New improved Trump team screws up big time

So wait, we're using a few campaign mistakes as proof that he can't manage anything? Isn't his multi BILLION dollar real estate empire evidence that he CAN manage things well?

I'm not sold on Trump as a candidate as President, but this seems like a silly argument.

You aren't sold? You don't know if he's your guy or not?

Remind me not to ask you what you like on your pizza.

Why would I decide what topping I wanted on my pizza one year before ordering ? Just to continue your silly analogy

Because you already know everything about the toppings and you know what you like. Only a fool.....or a weird person trying to play the role of deep thinker....hasn't made up his or her mind yet regarding Trump.
but let's say he inherited $40M

:lol: More.

There is noway it would be worth $10B based on interest alone. Laughable.


Trump is not worth $10 billion. That is nothing 5more than his over inflated estimate which is "based on feelings, including my own personal feelings, which can vary widely from day to day," to use Trump's explanation.

No, he's "only" worth $4.5B, do you imagine that makes your point any more valid? LOL

Imagine Trump had retired in 1982, sold his real estate holdings and invested his $500 million in the S&P 500 — that is, 500 stocks representing the American stock market.

From 1982 through the end of 2014, the S&P 500 index had an annualized return, including reinvested dividends, of 11.86 percent, according to MoneyChimp’s S&P 500 Compound Annual Growth Rate calculator.

Per this calculator, every dollar invested in January 1982 would have been worth $40 by December of 2014. That means Trump’s initial $500 million would have grown to $20 billion. That’s twice what Trump says he’s worth today.

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds
What does that have to do with your earlier comments about interest alone?

I don't spell things out for the weak minded. Play in the key of G demolished. You either get it or you don't.
So wait, we're using a few campaign mistakes as proof that he can't manage anything? Isn't his multi BILLION dollar real estate empire evidence that he CAN manage things well?

I'm not sold on Trump as a candidate as President, but this seems like a silly argument.

You aren't sold? You don't know if he's your guy or not?

Remind me not to ask you what you like on your pizza.

Why would I decide what topping I wanted on my pizza one year before ordering ? Just to continue your silly analogy

Because you already know everything about the toppings and you know what you like. Only a fool.....or a weird person trying to play the role of deep thinker....hasn't made up his or her mind yet regarding Trump.

Untrue, some of us aren't ideologues and we want more out of a candidate than "he/she is from X party"
People seem to forget that Trump isn't bought off like the other candidates and all his costs at this point are coming directly out out of his own pocket. Considering that, he's done a phenomenal job of getting the interest and votes of the American people.

Sure, the media can point out his political organizational shortcomings and the lemmings will repeat their pontificates as lemmings do but I respect Trump's, I can't be bought off policy. Granted, in the general election there's no way he should pay for it out of pocket.
No, the campaign funds are not coming out of Trump's pocket...very little did...from all that I have read up on it...

His campaign has borrowed the campaign money from his corporation, and since it is borrowed money from his corporation, the corporation has to be paid money lost.....though it could take time to pay them back, several funding event dinners with him as guest speaker, I suppose?
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His new campaign manager worked for Gerald Ford and Bob Dole....a pretty good indication of the "top people" Trump attracts. :lol:

Only contest he lost was Dole. He won for Ford beating back Reagan. Then Reagan hired him and Manafort won for him. Ditto GH Bush. Pretty good damn record.

Ford didn't win.

And it sounds like he is an establishment guy
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So wait, we're using a few campaign mistakes as proof that he can't manage anything? Isn't his multi BILLION dollar real estate empire evidence that he CAN manage things well?

I'm not sold on Trump as a candidate as President, but this seems like a silly argument.

A few mistakes? That's an understatement

Trump's still wiping the floor with your establishment candidate.

Is that why he has lost the last 10 straight votes?
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  • #48
People seem to forget that Trump isn't bought off like the other candidates and all his costs at this point are coming directly out out of his own pocket. Considering that, he's done a phenomenal job of getting the interest and votes of the American people.

Sure, the media can point out his political organizational shortcomings and the lemmings will repeat their pontificates as lemmings do but I respect Trump's, I can't be bought off policy. Granted, in the general election there's no way he should pay for it out of pocket.
No, the campaign funds are not coming out of Trump's pocket...very little did...from all that I have read up on it...

His campaign has borrowed the campaign money from his corporation, and since it is borrowed money from his corporation, the corporation has to be paid money lost.....though it could take time to pay them back, several funding event dinners with him as guest speaker, I suppose?

Sheesh, all this, "read up on it" and no links sugar plum?
His new campaign manager worked for Gerald Ford and Bob Dole....a pretty good indication of the "top people" Trump attracts. :lol:

Only contest he lost was Dole. He won for Ford beating back Reagan. Then Reagan hired him and Manafort won for him. Ditto GH Bush. Pretty good damn record.

Ford didn't win.

And it sounds like he is an establishment guy

Ford won the nomination in 1976. Manafort was his man.
Democrats are in a frenzy, their candidates suck and it's Trump they envy.

Democrats should just sit back as usual, enjoy that their votes mean crap and the (bought off) Hillary coronation is beyond their control like good little lemmings.

Picking on Trump, Cruz or Kasich is merely an act of comedic desparation.
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His new campaign manager worked for Gerald Ford and Bob Dole....a pretty good indication of the "top people" Trump attracts. :lol:

Only contest he lost was Dole. He won for Ford beating back Reagan. Then Reagan hired him and Manafort won for him. Ditto GH Bush. Pretty good damn record.

Ford didn't win.

And it sounds like he is an establishment guy

Ford won the nomination in 1976. Manafort was his man.

Yeah establishment through and through that lost to jimmy carter
Even so, Manefort is probably the best man for running a presidential campaign

So get over who he lost. Also, considering how Reagan and Bush squashed their opponents should say something about his ability.
I don't think Jesus Christ could save the organization, but maybe NY and CA and some other winner take all states could get Donald's Blathering over the top. I rather doubt it though.

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