New national security advisor once said U.S. could take losing million people in a nuclear war

That was in response to this question-
On what kind of life we could visualize after a nuclear attack:

It means that, you know, it would be tough. It would be a struggle to reconstitute the society that we have. It certainly wouldn’t be the same society [as] prior to an exchange, there is no question about that. But in terms of having an organized nation, and having enough means left after the war to reconstitute itself, I think that is entirely possible. It may take 15 years, but geez, look how long it took Europe to recover after the Second World War.

So, you are being less than honest. He stated we could come back from it, if it ever happened. Much different from the way it is being presented here.
John Bolton’s interim replacement as National Security Advisor, Charles Kupperman, once said that the United States could take losing 20 million people in a nuclear war.
New National Security Advisor Once Said U.S. Could Take Losing 20 Million People in a Nuclear War

If only the sheep had more sense.........esp. like Demo. twat Tulsi spewing her bs ............

That's only half the population of California, jesus we could lose 40 million in California and no one would care.


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