New study tells us what we already knew

How does a country with a $35 trillion dollar debt have a crumbling infrastructure, failing schools, lack of effective HC, millions living in or near poverty, and falling life expectancy?
Actually I know a company just down the road from me, where originally the owners ran the entire company themselves. They built everything themselves.

So yes, they can do that. But this way they create thousands of jobs.

Now show me a labor force that can build anything without any investors? Show me that.
Venezuela. All the owners and investors left, and they have a huge labor force of unemployed people.

What do you see? Mass starvation and poverty.
The working lower and middle should have a chance to run for elected office but they never do. It's always wealthy people. This is immoral at best.
There is a legiitmate trickle down and this does not address it

You seem to think that wealthy Biden and wealthy Congress somehow were NOT feathering their own nest.

Majority of lawmakers in 116th Congress are millionaires
By Karl Evers-Hillstrom
April 23, 2020

Biden's tuition cancel helps a ton of staffers, Congressional members, Supremce Court aides, etc.

Trickle down would have to have at least 3 elements
1) Stop giving jobs to non-citizens and sending overseas (eg Solar

China to hold over 80% of global solar manufacturing capacity from 2023-26​

Despite local manufacturing policies in overseas markets, China’s expansion will dominate global solar supply chain, and widen the technology and cost gap)
2) Connect back what Pelois severed, the spending of money and the raising of money in taxes And stop Omnibus bills You can trickle down like a hurricane but if taxes are eating it up again.....
3) affirmand strengthen the family, aborton is destroying the Black community as is divorce and single-parent homes.
They can't get jobs because they have no skills, no work habits , no nothing
Yes we should stop sending jobs overseas. But corporations don't like Aamerica it seems. So they should move over there then because they're too cheap to pay a worker here. They don't believe in american labor which is the greatest in the world. Our young workers are unrivaled.
Who made them, what you call their money? The Labor force? The backs of other's skills?

Paying their workers more, is not stealing!

“Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”

—Abraham Lincoln, 18611
This thread is about taxation, not wages. Try and keep up. Taxing a company more certainly wont cause them to raise the wages of the workers.
The working lower and middle should have a chance to run for elected office but they never do. It's always wealthy people. This is immoral at best.
I remember reading about the Soviet leader from a poor background. He was put in place in high office. He had no idea what he was doing. At one point he was talking to a diplomat, and asked where he lived. He then circled the city where he lived, and said he wouldn't nuke that city if they went to war.

I'm really confused by those who think that poor and middle class people would make great leaders. Why would that be the case?

You take a guy who has never successfully run a vending machine profitably, and you put him in charge of the entire country? This makes sense how?

You have people who barely show up at work, their lives are a train wreck, they are smoking pot, hardly putting in 40 hours a week, and you what that guy running the whole nation?

And then on top of that, people who have nothing, and end up in office.... well of course they are going to use their office to gain wealth. Career politicians are obviously going to use their politician position to enrich themselves. They can't use their businesses to make money, and their political position just for doing the business of the nation, because they don't have any businesses to make money on.

Their position in government is the only thing they have, so that's where they enrich themselves using government.

So by electing someone who has nothing into office, you basically guarantee corruption.
I remember reading about the Soviet leader from a poor background. He was put in place in high office. He had no idea what he was doing. At one point he was talking to a diplomat, and asked where he lived. He then circled the city where he lived, and said he wouldn't nuke that city if they went to war.

I'm really confused by those who think that poor and middle class people would make great leaders. Why would that be the case?

You take a guy who has never successfully run a vending machine profitably, and you put him in charge of the entire country? This makes sense how?

You have people who barely show up at work, their lives are a train wreck, they are smoking pot, hardly putting in 40 hours a week, and you what that guy running the whole nation?

And then on top of that, people who have nothing, and end up in office.... well of course they are going to use their office to gain wealth. Career politicians are obviously going to use their politician position to enrich themselves. They can't use their businesses to make money, and their political position just for doing the business of the nation, because they don't have any businesses to make money on.

Their position in government is the only thing they have, so that's where they enrich themselves using government.

So by electing someone who has nothing into office, you basically guarantee corruption.
And if you elect a wealthy person there's zero corruption right? Because surely as they've made their fortune they know better than the rest. Next you will declare we aren't divided by socio economic class.
Yes we should stop sending jobs overseas. But corporations don't like Aamerica it seems. So they should move over there then because they're too cheap to pay a worker here. They don't believe in american labor which is the greatest in the world. Our young workers are unrivaled.
It doesn't matter if we have the best labor force in the world, if the cost is too high to make a profit.

