New Palestinian Intifada – Against Abbas


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Oh my goodness, an Intifada against one of their own.

New Palestinian Intifada – Against Abbas
By Khaled Abu Toameh June 24, 2014 , 1:14 pm

There already is an intifada against Israel. The Palestinians are close to declaring another intifada, this time against their president, Mahmoud Abbas, thus paving the way for a further escalation of the anti-Israeli Intifada.

Abbas has been diverting Palestinian anger toward Israel. The rhetorical attacks on Israel embolden Hamas and Palestinian extremists and drive more Palestinians into their open arms.

What happened in the center of Ramallah on the morning of June 22 could signal the beginning of an uprising, or intifada, against the Palestinian Authority [PA].

The incident began when hundreds of angry Palestinian youths attacked the headquarters of the Palestinian police in the city in protest against ongoing security coordination between the PA security forces and Israel.

At least three Palestinians were injured when Palestinian policemen used live ammunition to stop the attackers from storming the police station. Seven police vehicles parked outside the police station were badly damaged.

The attackers were particularly furious with the Palestinian policemen who stayed inside their offices as Israel Defense Forces soldiers entered Ramallah in the context of a manhunt to find three kidnapped Israeli youths, believed to have been taken by Hamas.


New Palestinian Intifada - Against Abbas | Breaking Israel News
U.S. comes out against the intifada...

US condemns attacks on Israeli civilians as violence continues
Tuesday 13th October, 2015 - The US has issued a strong condemnation of the attacks on Israeli civilians even as three more Israelis were killed in near-simultaneous attacks in Jerusalem, including inside a bus.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday "the US condemns in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attacks, the recent terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians which resulted in the murder of three Israelis and left numerous others wounded." He said the US stresses the "importance of condemning violence and combating incitement." Earnest added that the administration is "deeply concerned" about the escalating violence and urges all sides to restore calm. He said the US is in regular contact with the Israeli government and Palestinian authorities and has urged all parties to restore calm and prevent actions that would further escalate tensions.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians and urged both Israelis and Palestinians to stop the violence. "The United States condemns in the strongest terms possible the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians," Kerry told reporters in Boston. "No matter who it is, this violence, and any incitement to violence has got to stop," he said. "The situation is simply too volatile, too dangerous, and it is not going to lead to the outcome that people want, which is to have a peaceful resolution of differences."

Netanyahu said Tuesday he would take a series of "aggressive steps" to halt a wave of violence in Israeli cities after two attacks in Jerusalem left three Israelis dead. On Tuesday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Israel to carry out a "serious review" on whether its security forces are resorting to excessive force in clashes with Palestinians. Ban said he finds "the apparent excessive use of force by Israeli security forces" to be "troubling," his spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters as violence continued in Jerusalem, Ra'anana and the West Bank. This "demands serious review as it only serves to exacerbates the situation leading to a vicious cycle of needless bloodshed," he said.

U.S. comes out against the intifada...

US condemns attacks on Israeli civilians as violence continues
Tuesday 13th October, 2015 - The US has issued a strong condemnation of the attacks on Israeli civilians even as three more Israelis were killed in near-simultaneous attacks in Jerusalem, including inside a bus.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday "the US condemns in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attacks, the recent terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians which resulted in the murder of three Israelis and left numerous others wounded." He said the US stresses the "importance of condemning violence and combating incitement." Earnest added that the administration is "deeply concerned" about the escalating violence and urges all sides to restore calm. He said the US is in regular contact with the Israeli government and Palestinian authorities and has urged all parties to restore calm and prevent actions that would further escalate tensions.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians and urged both Israelis and Palestinians to stop the violence. "The United States condemns in the strongest terms possible the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians," Kerry told reporters in Boston. "No matter who it is, this violence, and any incitement to violence has got to stop," he said. "The situation is simply too volatile, too dangerous, and it is not going to lead to the outcome that people want, which is to have a peaceful resolution of differences."

Netanyahu said Tuesday he would take a series of "aggressive steps" to halt a wave of violence in Israeli cities after two attacks in Jerusalem left three Israelis dead. On Tuesday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Israel to carry out a "serious review" on whether its security forces are resorting to excessive force in clashes with Palestinians. Ban said he finds "the apparent excessive use of force by Israeli security forces" to be "troubling," his spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters as violence continued in Jerusalem, Ra'anana and the West Bank. This "demands serious review as it only serves to exacerbates the situation leading to a vicious cycle of needless bloodshed," he said.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians, blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?
Did the Jews incite the current intifada?...

