New Evidence on the JFK assassination

The evidence was clear at the time, that Oswald never fired a shot that day.
On the contrary, all the evidence pointed to him shooting the rifle.
Yes, the made up evidence and the evidence that was ignored.

JFK was shot from the front, as the Zap film clearly shows. Oswald was found in the lunch room drinking a soda SECONDS after the shooting. Do you know where the lunch room is in the TSBD building? Unless Oswald was a world class sprinter that we don't know about, there is no way he runs across the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs and into the lunch room (without anyone noticing), standing as cool and composed as ever in the time allotted...after committing the crime of the century.

Plus he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a rifle, when he was a Marine...yet you believe he was a expert marksman with a shitty bolt action out of alignment mail order rifle...LMFAO!
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You lack comprehension of what maive means. An intelligent person fact checks when people tell him something.

You do not.

You have never fact checked to see if there are lies in the Warren Commission you simply fall for whatever some simpleton tellls you without bothering to check.

That is naivety and intellectual laziness and gullibility.

You are the naive one. I have read the same conspiracy books as you but unlike your dumb ass I do not automatically believe what someone says and I check.

You just fall for it and are dumb enough to buy a bridge in brooklyn.

Cite one specific passage from the warren commission report which is a lie or fabrication and provide evidence.

Tell us again about the magic bullet that pulled over to ask directions, stopped for a burger and then took a side trip, Daddy.

It was made up by conspiracy theorists who you were dumb enough to fall for and you believe their lies.

Yep. Arlen Specter. In the WC report.

Tell us again about people "dumb enough" to swallow that. Jeepers Wally, it's a good thing people ain't that dumb any more, huh.
Tell us what he said loser.


My aren't we butthurt all of a sudden.

Smatta, Twinkles? Embarrassed?
The Nazi is nothing, if not a big cry baby.

All he ever does is post in threads on the CIA's assassination of JFK...and all he does is promote the fictional best selling novel known as the Warren Commission Report.

He is a well trained Nazi after all...and Nazis are nothing if not true believers in the State.
Yes, the made up evidence and the evidence that was ignored.
Ah, what a luxury it must be to be right, even when you are wrong. The evidence doesn't support your nonsense? Then the evidence is fake. And all the evidence that you make up is ignored, because clearly there is a vast conspiracy to cause reality not to line up with your fantasy. Must be bliss!
It may be true that the intel community is not as trust worthy as they would like to be.

However the fact remains there is no NEW startling evidence which suggests that anyone except Oswald shot Kennedy
Of course there is no new evidence. The evidence was clear at the time, that Oswald never fired a shot that day.
Wrong boy.

the evidence is crushing and overwhelming that he was the only one who fired a shot that day.

I proved that to you and you are incapable of refuting it but being a zit faced punk you lack the manhood to admit when you are wrong

That is too funny. You are so naive to believe the WC report. Only dumb f**ks and statists believe that shit.

You lack comprehension of what maive means. An intelligent person fact checks when people tell him something.

You do not.

You have never fact checked to see if there are lies in the Warren Commission you simply fall for whatever some simpleton tellls you without bothering to check.

That is naivety and intellectual laziness and gullibility.

You are the naive one. I have read the same conspiracy books as you but unlike your dumb ass I do not automatically believe what someone says and I check.

You just fall for it and are dumb enough to buy a bridge in brooklyn.

Cite one specific passage from the warren commission report which is a lie or fabrication and provide evidence.

The plot is simply too complex for some. Anyhow watch the video again and get back with us.
I did and the plot is simple.

And fictional.
Tell us again about the magic bullet that pulled over to ask directions, stopped for a burger and then took a side trip, Daddy.

It was made up by conspiracy theorists who you were dumb enough to fall for and you believe their lies.

Yep. Arlen Specter. In the WC report.

Tell us again about people "dumb enough" to swallow that. Jeepers Wally, it's a good thing people ain't that dumb any more, huh.
Tell us what he said loser.


My aren't we butthurt all of a sudden.

Smatta, Twinkles? Embarrassed?
The Nazi is nothing, if not a big cry baby.

All he ever does is post in threads on the CIA's assassination of JFK...and all he does is promote the fictional best selling novel known as the Warren Commission Report.

He is a well trained Nazi after all...and Nazis are nothing if not true believers in the State.

The Warren Commission report is not a best seller nor is it fictional.

Of course you would not know as you have never read it and are steeped in ignorance.
The evidence was clear at the time, that Oswald never fired a shot that day.
On the contrary, all the evidence pointed to him shooting the rifle.
Yes, the made up evidence and the evidence that was ignored.

