New Precedent: Federal Court Upholds Christians' Rights To Refuse. Kim Davis Has Case.

Laws should be based on facts not myths.

God is most likely not real and so being so doesn't belong in front of the SCOTUS.
God is very real and demonstrable by mathematical arguments and simple reason, such as the teleological argument or the infinite regression fallacy.

Just because you are ignorant on the topic doesnt justify your blowing bullshit about it.
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And to the Skylar/mdk duo: Yes, gay marriage is a legal act which permanently divorces any children involved from either a mother or father for life. You may LIKE that and be in FAVOR of it. But it is factually what happens. Most people DON'T LIKE IT. That number runs around 90%. 90% of people on this poll believe having a mother and father for a child is important and would object to the erasure of hope for any child of having either one or the other removed for life.

In other words, without stating it, or even realizing it upon first consideration, 90% of folks don't approve of gay marriage because of how important they feel having both a mother and father is to children.

Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

It's never a good sign when you have to lie about the findings of your own straw poll. Too funny.
And to the Skylar/mdk duo: Yes, gay marriage is a legal act which permanently divorces any children involved from either a mother or father for life. You may LIKE that and be in FAVOR of it. But it is factually what happens. Most people DON'T LIKE IT. That number runs around 90%. 90% of people on this poll believe having a mother and father for a child is important and would object to the erasure of hope for any child of having either one or the other removed for life.

In other words, without stating it, or even realizing it upon first consideration, 90% of folks don't approve of gay marriage because of how important they feel having both a mother and father is to children.

Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

It's never a good sign when you have to lie about the findings of your own straw poll. Too funny.
Agreed, which is why I provided a link where people can instantly view the questions and answers on the poll, and add up/deduce the results for themselves..
Agreed, which is why I provided a link where people can instantly view the questions and answers on the poll, and add up the results for themselves

Yes, they can read where you pretend your poll addresses gay marriage. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie as often. You pulled this same lame bullshit with the 'should churches be forced to marry gay couples' poll as well. You are free to be as delusional as you wish, but don't expect the rest of us to follow suit.
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Laws should be based on facts not myths.

God is most likely not real and so being so doesn't belong in front of the SCOTUS.
You have no proof that the story of the destruction of Sodom is a myth.

You have no proof that the destruction of Sodom is anything but a myth. Thus, we're left with plausibility. And your story requires supernatural explanations and supernatural processes. Processes never seen, nor verified even exist, backed by nothing.

The logic is asinine.

Nor that an intelligence more comprehensive and elusive than we could ever understand "doesn't exist". I've seen things that would curl your hair boy. Things that can't be explained with the best physics on earth. So have millions of others.
Prove it.

You can't. You're done.

The 1st Amendment isn't a myth. You might want to read it sometime. Also, federal judges are upholding Christian's rights to passively refuse to participate when their faith mandates they don't go along. Might want to read the OP here too.

You might want to note that no part of that ruling you're citing authorizes any government worker to impose their religion on unwilling people or to deny them. You *want* Kim Davis and people like her to be able to deny marriage licenses to gays because your'e obsessed with denying gay people rights.

But as reality demonstrates again and again (Trump's candidacy, anyone? The Obergefell ruling, anyone?), your desires have little to nothing to do with actual outcomes. You can't tell the difference. Reality can.

And of course, you have no idea how the law works. Once again, you've offered us how you *want* the law to work while ignoring the actual law, actual court rulings and actual legal outcomes. Your desires are irrelevant to reality.As demonstrated by your record of predicting legal outcomes being one of perfect failure.

You've literally never been right. Remember that. You're *always* wrong on legal predictions.
And to the Skylar/mdk duo: Yes, gay marriage is a legal act which permanently divorces any children involved from either a mother or father for life.

More pseudo-legal nonsense. Children aren't married to their parents. Thus, its impossible for a child to be 'divorced' from a mother or a father.

It isn't. I challenge you to show us any law that recognizes that children are married to their parents or that same sex marriage 'divorces' children from a mother or a father. You can't. As all of that is pure imagination, pure pseudo-legal gibberish made up by someone who doesn't know a thing about the actual law.

