New South Korean president willing to meet North Korean President

There are also South Korean agents who dramatize the North Korean threat to keep the US there. As for Trump, you seem to be an admirer.

Yes, the US wants North and South at each others' throats. The US wants to to stay in South Korea. It feels it's of strategic value. North and South were actually headed towards peace a decade or so ago. But the US got involved and instigated turmoil there. It effectively shut down the peace process. I think it's time for us to come home. We agreed to that in the Armistice Agreement with the North. 70yrs is enough. It's time to let the Koreans work out their differences. And as far as Trump goes, i am a supporter. I felt the alternative was unacceptable for me. I voted for Trump mainly on just two issues. They were Immigration and the Supreme Court. The thought of Hillary Clinton being in power and in control of those two issues, was absolutely frightening.

Clinton was all set to go the Merkel route and open the Immigration Floodgates. And obviously she would have put extremist Left/Globalists on the Supreme Court. I had no choice but to go with Trump. I feel he is doing his best to fix our broken Immigration System. And if he can get 2-3 Supreme Court Judges in there, it'll amount to a Coup. Because the Courts seem to be running the show these days. Our elected officials seem almost powerless at this point. I hate the fact the checks & balances are fading, but the Courts have seized the power. It's just the way it is. So it's vital Trump get 2-3 Judges in there. I'm not a Globalist, i'm a Nationalist. I don't believe American Globalists care about American Citizens. I don't wanna see our Supreme Court hijacked by them. That's how i saw the Election anyway. If Trump aggressively addresses those two issues, he'll always have my support.
I am not very concerned with American interiors. It´s none of my business. Of course, I support those who honestly work for their countries, though. I supported Trump because of his revolutionary turning point regarding foreign policy. It´s not coming. Projected onto the internal affairs, don´t expect too much. Don´t expect anything, not even a wall. He will do the minimum so he can claim to have accomplished something. Maybe, there will be one or two wall stones he can defer to in four years.

Yeah but again, the alternative to Trump was completely unacceptable for me. Clinton would have been a horrific disaster on the two most important issues to me. Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. I actually thank the Lord it's Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton deciding those two issues. All the other stuff doesn't mean too much to me. Peace with North Korea? I hope so. But it's not the end-all for me.
The question is rather "war with North Korea?" You don´t care if millions die for the ego of a single person? You don´t care that Trump lied to you during his election campaign? BTW, how many of the people he promised to kick out are underway?

Like i said, Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. And on those two most important fronts, i thank the Lord it's Donald Trump deciding em, rather than Hillary Clinton. North Korea isn't a real threat to the US. We could end that nation anytime we choose to. Obviously i hope it doesn't come to that, but it just isn't the most important issue for me. It won't decide out nation's fate.
US war simulations always ended with North Korean victories. As I said before, you cannot defeat North Korea. The military North Korea is underground. All units operate totally independent. Supplies, electricity, restrooms for soldiers - underground. There will be no war, it is show for the public and guarantees that the North-South tensions continue. And you are wrong. Aggressions can decide your nation´s fate, indeed.
Yes, the US wants North and South at each others' throats. The US wants to to stay in South Korea. It feels it's of strategic value. North and South were actually headed towards peace a decade or so ago. But the US got involved and instigated turmoil there. It effectively shut down the peace process. I think it's time for us to come home. We agreed to that in the Armistice Agreement with the North. 70yrs is enough. It's time to let the Koreans work out their differences. And as far as Trump goes, i am a supporter. I felt the alternative was unacceptable for me. I voted for Trump mainly on just two issues. They were Immigration and the Supreme Court. The thought of Hillary Clinton being in power and in control of those two issues, was absolutely frightening.

