New Patriots Head Coach

If Brady is draft by the Browns he's wins zero SB's. I think you're way over estimating what he is. TB was able to become the QB he became because of his time in NE. He didn't have the physical skills to win SB's on his own. You're remembering the generational talent he became but that only happens if he's carried and allowed to grow early in his career which happened in NE and wouldn't have happened in places like Cleveland at the time. How many QB's came and went through badly run and coached organizations in the first 10 years of Brady's career? Barring Bledsoe getting injured Brady doest see the field.
I don't know what to say except this is complete nonsense. We're not dealing in what if's. We're looking objectively at things that are history. And he was a generational talent. That doesn't mean that he and his coach didn't work together or were complimentary of each other. They needed each other to achieve the success they did. But the fact is, Brady went to another team at 42 years old and won a Superbowl.
I don't know what to say except this is complete nonsense. We're not dealing in what if's. We're looking objectively at things that are history. And he was a generational talent. That doesn't mean that he and his coach didn't work together or were complimentary of each other. They needed each other to achieve the success they did. But the fact is, Brady went to another team at 42 years old and won a Superbowl.
You're lack of ability to evaluate what made a player actually good isnt my problem. Brady never gets to TB at 42 if he's drafted by the Browns or a franchise like that in the 6th round in 2000. Were you even watching football back then or are you just saying things without context?
You're lack of ability to evaluate what made a player actually good isnt my problem. Brady never gets to TB at 42 if he's drafted by the Browns or a franchise like that in the 6th round in 2000. Were you even watching football back then or are you just saying things without context?
Look, this isn't a politics thread so I'll be polite. If you want to argue what if's, then I'm not your guy. I'm only interested in what actually happened and analyzing that, not "context". I've watched the Patriots religiously since 1981. A fan is a fan in the up years and the down years, and believe me, before Brady and Belichick, most years, were down years. :)
gosh, who would want to discuss what factors were at play and get the whole picture…

Not this guy!
What "whole picture" are you looking for? There is what happened. And "What if". Face..and speculation. You two are interested in "what if" and speculation.
I am only interested in discussing what happened.

And what happened, is that Tom Brady was a generational talent.
If Brady is draft by the Browns he's wins zero SB's. I think you're way over estimating what he is. TB was able to become the QB he became because of his time in NE. He didn't have the physical skills to win SB's on his own. You're remembering the generational talent he became but that only happens if he's carried and allowed to grow early in his career which happened in NE and wouldn't have happened in places like Cleveland at the time. How many QB's came and went through badly run and coached organizations in the first 10 years of Brady's career? Barring Bledsoe getting injured Brady doest see the field.
Things people forget:
The Patriots were already a Super Bowl contender when Brady got bailed out by the tuck rule while backing up Bledsoe… and then game managed his way to the Super Bowl.

Peyton Manning had to take a true sh*thole in Indianapolis and build a team from the ground up.

Brady was born on third base.
Things people forget:
The Patriots were already a Super Bowl contender when Brady got bailed out by the tuck rule and game managed his way to the Super Bowl.

Peyton Manning had to take a true sh*thole in Indianapolis and build a team from the ground up.

Brady was born on third base.
Nobody gives a shit. Again, there is only what happened...and what if.
What "whole picture" are you looking for? There is what happened. And "What if". Face..and speculation. You two are interested in "what if" and speculation.
I am only interested in discussing what happened.

And what happened, is that Tom Brady was a generational talent.
Read my posts, no what ifs from me, I’m stating factors
And we just saw last night with Dallas what that means.....nothing. :)
Brady developed into an all time great for sure, but he wasn’t one 3 Super Bowls in… and throughout his career he averaged having the 7th best defense in points allowed. To compare, Manning averaged 17th.

Brady got bailed out and won games others didn’t because he had a great defense.

No what ifs, facts.
Brady developed into an all time great for sure, but he wasn’t one 3 Super Bowls in… and throughout his career he averaged having the 7th best defense in points allowed. To compare, Manning averaged 17th.

Brady got bailed out and won games others didn’t because he had a great defense.

No what ifs, facts.
Especially in that SB against Seattle.
Especially in that SB against Seattle.
Except the Patriots were down in that Superbowl to the Seahawks, by two touchdowns entering the fourth quarter. Their defense didn't put them back in a position to win that game. Their offense, led by Tom Brady was what got them back in that game. Their defense most certainly won them that game, but they didn't get them back to even.
And we just saw last night with Dallas what that means.....nothing. :)
Dallas isnt a stacked team. They arent nearly as good as people made out. Look at who they beat especially at home. Mostly tomato cans.

Giants X2
Wash X2

8 wins against garbage teams, throw in Seattle, late season Eagles (who are a disaster) What are you left with the Rams? The Lions game was a gift from the refs.
Except the Patriots were down in that Superbowl to the Seahawks, by two touchdowns entering the fourth quarter. Their defense didn't put them back in a position to win that game. Their offense, led by Tom Brady was what got them back in that game. Their defense most certainly won them that game, but they didn't get them back to even.
So the 3 3 and outs in a row in the 4th and the pick in the endzone to close out the game didn't happen?
Things people forget:
The Patriots were already a Super Bowl contender when Brady got bailed out by the tuck rule while backing up Bledsoe… and then game managed his way to the Super Bowl.

Peyton Manning had to take a true sh*thole in Indianapolis and build a team from the ground up.

Brady was born on third base.
So the 3 3 and outs in a row in the 4th and the pick in the endzone to close out the game didn't happen?
So those 14 points in the 4th quarter were put up by the defense? (I've already stipulated the defense won them the game..but they also put them in the hole).
So those 14 points in the 4th quarter were put up by the defense? (I've already stipulated the defense won them the game..but they also put them in the hole).
No one is saying Tom Brady isnt a great QB. Not sure why you're taking this so personally. You fucking his sister or something? But acting like he didn't benefit from great defenses especially early in the dynasty is just revisionist history.
No one is saying Tom Brady isnt a great QB. Not sure why you're taking this so personally. You fucking his sister or something? But acting like he didn't benefit from great defenses especially early in the dynasty is just revisionist history.
I'm not taking it personally. You are arguing "what ifs" and Mr Friscus is arguing "context". I am simply stating facts and the history of what actually went on.

I don't care how good the Pats defense was (and it was). They don't win those Superbowls without Tom Brady. That was Belichick's downfall. He thought he could plug anyone into that position and go all the way.

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