JFK was shot from the front, as the Zap film clearly shows. Oswald was found in the lunch room drinking a soda SECONDS after the shooting. Do you know where the lunch room is in the TSBD building? Unless Oswald was a world class sprinter that we don't know about, there is no way he runs across the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs and into the lunch room (without anyone noticing), standing as cool and composed as ever in the time allotted...after committing the crime of the century.

Plus he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a rifle, when he was a Marine...yet you believe he was a expert marksman with a shitty bolt action out of alignment mail order rifle...LMFAO!

The Zapruder film does not show Kennedy being shot from the front.

He was not seen in the lunch room SECONDS after the shooting it was in fact several minutes later.

HE qualified as a sharpshooter when he was a Marine proving he was a decent shot with a rifle thus proving you wrong.

The rifle was not out of alignment. Apparently you refer to the scope which was mi aligned but also not needed as he could easily have used the iron sites and ignored the scope.

Those are all facts and hey are proven your claims are all lies.
I'm not going to watch that.

Could you possibly sum up some points, in your own words?

Watch the video and get back with us.
No, sorry. I doubt there is actual, new information there. If there is, I will see it elsewhere.

Did you not hear about the new formerlly classified President Trump released. There is none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Yes and they have no new evidence to refute the fact that Oswald acted alone.
The evidence was clear at the time, that Oswald never fired a shot that day.
On the contrary, all the evidence pointed to him shooting the rifle.
Yes, the made up evidence and the evidence that was ignored.

JFK was shot from the front, as the Zap film clearly shows. Oswald was found in the lunch room drinking a soda SECONDS after the shooting. Do you know where the lunch room is in the TSBD building? Unless Oswald was a world class sprinter that we don't know about, there is no way he runs across the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs and into the lunch room (without anyone noticing), standing as cool and composed as ever in the time allotted...after committing the crime of the century.

Plus he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a rifle, when he was a Marine...yet you believe he was a expert marksman with a shitty bolt action out of alignment mail order rifle...LMFAO!

The Zapruder film does not show Kennedy being shot from the front.

He was not seen in the lunch room SECONDS after the shooting it was in fact several minutes later.

HE qualified as a sharpshooter when he was a Marine proving he was a decent shot with a rifle thus proving you wrong.

The rifle was not out of alignment. Apparently you refer to the scope which was mi aligned but also not needed as he could easily have used the iron sites and ignored the scope.

Those are all facts and hey are proven your claims are all lies.
All wrong as usual.
The evidence was clear at the time, that Oswald never fired a shot that day.
On the contrary, all the evidence pointed to him shooting the rifle.
Yes, the made up evidence and the evidence that was ignored.

JFK was shot from the front, as the Zap film clearly shows. Oswald was found in the lunch room drinking a soda SECONDS after the shooting. Do you know where the lunch room is in the TSBD building? Unless Oswald was a world class sprinter that we don't know about, there is no way he runs across the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs and into the lunch room (without anyone noticing), standing as cool and composed as ever in the time allotted...after committing the crime of the century.

Plus he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a rifle, when he was a Marine...yet you believe he was a expert marksman with a shitty bolt action out of alignment mail order rifle...LMFAO!

The Zapruder film does not show Kennedy being shot from the front.

He was not seen in the lunch room SECONDS after the shooting it was in fact several minutes later.

HE qualified as a sharpshooter when he was a Marine proving he was a decent shot with a rifle thus proving you wrong.

The rifle was not out of alignment. Apparently you refer to the scope which was mi aligned but also not needed as he could easily have used the iron sites and ignored the scope.

Those are all facts and hey are proven your claims are all lies.
All wrong as usual.
Yes you are.

\I however stated documented facts. All of your claims have long since been proven false.

now cite a specific passage of the Warren Commission report which is a lie or fabrication and provide evidence.
At the conclusion of a 1976 investigation into how the Commission was served by the FBI and CIA, Senator Richard Schweiker stated on national television that "the John F. Kennedy assassination investigation was snuffed out before it even began," and that "the fatal mistake the Warren Commission made was to not use its own investigators, but instead to rely on the CIA and FBI personnel, which played directly into the hands of senior intelligence officials who directed the cover-up."

Warren Commission
Sorry, Trump is an IDIOT for not trusting our intel services and the FBI.

He's an even bigger idiot for trusting the Putin and the FSB.
Expect SloppyNazi to post BS in this thread, about the Warren Commission being nothing but the truth.