Clinton was all set to go the Merkel route and open the Immigration Floodgates. And obviously she would have put extremist Left/Globalists on the Supreme Court. I had no choice but to go with Trump. I feel he is doing his best to fix our broken Immigration System. And if he can get 2-3 Supreme Court Judges in there, it'll amount to a Coup. Because the Courts seem to be running the show these days. Our elected officials seem almost powerless at this point. I hate the fact the checks & balances are fading, but the Courts have seized the power. It's just the way it is. So it's vital Trump get 2-3 Judges in there. I'm not a Globalist, i'm a Nationalist. I don't believe American Globalists care about American Citizens. I don't wanna see our Supreme Court hijacked by them. That's how i saw the Election anyway. If Trump aggressively addresses those two issues, he'll always have my support.
I am not very concerned with American interiors. It´s none of my business. Of course, I support those who honestly work for their countries, though. I supported Trump because of his revolutionary turning point regarding foreign policy. It´s not coming. Projected onto the internal affairs, don´t expect too much. Don´t expect anything, not even a wall. He will do the minimum so he can claim to have accomplished something. Maybe, there will be one or two wall stones he can defer to in four years.

Yeah but again, the alternative to Trump was completely unacceptable for me. Clinton would have been a horrific disaster on the two most important issues to me. Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. I actually thank the Lord it's Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton deciding those two issues. All the other stuff doesn't mean too much to me. Peace with North Korea? I hope so. But it's not the end-all for me.
The question is rather "war with North Korea?" You don´t care if millions die for the ego of a single person? You don´t care that Trump lied to you during his election campaign? BTW, how many of the people he promised to kick out are underway?

Like i said, Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. And on those two most important fronts, i thank the Lord it's Donald Trump deciding em, rather than Hillary Clinton. North Korea isn't a real threat to the US. We could end that nation anytime we choose to. Obviously i hope it doesn't come to that, but it just isn't the most important issue for me. It won't decide out nation's fate.
US war simulations always ended with North Korean victories. As I said before, you cannot defeat North Korea. The military North Korea is underground. All units operate totally independent. Supplies, electricity, restrooms for soldiers - underground. There will be no war, it is show for the public and guarantees that the North-South tensions continue. And you are wrong. Aggressions can decide your nation´s fate, indeed.

Pretty lame simulations. It's impossible for North Korea to win a confrontation with the US. It's a very poor weak nation that can barely feed its People. Trump should just get on the horn and organize a meeting with Un. I'm sure they can work something out. But that being said, what do you think Hillary Clinton would have done about North Korea? Just curious.
I am not very concerned with American interiors. It´s none of my business. Of course, I support those who honestly work for their countries, though. I supported Trump because of his revolutionary turning point regarding foreign policy. It´s not coming. Projected onto the internal affairs, don´t expect too much. Don´t expect anything, not even a wall. He will do the minimum so he can claim to have accomplished something. Maybe, there will be one or two wall stones he can defer to in four years.

Yeah but again, the alternative to Trump was completely unacceptable for me. Clinton would have been a horrific disaster on the two most important issues to me. Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. I actually thank the Lord it's Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton deciding those two issues. All the other stuff doesn't mean too much to me. Peace with North Korea? I hope so. But it's not the end-all for me.
The question is rather "war with North Korea?" You don´t care if millions die for the ego of a single person? You don´t care that Trump lied to you during his election campaign? BTW, how many of the people he promised to kick out are underway?

Like i said, Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. And on those two most important fronts, i thank the Lord it's Donald Trump deciding em, rather than Hillary Clinton. North Korea isn't a real threat to the US. We could end that nation anytime we choose to. Obviously i hope it doesn't come to that, but it just isn't the most important issue for me. It won't decide out nation's fate.
US war simulations always ended with North Korean victories. As I said before, you cannot defeat North Korea. The military North Korea is underground. All units operate totally independent. Supplies, electricity, restrooms for soldiers - underground. There will be no war, it is show for the public and guarantees that the North-South tensions continue. And you are wrong. Aggressions can decide your nation´s fate, indeed.