And thus your gibberish has zero relevance to any court case, any marriage, any legal outcome, or any law.

Get used to the idea.
It's never a good sign when you have to lie about the findings of your own straw poll. Too funny.
Agreed, which is why I provided a link where people can instantly view the questions and answers on the poll, and add up/deduce the results for themselves..

With the straw poll you cited never once mentioning same sex marriage. Yet once again, you imagine that it does. And like the law, your imagination is irrelevant. The bizarre, hopeless lies you tell yourself doesn't magically change a straw poll, change the law, or change the authority of any court ruling.

And when we check the *actual* public perception of same sex're of course laughably, comically wrong:

Record-High 60% of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

Record-High 60% of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

As usual, you simply have no idea what you're talking about. And your imagination doesn't change that either.
Laws should be based on facts not myths.

God is most likely not real and so being so doesn't belong in front of the SCOTUS.
God is very real and demonstrable by mathematical arguments and simple reason, such as the teleological argument or the infinite regression fallacy.

Nope. A teleological argument doesn't establish anything but a first mover. Which has a sole attribute: that it moved first.

There's no need that a first mover be sentient, intelligent, or even exist after moving first. Nothing mandates that it be good, be aware, be moral, 'plan' anything, 'design' anything, inspire any books, have any 'prophets', set down any laws, have any opinion about gays, have any opinion at all, or do anything..

...but move first.

Yet your conception of 'god' includes all sorts of elaborations that have exactly jack shit to do with the teleological argument. With every single elaboration beyond moving first.....unproven by your own standards.

Just because you're too ignorant to understand the very argument you've cited doesn't mean it magically shores up your shattered argument.

You fail again.
Yes, they can read where you pretend your poll addresses gay marriage. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie as often. You pulled this same lame bullshit with the 'should churches be forced to marry gay couples' poll as well. You are free to be as delusional as you wish, but don't expect the rest of us to follow suit.
Then with both polls running over 80%, you'd have no trouble with a national referendum on gay marriage? You know... because they'd have no bearing on that outcome...right? :popcorn:
Yes, they can read where you pretend your poll addresses gay marriage. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie as often. You pulled this same lame bullshit with the 'should churches be forced to marry gay couples' poll as well. You are free to be as delusional as you wish, but don't expect the rest of us to follow suit.
Then with both polls running over 80%, you'd have no trouble with a national referendum on gay marriage? You know... because they'd have no bearing on that outcome...right? :popcorn:

Neither so much as mention gay marriage. Which, of course, you and everyone else here already knows.
Yes, they can read where you pretend your poll addresses gay marriage. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie as often. You pulled this same lame bullshit with the 'should churches be forced to marry gay couples' poll as well. You are free to be as delusional as you wish, but don't expect the rest of us to follow suit.
Then with both polls running over 80%, you'd have no trouble with a national referendum on gay marriage? You know... because they'd have no bearing on that outcome...right? :popcorn:

Neither of those polls addresses gay marriage, but your are free to pretend otherwise.

Why have a national referendum? Any day now Obgerefell is going to be declared a mistrial after Kagan/Ginsberg are impeached. lol
Yes, they can read where you pretend your poll addresses gay marriage. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie as often. You pulled this same lame bullshit with the 'should churches be forced to marry gay couples' poll as well. You are free to be as delusional as you wish, but don't expect the rest of us to follow suit.
Then with both polls running over 80%, you'd have no trouble with a national referendum on gay marriage? You know... because they'd have no bearing on that outcome...right? :popcorn:

Neither of those polls addresses gay marriage, but your are free to pretend otherwise.

Why have a national referendum? Any day now Obgerefell is going to be declared a mistrial after Kagan/Ginsberg are impeached. lol

Well, I've got no problem with a National Referendum on Gay Marriage...but only if we get to have a National Referendum on...

