New pay-per-mile scheme would boost taxes 250 percent


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
An on-again, off-again move by the Obama administration to scrap the federal gas tax in favor of a pay-per-mile fee would boost the tab to Americans as high as 250 percent, raising their current tax of 18.4 cents a gallon to as high as 46 cents, according to a new government study.

But without a tax increase, said the Government Accountability Office study, the government's highway fund is going to go dry. One reason the fund is going broke: President Obama's push for fuel efficient cars has resulted in better mileage, and fewer stops at the pump.

The GAO study is just the latest review of federal spending that paints a grim picture of the nation's infrastructure. Just keeping spending at current levels, the GAO said, would require a near doubling of the gas tax to 32 cents a gallon, and that would jump to as high as 46 cents should the federal government add spending to fix crumbling infrastructure and build new roads.

The average driver pays about $96 a year in federal gas taxes, said GAO. Should the administration seek to raise the highway trust fund from $34 billion to the $78 billion needed to fix and maintain roads, that could rise to $248. Translated into a pay-per-mile plan, drivers would face a tax of 2.2 cents per mile compared to the 0.9 cents they pay now. Trucks would pay far more

New pay-per-mile scheme would boost taxes 250 percent |
Fed gas tax needs to be raised, not scrapped. And Obama needs to shut his fucking yap about oil company "profits". Even now, the U.S. profits way more on a gallon of gas than any oil company ever did.

And while he's at it- remove the $40+ billion in O&G taxes that are in his proposed budget.
Pay per mile isn't anything new. Trucks have been paying that in addition to fuel tax for years.
Even now, the U.S. profits way more on a gallon of gas than any oil company ever did.

So that explains this. Let's see, if we need to raise the Highway Trust Fund $44 billion, and if the US profits more than the oil companies, then all we have to do is sit back and do nothing. The US government will get that much alone from Exxon by the end of this year.
Even now, the U.S. profits way more on a gallon of gas than any oil company ever did.

So that explains this. Let's see, if we need to raise the Highway Trust Fund $44 billion, and if the US profits more than the oil companies, then all we have to do is sit back and do nothing. The US government will get that much alone from Exxon by the end of this year.

Yup...if it is true that the government makes more than the oil companies and Exxon Mobile profits are in the 40 billion dollar range, that's right! Cool.
More taxes on all of us to come...Yeah that includes lower and middle income people
More taxes on all of us to come...Yeah that includes lower and middle income people

Yes, just imagine the price of food soaring even more and who would be able to drive to work? Oh Wait! That's right....there will be no jobs.......:confused:

Obammy, working the plan.
I would think that this would receive the conservative stamp of approval. After all, it's a consumption tax. Isn't that supposed to be the "moral" kind of tax?
I would think that this would receive the conservative stamp of approval. After all, it's a consumption tax. Isn't that supposed to be the "moral" kind of tax?

Who said that? A consumption tax may make sense only if we repeal the 16th amendment
I’m sure when the poor Americans taxes go up, it will somehow be Bush’s fault! We all know Obama is only going to raise taxes on the wealthy.
Pay per mile isn't anything new. Trucks have been paying that in addition to fuel tax for years.
Slavery isn't anything new either, that doesn't make it a good thing.

That's how taxes are introduced. "We're only gonna' tax those evil Trucks that tear up the roads with their overweight loads!"

Sounds reasonable until Gov't runs out of money and says:

"We need to tax all cars on a "Per Mile" basis, it's only Fair! You want what's fair right? You against Fairness?"
Heavier vehicles do more road damage than light ones and there should be a highway maintenance tax based on listed vehicle weight. This also makes sense from a safety standpoint.
Heavier vehicles do more road damage than light ones and there should be a highway maintenance tax based on listed vehicle weight. This also makes sense from a safety standpoint.

A justification can be found for anything, if you look hard enough. That may, or may not, make it right though.
I would think that this would receive the conservative stamp of approval. After all, it's a consumption tax. Isn't that supposed to be the "moral" kind of tax?

I would think that this would receive the conservative stamp of approval. After all, it's a consumption tax. Isn't that supposed to be the "moral" kind of tax?

Who said that? A consumption tax may make sense only if we repeal the 16th amendment

Every raging conservative on this board, repeatedly.


I have seen ONE raging person (I would not call him a 'conservative) ask for such an asinine thing. I guess that since you made such a blanket and asinine claim you can back this up though...

I doubt it.

Now, conservatives have been asking for a FLAT tax.
Guess Summer Vacation is out. Who the hell could afford to drive anywhere??

Another lovely idea brought to you by the Democratic Party of America.
An on-again, off-again move by the Obama administration to scrap the federal gas tax in favor of a pay-per-mile fee would boost the tab to Americans as high as 250 percent, raising their current tax of 18.4 cents a gallon to as high as 46 cents, according to a new government study.

But without a tax increase, said the Government Accountability Office study, the government's highway fund is going to go dry. One reason the fund is going broke: President Obama's push for fuel efficient cars has resulted in better mileage, and fewer stops at the pump.

The GAO study is just the latest review of federal spending that paints a grim picture of the nation's infrastructure. Just keeping spending at current levels, the GAO said, would require a near doubling of the gas tax to 32 cents a gallon, and that would jump to as high as 46 cents should the federal government add spending to fix crumbling infrastructure and build new roads.

The average driver pays about $96 a year in federal gas taxes, said GAO. Should the administration seek to raise the highway trust fund from $34 billion to the $78 billion needed to fix and maintain roads, that could rise to $248. Translated into a pay-per-mile plan, drivers would face a tax of 2.2 cents per mile compared to the 0.9 cents they pay now. Trucks would pay far more

New pay-per-mile scheme would boost taxes 250 percent |

What would be the point of changing the method of taxation if you aren't going to achieve vast increases in revenue?
Even now, the U.S. profits way more on a gallon of gas than any oil company ever did.

So that explains this. Let's see, if we need to raise the Highway Trust Fund $44 billion, and if the US profits more than the oil companies, then all we have to do is sit back and do nothing. The US government will get that much alone from Exxon by the end of this year.

Yup...if it is true that the government makes more than the oil companies and Exxon Mobile profits are in the 40 billion dollar range, that's right! Cool.

Oil companies do not make 18.4 cents profit per gallon of gasoline.
The government does.

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