Pretty lame simulations. It's impossible for North Korea to win a confrontation with the US. It's a very poor weak nation that can barely feed its People. Trump should just get on the horn and organize a meeting with Un. I'm sure they can work something out. But that being said, what do you think Hillary Clinton would have done about North Korea? Just curious.
Militarily, North Korea is a strong nation. North Korea learned from the US strategy of bombing everything to dust and builds underground. The US bombed North Korea with more tons of explosives than all bombs, grenades, ect of WWII combined. The geography of the country includes many infantry only areas. Enemy soldiers will walk into traps like in Vietnam. You lost Vietnam due to North Korean tunnel systems. And those systems were a joke compared to the systems they have at home.
What Clinton would have done? Who knows? Nothing, I guess. Trump´s carrier is also close to nothing.
Anyway, note that North Korea ruled out a first strike doctrine.
Militarily, North Korea is a strong nation. .....


"Despite pressure from the international community, Pyongyang has made no secret of its nuclear ambitions. Alongside its ritual ballistic missile tests, North Korea has conducted nuclear tests on five occasions, two of which in 2016. The country claimed that the last warhead it tested could be attached to a rocket."

North Korea's military strength | All media content | DW.COM | 13.04.2017

North Korea has not only the military power but also the political will to wage total war against the United States.

1. North Korea Can Engage the US in Total War
North Korea is one of the few nations that can engage in a total war with the United States. The US war planners recognize this fact. For example, on March 7, 2000, Gen. Thomas A Schwartz, the US commander in Korea at the time, testified at a US congressional hearing that "North Korea is the country most likely to involve the United States in a large-scale war."
North Korea, which can and is willing to face up to the sole military superpower of the world, cannot be called a weak nation. Nevertheless, Western press and analysts distort the truth and depict North Korea as an "impoverished" nation, starving and on the brink of imminent collapse. An impoverished, starving nation cannot face down a military superpower. Today few nations have military assets strong enough to challenge the US military. Russia, though weakened by the collapse of the Soviet Union, has enough assets to face up to the US. China, somewhat weaker than Russia, too, has strong military that can challenge the US. However, both Russia and China lack the political will to face down the US.
N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US

****Mod Edit - Posting that much copied material is a NONO!

Last edited by a moderator:
New South Korean president willing to meet North Korean President

Sounds suicidal. You know, North Korea´s President, eternal President, is Kim Il-Sung.
True! I read Kim Jong Un is not the Head of State because, as Bleipriester said, the eternal President is Kim Il Sung :biggrin:
Yeah but again, the alternative to Trump was completely unacceptable for me. Clinton would have been a horrific disaster on the two most important issues to me. Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. I actually thank the Lord it's Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton deciding those two issues. All the other stuff doesn't mean too much to me. Peace with North Korea? I hope so. But it's not the end-all for me.
The question is rather "war with North Korea?" You don´t care if millions die for the ego of a single person? You don´t care that Trump lied to you during his election campaign? BTW, how many of the people he promised to kick out are underway?

Like i said, Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. And on those two most important fronts, i thank the Lord it's Donald Trump deciding em, rather than Hillary Clinton. North Korea isn't a real threat to the US. We could end that nation anytime we choose to. Obviously i hope it doesn't come to that, but it just isn't the most important issue for me. It won't decide out nation's fate.
US war simulations always ended with North Korean victories. As I said before, you cannot defeat North Korea. The military North Korea is underground. All units operate totally independent. Supplies, electricity, restrooms for soldiers - underground. There will be no war, it is show for the public and guarantees that the North-South tensions continue. And you are wrong. Aggressions can decide your nation´s fate, indeed.

