New UK single payer policy: No surgery if you're overweight or smoke

If it is being paid for by tax payers there is a good argument I think.
Why should I pay for someone's health care when they are making conscience decisions to make their health worse without my say in it.
It's not all surgery, it's "non-urgent" surgery, but it still does not sound great.
If we ever have single payer healthcare here the Democrats would demand Affirmative Action racial priority

East and North Hertfordshire CCG and Herts Valleys said the plans aimed to encourage people “to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, wherever possible, freeing up limited NHS resources for priority treatment”.

Both are in financial difficulty, and between them seeking to save £68m during this financial year.

Ian Eardley, senior vice president of the Royal College of Surgeons, said it was wrong to bar NHS treatment to any group of patients.

“Singling out patients in this way goes against the principles of the NHS,” he said.

"This goes against clinical guidance and leaves patients waiting long periods of time in pain and discomfort. It can even lead to worse outcomes following surgery in some cases,” he said.

"There is simply no justification for these policies, and we urge all clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) to urgently reverse these discriminatory measures."


And so we see an effort to reduce costs.

While there are some who see this as unfair.

Some things just seem constant across the board.

East and North Hertfordshire CCG and Herts Valleys said the plans aimed to encourage people “to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, wherever possible, freeing up limited NHS resources for priority treatment”.

Both are in financial difficulty, and between them seeking to save £68m during this financial year.

Ian Eardley, senior vice president of the Royal College of Surgeons, said it was wrong to bar NHS treatment to any group of patients.

“Singling out patients in this way goes against the principles of the NHS,” he said.

"This goes against clinical guidance and leaves patients waiting long periods of time in pain and discomfort. It can even lead to worse outcomes following surgery in some cases,” he said.

"There is simply no justification for these policies, and we urge all clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) to urgently reverse these discriminatory measures."


And so we see an effort to reduce costs.

While there are some who see this as unfair.

Some things just seem constant across the board.

Why are they in financial difficulty?

The UK spends LESS per capita than the US federal govt. Can you believe that? Not only that but the Tories tell everyone how EXPENSIVE the system is. Read "they don't want to pay for it". Yet they want a system like the US system which costs TWICE AS MUCH. Er... yeah, it costs too much therefore we're going to try for a system which costs double.

Does anyone get that logic?
If it is being paid for by tax payers there is a good argument I think.
Why should I pay for someone's health care when they are making conscience decisions to make their health worse without my say in it.

So why don't we deny coverage for people who do risky things like Ski or bungee jump when they get hurt?
If it is being paid for by tax payers there is a good argument I think.
Why should I pay for someone's health care when they are making conscience decisions to make their health worse without my say in it.

So why don't we deny coverage for people who do risky things like Ski or bungee jump when they get hurt?

We shouldn't. But coverage for health care covering "risky" behaviors should COST more.
Just as Automobile insurance costs more the more claims or accidents you have.

That said, I believe INSURANCE is what fucked up the health care system in the first place and caused the cost of health care to become unaffordable. Insurance schemes allows the cost of a commodity to exceed the free market controlled price of that same commodity....thereby providing a massive pool of funds to be regulated and delegated...among wealthy CEO's and politicians that work with them.

A simple procedure such as sutures for a two inch laceration for example can cost over $2000 in a hospital. But the time involved for cleaning and suturing is less than 1 hour and materials cost less than $10. Many people are qualified to perform this procedure who are not MD's. But in order to funnel the supply towards the $2000+ cost, regulations and insurance force care givers to forgo the less expensive alternatives.....exponetially driving up the cost and mostly benefiting insurance companies, government regulators, pharmaceutical firm etc. The exact opposite of the need for the service.
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If it is being paid for by tax payers there is a good argument I think.
Why should I pay for someone's health care when they are making conscience decisions to make their health worse without my say in it.

So why don't we deny coverage for people who do risky things like Ski or bungee jump when they get hurt?

We shouldn't. But coverage for health care covering "risky" behaviors should COST more.
Just as Automobile insurance costs more the more claims or accidents you have.

That said, I believe INSURANCE is what fucked up the health care system in the first place and caused the cost of health care to become unaffordable. Insurance schemes allows the cost of a commodity to exceed the free market controlled price of that same commodity....thereby providing a massive pool of funds to be regulated and delegated...among wealthy CEO's and politicians that work with them.

Actual insurance works that way. Insurance adjusters set the premium for a given person based on how much risk there is that they'll need health care. The problem is "group insurance".
If it is being paid for by tax payers there is a good argument I think.
Why should I pay for someone's health care when they are making conscience decisions to make their health worse without my say in it.

So why don't we deny coverage for people who do risky things like Ski or bungee jump when they get hurt?

We shouldn't. But coverage for health care covering "risky" behaviors should COST more.
Just as Automobile insurance costs more the more claims or accidents you have.

That said, I believe INSURANCE is what fucked up the health care system in the first place and caused the cost of health care to become unaffordable. Insurance schemes allows the cost of a commodity to exceed the free market controlled price of that same commodity....thereby providing a massive pool of funds to be regulated and delegated...among wealthy CEO's and politicians that work with them.

Actual insurance works that way. Insurance adjusters set the premium for a given person based on how much risk there is that they'll need health care. The problem is "group insurance".

Yeah right. Your "Actual Insurance" is exactly WHY health care is unaffordable and bankrupting so many Americans today.

Except that you fail to understand or explain the basis for the "PREMIUM". Who determines the Premium, how is it calculated, is it the most efficient vehicle to get the patients available resources towards the necessary treatment and does it have the best interest of the person in need of the service in mind? And how much of the premium is simply padding for deep pockets?

ALL these things are government REGULATED, and government is NEVER the most efficient handler.

It's like justifying taxation by saying "things have to be paid for", with no analysis of the actual costs or why and then expecting there to be no waste of tax payer funds and no abuse of that massive pool of money. Gee, that never happens
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