New Report Shows 8 of the top 10 highest US States in Crime are red states that went Trump in 2020.

"Mississippi had the highest homicide rate at 20.50 murders per 100,000 residents," Third Way reports, "followed by Louisiana at 15.79, Kentucky at 14.32, Alabama at 14.2, and Missouri at 14. The national average was 6.5 per 100,000 residents, but the top five states had rates more than twice that high."

This is a shame to see. What are your thoughts?

Mississippi - Jackson and the suburbs of Memphis.
Louisiana - New Orleans and Baton Rouge,
Kentucky - Louisville
Alabama - Birmingham
Missouri- St' Louis

All blue cities in those red states. Adjust your data.

I live in KY and not in Louisville. The last murder in my town was 14 years ago!

"Mississippi had the highest homicide rate at 20.50 murders per 100,000 residents," Third Way reports, "followed by Louisiana at 15.79, Kentucky at 14.32, Alabama at 14.2, and Missouri at 14. The national average was 6.5 per 100,000 residents, but the top five states had rates more than twice that high."

This is a shame to see. What are your thoughts?

These are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

We can NOT trust lefties to collect crime stats, sorry.

California's not on the list because all the DA's are on the Soros payroll and not only do they let the criminals go, they don't even report the crime.

Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, George Gascon in Los Angeles, ... all these people are Soros funded, they couldn't even have made it through the primaries without all that OSF money.

"Mississippi had the highest homicide rate at 20.50 murders per 100,000 residents," Third Way reports, "followed by Louisiana at 15.79, Kentucky at 14.32, Alabama at 14.2, and Missouri at 14. The national average was 6.5 per 100,000 residents, but the top five states had rates more than twice that high."

This is a shame to see. What are your thoughts?

How about we break it down by City and County??? Who's running these cesspools of crime, Democrats or Republicans?

If the entire nation (population 329,484,123 -- 2020 CDC #'s) was murdered with a gun at the same rate as Black males aged 15-29, (106.41/100K), there would have been 350,604 gun murders in 2020, 18 times the actual total.

Black males aged 15-29 represent 1.7% of the US population but experience 30% of gun murders.

And just because I know someone is asking, non-Hispanic White males aged 15-29 represent 5.5% of US population and experience 4.7% of gun homicides.
And they commit those murders at almost exactly the same rates.
Doesn't change a thing in the Red states have lower crime, story. If you are the republican governor or a red state with a red legislature, and a high state crime rate you still need to clean up your sh#thouses. The highest crime rates are always in the cities, no matter who is in office, and always have been everywhere. Nothing new about that.

Uhhhh, yeah. How does a governor do that?

Exactly. Break it down for us.
How bout that. TN flies underneath the radar on crime, also, according the report. Ah, life in a red state! Now you know why I carry and spend monthly time on ranges. I will not go quietly.

Indeed Memphis, TN is a Blue Plantation city in a Red State just as Austin, TX is Blue. Both Cities have high crime rates.
Probably. I am 86 miles away, but avoid going there now that I am retired, unless passing through or catching a plane. I have had Vietnam War Bronze Star combat troops, almost killed in Memphis, in the Orange mound area. The jumped him for his pay, (yes while he was drunk) beat with clubs or bats and fist, cut and stabbed him, kicked in some ribs, through a flammable liquid on, torched him and left him to cook. Then I had to fight with the VA jospital to get him in (literally with him unrecognizable and on the brink of death), though they were designated medical support on the movement order. That was a lot of years back, but left a pretty bad taste in my mouth for that city.
That goes to prove that Blue Plantation cities wherever they may be are dangerous. The same thing could have happened in Washington D.C. Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, or San Francisco.
Memphis is a rough town especially in the Entertainment district around Beale St.
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Looking deeper they're all Blue Plantation cities within Red States that have the higher crime rates.
Take for example Austin Texas....

Funny to see how he ignored your research and evidence.

Just because a state is red doesn't mean it doesn't have blue pockets in it. And it's often time those blue pockets that have the trouble. Just because a state is red doesn't mean every single person and community in that state are all 100% Republicans.

But I know, a broad stroke with no real fine detail is easier for him to use. Honest sincere discussion isn't on his table since he spends an inordinate amount of time trying to repeat the same tired old insults for trump supporters than he is about being accurate and articulate. And more time trying to drag trump into things that don't involve him at all instead of having a conversation.
Uhhhh, yeah. How does a governor do that?

Exactly. Break it down for us.
Beats me. The Feds certainly can't nor should anybody in their right mind want them to take that kind of control on a day-to-day basis. Does not mean that governors are free of the responsibility. Last couple of years, with the protest idiots, I thought many of the governors totally remiss in their duties to maintain law and order and protect the good citizens and control the bad. Crime is the same way, in my opinion, but can sneak up one a city or state as a slow rise, where as, riots are glaring, obvious and should be met firmly and with force, when necessary.
Beats me. The Feds certainly can't nor should anybody in their right mind want them to take that kind of control on a day-to-day basis. Does not mean that governors are free of the responsibility. Last couple of years, with the protest idiots, I thought many of the governors totally remiss in their duties to maintain law and order and protect the good citizens and control the bad. Crime is the same way, in my opinion, but can sneak up one a city or state as a slow rise, where as, riots are glaring, obvious and should be met firmly and with force, when necessary.

So, you hurl proclamations, then run when cornered. Why is it that the ten most violent cities are run by democrats, and have been for decades. Let's start there

"Mississippi had the highest homicide rate at 20.50 murders per 100,000 residents," Third Way reports, "followed by Louisiana at 15.79, Kentucky at 14.32, Alabama at 14.2, and Missouri at 14. The national average was 6.5 per 100,000 residents, but the top five states had rates more than twice that high."

This is a shame to see. What are your thoughts?

`Hmmm. Mississippi has the highest percentage of blacks. Go figger.
And they commit those murders at almost exactly the same rates.

Who is "they"?

I only refer to rates for firearm homicide for 2020 for two demographic groups in that post; Black males aged 15-29 and non-Hispanic White males aged 15-29.

There is a very, very wide disparity in the murder rates between those groups.

My stats are garnered from the CDC's WIQSARS database; here are the screengrabs:



.Here are the screngrabs for ALL murder for both sexes and all ages for 2020:


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Probably. I am 86 miles away, but avoid going there now that I am retired, unless passing through or catching a plane. I have had Vietnam War Bronze Star combat troops, almost killed in Memphis, in the Orange mound area. The jumped him for his pay, (yes while he was drunk) beat with clubs or bats and fist, cut and stabbed him, kicked in some ribs, through a flammable liquid on, torched him and left him to cook. Then I had to fight with the VA jospital to get him in (literally with him unrecognizable and on the brink of death), though they were designated medical support on the movement order. That was a lot of years back, but left a pretty bad taste in my mouth for that city.
I'm too lazy, but I'm sure if you search the 10 most murderous counties you'll find they're majority black:


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