New "genius" plan for food stamps.

if my kid went to one of these public schools---I would've told Obama PERSONALLY he DOES NOT tell my kids what to eat !!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see how people let this NAZI crap go through??!!!!?????!
ordering parents what their kids will eat!!!!????

MObama's food program is like the nazis--forcing kids what to eat

No one was forcing anyone. You could have made your kid a lunch to bring to school.
for the kids who buy their lunch--they are forcing them to take a fruit
kids have bought lunches for years--then they are saying FU to the parents
no---they ARE forcing them with a completely dumbass program
My mother forced me to take a vegetable, too, every damned night at the supper table. It's not exactly unheard of. Kids will never grow to like foods they've never tried. After awhile you stop hiding the carrots under your plate or dropping them on the floor.
Obama made a program that you either eat what they say or go somewhere else--NAZIs

Damn Michelle Obama!

Made the kids get fruit and milk instead of Twinkies and Pepsi
So Trump, the ultimate businessman & business expert, will cut the amount of money recipients will get & replace that lost money with actual meals delivered to these people.

Modeled after "Blue Apron" where you order a meal & they send you all the ingredients.
Canned meat, canned vegetables - all healthy. Shelf ready milk.

Local grocers are fucked. Local dairy is fucked. Small business people are fucked.

Who will lose? The kids forced to eat crap in a can.
Trump and the GOP are so fucked can't on the one hand brag that unemployment is low, which means Americans are working and then attack those very workers who need subsidies in order to survive, ie food stamps....and come up with this crap. These morons are completely out of touch with what is going on in this country. People are working, its the gotdamn wages that isn't working. I hate Trump and I hate the GOP and l loath anybody this Nov. that sit on thier ass and not vote. Its time to get these mf's out of washington riding on that fat white wide ass of Trumps!!
Here is another disastrous policy that needed ending.....

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms

On Thursday, Buzzfeed asked Liz Hill, a spokesperson for the Department of Education, if restroom complaints from transgender students are not covered by a 1972 federal civil rights law called Title IX. Hill answered, “Yes, that’s what the law says,” adding on Friday, “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.”

Hill made it clear that some complaints by transgender students will indeed be investigated, but bathroom complaints will not be among them. She stated, “Where students, including transgender students, are penalized or harassed for failing to conform to sex-based stereotypes, that is sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. In the case of bathrooms, however, long-standing regulations provide that separating facilities on the basis of sex is not a form of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.”

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms
if my kid went to one of these public schools---I would've told Obama PERSONALLY he DOES NOT tell my kids what to eat !!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see how people let this NAZI crap go through??!!!!?????!
ordering parents what their kids will eat!!!!????

MObama's food program is like the nazis--forcing kids what to eat

No one was forcing anyone. You could have made your kid a lunch to bring to school.
for the kids who buy their lunch--they are forcing them to take a fruit
kids have bought lunches for years--then they are saying FU to the parents
no---they ARE forcing them with a completely dumbass program
My mother forced me to take a vegetable, too, every damned night at the supper table. It's not exactly unheard of. Kids will never grow to like foods they've never tried. After awhile you stop hiding the carrots under your plate or dropping them on the floor.
Obama made a program that you either eat what they say or go somewhere else--NAZIs
No they didn't...
if my kid went to one of these public schools---I would've told Obama PERSONALLY he DOES NOT tell my kids what to eat !!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see how people let this NAZI crap go through??!!!!?????!
ordering parents what their kids will eat!!!!????

MObama's food program is like the nazis--forcing kids what to eat
Only a dumbfuck like you would give you kids crap food to eat. What kind of parenting is that?

Your kids had choices. Just healthier ones.
they just throw the food away!!!!!!!!!! hahahahah
didn't you read my other post! my relative works at a school cafeteria and says the program is crap! waste $$$$$ and the kids just throw the fruits away !!!
you and MObama are the dumbasses
any idiot could see it wouldn't work--you can't force people what to eat--that's nazi crap
They are children dumbass. You are supposed to teach them to eat right.

Your dinner table:

You: "Eat those veggies"
Your kid: "No fucking way"
You: "OK, here's a doughnut"
it's the PARENTS' responsibility--not the government's
To feed them donuts?
Here is another disastrous policy that needed ending.....

