new party

Been thinking about the pirate party. If Donald trump succeeds at destroying the Republican party we will need a new party to further constitutionalism.

So what party should we create?

I'm thinking we create the rebel alliance.

Think about it. A group of likeminded individuals who seek to restore the Republic and its constitution.

Any other ideas?

I always figured the Tea Party was probably going to have to step up and become an actual party at some point if they couldn't take over the Republican Party.

Dunno if they would actually continue to call it that, though.
So what party should we create?

Does the US Constitution demand that political parties exist? Or was that always something to manipulate the masses?
Parties are not in the constitution, but if you read federalist #10 written by Madison (ther guy who wrote the framework of the constitution)parties are a feature of republics. there are 2 people, there are two ways of doing things.

Well, it's kind of a natural human reaction. Abraham Lincoln said it best: united we stand, divided we fall. Humans, being the social creatures we are, instinctively know to group together for strength in numbers. I'm not sure how, or if, the Founding Fathers thought we would have a political system without people clumping together around common interests and goals.
It already has a name, the democrats and the republicans have been trying to kill it off since Obama care but they have failed.

Tea Party! Taxed Enough Already.
Who's running? Why do we never hear about them or the Green Party candidate? It's a media conspiracy...and anyone wonders who really runs this country?
What have the republicans done but lie down and pass the biggest budget in the history of the world
Have you noticed that the economy has begun to turn around since the GOP took over the Senate from do nothing dirty harry reid?
Why do you think Trump is destroying the Republican Party, because he's putting the interests of our country ahead of the corporate puppets in Washington?

Because I don't have my head up his butt and can see what's obvious
What have the republicans done but lie down and pass the biggest budget in the history of the world?
As long as inflation remains unchecked, the budget will continue to skyrocket.
Why do you think Trump is destroying the Republican Party, because he's putting the interests of our country ahead of the corporate puppets in Washington?

You don't speak for "our country", you speak only for yourself - and Trump sure as shit doesn't represent my interests.
If Donald trump succeeds at destroying the Republican party we will need a new party to further constitutionalism.

I think the Republican Party is destroying itself.
As long as inflation remains unchecked, the budget will continue to skyrocket.

I love your Avatar...I had to look twice. :biggrin:
When I first joined USMB I had just seen the cartoon from some Danish guy that had radical Muslims across the globe so pissed off that they were rioting in the streets.

I thought it was hilarious that they could get so pissed off about it.

So of course I used it as my avatar and used "Muhammed" as my screen name.

Just because I thought it would be funny.
This election cycle more than any before it, I have been hoping that a viable independent candidate would surface. This election would be an independent's best chance yet.

That said, I don't think that my ideal candidate or independent party actually exists.

No one or party candidate gives me even an ounce of hope for our nation's future.

The way I see it, we are screwed and we have only ourselves to blame for it.

P.S. As for the OP. . . I would like to see something like the "Fundamental Constitutionalist" or "Constitutional Fundamentalist" party emerge. Let's get back to basic Constitutionally principled governance.
Been thinking about the pirate party. If Donald trump succeeds at destroying the Republican party we will need a new party to further constitutionalism.

So what party should we create?

I'm thinking we create the rebel alliance.

Think about it. A group of likeminded individuals who seek to restore the Republic and its constitution.

Any other ideas?
How about

The Stupid Is Too Damn High Party
We need a party that will attract various demographics. I propose the "Penis Party". Think about it. Gays? Ours. Women? Ours. Not sure about the other demographics. I'm still thinking this thing through.
Trump isn't going to "destroy " the party.

Same thing was said about Goldwater. It didn't happen.
No trump is not going to destroy the RP. The RP is doing that on its own.

If the republican party does come to a close it is going to be because they refused to represent those that they want voting for them.

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