, 2017, a meeting was held in the Obama White House in the Oval Office. Both President Obama and Vice President Biden attended. This meeting, it turns out, was critical to the anti-Trump operation by the Obama administration, reports Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist. “It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration,” she wrote.
I thought you were better than this. For some reason I thought you had more going on than being a horseshit slinging moron prepared to post every and any pile of dung you could drudge up off the lunatic fringe of right wing media cites.

Turns out I was wrong. I confess I just wasted my time writing this post.

Overall, we rate One America News Far-right biased based on story selection that consistently favors the Right and Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of conspiracies, lack of sourcing, and a several failed fact checks. OANN is one failed fact check away from moving to the Questionable Source list.

One America News Network (OAN) - Media Bias/Fact Check
RIGHT BIAS These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading...

‘Stunning piece of propaganda’: Journalists blast One America News series
Upstart network seeks to outfox Fox, but media experts say it presents an ethical challenge.

Get used to this. Every time I choose to I'm going to dismantle the horseshit you post. Cuz I get the feeling you're a paid troll. Not your run of the mill Trumpleton mindlessly slinging the pablum they feel compelled to repeat. They are too stupid to know they are being used.

You, I think you get it. You're participating in their manipulation. You know what you're posting is pure, unadulterated low brow propaganda designed to keep The Following agitated, confused, and misinformed.

So the next time you decide to turn a character from Greek mythology into some sort of twisted, horseshit narrative in defense of...........frankly, OANN is just off the charts outlet so deceitful it makes Faux blush, don't bother.
My mistake. You're nothing but a flame bait crackpot amusing herself with how many replies you can generate. Count me out from now on. You're a waste of time.
More lunacy from an Asian so stupid that she calls COVD19 the Chinese virus.
"This Oval Office Meeting Attended By Obama and Biden Was Key To the Anti-Trump Plot

On January 5, 2017, a meeting was held in the Obama White House in the Oval Office. Both President Obama and Vice President Biden attended. This meeting, it turns out, was critical to the anti-Trump operation by the Obama administration, reports Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist. “It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration,” she wrote.

It was at this meeting that Barack Obama spoke with Yates and Comey about wiretapped conversations of Trump’s incoming National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the Trump transition, indicating that President Obama was directly knowledgeable of the efforts to surveil the Trump campaign and undermine the incoming administration. "
I also find it especially disturbing that you would cover for an incoming administration to go behind the existing administrations back, to conduct foreign policy with a country that is not our friend, who invaded an ally, for which we have sanctions against. And to take it even further, you are defending the indefensible. How do we know? Because Trump contradicted himself about Flynn. Who by the way was an everyday citizen when this happened. Trump actually fired Flynn himself for lying to Pence about the communications with Kislyak, and now Flynn is a good guy? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:How do you square that? Answer, you don't.
On January 5, 2017, a meeting was held in the Obama White House in the Oval Office. Both President Obama and Vice President Biden attended. This meeting, it turns out, was critical to the anti-Trump operation by the Obama administration, reports Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist. “It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration,” she wrote.
I thought you were better than this. For some reason I thought you had more going on than being a horseshit slinging moron prepared to post every and any pile of dung you could drudge up off the lunatic fringe of right wing media cites.

Turns out I was wrong. I confess I just wasted my time writing this post.

Overall, we rate One America News Far-right biased based on story selection that consistently favors the Right and Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of conspiracies, lack of sourcing, and a several failed fact checks. OANN is one failed fact check away from moving to the Questionable Source list.

One America News Network (OAN) - Media Bias/Fact Check
RIGHT BIAS These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading...

‘Stunning piece of propaganda’: Journalists blast One America News series
Upstart network seeks to outfox Fox, but media experts say it presents an ethical challenge.

Get used to this. Every time I choose to I'm going to dismantle the horseshit you post. Cuz I get the feeling you're a paid troll. Not your run of the mill Trumpleton mindlessly slinging the pablum they feel compelled to repeat. They are too stupid to know they are being used.

You, I think you get it. You're participating in their manipulation. You know what you're posting is pure, unadulterated low brow propaganda designed to keep The Following agitated, confused, and misinformed.

So the next time you decide to turn a character from Greek mythology into some sort of twisted, horseshit narrative in defense of...........frankly, OANN is just off the charts outlet so deceitful it makes Faux blush, don't bother.
My mistake. You're nothing but a flame bait crackpot amusing herself with how many replies you can generate. Count me out from now on. You're a waste of time.
It was so easy to rip that article apart. Talking about Flynn was part of the campaign or administration? Lol! Flynn had no official title at the time, and there was no administration other than the Obama administration. He was an ordinary citizen conducting foreign policy behind the back of Obama. WTF?

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