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms

On Thursday, Buzzfeed asked Liz Hill, a spokesperson for the Department of Education, if restroom complaints from transgender students are not covered by a 1972 federal civil rights law called Title IX. Hill answered, “Yes, that’s what the law says,” adding on Friday, “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.”

Hill made it clear that some complaints by transgender students will indeed be investigated, but bathroom complaints will not be among them. She stated, “Where students, including transgender students, are penalized or harassed for failing to conform to sex-based stereotypes, that is sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. In the case of bathrooms, however, long-standing regulations provide that separating facilities on the basis of sex is not a form of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.”

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms
It was so absurd in the first place.
Bathroom designation is the most simple thing on earth to understand. Its either one or the other. IDK why people think some should get special rights..
Bigots :dunno:
if my kid went to one of these public schools---I would've told Obama PERSONALLY he DOES NOT tell my kids what to eat !!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see how people let this NAZI crap go through??!!!!?????!
ordering parents what their kids will eat!!!!????

MObama's food program is like the nazis--forcing kids what to eat

No one was forcing anyone. You could have made your kid a lunch to bring to school.
for the kids who buy their lunch--they are forcing them to take a fruit
kids have bought lunches for years--then they are saying FU to the parents
no---they ARE forcing them with a completely dumbass program
My mother forced me to take a vegetable, too, every damned night at the supper table. It's not exactly unheard of. Kids will never grow to like foods they've never tried. After awhile you stop hiding the carrots under your plate or dropping them on the floor.

That's what dogs are for
Here is another disastrous policy that needed ending.....

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms

On Thursday, Buzzfeed asked Liz Hill, a spokesperson for the Department of Education, if restroom complaints from transgender students are not covered by a 1972 federal civil rights law called Title IX. Hill answered, “Yes, that’s what the law says,” adding on Friday, “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.”

Hill made it clear that some complaints by transgender students will indeed be investigated, but bathroom complaints will not be among them. She stated, “Where students, including transgender students, are penalized or harassed for failing to conform to sex-based stereotypes, that is sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. In the case of bathrooms, however, long-standing regulations provide that separating facilities on the basis of sex is not a form of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.”

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms
The Department never "interfered," anyway. They issued a recommendation only and the bunch of you spazzed out.
But I'm glad, actually, that the bathroom thing is over. Transgender students who are in a school with issues where he/she pees can use the faculty bathroom the way they've quietly done for years.
So Trump, the ultimate businessman & business expert, will cut the amount of money recipients will get & replace that lost money with actual meals delivered to these people.

Modeled after "Blue Apron" where you order a meal & they send you all the ingredients.
Canned meat, canned vegetables - all healthy. Shelf ready milk.

Local grocers are fucked. Local dairy is fucked. Small business people are fucked.

Who will lose? The kids forced to eat crap in a can.

This could boost the motivation to get off the food stamps.
if my kid went to one of these public schools---I would've told Obama PERSONALLY he DOES NOT tell my kids what to eat !!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see how people let this NAZI crap go through??!!!!?????!
ordering parents what their kids will eat!!!!????

MObama's food program is like the nazis--forcing kids what to eat
Only a dumbfuck like you would give you kids crap food to eat. What kind of parenting is that?

Your kids had choices. Just healthier ones.
they just throw the food away!!!!!!!!!! hahahahah
didn't you read my other post! my relative works at a school cafeteria and says the program is crap! waste $$$$$ and the kids just throw the fruits away !!!
you and MObama are the dumbasses
any idiot could see it wouldn't work--you can't force people what to eat--that's nazi crap
They are children dumbass. You are supposed to teach them to eat right.

Your dinner table:

You: "Eat those veggies"
Your kid: "No fucking way"
You: "OK, here's a doughnut"
it's the PARENTS' responsibility--not the government's
To feed them donuts?

We need a Government donut program
Only a dumbfuck like you would give you kids crap food to eat. What kind of parenting is that?

Your kids had choices. Just healthier ones.
they just throw the food away!!!!!!!!!! hahahahah
didn't you read my other post! my relative works at a school cafeteria and says the program is crap! waste $$$$$ and the kids just throw the fruits away !!!
you and MObama are the dumbasses
any idiot could see it wouldn't work--you can't force people what to eat--that's nazi crap
They are children dumbass. You are supposed to teach them to eat right.

Your dinner table:

You: "Eat those veggies"
Your kid: "No fucking way"
You: "OK, here's a doughnut"
it's the PARENTS' responsibility--not the government's
To feed them donuts?