State Dep’t on Israelis Visiting Temple Mount: 'Incitement Can Take Many Forms'
October 15, 2015 | State Department spokesman John Kirby declined to say Wednesday whether the administration considers visits by Israelis to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to constitute incitement to violence, but he did say that “the status quo has not been observed, which has led to a lot of the violence.”
Kirby said that “incitement can take many forms.” “We recognize that incitement can go both ways here,” he said. “Whether it’s action or rhetoric, it’s things that encourage others to continue this cycle of violence.” Visits by Israelis to the compound where the biblical Jewish Temples stood and is now home to two important mosques is not a violation of the “status quo” that has been in place ever since Israel captured the area from Jordan in 1967. Because of the site’s sensitivity, Israel decided to put Muslims back in charge of the site, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary), and since 1967 it has been under the day-to-day administration of a Jordanian-supervised Islamic trust. And since then, non-Muslims have been permitted to visit – but not to formally pray at – the site.


An Israel police photo shows masked Palestinians barricading themselves in the Al-Aqsa mosque​

Although some right-wing Israeli groups have long campaigned for an end to the prayer ban, the Israeli government has stated repeatedly that it has no intention to change the status quo. If anyone is changing the status quo, the government charges, it is those Muslim Palestinians who have used the site – including the revered Al-Aqsa mosque itself – as a launching pad for pipe bomb and rock attacks against Israeli police, deployed to guard Jews praying at the Western Wall below the hilltop platform. Amid such clashes at the site last month during Jewish holidays – an important time for Jews to visit – Palestinian religious and political leaders and official media renewed perennial calls that Israel plans to destroy Al-Aqsa. A spate of stabbing and shooting attacks by individual Palestinians since the beginning of October has left seven Israelis dead and dozens wounded The State Department has been calling for calm and an end to incitement fueling the violence, and Secretary of State John Kerry is planning a visit to the region.


An aerial view of Muslims praying on the Temple Mount during Ramadan 1992. The Dome of the Rock is in the center of the picture and the smaller-domed Al-Aqsa mosque at the forefront.​

During Wednesday’s daily briefing Matt Lee of the Associated Press asked Kirby whether the administration considers visits by Israelis to the Temple Mount “to be incitement.” “I’m not going to, you know, be able to characterize every single act with terminology,” he said. “What the secretary has said, and stands by, is that we want to see the status quo restored, the status quo arrangement there on Haram al-Sharif and the Temple Mount, and for both sides to take actions to de-escalate the tensions.” “So incitement can take many forms,” Kirby continued. “Again, I’m not going to go through a laundry list of what is or what isn’t.” “We recognize that incitement can go both ways here,” he added. “But it’s the – whether it’s action or rhetoric, it’s things that encourage others to continue this cycle of violence.”


See also:

Administration Responds to Attacks on Israelis by Calling on ‘Both Sides’ to Decrease Tensions
October 14, 2015 | A State Department spokesman on Tuesday declined to “assign blame” for what he called “the cycle of violence that’s currently taking place” in Israel and the disputed territories. Seven Israelis have been killed and dozens more injured by Palestinians in more than two dozen knife and gun attacks since October 1.
Over the same period, 27 Palestinians have been killed, according to Palestinian reports, in clashes with security forces or while carrying out attacks on Jews. Israel has accused Palestinian leaders and media of inciting the violence by repeatedly – and falsely, it says – accusing Israel of trying to change the status quo on the Temple Mount (known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif). The site in Jerusalem’s Old City, where the biblical Temples once stood, is the holiest in Judaism. It is home to the al-Aqsa mosque, revered by Muslims as the third holiest in Islam.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner told a daily briefing Secretary of State John Kerry in separate weekend phone conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas had “reiterated the importance of strongly condemning violence and combating incitement, as well as taking affirmative steps to reduce tensions.” “And the secretary stressed the importance of upholding the status quo in word and in deed at Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount, and of preventing inflammatory rhetoric and actions that will increase tensions,” Toner added. “Does the administration believe that Israel is inciting, or not condemning, violence?” the Associated Press’ Matt Lee asked. “I think what we’ve been very clear about saying is that we want to see both sides take affirmative steps, affirmative actions that reduce tensions in the region,” he said. “But that message is delivered to both, not just to one,” Lee noted. “So the U.S., the administration sees both sides at fault here. Is that correct?”

Toner said both sides need to decrease tensions that are leading to violence. “But you’re asking me to assign blame, and I don’t think that’s the case. I think what we need to see is just a reduction in the tension, reduction in the actions that we’ve seen over the past couple of days.” Lee asked what more the administration wanted to see Netanyahu do in condemning the violence. “For one thing, as I said, upholding the status quo in Haram al-Sharif and Temple Mount,” Toner replied. “But has there been a suggestion that the status quo was going to be changed?” Lee asked. Toner did not answer, instead repeating the call for “both sides” to take affirmative actions to decrease tensions. “I don’t think it’s necessarily saying that we’re dissatisfied with either one party or the other,” he said. “We’re just saying that to the end the current cycle, both sides need to take action.”