Pretty lame simulations. It's impossible for North Korea to win a confrontation with the US. It's a very poor weak nation that can barely feed its People. Trump should just get on the horn and organize a meeting with Un. I'm sure they can work something out. But that being said, what do you think Hillary Clinton would have done about North Korea? Just curious.
Militarily, North Korea is a strong nation. North Korea learned from the US strategy of bombing everything to dust and builds underground. The US bombed North Korea with more tons of explosives than all bombs, grenades, ect of WWII combined. The geography of the country includes many infantry only areas. Enemy soldiers will walk into traps like in Vietnam. You lost Vietnam due to North Korean tunnel systems. And those systems were a joke compared to the systems they have at home.
What Clinton would have done? Who knows? Nothing, I guess. Trump´s carrier is also close to nothing.
Anyway, note that North Korea ruled out a first strike doctrine.

Nah, North Korea would be obliterated. It can't win a war with the US. It's already broke, its resources are limited. Meanwhile US military and economic resources are just about unlimited. And then you throw in South Korea, which is a pretty wealthy nation. It also has a very advanced powerful military. Un should get back to talking with South Korea. He's playing with fire at this point.

But the real wildcard in this is China. China could be the deciding factor. It could choose to take Un out itself. Personally, i support our troops leaving South Korea. I feel we should allow North and South to work out their problems with no interference. I respect what the new South Korean President is doing. They're all Koreans in the end. They can work things out themselves.
The question is rather "war with North Korea?" You don´t care if millions die for the ego of a single person? You don´t care that Trump lied to you during his election campaign? BTW, how many of the people he promised to kick out are underway?

Like i said, Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. And on those two most important fronts, i thank the Lord it's Donald Trump deciding em, rather than Hillary Clinton. North Korea isn't a real threat to the US. We could end that nation anytime we choose to. Obviously i hope it doesn't come to that, but it just isn't the most important issue for me. It won't decide out nation's fate.
US war simulations always ended with North Korean victories. As I said before, you cannot defeat North Korea. The military North Korea is underground. All units operate totally independent. Supplies, electricity, restrooms for soldiers - underground. There will be no war, it is show for the public and guarantees that the North-South tensions continue. And you are wrong. Aggressions can decide your nation´s fate, indeed.

Pretty lame simulations. It's impossible for North Korea to win a confrontation with the US. It's a very poor weak nation that can barely feed its People. Trump should just get on the horn and organize a meeting with Un. I'm sure they can work something out. But that being said, what do you think Hillary Clinton would have done about North Korea? Just curious.
Militarily, North Korea is a strong nation. North Korea learned from the US strategy of bombing everything to dust and builds underground. The US bombed North Korea with more tons of explosives than all bombs, grenades, ect of WWII combined. The geography of the country includes many infantry only areas. Enemy soldiers will walk into traps like in Vietnam. You lost Vietnam due to North Korean tunnel systems. And those systems were a joke compared to the systems they have at home.
What Clinton would have done? Who knows? Nothing, I guess. Trump´s carrier is also close to nothing.
Anyway, note that North Korea ruled out a first strike doctrine.

Nah, North Korea would be obliterated. It can't win a war with the US. It's already broke, its resources are limited. Meanwhile US military and economic resources are just about unlimited. And then you throw in South Korea, which is a pretty wealthy nation. It also has a very advanced powerful military. Un should get back to talking with South Korea. He's playing with fire at this point.

But the real wildcard in this is China. China could be the deciding factor. It could choose to take Un out itself. Personally, i support our troops leaving South Korea. I feel we should allow North and South to work out their problems with no interference. I respect what the new South Korean President is doing. They're all Koreans in the end. They can work things out themselves.
Keep dreaming. Read the article above. If the US could defeat North Korea it would have gone for it, that´s clear, isn´t it?
Like i said, Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. And on those two most important fronts, i thank the Lord it's Donald Trump deciding em, rather than Hillary Clinton. North Korea isn't a real threat to the US. We could end that nation anytime we choose to. Obviously i hope it doesn't come to that, but it just isn't the most important issue for me. It won't decide out nation's fate.
US war simulations always ended with North Korean victories. As I said before, you cannot defeat North Korea. The military North Korea is underground. All units operate totally independent. Supplies, electricity, restrooms for soldiers - underground. There will be no war, it is show for the public and guarantees that the North-South tensions continue. And you are wrong. Aggressions can decide your nation´s fate, indeed.

