New York Daily News Editorial: Trump is a Madman

Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman


NYC isn't America, Daily News isn't newspaper, but a toilet paper
Being president does not bestw upon you some magical superhero status. It is just a job. A stressful and demanding one, but just a job none the less. Occupied by a human being.

Seems YOU need to get a grip.

I see - so the President of the United States shouldn't exercise more dignity and decorum than an anonymous poster on USMB?

You've lost it dude.
They want a President who resides in the Flame Zone.

The Rubber Room would be appropriate for tRump. LOVED Grampa's ridiculous equivalency though. Entertaining!

Hell, if Trump was posting here he'd be worse than McGarrett. Wait a minute - maybe Donald IS McGarrett? :)
Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman


It's hard to a mentally ill person to hide it forever. Most knew he was unstable for a decade or more now. But since he's under the glare of daily attention it's more than apparent he is coming apart at the seams. The only group that supports him unconditionally now is the alt-right and their fanatical conspiracy theories. He has wrapped himself in that mantle and listens to what the whackos say, as long as they praise him.

Something horrendous will happen with North Korea because the orange bugwit will one night snap. It is a matter of time only.
Joe Scarborough tossed the ball to the New York Times who will make sure Stephen Colbert is running with it tonight.
trump is a madman. He is insane and his insanity will cost many innocent lives before this is over. He has admitted to being a whore and sexual predator. An ignorant nothing. Somebody needs to step up and make sure that he does no more damage to our country. He is one sick customer as is anyone who voted for him.
It's hard to a mentally ill person to hide it forever. Most knew he was unstable for a decade or more now. But since he's under the glare of daily attention it's more than apparent he is coming apart at the seams. The only group that supports him unconditionally now is the alt-right and their fanatical conspiracy theories. He has wrapped himself in that mantle and listens to what the whackos say, as long as they praise him.

Something horrendous will happen with North Korea because the orange bugwit will one night snap. It is a matter of time only.

I fear the same my friend Isaac. Somehow we need set up some safeguards to ensure that he won't reach for the biscuit in the middle of the night and pop one at Little Rocket Boy.

The closer Mueller gets to him, the more likely he will wag the dog. Not concerned so much for myself as I've had a good long life - but would like for the planet to be around for my daughter.
It's hard to a mentally ill person to hide it forever. Most knew he was unstable for a decade or more now. But since he's under the glare of daily attention it's more than apparent he is coming apart at the seams. The only group that supports him unconditionally now is the alt-right and their fanatical conspiracy theories. He has wrapped himself in that mantle and listens to what the whackos say, as long as they praise him.

Something horrendous will happen with North Korea because the orange bugwit will one night snap. It is a matter of time only.

I fear the same my friend Isaac. Somehow we need set up some safeguards to ensure that he won't reach for the biscuit in the middle of the night and pop one at Little Rocket Boy.

The closer Mueller gets to him, the more likely he will wag the dog. Not concerned so much for myself as I've had a good long life - but would like for the planet to be around for my daughter.

You really are juvenile.
It's all they have. By tomorrow tax reform will have passed and democrats will be ready to storm the battlements.
He does seem increasingly unstable and isolated

Reminds me of Nixon
It's hard to a mentally ill person to hide it forever. Most knew he was unstable for a decade or more now. But since he's under the glare of daily attention it's more than apparent he is coming apart at the seams. The only group that supports him unconditionally now is the alt-right and their fanatical conspiracy theories. He has wrapped himself in that mantle and listens to what the whackos say, as long as they praise him.

Something horrendous will happen with North Korea because the orange bugwit will one night snap. It is a matter of time only.

I fear the same my friend Isaac. Somehow we need set up some safeguards to ensure that he won't reach for the biscuit in the middle of the night and pop one at Little Rocket Boy.

The closer Mueller gets to him, the more likely he will wag the dog. Not concerned so much for myself as I've had a good long life - but would like for the planet to be around for my daughter.

And it won't be the US that gets bombed or has missiles dropping on it. South Korea will be devastated, Seoul is maybe 25 miles from the border with North Korea.

Any start up of war will be a conflagration for the Korean Peninsula. South Korea does have a very large capable military and the US will deploy vast amounts of assets so they won't lose, but the loss of life will be colossal. Certainly North Korea will cease to exist both figuratively and physically. They will be obliterated. But again South Korea will suffer terribly. I would also bet Japan is seriously considering becoming a nuclear power now. They've had 'a nuke in the basement' for a long time, which means they have all the capability, material, and know-how to build nukes but they've resisted it because of their history with atomic weapons and war. Kim Jong Fuckstick is forcing their hand now.

And China will not tolerate a democracy on it's border that is aligned with the US so any scenario is going to be very complex and a shit sandwich.
We've had multiple ICBM's shot over our allies in the region of NK. We've had little rocket man state he would destroy our country.

Trump has had multiple reasons to go to war and wipe that little fat bastard off the map and he hasn't.

I think he's quite stable, to be honest.

60000 mental health professionals have shown they are not professionals at all. In order to make a mental health evaluation you must evaluate someone one-on-one. Any professional psychologist will state this.

Saying he's mentally unstable because you don't like him doesn't make you a professional. It makes you a liberal. I know 5 different shrinks and they are all VERY LIBERAL. I don't know a single shrink who is a conservative. These people are paid to manipulate your mind. That's a liberal requirement.
Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman

It's hard to a mentally ill person to hide it forever. Most knew he was unstable for a decade or more now. But since he's under the glare of daily attention it's more than apparent he is coming apart at the seams. The only group that supports him unconditionally now is the alt-right and their fanatical conspiracy theories. He has wrapped himself in that mantle and listens to what the whackos say, as long as they praise him.

Something horrendous will happen with North Korea because the orange bugwit will one night snap. It is a matter of time only.

I fear the same my friend Isaac. Somehow we need set up some safeguards to ensure that he won't reach for the biscuit in the middle of the night and pop one at Little Rocket Boy.

The closer Mueller gets to him, the more likely he will wag the dog. Not concerned so much for myself as I've had a good long life - but would like for the planet to be around for my daughter.
/----/ "The closer Mueller gets to him..."
holding my breath.jpg
Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman

Tweeting about unimportant things = profoundly unstable?
Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman

Tweeting about unimportant things = profoundly unstable?
/——/ If it was Obozo of Hildabeast you’d call them glib and hip. So go pound sand
Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman

Tweeting about unimportant things = profoundly unstable?
/——/ nothing unimportant about his tweets.


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