New political theory


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Been thinking bout the current news cycle and I think I’ve come up with a new political theory centered around the democrats and the media.

1)media/Democrats create some phoney emotional story to drum up opposition to Republicans

2) outrage all over the place

3) truth is exposed

4) people get pissed about being lied to and Democrats/media loses

5) Democrats/media melt down and can’t figure out why they are losing and so return to step 1

Every time we go through the cycle the outrage and the counter reaction get stronger.

The more outrage and anger the less rational thought involved. Don’t believe me? Look at the news cycle. The democrats are trying to attack Trump on illegal immigration. They can’t win on this. Especially when the truth always comes out against their fake narrative.

Should be interesting to see how this theory works out. What worries me is some of the logical conclusions if this is accurate
Been thinking bout the current news cycle and I think I’ve come up with a new political theory centered around the democrats and the media.

1)media/Democrats create some phoney emotional story to drum up opposition to Republicans

2) outrage all over the place

3) truth is exposed

4) people get pissed about being lied to and Democrats/media loses

5) Democrats/media melt down and can’t figure out why they are losing and so return to step 1

Every time we go through the cycle the outrage and the counter reaction get stronger.

The more outrage and anger the less rational thought involved. Don’t believe me? Look at the news cycle. The democrats are trying to attack Trump on illegal immigration. They can’t win on this. Especially when the truth always comes out against their fake narrative.

Should be interesting to see how this theory works out. What worries me is some of the logical conclusions if this is accurate

This is nothing new, it is the attempt of the left to reinforce "Identity Politics". It worked for a time, but, except for those on the far left, it fails more often than works.

Would love to hear your logical conclusion to see if it matches mine.
Been thinking bout the current news cycle and I think I’ve come up with a new political theory centered around the democrats and the media.

1)media/Democrats create some phoney emotional story to drum up opposition to Republicans

2) outrage all over the place

3) truth is exposed

4) people get pissed about being lied to and Democrats/media loses

5) Democrats/media melt down and can’t figure out why they are losing and so return to step 1

Every time we go through the cycle the outrage and the counter reaction get stronger.

The more outrage and anger the less rational thought involved. Don’t believe me? Look at the news cycle. The democrats are trying to attack Trump on illegal immigration. They can’t win on this. Especially when the truth always comes out against their fake narrative.

Should be interesting to see how this theory works out. What worries me is some of the logical conclusions if this is accurate

What worries me is the democrat/left sided short fuse. They're rabid! Myself, I haven't witnessed this kind of fervor in some time. It's one thing to respectfully and strongly disagree but c'mon, these folks are coiled springs inside of coiled springs. What's more, the causes they champion look like something out of a Roman orgy. Has society really arrived at this point again?
Been thinking bout the current news cycle and I think I’ve come up with a new political theory centered around the democrats and the media.

1)media/Democrats create some phoney emotional story to drum up opposition to Republicans

2) outrage all over the place

3) truth is exposed

4) people get pissed about being lied to and Democrats/media loses

5) Democrats/media melt down and can’t figure out why they are losing and so return to step 1

Every time we go through the cycle the outrage and the counter reaction get stronger.

The more outrage and anger the less rational thought involved. Don’t believe me? Look at the news cycle. The democrats are trying to attack Trump on illegal immigration. They can’t win on this. Especially when the truth always comes out against their fake narrative.

Should be interesting to see how this theory works out. What worries me is some of the logical conclusions if this is accurate

I agree with your theory. The problem for Republicans comes by way of they're caving to the liberal narrative. Every time a republican is asked if they have sympathy for children being seperated from their parents they need to remind the media the parents are still alive and will soon be reunited with their children and ask the media and liberals where is their sympathy for the children of parents who have been killed by illegal immigrants and the sympathy for the parents whose children have been killed by illegal immigrants.
It's nothing new. A couple of years ago democrats made hysterical wild accusations about the GOP starving kids during a budget fight. It wasn't true of course but the minions in the media picked it up and ran with it.
Been thinking bout the current news cycle and I think I’ve come up with a new political theory centered around the democrats and the media.

1)media/Democrats create some phoney emotional story to drum up opposition to Republicans

2) outrage all over the place

3) truth is exposed

4) people get pissed about being lied to and Democrats/media loses

5) Democrats/media melt down and can’t figure out why they are losing and so return to step 1

Every time we go through the cycle the outrage and the counter reaction get stronger.

The more outrage and anger the less rational thought involved. Don’t believe me? Look at the news cycle. The democrats are trying to attack Trump on illegal immigration. They can’t win on this. Especially when the truth always comes out against their fake narrative.

Should be interesting to see how this theory works out. What worries me is some of the logical conclusions if this is accurate
Umm. What?

Are you really that brainwashed or are you lying?
Been thinking bout the current news cycle and I think I’ve come up with a new political theory centered around the democrats and the media.

1)media/Democrats create some phoney emotional story to drum up opposition to Republicans

2) outrage all over the place

3) truth is exposed

4) people get pissed about being lied to and Democrats/media loses

5) Democrats/media melt down and can’t figure out why they are losing and so return to step 1

Every time we go through the cycle the outrage and the counter reaction get stronger.

The more outrage and anger the less rational thought involved. Don’t believe me? Look at the news cycle. The democrats are trying to attack Trump on illegal immigration. They can’t win on this. Especially when the truth always comes out against their fake narrative.

Should be interesting to see how this theory works out. What worries me is some of the logical conclusions if this is accurate
Those GD dems focusing on children in cages. TRAITORS! LOCK THEM UP
Been thinking bout the current news cycle and I think I’ve come up with a new political theory centered around the democrats and the media.

1)media/Democrats create some phoney emotional story to drum up opposition to Republicans

2) outrage all over the place

3) truth is exposed

4) people get pissed about being lied to and Democrats/media loses

5) Democrats/media melt down and can’t figure out why they are losing and so return to step 1

Every time we go through the cycle the outrage and the counter reaction get stronger.

The more outrage and anger the less rational thought involved. Don’t believe me? Look at the news cycle. The democrats are trying to attack Trump on illegal immigration. They can’t win on this. Especially when the truth always comes out against their fake narrative.

Should be interesting to see how this theory works out. What worries me is some of the logical conclusions if this is accurate
Benghazi, Pizzagate, Jade Helm, STFU

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