New ideology on the horizon: Progressive Right vs. Progressive Left

What do you plan on calling this new country of yours?

I can see that

Four months from now, I'm hoping what's left of the right will weed out all their whacko extremists and take back their party after 5 decades of silence. These big-mouth alt-right, bagger nation and Freedom Caucus wing nuts, are mentally incapable of being anywhere near a public office. We need sensible, right wing voters, who embrace change and don't have a cow whenever somebody disagrees with them.

I think we are heading for a major shift in politics as the millennial's get older. By this time next year, we'll be speaking in terms of progressive right and progressive left. The old guard in Congress will go the way of the Whigs. We will have a progressive government that will:
  • keep Row v. Wade
  • open our borders
  • provide single payer healthcare
  • turbo charge the economy through sustainable energy
  • address global warming
  • address the homeless situation in this country
  • end unconditional support for Israel
  • cut our defense budget in half
  • do the job they were elected to do
  • not blame every goddamn thing on Hillary or Obama
And I'll end this with a word to the current right...

It's over!

It's over!

It's over!

You had your 15 minutes, now it's over!
What do you plan on calling this new country of yours?
Well Billo_Really , at least you are a little entertaining with your delusion.
So, just a little lesson.... you say you are a "super liberal" like the original patriots. I hope you understand that modern liberals are pretty much the total opposite of liberalism. And what liberalism is.
The old liberals were absolutely against a powerful central government, in fact they wanted a VERY limited government. They also wanted the states to govern themselves, that the federal government only existed to provide military protection and cohesion among the states.

You are not a liberal.
You are a statist
. A person that believes in a central government that has overreaching power to control all aspects of society.
The opposite of a liberal.
Well Billo_Really , at least you are a little entertaining with your delusion.
So, just a little lesson.... you say you are a "super liberal" like the original patriots. I hope you understand that modern liberals are pretty much the total opposite of liberalism. And what liberalism is.
The old liberals were absolutely against a powerful central government, in fact they wanted a VERY limited government. They also wanted the states to govern themselves, that the federal government only existed to provide military protection and cohesion among the states.

You are not a liberal.
You are a statist
. A person that believes in a central government that has overreaching power to control all aspects of society.
The opposite of a liberal.
And what's that based on?
Well Billo_Really , at least you are a little entertaining with your delusion.
So, just a little lesson.... you say you are a "super liberal" like the original patriots. I hope you understand that modern liberals are pretty much the total opposite of liberalism. And what liberalism is.
The old liberals were absolutely against a powerful central government, in fact they wanted a VERY limited government. They also wanted the states to govern themselves, that the federal government only existed to provide military protection and cohesion among the states.

You are not a liberal.
You are a statist
. A person that believes in a central government that has overreaching power to control all aspects of society.
The opposite of a liberal.
And what's that based on?

Based on your belief that the government exist to solve all problems.
And in order for a government to be able to do that, it must have far reaching powers, otherwise it cannot do it without the vote of the public.
So take "open the borders".... sorry to inform you, but the overwhelming percentage of the population does not want open borders. Perhaps in your little world they do, but they don't.
So in order for the federal government to do this, it must have powers that supercede the will of the people. And therefore they must also have the power to subdue the population. So you would need soldiers on the streets to control the people like there are in communist countries.
Based on your belief that the government exist to solve all problems.
And in order for a government to be able to do that, it must have far reaching powers, otherwise it cannot do it without the vote of the public.
So take "open the borders".... sorry to inform you, but the overwhelming percentage of the population does not want open borders. Perhaps in your little world they do, but they don't.
So in order for the federal government to do this, it must have powers that supercede the will of the people. And therefore they must also have the power to subdue the population. So you would need soldiers on the streets to control the people like there are in communist countries.
You're playing make believe. This is just a bullshit strawman on your part. You don't know what I believe. I certainly don't believe in your reason why "government exists". The reason I believe government exists today, is to satisfy the corporate oligarchy that is calling all the shots, in spite of the will of the people. I also believe a progressive government would reverse that.

I don't believe corporations should have any voice in government. I do believe it should be illegal for corporations to speak directly to a lawmaker and corporate campaign donations should be made anonymously. I believe opening the borders helps our economy by putting more consumers in the marketplace and taking jobs average Americans do not want to take.

