New Obama ad-Julia


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2010
How are we suppose to pay for this? Talk about cradle to grave.

The Life of Julia — Barack Obama

Head Start
Obama Administration Report Shows Head Start Ineffective

17 yrs -
throw more money into the system rather than reform it to really educate them.

18 yrs.
Means add 10 million more students

22 yrs.
This is too popular not to be added to a new health care bill. I don't think this one will go away.

23 yrs-
Lilly Ledbetter Act. I don't think this is ever going to be repealed it's a non issue.

And it goes on and on.The Dem's just do not want to cut back on anything at all.
The way this is done, you would think that they are talking to a bunch of 6 year olds.
A guy at work forwarded this to me!

Obama would LOVE to be president for life (or i should say dictator).
What planet do these people live on. Are people really going to believe this shit! They make it like US education is working so well. Maybe put in a highlight note to WI, under Gov Scott Walkers plan, he took money earmarked for the school and actually gave it to the schools instead of to unfunded teachers pensions plans. In IL, where 60% of the tax dollars earmarked for education goes to paying retired teachers pensions forcing the IL schools to lay off 100s of teachers. Unlike IL, WI is hiring teachers, they created a surplus from a dangerous deficit, they haven't cut school programs not laid off a single teacher. In fact they are getting schools from the red into the black, they are one of the few states actually hiring teachers and they have done this without raising taxes!

Point to PAUL RYAN'S home state of WI for result!
Daddy Obama Government from cradle to grave..

this is his "vision" of transforming America

And women should be damned upset about this that he thinks you all are HELPLESS unless you have government to give you a hand..
The way the ad is done is so insulting.
President Obama really thinks, that we only have the mentality of a 6 year old.
Then there are a few lies in there also.
Not once is Julia responsible for her own life... the gov't is there to supply everything for her.

Who in the Hell is supposed to pay for all of this?

I dare the left to say he is not a socialist now. This is exhibit A, and it comes right from his own website.

yes but, its an honest liberal/Prog. piece of agitprop., yup. Which means of course its patronizing, insulting, demeaning and the sheep don't even know it, the Soma provided by the great benefactor, the government, has them asleep.

president for life obama giveth.... and thou shall prosper...:rolleyes:
Not once is Julia responsible for her own life... the gov't is there to supply everything for her.

Who in the Hell is supposed to pay for all of this?

I dare the left to say he is not a socialist now. This is exhibit A, and it comes right from his own website.

I am reporting you to attackwatch....great father obama, blessing be upon his name, will deal with you....
Julia has no parents. She doesn't need any. The government raises her. Julia doesn't marry. She doesn't need a husband nor a family. Julia has no children. Except for the government, Julia is alone. She spends her retirement giving back working in the community garden.

This is probably one of the most monstrous things I have ever read.
Julia has no parents. She doesn't need any. The government raises her. Julia doesn't marry. She doesn't need a husband nor a family. Julia has no children. Except for the government, Julia is alone. She spends her retirement giving back working in the community garden.

This is probably one of the most monstrous things I have ever read.

very well said.

notice the headline too;

Take a look at how President Obama's policies help one woman over her lifetime—and how Mitt Romney would change her story.

this man is delusional, seriously.
Free gubmint stuff is what he is all about.

Free everything you need to become completely dependent upon the government, including free love. :lol:

[ame=]Eurythmics - Julia - YouTube[/ame]

Aqua, is that the real Julia in your avatar? I was shocked that they used a redheaded white girl in that incredibly well thought out and implemented ad.
Free gubmint stuff is what he is all about.

Free everything you need to become completely dependent upon the government, including free love. :lol:

[ame=]Eurythmics - Julia - YouTube[/ame]

Aqua, is that the real Julia in your avatar? I was shocked that they used a redheaded white girl in that incredibly well thought out and implemented ad.

white woman are the new special interest grp....of course they'll take any woman.....the new put upon, beat down minority...

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