New Study Reveals Electric Cars WORSE On Environment Than Diesel


Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2018
"According to the study, which was presented at Munich’s Institute for Economic Research, once you take carbon dioxide emissions related to producing batteries into account as well as the prominent role of coal in German energy, electric vehicles actually emit anywhere from 11 to 28 percent more emissions than diesel ones.

This is because mining and processing the cobalt, manganese and lithium used in the batteries tends to consume a high amount of energy. Take the example of a Tesla Model 3 battery. They say that just one represents anywhere from 11 to 15 tons of carbon dioxide. When calculated across a lifetime of ten years traveling 15,000 kilometers per year, it sees 73 to 98 grams of carbon dioxide for each kilometer driven.

That’s before taking into account the carbon dioxide that is given off to generate the electricity used to power the cars. All told, each of these Model 3s emits between 156 and 180 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer, according to their calculations, which exceeds that of a Mercedes diesel car."

Bombshell science study shows that electric cars are DIRTIER for the planet than diesel vehicles

Green energy FAILS again.
Seems like a half ass conclusion to me. Study includes the impact of dirty coal used to produce electricity but totally disregards the environmental impact of producing diesel and so from the outset the scales are tipped in diesel's favor.

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