We need a Government donut program
The cops would take it over...
It is like republicans are trying to kill off poor people. These poor people will be getting sick from all that nasty canned food. Then they will have no healthcare because of republican cuts to medicaid. So basically these poor people will be left to die.

America is becoming a real shit hole.
Here is another disastrous policy that needed ending.....

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms

On Thursday, Buzzfeed asked Liz Hill, a spokesperson for the Department of Education, if restroom complaints from transgender students are not covered by a 1972 federal civil rights law called Title IX. Hill answered, “Yes, that’s what the law says,” adding on Friday, “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.”

Hill made it clear that some complaints by transgender students will indeed be investigated, but bathroom complaints will not be among them. She stated, “Where students, including transgender students, are penalized or harassed for failing to conform to sex-based stereotypes, that is sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. In the case of bathrooms, however, long-standing regulations provide that separating facilities on the basis of sex is not a form of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.”

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms
The Department never "interfered," anyway. They issued a recommendation only and the bunch of you spazzed out.
But I'm glad, actually, that the bathroom thing is over. Transgender students who are in a school with issues where he/she pees can use the faculty bathroom the way they've quietly done for years.

Oh BS, Obama's administration made big deal out of this nonsense. It's simple, you're born a girl or a boy...that's it and if you think you're something else do be it but leave normal people out of your delusions
Here is another disastrous policy that needed ending.....

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms

On Thursday, Buzzfeed asked Liz Hill, a spokesperson for the Department of Education, if restroom complaints from transgender students are not covered by a 1972 federal civil rights law called Title IX. Hill answered, “Yes, that’s what the law says,” adding on Friday, “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.”

Hill made it clear that some complaints by transgender students will indeed be investigated, but bathroom complaints will not be among them. She stated, “Where students, including transgender students, are penalized or harassed for failing to conform to sex-based stereotypes, that is sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. In the case of bathrooms, however, long-standing regulations provide that separating facilities on the basis of sex is not a form of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.”

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms
The Department never "interfered," anyway. They issued a recommendation only and the bunch of you spazzed out.
But I'm glad, actually, that the bathroom thing is over. Transgender students who are in a school with issues where he/she pees can use the faculty bathroom the way they've quietly done for years.
He THREATENED to sue and cut off federal funding.
Here is another disastrous policy that needed ending.....

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms

On Thursday, Buzzfeed asked Liz Hill, a spokesperson for the Department of Education, if restroom complaints from transgender students are not covered by a 1972 federal civil rights law called Title IX. Hill answered, “Yes, that’s what the law says,” adding on Friday, “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.”

Hill made it clear that some complaints by transgender students will indeed be investigated, but bathroom complaints will not be among them. She stated, “Where students, including transgender students, are penalized or harassed for failing to conform to sex-based stereotypes, that is sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. In the case of bathrooms, however, long-standing regulations provide that separating facilities on the basis of sex is not a form of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.”

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms
The Department never "interfered," anyway. They issued a recommendation only and the bunch of you spazzed out.
But I'm glad, actually, that the bathroom thing is over. Transgender students who are in a school with issues where he/she pees can use the faculty bathroom the way they've quietly done for years.
He THREATENED to sue and cut off federal funding.

Thank you...she's an ill informed partisan hack
Here is another disastrous policy that needed ending.....

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms

On Thursday, Buzzfeed asked Liz Hill, a spokesperson for the Department of Education, if restroom complaints from transgender students are not covered by a 1972 federal civil rights law called Title IX. Hill answered, “Yes, that’s what the law says,” adding on Friday, “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.”

Hill made it clear that some complaints by transgender students will indeed be investigated, but bathroom complaints will not be among them. She stated, “Where students, including transgender students, are penalized or harassed for failing to conform to sex-based stereotypes, that is sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. In the case of bathrooms, however, long-standing regulations provide that separating facilities on the basis of sex is not a form of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.”

Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms
The Department never "interfered," anyway. They issued a recommendation only and the bunch of you spazzed out.
But I'm glad, actually, that the bathroom thing is over. Transgender students who are in a school with issues where he/she pees can use the faculty bathroom the way they've quietly done for years.
He THREATENED to sue and cut off federal funding.
That only accounts for around 12% of school revenue which could easily be made up...I and others that own property carry the school system, not the feds...

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