Pretty lame simulations. It's impossible for North Korea to win a confrontation with the US. It's a very poor weak nation that can barely feed its People. Trump should just get on the horn and organize a meeting with Un. I'm sure they can work something out. But that being said, what do you think Hillary Clinton would have done about North Korea? Just curious.
Militarily, North Korea is a strong nation. North Korea learned from the US strategy of bombing everything to dust and builds underground. The US bombed North Korea with more tons of explosives than all bombs, grenades, ect of WWII combined. The geography of the country includes many infantry only areas. Enemy soldiers will walk into traps like in Vietnam. You lost Vietnam due to North Korean tunnel systems. And those systems were a joke compared to the systems they have at home.
What Clinton would have done? Who knows? Nothing, I guess. Trump´s carrier is also close to nothing.
Anyway, note that North Korea ruled out a first strike doctrine.

Nah, North Korea would be obliterated. It can't win a war with the US. It's already broke, its resources are limited. Meanwhile US military and economic resources are just about unlimited. And then you throw in South Korea, which is a pretty wealthy nation. It also has a very advanced powerful military. Un should get back to talking with South Korea. He's playing with fire at this point.

But the real wildcard in this is China. China could be the deciding factor. It could choose to take Un out itself. Personally, i support our troops leaving South Korea. I feel we should allow North and South to work out their problems with no interference. I respect what the new South Korean President is doing. They're all Koreans in the end. They can work things out themselves.
Keep dreaming. Read the article above. If the US could defeat North Korea it would have gone for it, that´s clear, isn´t it?

It still might 'go for it.' That card could still be played. But it all likely comes down to China. My feeling is that China might very well take Un out. It'll replace him with a controllable Puppet. That would solve the problem for all sides. It's something China and the US may be cooking up. So definitely stay tuned.
US war simulations always ended with North Korean victories. As I said before, you cannot defeat North Korea. The military North Korea is underground. All units operate totally independent. Supplies, electricity, restrooms for soldiers - underground. There will be no war, it is show for the public and guarantees that the North-South tensions continue. And you are wrong. Aggressions can decide your nation´s fate, indeed.

Pretty lame simulations. It's impossible for North Korea to win a confrontation with the US. It's a very poor weak nation that can barely feed its People. Trump should just get on the horn and organize a meeting with Un. I'm sure they can work something out. But that being said, what do you think Hillary Clinton would have done about North Korea? Just curious.
Militarily, North Korea is a strong nation. North Korea learned from the US strategy of bombing everything to dust and builds underground. The US bombed North Korea with more tons of explosives than all bombs, grenades, ect of WWII combined. The geography of the country includes many infantry only areas. Enemy soldiers will walk into traps like in Vietnam. You lost Vietnam due to North Korean tunnel systems. And those systems were a joke compared to the systems they have at home.
What Clinton would have done? Who knows? Nothing, I guess. Trump´s carrier is also close to nothing.
Anyway, note that North Korea ruled out a first strike doctrine.

Nah, North Korea would be obliterated. It can't win a war with the US. It's already broke, its resources are limited. Meanwhile US military and economic resources are just about unlimited. And then you throw in South Korea, which is a pretty wealthy nation. It also has a very advanced powerful military. Un should get back to talking with South Korea. He's playing with fire at this point.

But the real wildcard in this is China. China could be the deciding factor. It could choose to take Un out itself. Personally, i support our troops leaving South Korea. I feel we should allow North and South to work out their problems with no interference. I respect what the new South Korean President is doing. They're all Koreans in the end. They can work things out themselves.
Keep dreaming. Read the article above. If the US could defeat North Korea it would have gone for it, that´s clear, isn´t it?

