New Mexico shut down nearly everything to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by covid. It wasn't enough. was busy road day. I am located between the hospital and a major highway west and east. North is downtown, south is 3 homeless shelters. All within a 3 minute walk if I chose to do so. No masks to be seen. Not even those going in and out of the ER.
Today was Toys For Tots delivery day I guess. I Stopped counting bikes on the highway at around 200. Then there was a small break, then came the police/chp escort for the following 250 or more bikes behind them. All crammed at the light that just happens to be right there on the corner. Helmets. No masks. So there on the east side of me were 450 people breathing. On the West side of me....helicopters, ambulances, gurneys, people in and out...none with masks.

Like I said. Bad flu. And crock of shit. But tomorrow is lockdown day. Sunday, noon. Stay inside, can only go out once a week. Fuck them. I'll go when I want to. Maskless. And no seat belt to boot. Double fuck you, says I.
Are you prepared to pay the massive fine for not wearing a seatbelt though? Plus in this dreconian day especially in California,they
L probably throw you in jail eventually if you go out walking without a mask,California? That’s a given.
I drap it over my shoulder and tug it twixt my legs. I do not buckle. I've been pulled over before. "Yer not wearing your seat belt, maam". "Yes I am. See?". "You are not wearing it properly". "Its on. Do what you gotta do. I have lots of time. I don't mind sitting in court. Do you?". "Sigh. Go then. But put it on correctly". "Sure I will officer! (snickering)". He walks away.
I see you have caught on to that trick as well? Yep same here.have you heard about that resteraunt owner in Santa Monica down there who has a rule customers are barred from wearing masks there and that because if thst he has people all over not just the state but the country thst comes there because of thst? You might want to talk with him maybe you can put your heads together to fight this global tyranny where California and ny both have become banana republicans? I’m so pissed about it I plan to call him tomorrow and talk to him myself if he has a group movement going on how to fight this or anything.
It will do no good. I won't bother. I jsut refuse to obey their draconian policies. And Bravo to the guy in Santa Monica.
You may be getting away with it now but eventutally,with California being the banana republic is has become,their going to take you to I said,my library’s here make me wear a mask over my nose with security’s guards walking around inside the building telling people to put the mask over their nose if they don’t and this is just in KANSAS.I know it’s ten times worse out therein nazi California as bad as it is’s not even close here to how nazi they are out there,eventually they are going to handcuff you out there in that state,,count on it.
Maybe. But I live in a conservative/republican town. Plus, I can grow my own food, even if that means being a vegetarian. And if it comes to maybe suffering..well....I can always off myself. Who would want to live in such a society anyway? And it helps that I am old, so.....who would really care if I linger due to the demands and not complying..or doing it myself?
I don't know how much more evidence these people need to come to the realization that closing everything down doesn't stop the spread of the virus. All it does it create indubitably more pain by inflicting economic scars on the populace on top of the illness. It's akin to using a nuclear bomb to kill a spider in your house.

I don't see anywhere in your article that they or the governor comes to your conclusion! If anything, it sounds like they think they simply haven't done enough of it yet!

The solution to Covid is obvious: we simply need to eliminate people. No people, no problem. :smoke:
Last edited: was busy road day. I am located between the hospital and a major highway west and east. North is downtown, south is 3 homeless shelters. All within a 3 minute walk if I chose to do so. No masks to be seen. Not even those going in and out of the ER.
Today was Toys For Tots delivery day I guess. I Stopped counting bikes on the highway at around 200. Then there was a small break, then came the police/chp escort for the following 250 or more bikes behind them. All crammed at the light that just happens to be right there on the corner. Helmets. No masks. So there on the east side of me were 450 people breathing. On the West side of me....helicopters, ambulances, gurneys, people in and out...none with masks.