‘We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem’
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U.S. comes out against the intifada...

US condemns attacks on Israeli civilians as violence continues
Tuesday 13th October, 2015 - The US has issued a strong condemnation of the attacks on Israeli civilians even as three more Israelis were killed in near-simultaneous attacks in Jerusalem, including inside a bus.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday "the US condemns in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attacks, the recent terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians which resulted in the murder of three Israelis and left numerous others wounded." He said the US stresses the "importance of condemning violence and combating incitement." Earnest added that the administration is "deeply concerned" about the escalating violence and urges all sides to restore calm. He said the US is in regular contact with the Israeli government and Palestinian authorities and has urged all parties to restore calm and prevent actions that would further escalate tensions.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians and urged both Israelis and Palestinians to stop the violence. "The United States condemns in the strongest terms possible the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians," Kerry told reporters in Boston. "No matter who it is, this violence, and any incitement to violence has got to stop," he said. "The situation is simply too volatile, too dangerous, and it is not going to lead to the outcome that people want, which is to have a peaceful resolution of differences."

Netanyahu said Tuesday he would take a series of "aggressive steps" to halt a wave of violence in Israeli cities after two attacks in Jerusalem left three Israelis dead. On Tuesday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Israel to carry out a "serious review" on whether its security forces are resorting to excessive force in clashes with Palestinians. Ban said he finds "the apparent excessive use of force by Israeli security forces" to be "troubling," his spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters as violence continued in Jerusalem, Ra'anana and the West Bank. This "demands serious review as it only serves to exacerbates the situation leading to a vicious cycle of needless bloodshed," he said.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians, blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?

Blame the Savage Palestinians . Maybe those Savage Assholes will finally stop Rocket attacks
P F Tinmore, et al,

Always with the children.
  • Rule 23.Location of Military Objectives outside Densely Populated Areas
  • Rule 24.Removal of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of Military Objectives
US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians,​
blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?

Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court [ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)], “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
U.S. comes out against the intifada...

US condemns attacks on Israeli civilians as violence continues
Tuesday 13th October, 2015 - The US has issued a strong condemnation of the attacks on Israeli civilians even as three more Israelis were killed in near-simultaneous attacks in Jerusalem, including inside a bus.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday "the US condemns in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attacks, the recent terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians which resulted in the murder of three Israelis and left numerous others wounded." He said the US stresses the "importance of condemning violence and combating incitement." Earnest added that the administration is "deeply concerned" about the escalating violence and urges all sides to restore calm. He said the US is in regular contact with the Israeli government and Palestinian authorities and has urged all parties to restore calm and prevent actions that would further escalate tensions.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians and urged both Israelis and Palestinians to stop the violence. "The United States condemns in the strongest terms possible the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians," Kerry told reporters in Boston. "No matter who it is, this violence, and any incitement to violence has got to stop," he said. "The situation is simply too volatile, too dangerous, and it is not going to lead to the outcome that people want, which is to have a peaceful resolution of differences."

Netanyahu said Tuesday he would take a series of "aggressive steps" to halt a wave of violence in Israeli cities after two attacks in Jerusalem left three Israelis dead. On Tuesday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Israel to carry out a "serious review" on whether its security forces are resorting to excessive force in clashes with Palestinians. Ban said he finds "the apparent excessive use of force by Israeli security forces" to be "troubling," his spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters as violence continued in Jerusalem, Ra'anana and the West Bank. This "demands serious review as it only serves to exacerbates the situation leading to a vicious cycle of needless bloodshed," he said.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians, blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?

Human shields.
That, of course, does not mean John Kerry is not a lackey asshole.
U.S. comes out against the intifada...

US condemns attacks on Israeli civilians as violence continues
Tuesday 13th October, 2015 - The US has issued a strong condemnation of the attacks on Israeli civilians even as three more Israelis were killed in near-simultaneous attacks in Jerusalem, including inside a bus.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday "the US condemns in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attacks, the recent terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians which resulted in the murder of three Israelis and left numerous others wounded." He said the US stresses the "importance of condemning violence and combating incitement." Earnest added that the administration is "deeply concerned" about the escalating violence and urges all sides to restore calm. He said the US is in regular contact with the Israeli government and Palestinian authorities and has urged all parties to restore calm and prevent actions that would further escalate tensions.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians and urged both Israelis and Palestinians to stop the violence. "The United States condemns in the strongest terms possible the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians," Kerry told reporters in Boston. "No matter who it is, this violence, and any incitement to violence has got to stop," he said. "The situation is simply too volatile, too dangerous, and it is not going to lead to the outcome that people want, which is to have a peaceful resolution of differences."