It still might 'go for it.' That card could still be played. But it all likely comes down to China. My feeling is that China might very well take Un out. It'll replace him with a controllable Puppet. That would solve the problem for all sides. It's something China and the US may be cooking up. So definitely stay tuned.
China cannot replace Un. NK is well aware of a possible Chinese betrayal.
Pretty lame simulations. It's impossible for North Korea to win a confrontation with the US. It's a very poor weak nation that can barely feed its People. Trump should just get on the horn and organize a meeting with Un. I'm sure they can work something out. But that being said, what do you think Hillary Clinton would have done about North Korea? Just curious.
Militarily, North Korea is a strong nation. North Korea learned from the US strategy of bombing everything to dust and builds underground. The US bombed North Korea with more tons of explosives than all bombs, grenades, ect of WWII combined. The geography of the country includes many infantry only areas. Enemy soldiers will walk into traps like in Vietnam. You lost Vietnam due to North Korean tunnel systems. And those systems were a joke compared to the systems they have at home.
What Clinton would have done? Who knows? Nothing, I guess. Trump´s carrier is also close to nothing.
Anyway, note that North Korea ruled out a first strike doctrine.

Nah, North Korea would be obliterated. It can't win a war with the US. It's already broke, its resources are limited. Meanwhile US military and economic resources are just about unlimited. And then you throw in South Korea, which is a pretty wealthy nation. It also has a very advanced powerful military. Un should get back to talking with South Korea. He's playing with fire at this point.

But the real wildcard in this is China. China could be the deciding factor. It could choose to take Un out itself. Personally, i support our troops leaving South Korea. I feel we should allow North and South to work out their problems with no interference. I respect what the new South Korean President is doing. They're all Koreans in the end. They can work things out themselves.
Keep dreaming. Read the article above. If the US could defeat North Korea it would have gone for it, that´s clear, isn´t it?

It still might 'go for it.' That card could still be played. But it all likely comes down to China. My feeling is that China might very well take Un out. It'll replace him with a controllable Puppet. That would solve the problem for all sides. It's something China and the US may be cooking up. So definitely stay tuned.
China cannot replace Un. NK is well aware of a possible Chinese betrayal.

China and the US may be working on it together. It's do-able. China's chomping at the bit to try out some of its awesome new military toys. So ole Un better watch his back. His days could be numbered.
Militarily, North Korea is a strong nation. North Korea learned from the US strategy of bombing everything to dust and builds underground. The US bombed North Korea with more tons of explosives than all bombs, grenades, ect of WWII combined. The geography of the country includes many infantry only areas. Enemy soldiers will walk into traps like in Vietnam. You lost Vietnam due to North Korean tunnel systems. And those systems were a joke compared to the systems they have at home.
What Clinton would have done? Who knows? Nothing, I guess. Trump´s carrier is also close to nothing.
Anyway, note that North Korea ruled out a first strike doctrine.

Nah, North Korea would be obliterated. It can't win a war with the US. It's already broke, its resources are limited. Meanwhile US military and economic resources are just about unlimited. And then you throw in South Korea, which is a pretty wealthy nation. It also has a very advanced powerful military. Un should get back to talking with South Korea. He's playing with fire at this point.

But the real wildcard in this is China. China could be the deciding factor. It could choose to take Un out itself. Personally, i support our troops leaving South Korea. I feel we should allow North and South to work out their problems with no interference. I respect what the new South Korean President is doing. They're all Koreans in the end. They can work things out themselves.
Keep dreaming. Read the article above. If the US could defeat North Korea it would have gone for it, that´s clear, isn´t it?

It still might 'go for it.' That card could still be played. But it all likely comes down to China. My feeling is that China might very well take Un out. It'll replace him with a controllable Puppet. That would solve the problem for all sides. It's something China and the US may be cooking up. So definitely stay tuned.
China cannot replace Un. NK is well aware of a possible Chinese betrayal.