Taxing the Rich
A Public Option in the Health Care Exchange
Background checks for all gun purchases
People on the Terror Watchlist not being allowed to buy guys
A limit on magazine size
Voting Rights
Carbon Emissions
A Federal minimum age of 21 to buy cigarettes
A Federal minimum age of consent at 18
Legalization of marijuana
Yes, they can read where you pretend your poll addresses gay marriage. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie as often. You pulled this same lame bullshit with the 'should churches be forced to marry gay couples' poll as well. You are free to be as delusional as you wish, but don't expect the rest of us to follow suit.
Then with both polls running over 80%, you'd have no trouble with a national referendum on gay marriage? You know... because they'd have no bearing on that outcome...right? :popcorn:

Neither of those polls addresses gay marriage, but your are free to pretend otherwise.

Why have a national referendum? Any day now Obgerefell is going to be declared a mistrial after Kagan/Ginsberg are impeached. lol

This poll in particular: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? says 90% of folks believe a mother and father is important to a child. It's physically impossible to believe it is important for a child to have both a mother and father; while at the same time feeling it's important to divorce them from either a father or mother for life ("gay marriage")...

What I'd like to do is state this paragraph ^^ openly in the media and in commercials just prior to a national referendum on "gay marriage", and then have the vote.
This poll in particular: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? says 90% of folks believe a mother and father is important to a child. It's physically impossible to believe it is important for a child to have both a mother and father; while at the same time feeling it's important to divorce them from either a father or mother for life ("gay marriage")...

What I'd like to do is state this paragraph ^^ openly in the media and in commercials just prior to a national referendum on "gay marriage", and then have the vote.

I am sure that will happen very soon. Hopefully you still have wishes left on your Monkey's Paw. :lol:
Yes, they can read where you pretend your poll addresses gay marriage. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie as often. You pulled this same lame bullshit with the 'should churches be forced to marry gay couples' poll as well. You are free to be as delusional as you wish, but don't expect the rest of us to follow suit.
Then with both polls running over 80%, you'd have no trouble with a national referendum on gay marriage? You know... because they'd have no bearing on that outcome...right? :popcorn:

Neither of those polls addresses gay marriage, but your are free to pretend otherwise.

Why have a national referendum? Any day now Obgerefell is going to be declared a mistrial after Kagan/Ginsberg are impeached. lol

This poll in particular: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? says 90% of folks believe a mother and father is important to a child. It's physically impossible to believe it is important for a child to have both a mother and father; while at the same time feeling it's important to divorce them from either a father or mother for life ("gay marriage")...

What I'd like to do is state this paragraph ^^ openly in the media and in commercials just prior to a national referendum on "gay marriage", and then have the vote.

Neither straw poll so much as mentions gay marriage.

This poll does:

Record-High 60% of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

Record-High 60% of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

You keep lying to yourself....I'll keep laughing. Deal?
I am sure that will happen very soon. Hopefully you still have wishes left on your Monkey's Paw. :lol:
So your stance obviously is "fuck a national referendum on gay marriage; we already got what we wanted and won't let it be reversed no matter what the majority says".

And to that I say, you'd better hope Trump fucks the GOP out of POTUS and the Senate. Even if Hillary gets in, her pick of Kaine is sort of an ouchie for your agenda. And one thing I remember about Bill Clinton is that he always would work with republicans to compromise.

You and your yellow-avatar buddy are sure tag-teaming me a lot on this thread. Wonder why? Your two posting styles and level of vehemence on these particular topics suggests you are either sitting next to each other in one of Soros' blogging dens, or you are the same poster. Which is it?
I am sure that will happen very soon. Hopefully you still have wishes left on your Monkey's Paw. :lol:
So your stance obviously is "fuck a national referendum on gay marriage; we already got what we wanted and won't let it be reversed no matter what the majority says".

Laughing.....Sil, you lost. You made a laughable series of inept predictions on how the Obergefell ruling was going to go, lost in the exact way we told you were you going to lose, and now are desperate for a 'do-over'.

Nope. Rights aren't up for a vote. Gay marriage is a right. And there's not a thing you can do about it.

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