What I do not believe in, is totalitarian capitalism.
Four months from now, I'm hoping what's left of the right will weed out all their whacko extremists and take back their party after 5 decades of silence. These big-mouth alt-right, bagger nation and Freedom Caucus wing nuts, are mentally incapable of being anywhere near a public office. We need sensible, right wing voters, who embrace change and don't have a cow whenever somebody disagrees with them.

I think we are heading for a major shift in politics as the millennial's get older. By this time next year, we'll be speaking in terms of progressive right and progressive left. The old guard in Congress will go the way of the Whigs. We will have a progressive government that will:
  • keep Row v. Wade
  • open our borders
  • provide single payer healthcare
  • turbo charge the economy through sustainable energy
  • address global warming
  • address the homeless situation in this country
  • end unconditional support for Israel
  • cut our defense budget in half
  • do the job they were elected to do
  • not blame every goddamn thing on Hillary or Obama
And I'll end this with a word to the current right...

It's over!

It's over!

It's over!

You had your 15 minutes, now it's over!

First off, you people were screaming that the current right was over...... before Trump got elected.

Seriously... you people never learn. You never never learn anything. You just got your butts kicked up over your own head, to the point you can kiss your a$$ just by talking, and you still come on here and hilariously say.... "It's over!".... LOL!!!!!!!

You people are soooooo funny.

1. Many of us will always oppose murder. That's even murder of babies.
2. You are insane if you think opening the boarders is a wise policy. Hey, why not offer free flying lessons to 'former' Al qaeda members while your at it? Call it job-training.
3. Single payer systems are going broke all over the world. We have the highest survival rates in the world.
4. All so-called "sustainable energy' solutions are all drastically more expensive. I'm always amused that people think that forcing people to use drastically more expensive energy, is going to turbo charge anything.
5. Scientifically, anyone who thinks we can "address" global warming, is anti-science.
6. Everyone wants to deal with homeless. The Republicans have many solutions. Democrats do more to cause homelessness than anything.
7. Israel is the only democracy that actually has freedom of religion in the Middle East, and they are supportive nation with trade ties. Why would we not support them? Who would you support? Assad?
8. Cut the Defense budget in half? Not happening. Shouldn't happen. But it won't happen. You can dream all you want, it's not happening. You are crazy to even want that.
9. Do what job? Are you thinking they make your life better or something? What job do you think they should do?
10. I blame who is to blame, and blame whatever policy is to blame.
First off, you people were screaming that the current right was over...... before Trump got elected.

Seriously... you people never learn. You never never learn anything. You just got your butts kicked up over your own head, to the point you can kiss your a$$ just by talking, and you still come on here and hilariously say.... "It's over!".... LOL!!!!!!!

You people are soooooo funny.
Losing the popular vote, is not "kicking butt".

1. Many of us will always oppose murder. That's even murder of babies.
But you have no problem separating those babies from their parents?

2. You are insane if you think opening the boarders is a wise policy. Hey, why not offer free flying lessons to 'former' Al qaeda members while your at it? Call it job-training.
Immigrants are good for the economy and really not that big of a deal. The psycho right is making this mole hill into a mountain.

3. Single payer systems are going broke all over the world. We have the highest survival rates in the world.
And you're a fuckin' liar!

4. All so-called "sustainable energy' solutions are all drastically more expensive. I'm always amused that people think that forcing people to use drastically more expensive energy, is going to turbo charge anything.
The sustainable energy industry puts more people to work than the fossil fuel industry.

5. Scientifically, anyone who thinks we can "address" global warming, is anti-science.
This is not a debatable issue. Global warming is real and anyone who says it isn't, is just a little fossil fuel bitch!

6. Everyone wants to deal with homeless. The Republicans have many solutions. Democrats do more to cause homelessness than anything.
The right cannot deal with homelessness, because that would take empathy, which the right has none.

7. Israel is the only democracy that actually has freedom of religion in the Middle East, and they are supportive nation with trade ties. Why would we not support them? Who would you support? Assad?
Bullshit! Israel is a pariah state that constantly commits crimes against humanity, like shooting first responders.

8. Cut the Defense budget in half? Not happening. Shouldn't happen. But it won't happen. You can dream all you want, it's not happening. You are crazy to even want that.
The defense budget is obscene. We can't track the money on many of these projects. We have too many bases overseas. World domination costs too much money.

9. Do what job? Are you thinking they make your life better or something? What job do you think they should do?
I think I was pretty clear on that one.

10. I blame who is to blame, and blame whatever policy is to blame.
But you never blame yourself.

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