New Ebola case. Surgeon being flown to Nebraska from Sierra Leone

My, my, our freakouts are still freaking out. Guess what? The rest of us realize just what fruitloops you people are. All who have been brought here in time, have survived. We can treat this disease successfully. And it is not a very contagious disease at all, given all the exposure in Texas, and only two caught it.

So, go ahead and have your freakout. LOL

yes and prior to Obama, Ebola was handled in a biocontainment facility for the purpose of keeping the disease from finding a new host
The despicable people here are the left wing morons who have, from the beginning, lied about the reality of ebola, and done their best to prevent ANYBODY from contesting the lies that are told by the CDC and the White House regarding it.

Revolting. And dangerous. Thank goodness you're an extreme fringe, and nobody listens to you.

Now carry on panicking about the fact that people know more than you do.

Wow you're accusing others of lying about ebola? Unbelievable.

The GOP did a good job herding its rubes on this one.
Washington (AFP) - A doctor from Sierra Leone who was being treated at a US hospital for Ebola has died, the Nebraska Medical Center said Monday.

"We are extremely sorry to announce that the third patient we've cared for with the Ebola virus, Dr. Martin Salia, has passed away as a result of the advanced symptoms of the disease," said the hospital in a statement.

The hospital said it would "tentatively" schedule a press conference was announced at 11:00 (1700 GMT) to brief reporters on the details.

Salia, a native of Sierra Leone and a US resident, was infected with the deadly hemorrhagic fever while treating patients in his home country.

He was flown to Nebraska for treatment on Saturday.

The hospital said late Sunday that Salia was in "extremely critical" condition and that doctors were doing everything they could to save him.

Salia was the 10th person with Ebola to be treated in the United States, and the second to have died from the infection.

In October, a Liberian man, Thomas Eric Duncan, died at a Texas hospital of the virus which has killed thousands of people in West Africa in history's largest ever outbreak.

The World Health Organization said Friday that 5,177 people are known to have died of Ebola across eight countries, out of a total 14,413 cases of infection, since December 2013.

Doctor with Ebola dies at Nebraska hospital - Yahoo News
Tragic. I would not be going there, were I a doctor, unless I were willing to die for my cause.
Tragic. I would not be going there, were I a doctor, unless I were willing to die for my cause.

We need people with that level of bravery if we want to quash this outbreak. The problem is we also need those brave people to not be assholes and accept quarantines when they come back.

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