Like I said. Bad flu. And crock of shit. But tomorrow is lockdown day. Sunday, noon. Stay inside, can only go out once a week. Fuck them. I'll go when I want to. Maskless. And no seat belt to boot. Double fuck you, says I.
Are you prepared to pay the massive fine for not wearing a seatbelt though? Plus in this dreconian day especially in California,they
L probably throw you in jail eventually if you go out walking without a mask,California? That’s a given.
I drap it over my shoulder and tug it twixt my legs. I do not buckle. I've been pulled over before. "Yer not wearing your seat belt, maam". "Yes I am. See?". "You are not wearing it properly". "Its on. Do what you gotta do. I have lots of time. I don't mind sitting in court. Do you?". "Sigh. Go then. But put it on correctly". "Sure I will officer! (snickering)". He walks away.
I see you have caught on to that trick as well? Yep same here.have you heard about that resteraunt owner in Santa Monica down there who has a rule customers are barred from wearing masks there and that because if thst he has people all over not just the state but the country thst comes there because of thst? You might want to talk with him maybe you can put your heads together to fight this global tyranny where California and ny both have become banana republicans? I’m so pissed about it I plan to call him tomorrow and talk to him myself if he has a group movement going on how to fight this or anything.
It will do no good. I won't bother. I jsut refuse to obey their draconian policies. And Bravo to the guy in Santa Monica.
You may be getting away with it now but eventutally,with California being the banana republic is has become,their going to take you to I said,my library’s here make me wear a mask over my nose with security’s guards walking around inside the building telling people to put the mask over their nose if they don’t and this is just in KANSAS.I know it’s ten times worse out therein nazi California as bad as it is’s not even close here to how nazi they are out there,eventually they are going to handcuff you out there in that state,,count on it.
Maybe. But I live in a conservative/republican town. Plus, I can grow my own food, even if that means being a vegetarian. And if it comes to maybe suffering..well....I can always off myself. Who would want to live in such a society anyway? And it helps that I am old, so.....who would really care if I linger due to the demands and not complying..or doing it myself?
Yeah you know how to do it but I don’t so you will have no problem,I just fear that sense I don’t know how,I may not be here much longer,man I never imagined in a million years I would go out thst Way. :mad-61: was busy road day. I am located between the hospital and a major highway west and east. North is downtown, south is 3 homeless shelters. All within a 3 minute walk if I chose to do so. No masks to be seen. Not even those going in and out of the ER.
Today was Toys For Tots delivery day I guess. I Stopped counting bikes on the highway at around 200. Then there was a small break, then came the police/chp escort for the following 250 or more bikes behind them. All crammed at the light that just happens to be right there on the corner. Helmets. No masks. So there on the east side of me were 450 people breathing. On the West side of me....helicopters, ambulances, gurneys, people in and out...none with masks.

Like I said. Bad flu. And crock of shit. But tomorrow is lockdown day. Sunday, noon. Stay inside, can only go out once a week. Fuck them. I'll go when I want to. Maskless. And no seat belt to boot. Double fuck you, says I.
Are you prepared to pay the massive fine for not wearing a seatbelt though? Plus in this dreconian day especially in California,they
L probably throw you in jail eventually if you go out walking without a mask,California? That’s a given.
I drap it over my shoulder and tug it twixt my legs. I do not buckle. I've been pulled over before. "Yer not wearing your seat belt, maam". "Yes I am. See?". "You are not wearing it properly". "Its on. Do what you gotta do. I have lots of time. I don't mind sitting in court. Do you?". "Sigh. Go then. But put it on correctly". "Sure I will officer! (snickering)". He walks away.
I see you have caught on to that trick as well? Yep same here.have you heard about that resteraunt owner in Santa Monica down there who has a rule customers are barred from wearing masks there and that because if thst he has people all over not just the state but the country thst comes there because of thst? You might want to talk with him maybe you can put your heads together to fight this global tyranny where California and ny both have become banana republicans? I’m so pissed about it I plan to call him tomorrow and talk to him myself if he has a group movement going on how to fight this or anything.
It will do no good. I won't bother. I jsut refuse to obey their draconian policies. And Bravo to the guy in Santa Monica.
You may be getting away with it now but eventutally,with California being the banana republic is has become,their going to take you to I said,my library’s here make me wear a mask over my nose with security’s guards walking around inside the building telling people to put the mask over their nose if they don’t and this is just in KANSAS.I know it’s ten times worse out therein nazi California as bad as it is’s not even close here to how nazi they are out there,eventually they are going to handcuff you out there in that state,,count on it.
Maybe. But I live in a conservative/republican town. Plus, I can grow my own food, even if that means being a vegetarian. And if it comes to maybe suffering..well....I can always off myself. Who would want to live in such a society anyway? And it helps that I am old, so.....who would really care if I linger due to the demands and not complying..or doing it myself?
Yeah you know how to do it but I don’t so you will have no problem,I just fear that sense I don’t know how,I may not be here much longer,man I never imagined in a million years I would go out thst Way. :mad-61:
Just go with the flow. It all has to pass congress or whatever. BUY, not rent from library, HOW TO books. Off grid people thumb their noses at society and do their own thing. Grow your own food, learn how to hunt, make your own meds thru vitamins and/or what wild plants offer. Think like a native american that had none of those things yet survived until eurpeans came and killed most off for not "conforming". I'm old. I don't worry about it too much. If you are can do alot for yourself. Don't despair.
Just playing devil's advocate because I do not know what the answer is, but there is no way to prove that if things weren't shut down it wouldn't be even worse.
That isn't true----------we have states that didn't shut down and we have states that did shut down-----Florida which really didn't shut down (we just pretended to in many cases) is far better off than New York and other dem controlled areas .........................