China and the US may be working on it together. It's do-able. China's chomping at the bit to try out some of its awesome new military toys. So ole Un better watch his back. His days could be numbered.
I also don´t think that China is interested in destroying this barrier. They are testing Trump.
North Korea doesn't stand a chance of beating US in the event of war. The only way NK can retaliate is obliterate SK with massive artilleries and short range missiles. Millions will die on both sides in one single day.
One of those cruise missile that will land in NK will trigger a war and hopefully we are not that stupid. Do not expect China will just sit there watch and idle.
S. Korea's new president willing to visit rival North

This might just throw some cold water on Trumps war mongering. GOOD!

ALL South K. presidents repeat ALL from past to present --------- ALWAYS and WANTED to talk to NK president for the sake of peace but NK leadership never change.
Obama tried all avenues but no avail--------- dictator from grand father to current grand son wants to keep their big toys.
There are also South Korean agents who dramatize the North Korean threat to keep the US there. As for Trump, you seem to be an admirer.

Yes, the US wants North and South at each others' throats. The US wants to to stay in South Korea. It feels it's of strategic value. North and South were actually headed towards peace a decade or so ago. But the US got involved and instigated turmoil there. It effectively shut down the peace process. I think it's time for us to come home. We agreed to that in the Armistice Agreement with the North. 70yrs is enough. It's time to let the Koreans work out their differences. And as far as Trump goes, i am a supporter. I felt the alternative was unacceptable for me. I voted for Trump mainly on just two issues. They were Immigration and the Supreme Court. The thought of Hillary Clinton being in power and in control of those two issues, was absolutely frightening.

Clinton was all set to go the Merkel route and open the Immigration Floodgates. And obviously she would have put extremist Left/Globalists on the Supreme Court. I had no choice but to go with Trump. I feel he is doing his best to fix our broken Immigration System. And if he can get 2-3 Supreme Court Judges in there, it'll amount to a Coup. Because the Courts seem to be running the show these days. Our elected officials seem almost powerless at this point. I hate the fact the checks & balances are fading, but the Courts have seized the power. It's just the way it is. So it's vital Trump get 2-3 Judges in there. I'm not a Globalist, i'm a Nationalist. I don't believe American Globalists care about American Citizens. I don't wanna see our Supreme Court hijacked by them. That's how i saw the Election anyway. If Trump aggressively addresses those two issues, he'll always have my support.
I am not very concerned with American interiors. It´s none of my business. Of course, I support those who honestly work for their countries, though. I supported Trump because of his revolutionary turning point regarding foreign policy. It´s not coming. Projected onto the internal affairs, don´t expect too much. Don´t expect anything, not even a wall. He will do the minimum so he can claim to have accomplished something. Maybe, there will be one or two wall stones he can defer to in four years.

Yeah but again, the alternative to Trump was completely unacceptable for me. Clinton would have been a horrific disaster on the two most important issues to me. Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. I actually thank the Lord it's Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton deciding those two issues. All the other stuff doesn't mean too much to me. Peace with North Korea? I hope so. But it's not the end-all for me.
The question is rather "war with North Korea?" You don´t care if millions die for the ego of a single person? You don´t care that Trump lied to you during his election campaign? BTW, how many of the people he promised to kick out are underway?

Like i said, Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. And on those two most important fronts, i thank the Lord it's Donald Trump deciding em, rather than Hillary Clinton. North Korea isn't a real threat to the US. We could end that nation anytime we choose to. Obviously i hope it doesn't come to that, but it just isn't the most important issue for me. It won't decide our nation's fate.

1. Our country has and always been an immigrant country.
2. Nobody will pull your guns from your home and nobody will restrict your 2nd amendment regardless who is the Supreme Court.