He really believes that shit.

yeah but whats sadder is YOU feed the troll.the troll is a hermit and has no friends obviously which is why he is so desperate for attention and you always give it to him.:rolleyes:

how long are you going to go at it with him on that other thread,the rest of your life? you do realise he has this fucked up logic that he somehow thinks that by getting in the last word he has won dont you? he always has to have the last word the fact he is so desperate for attention.:haha:
Expect SloppyNazi to post BS in this thread, about the Warren Commission being nothing but the truth.

He really believes that shit.

People like the OP,that is true folks,there is this poster sloppynazi who is so desperate for attention to get people to believe him that oswald was the assassin,he always exposes himself as a troll cause he replies IMMEDIATELY to your posts without reading your links or videos of evidence of conspiracy. NOBODY here should EVER read that sad excuse for a human beings posts.he has the sad logic that he is right and everyone else in the world is wrong.:rolleyes:
It may be true that the intel community is not as trust worthy as they would like to be.

However the fact remains there is no NEW startling evidence which suggests that anyone except Oswald shot Kennedy
Of course there is no new evidence. The evidence was clear at the time, that Oswald never fired a shot that day.
Wrong boy.

the evidence is crushing and overwhelming that he was the only one who fired a shot that day.

I proved that to you and you are incapable of refuting it but being a zit faced punk you lack the manhood to admit when you are wrong

That is too funny. You are so naive to believe the WC report. Only dumb f**ks and statists believe that shit.

You lack comprehension of what maive means. An intelligent person fact checks when people tell him something.

You do not.

You have never fact checked to see if there are lies in the Warren Commission you simply fall for whatever some simpleton tellls you without bothering to check.

That is naivety and intellectual laziness and gullibility.

You are the naive one. I have read the same conspiracy books as you but unlike your dumb ass I do not automatically believe what someone says and I check.

You just fall for it and are dumb enough to buy a bridge in brooklyn.

Cite one specific passage from the warren commission report which is a lie or fabrication and provide evidence.

Tell us again about the magic bullet that pulled over to ask directions, stopped for a burger and then took a side trip, Daddy.

The Langley employee will of course consult with his handler at Langley on what kind of lie to come up with now.:abgg2q.jpg:
You lack comprehension of what maive means. An intelligent person fact checks when people tell him something.

You do not.

You have never fact checked to see if there are lies in the Warren Commission you simply fall for whatever some simpleton tellls you without bothering to check.

That is naivety and intellectual laziness and gullibility.

You are the naive one. I have read the same conspiracy books as you but unlike your dumb ass I do not automatically believe what someone says and I check.

You just fall for it and are dumb enough to buy a bridge in brooklyn.

Cite one specific passage from the warren commission report which is a lie or fabrication and provide evidence.

Tell us again about the magic bullet that pulled over to ask directions, stopped for a burger and then took a side trip, Daddy.

It was made up by conspiracy theorists who you were dumb enough to fall for and you believe their lies.

Yep. Arlen Specter. In the WC report.

Tell us again about people "dumb enough" to swallow that. Jeepers Wally, it's a good thing people ain't that dumb any more, huh.
Tell us what he said loser.


My aren't we butthurt all of a sudden.

Smatta, Twinkles? Embarrassed?

I see you found that photo of what he looks like in real life as well.:2up::abgg2q.jpg:

yeah he gets so butthurt on being proven wrong,he goes and cries like a bay to his boss for a payraise all the is the ONLY way he will stick around for all the ass beatings he suffers everyday,week after week,month after month and year after year,he cried to his boss like this all the time while in his diapers.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

great find of that pic you took of the NAZI agent.:biggrin::beer:
Sorry, Trump is an IDIOT for not trusting our intel services and the FBI.

He's an even bigger idiot for trusting the Putin and the FSB.

If the jfk assassination proved anything it is that the intelligence community is not to be trusted.

The CIA growth was like.. . a malignancy which... [JFK] was not sure even the White House could control ... any longer. If the United States ever experiences [an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government] it will come from the CIA and not the Pentagon. The agency represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone.
James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence
Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Office and Frank Wisner were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.

Warren Commission
At the conclusion of a 1976 investigation into how the Commission was served by the FBI and CIA, Senator Richard Schweiker stated on national television that "the John F. Kennedy assassination investigation was snuffed out before it even began," and that "the fatal mistake the Warren Commission made was to not use its own investigators, but instead to rely on the CIA and FBI personnel, which played directly into the hands of senior intelligence officials who directed the cover-up."

Warren Commission
and as you make this excellent post.this pic here is soupnazi after you take his ass to the cleaners and prove him an idiot as so many thousands of others have as well over the years.:up::udaman: In case you did not know,this is what soupnazi looks like in real life in this photo below.


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