This gets so old........
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(
Yeah, the government has to control you because you cannot control yourself. Said every mass murdering government in history.
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(
With all due respect, Coyote...didn't California impose some of the strictest crackdowns on social distancing...require masks...and close down large parts of it's economy? So why are they now having to close things down AGAIN? What you're saying doesn't make sense. Doing what you say hasn't helped in areas that were locked down tight. They all seem to be suffering another wave of Covid.
Didn't everyone say there would be a second wave? And worse it's winter - and holidays and people do much more indoors than outdoors where it's safer.

Our state did very well in the beginning too. We were not badly affected at first, but people stopped wearing masks and social distancing, and it became political. Lockdowns are tough. But with a highly contagious disease you really can't have tight indoor gatherings safely.
No second wave for Swedan.
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Imagine how overwhelmed hospitals would be if everyone who had flu symptoms went to the hospital. That’s kinda what’s happening here.
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(
With all due respect, Coyote...didn't California impose some of the strictest crackdowns on social distancing...require masks...and close down large parts of it's economy? So why are they now having to close things down AGAIN? What you're saying doesn't make sense. Doing what you say hasn't helped in areas that were locked down tight. They all seem to be suffering another wave of Covid.
Didn't everyone say there would be a second wave? And worse it's winter - and holidays and people do much more indoors than outdoors where it's safer.

Our state did very well in the beginning too. We were not badly affected at first, but people stopped wearing masks and social distancing, and it became political. Lockdowns are tough. But with a highly contagious disease you really can't have tight indoor gatherings safely.
No second wave for Swedan.
maybe not for Swedan. sweden however is smack in the middle of the second wave.
It's a fake. We know it's a fake because the very people making the rules don't believe they are necessary.
Well, that explains this...


United States Coronavirus: 14,983,425 Cases and 287,825 Deaths - Worldometer
Same goes with other countries------like the scandavanian ones--those that didn't shut down didn't slow the spread so their spike was in the beginning, but has even out with those that did shut down now.......
What a load of balls.
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(
With all due respect, Coyote...didn't California impose some of the strictest crackdowns on social distancing...require masks...and close down large parts of it's economy? So why are they now having to close things down AGAIN? What you're saying doesn't make sense. Doing what you say hasn't helped in areas that were locked down tight. They all seem to be suffering another wave of Covid.
Didn't everyone say there would be a second wave? And worse it's winter - and holidays and people do much more indoors than outdoors where it's safer.

Our state did very well in the beginning too. We were not badly affected at first, but people stopped wearing masks and social distancing, and it became political. Lockdowns are tough. But with a highly contagious disease you really can't have tight indoor gatherings safely.
With a survival rate over 99%, you're a fool.
I don't know how much more evidence these people need to come to the realization that closing everything down doesn't stop the spread of the virus. All it does it create indubitably more pain by inflicting economic scars on the populace on top of the illness. It's akin to using a nuclear bomb to kill a spider in your house.

Until a vaccine is given to the society nothing will stop the spread of the virus but in my opinion those closing things down believe it can slow the spread a little to help the Hospitals not be overwhelmed...
Just playing devil's advocate because I do not know what the answer is, but there is no way to prove that if things weren't shut down it wouldn't be even worse.
The article said it has reduced numbers, but considering how Covid plays out there is a significant delay in getting the results you want. Remember NYC? Flattening the curve takes awhile, and people are going to ignore resrictions during Christmas.

I'm sorry New Mexico is going through this during the holidays.
Our state has been red. I did my weekly errands today and had to go to Walmart. Jam packed. Parking lot packed. No one paying any attention to social distancing and Walmart had gone right back to jamming up the middle of the aisles with merchandise.

Was just at Walmart this morning and they are reverting back to making people go one way and so on, so it depends on the region I guess...
I work at a hospital in NM. Part of the problem they are having right now is that hospital staff wants time off. So... volunteers from the business offices are working overtime to fill in with things like admission,food prep/delivery,errands,retrieving supplies and other tasks. Not as many patients are being seen/admitted due to being short staffed.
Until a vaccine is given to the society nothing will stop the spread of the virus but in my opinion those closing things down believe it can slow the spread a little to help the Hospitals not be overwhelmed...

At what cost?
I agree with the OP for most part. We've proven that shutting down wasn't nearly as effective as masking and social distancing whenever possible. A barber or beautician can't social distance obviously but they provide an essential service.

You could argue the same of churches, however if they pack 'em in like sardines with no masks and they sing and shout for two hours, that's a problem. 50% capacity at the most and the smarter move is online services.

Schools should be open especially K-12. The college kids (and even some HS kids) are computer savvy and do fine with some online learning.

Casinos I do have a problem with. The one near me shut down again for a deep cleaning because they had an outbreak. If people gotta gamble, there are a number of reputable providers of online gaming. And they are hardly an essential service.

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