NEW STUDY: Socialists are liars!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
LMAO....who is surprised with the conclusions of this study??? compared with their conservative counterparts, socialist have been found much more likely to lie to achieve their goals.

How gay......... Socialists Are Cheaters, Says New Study - Hit & Run :

And really, do we not see this hundreds of times/day on this forum and the politics forum and the environment forum?? These mofu's will say anything just like this goofball president. we got the research to prove these idiots are frauds!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay::2up:
That is a very intersting study from Duke and the U of Munich. Worth the time to read it. Thanks.
LMAO....who is surprised with the conclusions of this study??? compared with their conservative counterparts, socialist have been found much more likely to lie to achieve their goals.

How gay......... Socialists Are Cheaters, Says New Study - Hit & Run :

And really, do we not see this hundreds of times/day on this forum and the politics forum and the environment forum?? These mofu's will say anything just like this goofball president. we got the research to prove these idiots are frauds!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay::2up:

Actually, the "cheaters" were Communists, part of a failed idea that killed millions; how else could one get things like adequate food, clothing, etc. in an economic system that could not PRODUCE. It is ingrained in humans to desire recognition for working harder and smarter, a system which says all are "alike" is doomed to collapse.
Platform - Socialist Party USA

Can you see any difference from this and the what the Democrats in Washington want?

I was curious about the membership numbers for theus socialist party.

"At its start, DSOC had 840 members, of which 2 percent served on its national board in 1973 when SDUSA stated its membership at 1,800, according to a 1973 profile of Harrington."

At that number, who cares what they want?
LMAO....who is surprised with the conclusions of this study??? compared with their conservative counterparts, socialist have been found much more likely to lie to achieve their goals.

How gay......... Socialists Are Cheaters, Says New Study - Hit & Run :

And really, do we not see this hundreds of times/day on this forum and the politics forum and the environment forum?? These mofu's will say anything just like this goofball president. we got the research to prove these idiots are frauds!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay::2up:

Actually, the "cheaters" were Communists, part of a failed idea that killed millions; how else could one get things like adequate food, clothing, etc. in an economic system that could not PRODUCE. It is ingrained in humans to desire recognition for working harder and smarter, a system which says all are "alike" is doomed to collapse.

But Fabian Socialism is not much different in this regard.

As Thatcher said, 'Socialism works until you run out of other people's money.'
One thing is for sure.....these socialists will say ANYTHING these days no matter how huge the lie.

Saw it last week from the Soetero press secretary......he said, "We are currently experiencing a very tranquil world at the present time".

Just spectacularly mind blowing stuff :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Platform - Socialist Party USA

Can you see any difference from this and the what the Democrats in Washington want?

I was curious about the membership numbers for theus socialist party.

"At its start, DSOC had 840 members, of which 2 percent served on its national board in 1973 when SDUSA stated its membership at 1,800, according to a 1973 profile of Harrington."

At that number, who cares what they want?
Democratic Progressive Caucus Members



Keith EllisonRaúl Grijalva

Vice Chairs

Judy Chu, David Cicilline, Michael Honda, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Jan Schakowsky


Barbara Lee

Senate Member

Bernie Sanders

House Members

Karen Bass, Xavier Becerra, Suzanne Bonamici, Corrine Brown, Michael Capuano, Andre Carson, Matt Cartwright, Donna Christensen,*Katherine Clark, Yvette Clarke, Steve Cohen, John Conyers, Elijah Cummings, Danny Davis, Peter DeFazio, Rosa DeLauro, Sam Farr, Chaka Fattah,
Lois Frankel, Marcia Fudge, Alan Grayson, Luis Gutierrez, Janice Hahn, Rush Holt, Michael Honda, Steven Horsford, Jared Huffman, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Hakeem Jeffries, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Hank Johnson, Joe Kennedy III, John Lewis, David Loebsack, Alan Lowenthal, Carolyn Maloney, Jim McDermott, James McGovern, George Miller, Gwen Moore, Jim Moran, Jerrold Nadler, Rick Nolan, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Frank Pallone, Chellie Pingree, Mark Pocan, Jared Polis, Charles Rangel, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Jose Serrano, Louise Slaughter, Mark Takano, Bennie Thompson, Nydia Velazquez, Maxine Waters, Peter Welch, Frederica Wilson
11 of them serve on the judiciary committee.
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According to the DSA website[23];No, we are not a separate party. Like our friends and allies in the feminist, labor, civil rights, religious, and community organizing movements, many of us have been active in the Democratic Party.*
Lest I forget-
Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Leader
Steny Hoyer
Office of the Democratic Whip
Xavier Becerra
Democratic Caucus Chair
Democratic Progressive Caucus
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Platform - Socialist Party USA

Can you see any difference from this and the what the Democrats in Washington want?

Their platform makes it clear that they are corporate shills pretending to be socialists. The Democratic Platform does not.

• We call for a full employment policy. We support the provision of a livable guaranteed annual income.

President Obama wants to give everyone unlimited free money for life. SUSA wants everyone to be enslaved by multinational corporations, making pennies an hour, if that. It should be clear who stands for freedom and who stands for the re-institution of slavery based upon economic, rather than racial, lines.
Platform - Socialist Party USA

Can you see any difference from this and the what the Democrats in Washington want?

Their platform makes it clear that they are corporate shills pretending to be socialists. The Democratic Platform does not.

• We call for a full employment policy. We support the provision of a livable guaranteed annual income.

President Obama wants to give everyone unlimited free money for life. SUSA wants everyone to be enslaved by multinational corporations, making pennies an hour, if that. It should be clear who stands for freedom and who stands for the re-institution of slavery based upon economic, rather than racial, lines.

You are looking in the wrong place and last I heard they had over 8000 members, a couple of years ago, not including youth membership (high school and college)
LMAO....who is surprised with the conclusions of this study??? compared with their conservative counterparts, socialist have been found much more likely to lie to achieve their goals.

How gay......... Socialists Are Cheaters, Says New Study - Hit & Run :

And really, do we not see this hundreds of times/day on this forum and the politics forum and the environment forum?? These mofu's will say anything just like this goofball president. we got the research to prove these idiots are frauds!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay::2up:

We live in a capitalist republic - what the fuck is your point?
LMAO....who is surprised with the conclusions of this study??? compared with their conservative counterparts, socialist have been found much more likely to lie to achieve their goals.

How gay......... Socialists Are Cheaters, Says New Study - Hit & Run :

And really, do we not see this hundreds of times/day on this forum and the politics forum and the environment forum?? These mofu's will say anything just like this goofball president. we got the research to prove these idiots are frauds!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay::2up:

We live in a capitalist republic - what the fuck is your point?

Socialists are apparently stupid, too.
LMAO....who is surprised with the conclusions of this study??? compared with their conservative counterparts, socialist have been found much more likely to lie to achieve their goals.

How gay......... Socialists Are Cheaters, Says New Study - Hit & Run :

And really, do we not see this hundreds of times/day on this forum and the politics forum and the environment forum?? These mofu's will say anything just like this goofball president. we got the research to prove these idiots are frauds!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay::2up:

We live in a capitalist republic - what the fuck is your point?

Socialists are apparently stupid, too.



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