I can't pay you the employee, more than the customer is willing to pay me. Can't do it. Doesn't matter if you are the best employee that has ever graced the surface of the Earth. I can't pay you, more than the customer pays me.

And that means that if the cost of labor to get something done in the US is too high, then I have to either A: not build the product at all, or B: find someone else somewhere else, that will build the product for a labor price I can afford.

And that's all there is to it.
And if you elect a wealthy person there's zero corruption right? Because surely as they've made their fortune they know better than the rest. Next you will declare we aren't divided by socio economic class.
No, but electing a poor person guarantees corruption.
We are not divided by socio economic classes.
What are you talking about? Is AOC in office or not?
The study says nothing of the wealth of the poor.

Which already puts it on thin ice.

I really don't care what others have.

I care what I have.

Apparently the researchers don't feel the same way.
The poor don't have wealth.
That's why they're called "the poor."

How does a country with a $35 trillion dollar debt have a crumbling infrastructure, failing schools, lack of effective HC, millions living in or near poverty, and falling life expectancy?
Deficits are from over spending.

Crumbling infrastructure is simply because politicians spend your money on homeless programs instead of fixing pot holes.

Failing schools is because we voted for stupid people that teach black history month, and gender dysphoria is normal, instead of math, reading and writing.

Health care, we voted for more government involvement in health care. Government screws everything up. People voted for this.

Millions living near poverty is due to people making bad choices with their lives. It's really that simple. If you make stupid choices, you'll have stupid results. If your plan is to get a job at burger king, because you got a degree in Art History, or Gender Studies, and now you have a job any high school drop out can get, that pays what a high school drop out earns, then you get to live the life of a high school drop out.

Equally, life expectancy dropping is easily understandable. You de-criminalized drug use, and went soft on crime. The result is more people dying of drugs and crime. It's not shocking left expectancy is falling.
Many republicans want a balanced budget. The OP knows that, but seems to live in a bubble.

How do we get that.

I am willing to raise taxes. For every dollar of taxes raised, I want 2 dollars of spending cuts.

We can get there.

But the left wing gravy train and the right wing support of it, have to stop.

Spending cuts?


Republicans don't cut spending.
They just borrow with no intent of repayment.

Go back the last 40 years and you'll see the largest jumps in the debt and deficit ALL occurred under Republican leadership.

You can fool you but you can't fool me.

But why don't you go ahead and detail those spending cuts for us
Who made them, what you call their money? The Labor force? The backs of other's skills?

Paying their workers more, is not stealing!

“Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”

—Abraham Lincoln, 18611
AL is wonderful, just wonderful. Love him.
Poor people dont pay taxes in the US. It’s tough to benefit from a tax cut when you aren’t paying any in the first place.

Contrarily, the top 10% of wage earners pay more than 50% of the taxes.

All that said since there isnt a finite amount of wealth in the world why does it matter to you how much money someone else has it hasn’t kept you or anyone else from earning a dime.

Also why do you think you have some right to other people’s money?
They don't earn wages.
They don't pay any of the 7.5% the actual wage earner pays.
The poor don't have wealth.
That's why they're called "the poor."

But they do. Our poorest full time working people, live a life of utter luxury compared to the rest of the world. They own cars. They have air conditioned apartments. They have smart phones.
The amount of wealth of the 'poor' is so high, that millions of people are flooding into this country from all over the world, to achieve the life of our 'poor'.

If you go look at pictures of poor in North Korea, you see people half starving to death. Yeonmi Park said that every spring, when the food stored up for winter ran out, and no new food had grown yet, thousands of people would die.

You look at our poor, we have an obesity problem. Our poor people are fat.

We don't have poverty in this country. Not really. I've seen families of four, living in refrigerator boxes in Mexico. We don't have full time working people living in cardboard boxes in the US.
No, but electing a poor person guarantees corruption.
We are not divided by socio economic classes.
What are you talking about? Is AOC in office or not?
A lack of moral grounding and absence of social responsibility guarantees corruption.

See Trump and MAGA for reference
Isn't that the core of capitalism?
No, not even close. The core of capitalism is earning your own wealth. Not wanting someone one else's wealth.

When I invested tens of thousands, I was not trying to take Bill Gate's wealth, or Bezo's wealth, or Musk's wealth.
I was trying to earn my own wealth with my investments.
There is no greed or envy motivation at all.

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