If you only voted trump because of those 2 that is way too shallow. Life in America is not all about guns and immigrants.
Yes, the US wants North and South at each others' throats. The US wants to to stay in South Korea. It feels it's of strategic value. North and South were actually headed towards peace a decade or so ago. But the US got involved and instigated turmoil there. It effectively shut down the peace process. I think it's time for us to come home. We agreed to that in the Armistice Agreement with the North. 70yrs is enough. It's time to let the Koreans work out their differences. And as far as Trump goes, i am a supporter. I felt the alternative was unacceptable for me. I voted for Trump mainly on just two issues. They were Immigration and the Supreme Court. The thought of Hillary Clinton being in power and in control of those two issues, was absolutely frightening.

Clinton was all set to go the Merkel route and open the Immigration Floodgates. And obviously she would have put extremist Left/Globalists on the Supreme Court. I had no choice but to go with Trump. I feel he is doing his best to fix our broken Immigration System. And if he can get 2-3 Supreme Court Judges in there, it'll amount to a Coup. Because the Courts seem to be running the show these days. Our elected officials seem almost powerless at this point. I hate the fact the checks & balances are fading, but the Courts have seized the power. It's just the way it is. So it's vital Trump get 2-3 Judges in there. I'm not a Globalist, i'm a Nationalist. I don't believe American Globalists care about American Citizens. I don't wanna see our Supreme Court hijacked by them. That's how i saw the Election anyway. If Trump aggressively addresses those two issues, he'll always have my support.
I am not very concerned with American interiors. It´s none of my business. Of course, I support those who honestly work for their countries, though. I supported Trump because of his revolutionary turning point regarding foreign policy. It´s not coming. Projected onto the internal affairs, don´t expect too much. Don´t expect anything, not even a wall. He will do the minimum so he can claim to have accomplished something. Maybe, there will be one or two wall stones he can defer to in four years.

Yeah but again, the alternative to Trump was completely unacceptable for me. Clinton would have been a horrific disaster on the two most important issues to me. Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. I actually thank the Lord it's Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton deciding those two issues. All the other stuff doesn't mean too much to me. Peace with North Korea? I hope so. But it's not the end-all for me.
The question is rather "war with North Korea?" You don´t care if millions die for the ego of a single person? You don´t care that Trump lied to you during his election campaign? BTW, how many of the people he promised to kick out are underway?

Like i said, Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. And on those two most important fronts, i thank the Lord it's Donald Trump deciding em, rather than Hillary Clinton. North Korea isn't a real threat to the US. We could end that nation anytime we choose to. Obviously i hope it doesn't come to that, but it just isn't the most important issue for me. It won't decide our nation's fate.

1. Our country has and always been an immigrant country.
2. Nobody will pull your guns from your home and nobody will restrict your 2nd amendment regardless who is the Supreme Court.

If you only voted trump because of those 2 that is way too shallow. Life in America is not all about guns and immigrants.

Those two issues will decide our Nation's future. Hillary Clinton was prepared to hand our Supreme Court over to NWO Globalists who don't care about Americans or our Constitution. She would have been a Merkel-like Germany disaster for our country.

All other issues are basically insignificant. It is only about Immigration and the Supreme Court at this point. God willing, Trump will get to appoint 2-3 Justices. It will change the course of our nation for many years to come.
... It is only about Immigration and the Supreme Court at this point. ....

No, there are lots of other issues as well.

None that are truly significant. It's only about preserving US Sovereignty and our Constitution at this point. And the NWO Globalists definitely aren't about that. I shudder to think about the Leftist Globalist extremists Hillary Clinton would have appointed to our Supreme Court.

We have to be realistic, the Courts run the show now. Our elected officials aren't running things anymore. It all comes down to the Courts. That's why i thank God it's Trump making these decisions, rather than Hillary Clinton. I truly hope he gets to appoint 2-3 Justices. It will amount to a Coup. God bless em.

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