Netanyahu said Tuesday he would take a series of "aggressive steps" to halt a wave of violence in Israeli cities after two attacks in Jerusalem left three Israelis dead. On Tuesday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Israel to carry out a "serious review" on whether its security forces are resorting to excessive force in clashes with Palestinians. Ban said he finds "the apparent excessive use of force by Israeli security forces" to be "troubling," his spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters as violence continued in Jerusalem, Ra'anana and the West Bank. This "demands serious review as it only serves to exacerbates the situation leading to a vicious cycle of needless bloodshed," he said.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians, blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?
The Pal'istanian terrorists are the ones who explicitly create the circumstances whereby they put children in the line of fire.

It's disgusting that you retrograde types use children as disposable commodities for propaganda purposes.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Always with the children.
  • Rule 23.Location of Military Objectives outside Densely Populated Areas
  • Rule 24.Removal of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of Military Objectives
US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians,​
blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?

Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court [ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)], “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.

Most Respectfully,
Thanks, Rocco, but we have already heard Israel's talking points a gazillion times.
U.S. comes out against the intifada...

US condemns attacks on Israeli civilians as violence continues
Tuesday 13th October, 2015 - The US has issued a strong condemnation of the attacks on Israeli civilians even as three more Israelis were killed in near-simultaneous attacks in Jerusalem, including inside a bus.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday "the US condemns in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attacks, the recent terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians which resulted in the murder of three Israelis and left numerous others wounded." He said the US stresses the "importance of condemning violence and combating incitement." Earnest added that the administration is "deeply concerned" about the escalating violence and urges all sides to restore calm. He said the US is in regular contact with the Israeli government and Palestinian authorities and has urged all parties to restore calm and prevent actions that would further escalate tensions.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians and urged both Israelis and Palestinians to stop the violence. "The United States condemns in the strongest terms possible the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians," Kerry told reporters in Boston. "No matter who it is, this violence, and any incitement to violence has got to stop," he said. "The situation is simply too volatile, too dangerous, and it is not going to lead to the outcome that people want, which is to have a peaceful resolution of differences."

Netanyahu said Tuesday he would take a series of "aggressive steps" to halt a wave of violence in Israeli cities after two attacks in Jerusalem left three Israelis dead. On Tuesday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Israel to carry out a "serious review" on whether its security forces are resorting to excessive force in clashes with Palestinians. Ban said he finds "the apparent excessive use of force by Israeli security forces" to be "troubling," his spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters as violence continued in Jerusalem, Ra'anana and the West Bank. This "demands serious review as it only serves to exacerbates the situation leading to a vicious cycle of needless bloodshed," he said.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians, blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?

Cant of been much as you haven't posted it........................ LOSER
P F Tinmore, et al,

Always with the children.
  • Rule 23.Location of Military Objectives outside Densely Populated Areas
  • Rule 24.Removal of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of Military Objectives
US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians,​
blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?

Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court [ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)], “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.

Most Respectfully,
Thanks, Rocco, but we have already heard Israel's talking points a gazillion times.

So now International law has become Israel's talking points because it shows the Palestinians as evil child murdering terrorists
P F Tinmore, et al,

Always with the children.
  • Rule 23.Location of Military Objectives outside Densely Populated Areas
  • Rule 24.Removal of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of Military Objectives
US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians,​
blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?

Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court [ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)], “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.

Most Respectfully,
Thanks, Rocco, but we have already heard Israel's talking points a gazillion times.

So now International law has become Israel's talking points because it shows the Palestinians as evil child murdering terrorists
It is not that the law is wrong. It is the application that is misapplied.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Always with the children.
  • Rule 23.Location of Military Objectives outside Densely Populated Areas
  • Rule 24.Removal of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of Military Objectives
US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians,​
blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?

Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court [ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)], “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.

Most Respectfully,
Thanks, Rocco, but we have already heard Israel's talking points a gazillion times.

So now International law has become Israel's talking points because it shows the Palestinians as evil child murdering terrorists
It is not that the law is wrong. It is the application that is misapplied.
Correct. The Pal'istanian Arab application of their children as a disposable commodity is misapplied, at least in the realm of the relevant first world, a location unknown by the Pali savages.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Always with the children.
  • Rule 23.Location of Military Objectives outside Densely Populated Areas
  • Rule 24.Removal of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of Military Objectives
US Secretary of State John Kerry has also strongly condemned what he called "terrorist attacks" against Israeli civilians,​
blah, blah, blah...​

What did that lackey asshole say about Israel killing 500 children in Gaza?

Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court [ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)], “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.

Most Respectfully,
Thanks, Rocco, but we have already heard Israel's talking points a gazillion times.

So now International law has become Israel's talking points because it shows the Palestinians as evil child murdering terrorists
It is not that the law is wrong. It is the application that is misapplied.

Only when it works in Israel's favour and is not defending islamonazi terrorism and violence. The law applies to everyone and because the Palestinians are breaching it the most then you want it changing so they are let off the hook

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