New Trump Book Is a Blockbuster

Here's a replay of a conversation between Trump and a liberal reporter from Media Matters (I think it was). I just caught a glimpse of it, and never saw it again, so apparently it wasn't too publicized. Check it out.

Reporter: How can you say you're qualified for the presidency of the United States when you haven't held any elective office ?

Trump: Is that a question or a statement ?

Reporter: Let's say it's a statement. You're really not qualified. You haven't held any elective office.

Trump: Let me first say, Thank You for bestowing that badge of honor on me (audience laughs) The fact is, the worst thing I would want to have to say, going in to this, is that I've been a part of the pitiful mess, that those who are in elected office have turned this country into. So you have been very nice to me by pointing out that I have no involvement with that. (audience laughs)

Reporter: So you don't think that you should have any experience working in the government, to be able to run for president ?

Trump: Of course of don't think I need that experience, and if I had it, I'd probably be too ashamed to run for president, or any other office, and you don't think I need that experience either, as it 's written all over your face.

Reporter: Oh well, I don't know about that.

Trump: But I know about it. I'm looking at you. I can see your face, you can't. (audience laughs)

Reporter: I, I, Uh .....stutters/stammers

Trump: That's OK. You don't have to say any more. You've done well here. You know how ?.......You just gave me another couple of points in the polls. (audience laughs)

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