New study tells us what we already knew

But they do. Our poorest full time working people, live a life of utter luxury compared to the rest of the world. They own cars. They have air conditioned apartments. They have smart phones.
The amount of wealth of the 'poor' is so high, that millions of people are flooding into this country from all over the world, to achieve the life of our 'poor'.

If you go look at pictures of poor in North Korea, you see people half starving to death. Yeonmi Park said that every spring, when the food stored up for winter ran out, and no new food had grown yet, thousands of people would die.

You look at our poor, we have an obesity problem. Our poor people are fat.

We don't have poverty in this country. Not really. I've seen families of four, living in refrigerator boxes in Mexico. We don't have full time working people living in cardboard boxes in the US.
We don't collect income taxes in NK.

Want a thread discussing povtery world wide, start a thread.
No, not even close. The core of capitalism is earning your own wealth. Not wanting someone one else's wealth.

When I invested tens of thousands, I was not trying to take Bill Gate's wealth, or Bezo's wealth, or Musk's wealth.
I was trying to earn my own wealth with my investments.
There is no greed or envy motivation at all.


By what? Taking daddy's money and using it to make more money?

"Taking other people's money"

That is capitalism.

You are what happens when ideology becomes theology.
You believe your religious truths no matter how stupid.
Trump didn't abuse his office at all. Biden has. Trump was never a career politician. Biden is a career politician.
Biden is a career politician.
Trump is a career criminal.

And in MAGADUMIA only the first is bad.


By what? Taking daddy's money and using it to make more money?

"Taking other people's money"

That is capitalism.

You are what happens when ideology becomes theology.
You believe your religious truths no matter how stupid.
First, I haven't gotten a penny form my father.

But even if I did, that still not envying or trying to take the wealth of others. There's a huge difference between envy and greed, trying to take other people's earned money by force, and giving it voluntarily.

I give to charity. That's not them trying to take my money.

But when I say earning, yes. You are paid out of the value you create.
No, but electing a poor person guarantees corruption.
We are not divided by socio economic classes.
What are you talking about? Is AOC in office or not?
Well we kind of are. It's not a bad thing. It's always been the case.
Deficits are from over spending.

Crumbling infrastructure is simply because politicians spend your money on homeless programs instead of fixing pot holes.

Failing schools is because we voted for stupid people that teach black history month, and gender dysphoria is normal, instead of math, reading and writing.

Health care, we voted for more government involvement in health care. Government screws everything up. People voted for this.

Millions living near poverty is due to people making bad choices with their lives. It's really that simple. If you make stupid choices, you'll have stupid results. If your plan is to get a job at burger king, because you got a degree in Art History, or Gender Studies, and now you have a job any high school drop out can get, that pays what a high school drop out earns, then you get to live the life of a high school drop out.

Equally, life expectancy dropping is easily understandable. You de-criminalized drug use, and went soft on crime. The result is more people dying of drugs and crime. It's not shocking left expectancy is falling.
The Fox News take.
First, I haven't gotten a penny form my father.

But even if I did, that still not envying or trying to take the wealth of others. There's a huge difference between envy and greed, trying to take other people's earned money by force, and giving it voluntarily.

I give to charity. That's not them trying to take my money.

But when I say earning, yes. You are paid out of the value you create.

What kind of value has Paris Hilton created?
Melania Trump?


Those that benefit the most, the rich, from a system designed by the rich, to serve the interests of the rich, should pay for the benefits they receive.

Did Trump build the airports into which his PRIVATE jet flies?
Did the Waltons build the highways upon which THEIR trucks deliver THEIR merchandise to THEIR stores where they get YOUR money?

You are willingly misled because you are a willing fool.
I have not seen any evidence that Trump is a career criminal.
Trump U fraud dates back 20 years
Trump's charity frauds date back to the 1980s.
Trump was involved in human trafficking in the 90s.
That's career criminal.
You completely fabricated nonsense.
Reagan jumped the debt by 168%
Dubya by 72% (after being handed a surplus)
Trump by 1/3 despite only 4 years in office.


Your ignorance is your problem.
That, and the facts prove you a liar.
Pay Attention!

Trump is a life-long, career, crook. He's crooked.

Trump has been in the public eye a long long time.

However, I don't recall people calling him a crook before the 2016 election.

I could be wrong. Do you have an example to share ?

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